kimbapcrying · 6 years
The Avatar’s Assasin | Book 1
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Genre: Angst / Fluff / Avatar!au / Adventure
Pairing: Firebender!Reader / Avatar!Jungkook
Words: 25.6k
Summary: As the Avatar, Jungkook always had to worry about being in danger despite how much he wanted to aid his world. In order to help Jungkook remain a part of the government while staying safe at the same time, President Xan makes you his bodyguard. Only problem is, you seem to hate his guts.
Read this for further context and explanations of the ATLA and LoK universe
Warnings: Violence / Cursing / Abusive Behavior
Books: One · Two · Three · Four 
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Normally, Jeon Jungkook’s mother would not take Jungkook to the doctor. The two of them were fairly poor, as they lived in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se and since Jungkook’s mother was a single parent, money was hard to come by. In this case, however, she was willing to pay a doctor.
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kimbapcrying · 6 years
Prompts List
List of prompts that can be requested (w/ or w/o a requested person/character) - [most of these are prompts I found on pinterest in the writing prompts tag - will be adding prompts continuously] - Also, when requesting please take this into consideration: https://fictionpants.tumblr.com/post/167397538527/just-a-quick-note-about-requests
1. “I apologise in advance for the inconvenience my murder is going to have on your life.”
2. “I hate you.” “Why? I’m lovely.”
3. “Murder wasn’t on today’s agenda.” “It’s not on anyone’s.” “No, it’s on mine, just not until next Thursday.”
4. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick.”
5. “This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.”
6. “She’s crying, what do I do?” “Go comfort her.” “How do I do that?” “Start with hugs.” “With what?”
7. “What’s our exit strategy?” “Our what?” “Oh my god, we’re all going to die.”
8. “I’m going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka.” “Vodka? For the spell?” “No, that’s just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe.”
9. “Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?” “I don’t know, probably both.”
10. “I saved your lives.” “How? By stealing our freedom? Our minds? Our identity?”
11. “It takes a very special kind of idiot to pull off what you just did.”
12. “I’m getting really tired of pretending I’m not evil.”
13. “Did you just agree with me?” “Oh I wish I could take-” “Nope! You said it! No take-backs!”
14. “It’s a long story.” “You conned me into thinking you were dead for eleven months. I have time.”
15. “I regret a lot of things. Having this conversation tops the list.”
16. “I had a thought.” “Oh no.” “I swear it’s a good one this time!’
17. “FBI, open the door!” “No. It’s cooler when you break in.”
18. “Do you think they remember you?” “I sure hope not after what I did the last time I was here.” “What did you do?” “You’ll find out.”
19. “You look…” “Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?”
20. “You scared me!” “Well, I am naturally terrifying.”
21. “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
22. “I’d take a bullet for you, you know that.” “You’re immortal, and I’m going to kill you if you keep saying that.”
23. “You really have no clue who I am?” “You’d think the confused looks and blank stare would have answered that for you.”
24. “I am way too sober for this.”
25. “You don’t strike me as a professional criminal.” “That’s what makes me so good at it.”
26. “I don’t think of you as a protector. More like a distraction.”
27. “We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?” “Actually, it’s more like eight.” “Oh, sorry I wasn’t specific enough!”
28. “If you could even comprehend where I’ve come from, you would be terrified of me.”
29. “I saved your life!” “You pushed me off a building.”
30. “You know we’re not all born with the ability to throw fireballs, right?”
31. “How do we keep getting into these situations?” “Eleven years of friendship and I still don’t know.”
32. “Did you hear that scream?” “Yes, I’m the one who screamed.”
33. “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
34. “You are remarkably well behaved tonight. What did you do?”
35. “You’re-you’re crushing my spleen.” “You don’t even know where your spleen is.”
36. “I’m no detective, of course, but I think this dead body might not be alive anymore.”
37. “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.” “Can I pick?”
38. “The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.” “I almost died!” “Ah yes, that was my fondest memory.”
39. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it!”
40. “Hey, I didn’t kill anyone today!” “What do you want? A gold star?”
41. “I hate you.” “Why? I’m lovely.”
42. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-” “At least a twenty.”
43. “Literally everything about this is illegal.”
