"Yikes, proves how far out of the loop I've been. But yup! I still totally want it!!! Just because you're in a different group, doesn't make you any less amazing, right? Keep doing what you do!"
“Since Tsubasa-senpai is the one that gave us her blessing, and acts as the Drei to us sometimes, I like to think so.” She grabbed a pen and smiled. “What would you like signed?”
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"You're Yukine Chris, right? Half of Zwei Wing? I'd be totally happy if I could your autograph, please! You and Tsubasa are absolutely amazing!!!"
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“I am Chris Yukine, but I’m not part of Zwei Wing, I’m part of the other one, Zwei Leichte Wing with Maria-senpai. Tsubasa-senpai sings mostly with Maria-senpai when she does duets. Still want an autograph?”
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naive-petals replied to your post “Don’t mind Rose clinging tightly to Chris. “Father’s Day is cursed...”...”
"I realized certain..." the poor girls face is a deep crimson. don't make her finish that thought. "Since Violet exists. She gave a fathers day gift to Yuna-chan saying she was the closest to a dad."
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“That is one option, the other is just to have her give both her gifts on mother’s day, not having a dad isn’t the end of the world.” At least she had parents, compared to her it was a huge step up, she honestly didn’t see any reason to complain.
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Don’t mind Rose clinging tightly to Chris. “Father’s Day is cursed...” meta her realized what future child entails
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“What happened? Whom do I have to kick the crap out of?”
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“Why is someone trying to cut of Big-butts arm?”
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That sounded like a full day. Miku chuckled, walking closer over to Chris and gently played with her hair, primarily the holders that were in her hair.
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“Well, you may not be good with all of it, but you sure know how to dress cute. Thank you, Chris. It sounds like a wonderful day, a day I’d love to spend with you. It’ll be fun! Then maybe I can spoil you too.”
She smiled a bit, and even flushed lightly, she tried to be pretty for Miku but she wasn’t the most confident in being pretty without drawing lascivious eyes, so hearing that made her happy.
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“You spoil me every day, by being with me.” 
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Together, huh? What would that be like then? Hibiki could only imagine but she let out a chuckle instead.
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“I’d totally make some then! I may not be that good, but my grandmother did teach me a bit of sewing so maybe I can make something worthwhile! Did you want anything extra with it, Chris-chan? You know, maybe as a future wedding gift, hehe.”
She actually flushed at that, a wedding gift huh.... “Maybe just have Miku in a cute dress and me in a tux. Ya know to look like the wedding.”
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After all, she might wear dresses regularly but the wedding needed one of them in a tux, and she was definitely wanting to see Miku in a beautiful wedding dress.
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I’m still checking on the blog, I know I owe @cantusecho but my health has been going downhill lately, a lot, and very rapidly, so I’m just limiting the blogs i’m focusing on and the worries, I’m sorry to anyone waiting on me, you can always send a starter, slow doesn’t mean completely gone, I mostly check this blog twice a week right now. My main blogs right now are @morningstaroflux, @dancethroughthedarkness and @bladeofthecetra if anyone wants faster threads.
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Miku hummed, glancing over at Chris as she closed her book.
“Relaxation and fun? Do you have somewhere in mind or something?”
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“Guilty! I was thinking a couples massage, so we’d be able to relax together. Maybe a full spa day, get in the jacuzzi for a bit, from there a massage, and whatever else looks or sounds good? I’m not super good with the girly stuff normally, I just wanted to spoil you a bit.”
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“Miku! I’m here to kidnap you for a day of relaxation and fun!” Freaking out? Nope Chris wasn’t freaking out, she was planning a nice relaxing fun day with her fiancée.
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naive-petals replied to your post: “I think the holiday name should be Kindap “insert...
“Can we just not have a kidnap holiday?”
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“That’s why I added the latter part of for a happy day alone, that way it’s not a bad thing Kiddo. I liked the idea at least.”
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“I think the holiday name should be Kindap “insert your partners name here” day for a happy day alone. That one I like the idea of.....but if anyone touches Miku I’ll shoot them.”
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“Wait, so you’d be making plushies for all of our birthdays? That’s so sweet of you, Chris-chan! Thank you!”
Though of course it wasn’t even her birthday yet so it was too early for thanks, but best to say it ahead of time.
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“What about you? Are you going to make one for yourself? That wouldn’t do, we should be the ones to do that!”
She laughed, “I planned to make Miku’s and mine together, to represent what we have.” Slowly a smile formed, the idea of it was just super cute and she hoped that Miku would like it the same.
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“I mean if you want to make some you can too you dork.”
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Chris was…always sweet but her response isn’t what she initially expected. It was a lot, so much to the point that she didn’t know exactly where to start or which part to even respond to. Miku knew she could help out by just being herself, and she didn’t need a Gear or Robe in order to suddenly change her worth. Chris made sure to point out even the little things, at least they were little within her mind, that she did in order to help them.
Calling out to them, offering support when needed; it was enough to help them? If Miku wasn’t good at expressing herself then how would she be good enough when it came to others and their feelings? It was merely…hard for her to see that she could help someone that much, especially to this extent that Chris was saying. It very well could be her own ignorance to her actions but it was different for people looking on the outside. Miku just constantly kept thinking there were things she could improve on, that she wasn’t as ‘good’ as people saw her, nor was she always that ‘sunshine’ that people needed. Wouldn’t they judge her for that? 
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‘Or at the very least, I’m the only one that judges that side of myself…’
“I…” Miku felt speechless, wiping at her eyes to hopefully stop the tears before they could fall but she wasn’t exactly able to stop them either. “…I love you too, Chris…”
It felt like such a weak response after everything Chris had just said. Miku didn’t have a counter, Chris knew how Miku felt about her and she didn’t want to make a retort about her being worthless. It left Miku feeling overwhelmed but not in a negative light. It made her happy, even if there was a part of herself that hated making Chris worried.
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“I’m sorry…” But she was right; there were plenty of ways to help. But because of her emotions, Miku couldn’t really showcase her agreement right now.
She meant everything she had said, the words were earnest and heartfelt and she really did think that about Miku, she was amazing in every sense of the word and getting the Faust Robe was, if anything, fate in her eyes. She was the shining light that Chris always fought for, the thing that kept her going, and she just wanted to relay that to her. How she loved her, worshiped her, adored her. 
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“You don’t need to apologize.....I just said what I felt, what I meant. That’s all.” She did however pull her into a tighter hug, stroking her hair gently, soothingly.
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I owe 2 replies right now, they will come a bit later, but if anyone wants to do something I am officially requesting starters from all of my partners! I want to get her active but coming up with starters right now is a bit....beyond me mentally? So if you see this and want to RP consider this me liking/asking for a starter!
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Would she kiss time traveling grandchildren though. "Ouchie..." Poor Violet tripped and landed hard on her left knee.
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“I’ll get the antiseptic and a bandage kiddo.”
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I finally drew the squad… I love OG3 so much. I wish I can draw them better someday. This took about a week and a few days to finish because it’s hard to learn how to draw their Gears. There’s probably inaccuracies, but I can’t be bothered at this point.
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