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So. I’ve been gone a while...
I WANT to say that ive just been so busy the last few weeks that my eyes are bleeding and my fingers are falling off, buuuut. Well. I needed a break from a lot of stuff.
I kept up with school and continued applying for internships and all the important stuff and NO I didn’t cheat on my healthy eating, yet I felt the need to put on the brakes for a bit so I took a few weeks to do some things that I really love (playing stardew valley, watching Supernatural and crocheting - at the same time - and of course just reading and doing yoga and being CHILL).
It helped! I slowly slipped out of my funk and then suddenly last Friday I got a text from my brother who works at an engineering firm. He said that they were hiring for part time receptionist work and, as Sam Winchester says, “get this” they were willing to keep me on until I graduate and move me to IT!
So I jumped on it with all the ferocity and gung-ho.... ness that I’d been missing these last few weeks and got an interview!
They were amazing. So sweet and easygoing and they seemed stoked to see me and talk to me! They offered me the job right away!
So this is where I am now. Painting hand-made thank you cards and humming to the same tune of determined excitement that I had been before my slump.
And I can’t WAIT to start (I get to wear cute outfits) and I am SO READY for the holidays and the months to come.
Until next time,
Keep on keepin on.
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Hey there.
It’s been a rough week for motivation let me tell you. The healthy eating challenge has been kicking my butt (cause I’m a junk food addict), NEVERTHELESS I’m still on it! Eight days of clean eating down! Only 62 to go..... 😅
I’ve got this!
But I might need a little encouragement, so
If anyone knows some motivational blogs that you love please suggest them to me.
I could use some good old fashioned hope. 😂
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I took these photos ages ago and never finished the set because I’m always so much more productive in the morning. University starts in 3 weeks I’m not ready
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““The ancient Greeks believed that when you read aloud, it was actually the dead, borrowing your tongue, in order to speak again.””
— - A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki (via katiesclassicbooks)
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10 weeks of clean eating challenge!
I’m stepping up my game. I started the ten weeks of clean eating challenge on Monday!
Sugar 🍭
Grains 🥞
Processed meat 🍔
Fried food 🍟
Whole fruits and veggies 🍓
Dairy (eggs, milk) 🍳🥛
Chicken, beef, seafood 🍗
Best of all...
Tea & Coffee are still in! ☕️
Which is great because if they weren’t I would have quit by yesterday morning. 😂
Wish me luck!
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Hello! I’m back!
Today was unbelievably productive. I even managed to get out and meet my running goal! 👏👏
🏃‍♀️ Running ✔️
📓 Studying ✔️
🥬 Healthy eating ✔️
❤️ Me time! ✔️
📱 Less screen time ✔️
Killin’ it. 💪🏻
Running song of the week:
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august 17th, 2019
“Who can say that other weeds which we despise may not be the favourite food of some remote people or tribe? It is possible that we destroy in our gardens that which is really of most value in some other place.”
goodmorning~ i found this cute little gardening book at my antique bookstore. i had no need for it really but i found the sketches inside too nice to put back on the shelf. i’ve also come to the realisation that i have z e r o consistency in editing my photos so please forgive me :(
do you have a garden? if so what is your favourite thing to grow? if not, what are your favourite plants?
♫ i’m sorry - swell ft. shiloh
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- 3/41 - 05/09/2019
Working out 🏋️‍♀️ (3 hours) ✔️
Meditating (3 hours) 🧘‍♀️ ✔️
Reading about the German Civil Code ✔️
Eating vegan 🌱 ✔️
Law school starts very soon! ♥️ I‘m so excited! You will get even more posts then haha
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Lock Down Your Phone
   Five things I’m putting my phone down to do this week!
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     1. Apply, apply, apply
For me this is a second job/another homework assignment. My resume isn’t what I want it to be, but I’m still out there every week looking for opportunities and someone who is willing to give me a chance to advance my ambitions forward! Howeverrrr . . . a light resume isn’t much of an asset so . . .