44. “Seven billion people in the world, and you’re overreacting because we killed one man.” “But-” “Seven. Billion. People. Now quit the complaining and drink your smoothie.”
45. “It’s not my birthday.” “It’s definitely your birthday.” “Give me a calendar. It’s not and I will prove it to – oh. Never mind. Happy birthday to me.”
46. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?” “I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties.”
47. “I can fix that.” “I’m calling a professional.” “I’m a professional.” “A more professional, professional.”
48. “What’s the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?” “Those are children. That’s a school.”
49. “I have a concern.” “Just one?” “No, but I didn’t think you’d let me speak my piece if I told you how many I actually have.”
50. “Why are you glaring at me?” “I’m hoping you’ll spontaneously combust.”
51. “If we die, I’m going to spend the rest of our afterlife reminding you that this was all your fault.” “That’s cool, I wouldn’t mind having company while being a ghost.”
52. “What are you so afraid of?” “You.”
53. “What is that THING in your backpack?” “It’s my new pet dragon.” “Dragons aren’t real!” “Then why is there one in my backpack?”
54. “I hate the sight of blood.” “Then maybe you shouldn’t kill for a living.”
55. “All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.”
56. “Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?” “Oh god, we’re going to die, aren’t we?” “It’s a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself.” “You absolutely do not.”
57. “I don’t give a damn.” “You give so many damns they’re visible from SPACE.”
58.  “It’ll be easy. You just have to seduce them.” “You’re kidding, right? I’m about as seductive as a cabbage.”
59. “You’re not as evil as people think you are.” “No. I’m much worse.”
60. “That’s a terrifyingly accurate drawing of us.” “It’s almost like I’m good at what I do.”
61. “You have no power over me.” “You sure about that?”
62. “This isn’t good.” “How can you tell?” “See how they’re slowly surrounding us? And they all have guns and knives and I think one guy is carrying a machete?”
63. “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” “Actually he’s right in front of you.”
64. “I’m not a thief. I’m just really good at acquiring things that aren’t mine.”
65. “I’m not completely human anymore. Remember that next time you want to punch me in the face.”
66. “Is that blood?” “No?” “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.”
67. “I never stood a chance, did I?” “That’s the sad part – you did once.”
68. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
69. “I’m not going to leave you.”
70. “Everything is okay.”
71. “I’m going to protect you.”
72. “I believe in you.”
73. “Do you feel guilty? Like, at all?” “I don’t have time to feel guilty. And neither do you.”
74. “Stop that!” “Stop what?” “Doing that thing with your face when you’re happy. It’s making me nauseous.”
75. “What are you doing?” “…Eating.” “We’re being held hostage and you decide to raid the kitchen?” “They didn’t say the fridge was off limits.”
76. “Is that a dead body?” “Maybe?” “It is. I can see it right in front of me.” “I promise I’ll clean it up before dinner.”
77. “If we’re going to get out of here, we’re going to have to work together. After that, we can go back to killing each other.” “Oh, fine.”
78. “That’s not funny.” “I thought it was.” “You don’t count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.”
79. “Do we need wine?” “No, I need wine, you need to put your pants back on.” “But life is so freeing without them.” “Pants. On. Now.”
80. “Can you please go be stupid somewhere that’s away from me?”
81. “I feel like I’m being stabbed.” “How do you even know what it feels like to be stabbed?”
82. “Will you be quiet?” “I didn’t say anything!” “Well stop thinking so loud.”
83. “Did you get my note?” “Of course I got it. You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping.”
84. “You’re a psychopath.” “I prefer creative.”
85. “Why do people keep trying to put this blanket on me?” “Because you’re in shock.” “That doesn’t mean I need a blanket. It means I need booze.”
86. “Oh no.” “What is it? What happened? Who died?” “I think I just felt an emotion.” “You have GOT to be kidding me.”
87. “When all this is over, I want my sanity back.”
88. “That’s definitely not true.” “Of course it is. I read it on Wikipedia.”
89. “You forgot me.” “It was an accident.”
90. “Why do you keep risking your life? To prove a point?” “Yes.”
91. “I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life.” “You are the WORST at this comfort thing.”
