kilgravetrash · 9 years
But did Jessica wear a dress to Kilgrave’s funeral or didn’t she???
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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Kilgrave: A Summary
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
I’m the only one who understands you, Jessica.
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
I actually feel sorry for Kilgrave.
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First of all, I would like you to know that I have not read the comics. All what I’m going to say is about Netlix’s “Jessica Jones” show. I truly apologize if I’m missing some kind of a major point from the comic books. 
Secondly, it’s not like I’m defending him in any way. Kilgrave was an abusing, aggressive, egoistic and cruel asshole. He felt no regret while watching how people killed someone else, because he ordered them. He felt no regret in taking someone’s inner organs, sentencing them to live a worthless life, unable to control their own bodies. He destroyed people’s lives willingly. 
BUT: As Tony Stark already knows, we create our own demons. 
Kilgrave had never experienced love in his whole life. Yes, it is true that his parents tried to cure him, but I feel like it was their cover-up purpose. Why else would they use all the other children? They probably wanted to find a “wonder drug”, which they could sell for billions of dollars. Saving their only son was a nice side effect. They obviously never told him they loved him. They never hugged him afterwards. They never took his pain seriously (”It’s only gonna sting a bit”). They never told him they do all of this to save him, because they care about him. They were so blinded by their purpose they never realised they’re creating a monster. Until the monster started to fight back and it was already too late.
Young Kilgrave, who have never got to know how love truly feels, started to realise that he can get people who hurt him to do what he wants. No one ever bothered to tell him what is good and what is evil. How was he supposed to know he could do any good? He discovered it was the only way to defence himself from all the pain, which was caused by people who were supposed to love and protect him. And when he started defending himself, he was abondonded. Left completely alone in his teenage years, just because he started doing something that his “parents” haven’t foreseen. After all, he was a person. Someone, who had feelings. Don’t try to tell me you have never been so angry that you said words that were never meant to happen. Unfortunately, Kilgrave’s power didn’t seem to know when he really meant something and when he was just being emotional. No one ever bothered to teach him how to use this power, but there was a lot of people who wanted to punish him for that.
Kilgrave spent plenty of time being completely alone. Jessica have lost her family too, but she have had Trish by her side. She have had someone to take care of. Plus, Jessica knew what a loving family was and she felt guilty for what have happened, which made her feel obligated to pay for. Kilgrave have never had any of this. Jessica was the only person, who made him feel something such as unfamiliar as love. 
I think he really loved her. He wanted to do everything to be good in her eyes, but given that no one ever told him what the “good” really is, he didn’t know how to. He have had some ideas, something he have heard or seen somewhere, but mostly he was just guessing blindly. He probably knew that his parents were the reason behind it, so he tried to destroy any trace of them and probably was going to try and earn Jessica’s love without mind controlling. He couldn’t do that, because as said before, he never knew when people did something for him, because they wanted to or because he made them. On the top of that, he didn’t know how to handle his power and emotions, and it all ended tragically. 
Yes, Kilgrave was an asshole. If he truly, truly wanted, he could have become a hero, because a lot of heroes had a shitty childhood. He just kept going the wrong way. But a lot of us don’t hate Loki. Or Deadpool. Or Lord Voldemort. Or Malfoys. Or Joker. Or Gollum. Or *insert any fandom here*. It’s the same with Kilgrave. 
I know I really shouldn’t say this as a woman. Kilgrave represents all the psychopatic, abusive boyfriends/husbands all over the world and I truly feel sorry for every girl or woman who have ever been violated by their partners. It should never happen and their abuser deserves to be punished. 
But I truly believe that Kilgrave could have been “fixed” if anyone have ever truly loved him. I believe he could be the most loving and caring person ever.
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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How do I know this is not like last time when he had you acting like everything was fine?
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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Pick up that coffee… throw it in your face.
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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i mean
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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I can’t get her to wear a dress for the life of me. 
                                                     I’ll wear one to your funeral.
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
He’s so slimy but he looks so good
My roommate, about KIlgrave  (via jaamesbuchanaan)
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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kilgravetrash · 9 years
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Because you are not a hero. You’re a murderer, Kevin.
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