#Broken Devil Bow (Chris IC)
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“Miku, are you ever annoyed that you have a Faust Robe instead of a relic? I mean I know it’s stronger then our relics but also harder to control...I mean ignite brings our strength up to yours.” It was true that the X-drive surpassed it completely but it wasn’t as if they could use that quite as easily, even absorbing the swan song energy was....risky. 
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naive-petals replied to your post: “Chris-mama.” Part of the problem not by this mess...
“Good.” older self has been caught by Miku that she was dating but good. “It’s been a bit lonely with you gone.”
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“Dating huh? Do you take after you moms and date a cute girl or is it a boy that’s caught your eye?” Nope she wasn’t even going to pretend like it was complicated for her, after all she was still her even if it was two timelines...compared to what she’s seen this was simple.
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Her face was laying on the table, a bottle of Vodka next to her opened and half empty, two other bottles, one Vodka one Everclear, were already empty and in the recycling. “Shomeone get me a new glassh.......I’m not drunk enoughsh yet.”
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@cantusecho​ cont
“Well I made....this for her.”
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“It’s not the best but it’s all made by me so I hope Senpai likes it.”
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“Miku! I’m here to kidnap you for a day of relaxation and fun!” Freaking out? Nope Chris wasn’t freaking out, she was planning a nice relaxing fun day with her fiancée.
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“Big-butt better have finished her homework.....correctly this time, you know for a girl that has such a knack of bringing people together and saving lives she sure has trouble with basic things like math...”
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“Why are people pushing my girlfriend to get to second base with Big-butt?”
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“You idiots think that heroes don’t kill? I’ve killed, that mean I’m not a hero anymore suddenly?” No, that was flawed thinking, bigtime flawed thinking. “Before you idiots all start bitching, what heroes don’t do is kill for no reason, or on a whim, we do kill if that’s what it takes to save the masses, I’ll shoot one fucker in the head to save ten thousand any day of the week....will I like it? No, will I do it? Yes. So back off of Nat! She’s my student, my pupil, not yours assholes.”
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naive-petals replied to your post “Don’t mind Rose clinging tightly to Chris. “Father’s Day is cursed...”...”
"I realized certain..." the poor girls face is a deep crimson. don't make her finish that thought. "Since Violet exists. She gave a fathers day gift to Yuna-chan saying she was the closest to a dad."
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“That is one option, the other is just to have her give both her gifts on mother’s day, not having a dad isn’t the end of the world.” At least she had parents, compared to her it was a huge step up, she honestly didn’t see any reason to complain.
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Don’t mind Rose clinging tightly to Chris. “Father’s Day is cursed...” meta her realized what future child entails
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“What happened? Whom do I have to kick the crap out of?”
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“Why is someone trying to cut of Big-butts arm?”
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@datxra​ sent:
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Chris’s face heated up so fast, so strong, that she could swear that her entire body looked like Ichaival at this moment. Surely Maria didn’t know how much she affected Chris, the poor girl had very few connections like this and those connections with her made her attachment rather.....intimate, so when she felt those lips on her hair every nerve in her being was lit aflame, and it was shown on her face currently.
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“W-w-w-what was that for? W-wait for what?” She was completely and utterly confused, the flowers suddenly proffered had her panicking, what did she miss? Maybe it was just a gift because she wanted to, it wasn’t like flowers were expensive, and Maria was very.....then her eyes settled upon the jewelry, nope she definitely missed something big, but what had she missed? It was only February, what was there in February that was to be thinking about? Wracking her brain she did remember seeing the kids in school handing things out.......but....
“VALENTINES DAY!” Wait, was that really it? Was she meaning that she wanted to pick Chris of all people, of all of her thousands of fans to be hers? She loved her music but she wasn’t like so many of the others, the ones that had their life under control, she was just a girl that had so much messed up she was more mess then woman. “I....didn’t get you anything.” She mumbled, reaching out to take the pendant carefully. It was perfect for her nicer dress, the one she didn’t wear very often. “Maybe.....maybe I could take you to dinner tonight or something....”
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“Chris-mama.” Part of the problem not by this mess but cheering on.! Roses plan is to hug and hope she doesn’t find out. “Welcome back.”
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”Hey kiddo, how have you been?”
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“Ya know, I always liked the stories of Mordred and shit, related to him, but to find out he was a she is even better. I know all that crap about being a boy meaning whatnot in the past but if ya ask me she’s not anything less because she’s a girl, she’s still a King, the only King I’d swear to, but being female makes her a god damn goddess.....I would give anything to be able to serve someone like her........blegh I probably sound like some stupid ass fangirl but I mean it, just seein her with Nat and instantly I’m completely, utterly smitten. Ichaival backs Mordred for king!”
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"Give me a B! Give me an I! Give me a G! Give me a B U T T! What’s that spell!”
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