92. “You’ve got to stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
93. “Look, if you want to conjure some demon spawn from the great beyond, that’s all fine and dandy. Just wait for me to leave before you start.”
94. “Just calm down!” “My leg just dematerialised and you want me to calm down!?”
95. “You know what they say, panicking burns a shit ton of calories.” “Who even says that?” “Me. Just now.”
96. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in the corner, having another existential crisis.”
97. “Oh my god, I had the exact same dream!” “Really?” “Are you crazy? Of course I didn’t.”
98. “I need to go de-stress.” “Where are you going?” “To demolish the living room.”
99. “I think I’m having a feeling. How do I make it stop?”
100. “I’m bitter and complicated. It’s one of my charms.” “I don’t think you know what that word means. Or how to count.”
101. “I don’t know what the protocol is for revealing your secret identity so, hi? Surprise?”
102. You always think you know what you’d do when faced with the end of the world. Me? I went home and took a nap.
103. “Damn it, why aren���t you obeying the laws of physics?”
104. “I’d hug you right now, but you’re covered in evidence. And I also really don’t want to.” “Evidence is a really nice euphemism for blood, gore and guts.” “You’re totally missing the point. Do you know how pissed I am at you right now?”
105.  “This way is more efficient.” “This way is going to get us killed.”
106. “You’re not my favourite person today.” “I’m not your favourite person on any day.”
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kimbapcrying · 6 years
hello!!! the idea popped up and i didn't know anybody better to write it, but here goes: figure skater reader X ice hockey player bts member (whoever you think fits best) with a sort of enemies-to-friends/friends-to-lovers situation?
me looking at this ask,,,,what if,,,ice hockey player!you and figure skater!taehyung,,,
you touch your still bloody lip and wince, sitting back on the bench in the changing room
“it looks bad,,,,” your teammate frowns, but then shoves your shoulder playfully “but the one you gave the other team was worse.”
like that’s some kind of trophy you suddenly feel better about your wound
“i think they had to like limp out of the rink - today’s game was BRUTAL” 
you agree, standing up and stretching 
“im gonna change and get ice from the coach for this.” you motion to your face and get an agreeable nod
swapping your jersey and uniform, you put on something more comfortable and grab your bag with your hockey-stick in your free hand
on the walk back up to the rink you pass by a group of giggling girls, they’re all wearing the pretty and thin sequence dresses for figure skating
their male partners stand against the wall, hair done up and sporting matching colors with whoever they’re performing with
unlike you, whose arms are covered in old and new healing bruises, the figure skaters are always clean and pristine 
their images are elegant, like water flowing 
hockey players like you are,,,,burning and destructive fire
a couple of them eye your bloody lip, the huge stick in your hand with some kind of disdain
but one person stares at you in wonder
kim taehyung, whose rumored to have been scouted by the korean team for the upcoming winter olympics
he’s the best figure skater here, no doubt - with the facial features of a prince that look even better on camera
he’s the angel of the ice, his solo performances go viral whenever posted online
and yet - his eyes don’t linger on the beautiful, soft, unscathed fellow skaters
no his eyes follow you down the hall - full of questions and amazement. as if he hasn’t seen you hundreds of time practicing or in games
you don’t let it bother you, think he’s just glaring at you like the others and when you get your ice from the coach you come back to see everyone’s gone down to the rink
but taehyung
he walks over to you, the sheer shirt he’s wearing glitters in the bright light of the hallway
from one ear dangles a pretty, long silver earring
highlighting his eyes is a deep, navy eyeliner that matches his outfit
you ask, standoffish when he stops before you
“did you get hurt in the game today?”
you scoff, straightening up “it’s hockey. you’re supposed to get hurt. but don’t worry, i sent the other player off with something worse.”
he doesn’t respond, just lets his eyes linger on your lips and then meet yours again
“seems you’re aggressive during hockey and in real life?”
you feel something like a blush start to creep into your cheeks, what in the world does that mean?!?!