     1. Bulk up my resume
As soon as I finish my daily assignments for school I start my research and planning for projects that I can use to showcase my skills! Then I begin working on those projects when I have an hour or two that I otherwise would have used to scroll Instagram. I’m dying to land that first job in my field!
     3. Work on our basement 
I live with my parents and two of my siblings and we work together restoring the basement. It’s an amazing life skill to know how to install drywall and vinyl flooring as well as the many other handyman talents my amazing mother possesses. It gives me dreams of renovation in my own home should I be blessed to have one!
     4. Live for the future
I’ve been taking time to work towards being financially independent and save for my retirement. To do so I take extra hours at work when they’re available and save that money - every penny I can! - to invest in a better future.
     5. Take time for me and my family
This is so important! It clears my mind and gives me fresh motivation when I have set aside a day with my family or my friends at least once a week, free of distractions and screens or worries about homework and being productive. Say “screw it” and spend the day doing whatever me and my loved ones feel like doing! But I must. Stay. Off. My. Phone. How can I rejuvenate when I’m glued to social media?
I hope my goals for this week have helped someone. I know they’ve helped me!
And I would love a few suggestions on small, fun projects to do for my resume! If you have a suggestion about a web application or program that you think I would enjoy making and that would look great on my resume, please comment or send me a message and I might just take your suggestion and upload a demo for everyone here when I’ve completed it!
Have a great week!
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Hello! It’s me again!
I’ve been busy with work and family time over the weekend, but I am once again back in a cafe sipping tea and studying my brains out. I’m listening to an awesome Lord of the Rings playlist while I buckle down on learning methods and arrays in Java.
Hope everyone has had a productive Labor Day weekend!
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Took a trip to downtown ATL today. Eating lunch at my favorite Kimbap place! ❤️❤️
Thursday nights are my break from studying, but it’s all work no play for me. I’m closing up shop at work tonight.
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Best rejuvenating study snack ever.
Cut up strawberries into a bowl. You can use regular store bought whipped cream to top them, but I suggest taking 1tsp of sugar and throwing it in a jar with some heavy whipping cream and shaking that guy like you’re getting paid to do it.
You’ll know when it’s done by how thick that money maker is. 😏 put it on top of your strawberries.
Then drizzle some local wildflower honey on it and eat your snack while painfully agonizing over homework.
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It’s been raining like crazy the last few days. While I appreciate the water and I’m happy we have rain .....
I love to be out and about in the sunshine and I feel sleepy and grumpy when the sky is dark.
Despite this, yes, I have completed several assignments and started working on my draft art for my website that I will be putting together in my Web Development class.
I’m very excited about this project. I love to art, you know. ❤️
Tomorrow I’m attending a career fair and I’m going to be bringing my poor little empty resume in hopes that maybe, just maybe, someone will give me a chance and I can break into the programming industry and start the REAL learning.
Real-world experience trumps all.
I wanna get me some.
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Taking my time to study right.
It’s getting so much more difficult to stay occupied in productive things because my list of “daily productive stuff” is short.
But I’m pushing through. I’m determined to cut my time wasted by half.
On the lookout for a good financing app.
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Of course. Find the one spot where mom can’t get to you to cuddle before school.
It’s week 2. Good Lord, it’s crazy how fast last week blew by.
I adopted a LIFE CHANGING practice last week that has made my days so productive. I stopped. Hitting. Snooze.
What?! Me?! Yes. No more sleeping in til 11:30 or 12. I am awake and moving around at eight these days and getting up is no longer torture! I don’t sit in bed for three hours mentally moaning about how tired I am and hitting snooze over and over (next time I’ll get up. Next thing next time nexttimenexttime havsheubwvsjebwbw).
I feel great. I want to do this every day.
Anyway. Class starts at ten! ✌🏻
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Always 🙃
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