keylimepie · 18 hours
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True Kings of Antiva
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keylimepie · 18 hours
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dragon age sleeper agents waking up after ten long years like
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keylimepie · 5 days
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ty to youtuber ashe for sharing the most important information about veilguard to date: photo mode view of hugging, patting, and booping assan
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keylimepie · 5 days
That really is how being in your 30s is like 😭
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keylimepie · 16 days
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oh god I have zero points, I am pointless and ancient and gentle 
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keylimepie · 28 days
little question for the tumblr newbies people who haven't been here since 2012. Reblog and add your answer and what year you joined the platform to your tags, I'm curious!
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keylimepie · 1 month
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These are the times in which legends are born, or slain.
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keylimepie · 2 months
I do this thing called 'scheduled boredom' and I encourage other people to try it. Just at one point of the day, you schedule a time to be bored. You can start off really small if you need, like say 5 minutes, and then build up to a longer amount of time. For that set time, you are not allowed to do 'fun' or distracting things. You don't go on your phone, you don't open your laptop, you don't turn on the TV, etc. During that time you can either meditate or do something you wish you had more attention or motivation to do, such as cleaning, doing chores, making appointments, stretching and exercising, etc.
It actually works way better than I expected it to when I first heard about it. The discomfort of being bored is a great motivator to be productive, and it can help unravel some of the internet brain rot because it helps heal dopamine resistance which is the cause for a lot of the struggle with motivation and attention. Like, I remember being bored all the time as a kid in the 90s, and it motivated me to go find new things to do. I can't remember the last time I was bored as an adult, and it is thanks to having a smart phone. But boredom is SO important, it is a huge motivating force and encourages creativity and new interests.
So whenever you have time, just turn off all your electronics for 5 minutes and sit there in silence. You can easily do 5 minutes. But within those 5 minutes you'll start thinking about how the dishwasher needs to be emptied, or your bookshelf is looking a little messy, or how you always wanted to learn how to paint. As the 5 minutes stretches, suddenly you'll just want to go put those dishes away, it will only take a second and it isn't like you can go on youtube or tiktok for the next couple minutes, might as well get it out of the way now. Seriously, it is crazy how quickly a tiny bit of boredom will launch you into being productive and help heal your tolerance for more boredom which helps your attention span.
We are SUPPOSED to be bored fairly regularly, but we ended up killing boredom completely and now we are all dysfunctional because of it.
i dont see why i cant start a trend, so here goes. lets try to build back our attention spans. lets try to focus on just one thing for as long as possible. lets not watch those "asmr for people with adhd" videos where they fuck up adhd folks even worse. lets resist the urge to reach for our phones when watching a movie. lets read the articles we reblog, even when theyre boring. i know its hard, i have adhd too, but its worth it. i also know that this hard work doesnt always seem super impressive to other people, so id love for yall to tell me in the tags or replies if youve done something, no matter how small, for your attention span. you deserve to feel like youve taken back some of what social media has ripped from you
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keylimepie · 2 months
Do you have over 1,000 hours of playtime in a video game?
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keylimepie · 2 months
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keylimepie · 2 months
Relationships that have real king/lionheart energy, that whole “I have sworn myself wholly to you, I am your sword arm, I am your dog” to someone else’s “you are the one person in this world I can rely on, and I am both bolstered and burdened by your absolute faith in me” vibe, but it’s in circumstances that are like. so low stakes. Manger of a movie theater/the one usher who doesn’t smoke weed at work.
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keylimepie · 2 months
idk if people on tumblr know about this but a cybersecurity software called crowdstrike just did what is probably the single biggest fuck up in any sector in the past 10 years. it's monumentally bad. literally the most horror-inducing nightmare scenario for a tech company.
some info, crowdstrike is essentially an antivirus software for enterprises. which means normal laypeople cant really get it, they're for businesses and organisations and important stuff.
so, on a friday evening (it of course wasnt friday everywhere but it was friday evening in oceania which is where it first started causing damage due to europe and na being asleep), crowdstrike pushed out an update to their windows users that caused a bug.
before i get into what the bug is, know that friday evening is the worst possible time to do this because people are going home. the weekend is starting. offices dont have people in them. this is just one of many perfectly placed failures in the rube goldburg machine of crowdstrike. there's a reason friday is called 'dont push to live friday' or more to the point 'dont fuck it up friday'
so, at 3pm at friday, an update comes rolling into crowdstrike users which is automatically implemented. this update immediately causes the computer to blue screen of death. very very bad. but it's not simply a 'you need to restart' crash, because the computer then gets stuck into a boot loop.
this is the worst possible thing because, in a boot loop state, a computer is never really able to get to a point where it can do anything. like download a fix. so there is nothing crowdstrike can do to remedy this death update anymore. it is now left to the end users.
it was pretty quickly identified what the problem was. you had to boot it in safe mode, and a very small file needed to be deleted. or you could just rename crowdstrike to something else so windows never attempts to use it.
it's a fairly easy fix in the grand scheme of things, but the issue is that it is effecting enterprises. which can have a looooot of computers. in many different locations. so an IT person would need to manually fix hundreds of computers, sometimes in whole other cities and perhaps even other countries if theyre big enough.
another fuck up crowdstrike did was they did not stagger the update, so they could catch any mistakes before they wrecked havoc. (and also how how HOW do you not catch this before deploying it. this isn't a code oopsie this is a complete failure of quality ensurance that probably permeates the whole company to not realise their update was an instant kill). they rolled it out to everyone of their clients in the world at the same time.
and this seems pretty hilarious on the surface. i was havin a good chuckle as eftpos went down in the store i was working at, chaos was definitely ensuring lmao. im in aus, and banking was literally down nationwide.
but then you start hearing about the entire country's planes being grounded because the airport's computers are bricked. and hospitals having no computers anymore. emergency call centres crashing. and you realised that, wow. crowdstrike just killed people probably. this is literally the worst thing possible for a company like this to do.
crowdstrike was kinda on the come up too, they were starting to become a big name in the tech world as a new face. but that has definitely vanished now. to fuck up at this many places, is almost extremely impressive. its hard to even think of a comparable fuckup.
a friday evening simultaneous rollout boot loop is a phrase that haunts IT people in their darkest hours. it's the monster that drags people down into the swamp. it's the big bag in the horror movie. it's the end of the road. and for crowdstrike, that reaper of souls just knocked on their doorstep.
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keylimepie · 2 months
i often wonder how many ppl from 2012 tumblr are still active on here
are u also still here, lurking in the shadows????
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keylimepie · 2 months
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keylimepie · 3 months
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keylimepie · 3 months
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Happy Jeremy Bearimy Day!
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keylimepie · 3 months
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