“nothing, you just seem like a hothead. it’s very attractive.”
your immediate thought is - he’s playing games with me. he’s always had this sly air about him
but then taehyung is reaching out to touch your hand gently, brush his fingertips over a bruise that runs u the side of your wrist
“your battle scars are very beautiful too.”
you have half a thought to pull away, but another part of you welcomes the touch
it’s never dawned on you how much of a contact sport hockey is, yet playing it had made you forget tenderness 
it had made you forget this carefulness with which taehyung was handling you
but you also didn’t understand it, why was he suddenly approaching you? what did a figure skater want with a hockey player?
“im sorry if ive said too much, i just wanted you to know. when is your next game?”
you narrow your eyes “next week….why?”
he smiles, his eyes are pure and a clear, vibrant brown “ill try to come and see it!”
before you can even ask why he’d do that, he’s gone - someone calling his name out from the rink
you stand there, shaking the moment off and trying not to admit how handsome he really is up close
the week passes and you find yourself gearing up for the game. your busted lip is better, but you’re more than ready to get another one
your team does their usual cheer before entering the rink, and as you’re waiting for the ref to do introductions you look up into the crowd
among them is one face that stands out, you’re so surprised your mouth guard almost falls out 
taehyung is in one of the first rows, on the otherside of the glasses
when he sees you make eye contact, he lights and waves with both hands
you look away, but something pulls at your heart
the game is just as brutal, maybe even a little worse than the other one you come out with new bruises on your back where you’d been rammed into the wall 
but as usual, it’s nothing new and you’re just happy to have another win for your team
as everyone gets up to leave, you see taehyung leaning against the wall outside the rink and everyone on your team practically pushes you over to him 
you don’t get why,,,not until he notices and all the happiness in the world is written on his face
“congratulations on your win!!”
you awkwardly fumble with your bag, “t-thank you?”
“can i give you a gift for doing so well?”
you tilt your head, “ok-?”
he comes close, his hand on your neck - careful, as if he isn’t holding a tough hockey player but a delicate rose 
his kiss as attentive and as wary, until you kiss back and taehyung proves himself right - you are a bit aggressive even outside of hockey now aren’t you? 
and like he said - it’s very attractive
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
The First Frost | Seungcheol | Oneshot
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Genre | Fluff, Fantasy
Pairing | Reader / Jack Frost!Seungcheol
Words | 2,966
Summary | After staying up past 3 AM to study, you see a mysterious boy out in the freezing cold.
Inspired by Rise of the Guardians and Seungcheol’s silver hair
Warnings | None
“Make sure to take out your sweaters and your window scraper blades, because the first frost is predicted to hit tonight!” The weatherman said in a tone of fake excitement. “Be careful to not slip tomorrow. That’s all for the weather; Back to you Stacy.”
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
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park date with park jimin i thought this posted a few days ago but i guess tumblr hates me @fluffilyangsty tagged me
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
A Friend | Taehyung | Oneshot
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Genre | Angst 
Pairing | Reader / Best friend!Taehyung
Words | 1,689
Summary | Taehyung had never realized how much it hurt to be on the other side of unrequited love.
Inspired by My Old Story by IU
Warnings | None
Taehyung had bad luck. Or maybe he was lucky when he didn’t realize it nor did he appreciate it. Either way, it ended up not working out for him. He wished he was lucky when it was convenient, he wished he was lucky as Jaehyun.
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
no you might have to say it another 50 times
did you guys know that i love jin
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Forgotten Shores | Chan | 03
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Genre | Angst / Fluff / Fantasy
Pairing | Mermaid!Reader / Pirate!Chan
Words | 3,825
Summary | It’s a mermaid’s destiny, no, their duty to kill unsuspecting pirates in order to take revenge on humanity. Even so, when it is finally your turn to kill for the first time, you find yourself questioning what is right and what is wrong.
Chan, a human, is one of the youngest and most infamous pirates on the sea. On one fateful night, Chan decides to go out to sea alone and he encounters you.
Warnings | Violence, Murder, Witchcraft
Chapters | One · Two · Three · Four · Five
The swim back towards the cove where the rest of the pod was was filled with anxiety and fear, but no guilt. You were simply scared about how the other mermaids would react when they first saw you. Maybe you could lie, tell them that you had actually killed someone but your tail hadn’t changed, but would they believe you? You weren’t sure.
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
you jump into those dms mindlessly like i did to u
I want to start friendships with so many writers here but??? Idk how??
