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Visual Concepts
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For Seamus' design, I just wanted your everyday kinda of gal with casual clothes- I wanted her colours to be mainly yellow, but thought that adding green would be a nice touch so as to say that Seamus has the Circe Curse (Blue and Yellow Mixing into Green) (Decided on the left design) Seamus is wearing a one piece duo-chromatic button up dress with the dominant colours being yellow and green. She's also wearing brown shoes.
EDIT: Upon revising for the new storyboard, I realised she would not be needed as a character so I removed her wholly.
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So… Circe Curse overall is a quote -- unquote curse where about eighty percent of the people I’d befriend, one way or another, get a crush on me. It has become a consistent running joke because it never fucking fails. And these fuckers keep handing me their emotions on a silver platter and I’m looking at it and I’m like: *chuckles*  “Send it back to the Chef”. In order for it to stop, I would need to stop being me! Which- that sounds incredibly self-centred, yes. But it’s happened a lot just interacting with people a little bit differently that makes them feel special or just something like that.
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Character Design: Kianna ("The Detective")
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To sorta be the opposition of Circe. I wanted the Detective to have more red undertones (technically speaking, it's brown)- adding on to the Red vs Blue trope. The design wasn't too varied as the general image board I collected all had similar clothing styles and more so just a difference in the collar of the coat. I felt as though the design on the right felt a lot more like some generic school uniform whereas the left one, though subtle details, looks more befitting.
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Character Design: Circe
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Disregarding Textures/Stylised shading, I wanted to redesign Circe to align with the Femme Fatale trope within the Noir-esque film- and wanted to twist it a bit to fit her. In this scenario, instead of the iconic Red Dress trope, I wanted to adjust the colours to be a vibrant cold blue colour. This allowed me to still convey that "Untouchable Aura" and mysteriousness a Femme Fatale would have while still remaining true to Circe's design (Blue eyes, Silver hair being the most notable). I also ended up exploring between the colour scale as I understand the importance of contrast exploration, and ended up with the more deeper blue than the cyan as it popped out more in colour and greyscale. (thus being visually pleasing)- overall She has a blue dress that wraps around her body, a white faux fur coat, gold jewellery (necklace and bracelets), and high boots
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After receiving feedback for my pre-production package, I believed that it would be best to pursue the first premise I had of a Noir-esque short animated film. So I went off to redesign the characterizations and revamped the moodboard a bit
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2.5D Experimentation
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Wanting to experiment with 2.5D without wasting time to illustrate a scene yet, I used a stock photo of a flat illustration and extruded some aspects of it to manipulate the 3D space in Maya.
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Visual/Stylistic Approach Inspirations
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As I was watching videos, I came across this PMV, and absolutely loved the way it was animated, so I might incorporate that (as it was also inspired from one of my original inspirations, Arcane) BUT ALSO including another artist for inspiration of incorporating 2D and 3D
Enemy || Dream SMP PMV/Animatic, Knp!!!
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Polished Storyboard
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Initial Storyboard
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Going under the second premise of a more lighthearted tone, I made a rough storyboard of the general gist of the scenes and possible transitions. I intend to make it relatively more cleaner before touching upon the animatic
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Scene Exploration
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I tried drawing rough concepts of the general vibes of each premise respectively!
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Along side playing around with colour palletes and ideas
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Character Design Concepts
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For this particular short animated sequence, I wanted a vibrant colour palette to reflect the light-hearted mood of the interview. I will incorporate a modern cartoon stylised approach and exaggerated poses/emotions. Taking on a comical route as well, I will have the initial shot to be set in Circe's bedroom, where Circe is supposedly talking to another character in the typical "girls night" fashion similarly to "spilling gossip" and fun banters. I will also take on the approach with an movement reminiscent of paper puppets on a stick to add a little more goofiness.
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I wanted to depict a comical style with a noir-esque atmosphere for this short-animated sequence. I would like to use high contrasting and minimal colours (monochromatic even, with one prominent vibrant colour to add emphasis). I want to depict the interview as if it was some sort of police investigation with Circe presenting similarly to a femme fatale character- a serious juxtaposition to a light-hearted interview. I can incorporate comic panel strips as a means of transitions for each scene as well.
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