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
omg this isnt me but like u know those emoticons are me i ghost wrote this
∠( ᐛ 」∠)When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then, send to the last ten people in your notification anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ(*≧▽≦)
@kimbapcrying I feel like this is you because of the emoticons lolol. Anyway!•god•my family/friends•singing/dancing/acting/writing•doing well in school•music
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Forgotten Shores | Chan | 02
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Genre | Angst / Fluff / Fantasy
Pairing | Mermaid!Reader / Pirate!Chan
Words | 5,732
Summary | It’s a mermaid’s destiny, no, their duty to kill unsuspecting pirates in order to take revenge on humanity. Even so, when it is finally your turn to kill for the first time, you find yourself questioning what is right and what is wrong.
Chan, a human, is one of the youngest and most infamous pirates on the sea. On one fateful night, Chan decides to go out to sea alone and he encounters you.
Warnings | Violence, Murder, Witchcraft
Chapters | One · Two · Three · Four · Five
You thrashed against the arms that were pulling you towards the docks. “Stop it!” You cried, “Please!”
“Stop fighting them, Y/N.”
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Forgotten Shores | Chan | 01
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Genre | Angst / Fluff / Fantasy
Pairing | Mermaid!Reader / Pirate!Chan
Words | 3,500
Summary | It’s a mermaid’s destiny, no, their duty to kill unsuspecting pirates in order to take revenge on humanity. Even so, when it is finally your turn to kill for the first time, you find yourself questioning what is right and what is wrong. 
Chan, a human, is one of the youngest and most infamous pirates on the sea. On one fateful night, Chan decides to go out to sea alone and he encounters you.
Warnings | Violence, Murder, Witchcraft
Chapters | One · Two · Three · Four · Five
“They call us sirens,” Nayeon spit out the name as if it were poison, obviously offended. She whipped her head towards you, her hair swirling in the water around her. “Those pesky humans. We’re nothing like those feathered girls.”
You let out a small chuckle and swam closer to her, “Well they use their voices to kill humans as well.”
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Shrieking Ducks | Seokjin | Oneshot
Requested for the Drabble Game but i got carried away
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: “Did you get my letter?” “Wow”
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You drummed your fingers against your lap to chase away boredom and impatience as you watched people slowly grab their luggage from the overhead compartment, allowing yourself to get lost in this simple amusement because sitting in the very last row of the plane means waiting at least ten unbearable minutes before getting off of the plane.
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Tumblr crushes?
All of the AMess members lolol, @kimbapcrying 💦, @ieechans, @trbld-writer, @choco-seventeen, @taechubs, @gukvory, @tayegi are all writers that I admire a lot but there are so many more
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
jungkook and 33? I hope ur still doing the drabble game >_
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” Drabble Game
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“You’ve got some honey mustard on your face,” you giggled and reached across the armrest to wipe at the yellow smear on the corner of Jungkook’s lips with a napkin.
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
Jimin and 16 and 39? :3c
“It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway” and “Don’t cry” Drabble Game
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You jolted in a mix of surprise and fear when you heard knocking coming from the passenger’s window. Relief flooded your system as you saw the smiling face outside. It was fine, Jimin was here now. You nodded, gesturing for the boy to open the door and come in. 
Plopping into the seat next to you, Jimin looked at you with a confused expression, “What’s going on? Why’d you call me here?”
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kimbapcrying · 7 years
The Crumbling Kingdom Ch. 12
Genre: Mafia!Jeonghan, Mafia!Soonyoung, Angst, Romance, Violence
Word Count: 2,699
CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5 CH 6 CH 7 CH 8 CH 9 CH 10 CH 11 CH 12
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In the mafia, one of the best methods to getting what one desires is to suck up to anyone who has power over you. You always despised having to play nice with people to succeed, but success in itself felt pretty good. So naturally, you learned when and when not to use this technique of manipulating others to your benefit.
Being held captive at a gala by four inexperienced girls was a different matter. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at ridiculousness of this situation. These four girls, who you had figured out were Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Lisa, and Jennie—their leader—weren’t even part of a mafia. They were some rookie gang trying to stir up trouble, and sure enough, they had managed to stir up trouble with you, one of the most powerful queen-pins in the country.
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