kimhyeon · 17 days
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"Wait - Mafia??? Are you joking??? Coz if you're joking, it's not funny. How - Does your eomma know?? What do you mean you're the boss now?? Are you even safe? This - it's really not funny. And are you serious?? You're really asking me why I didn't tell you back when we were kids? You expected a scrawny kid approach the most popular student in school and tell him he has a crush on him? I would've been embarassed and most likely bullied. Maybe not by you but definitely by your friends."
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"At the moment, no I'm not in trouble but that could change quickly. Far from a cop or spy. Some might say I'm a bad guy. The family I work for is affiliated with a mafia like organization. And like I explained before there was an assassination attempt on my boss...consider a successful attempt and now I'm the boss. I don't tell you things. I don't bring you around at certain times for your safety, not because I don't want to see you. Why didn't you tell me before or even then?"
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kimhyeon · 18 days
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"What does it even mean?? Are you like, in trouble or something?? Are you a cop? A spy? You act all mysterious all the time... Try high school... That's how long it's been."
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"It doesn't make it right but I hid thingss for your safety and I still couldn't protect you from everything. Ask me what you want to know and I'll answer. No restrictions because I feel like I can trust you but just tonight. Ask whatever you like and I'll provide an honest response. Who are you to me? Jihoon would call you a distraction but that's not fair or respectful. You're more than that. Not in a bad way...In a good way. How long is a while Hyeon? The first time you ran into me. When I took you to my apartment. The night you got drunk because you thought I wasn't coming to meet you. When did it start?"
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kimhyeon · 18 days
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"I can say the same thing about you. You're hiding things from me - And I'm not in the position to ask you anything. Who am I to you? Are you really asking me that directly? I dunno... For a while now..."
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"Why do you think I'm upset. I'm not upset. You seem agitated. I thought it was the conversation but maybe I'm the problem. You won't let me in your head. I have to depend on you telling me things and this was surprising. How long...How long have you wanted to have sex with me?"
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kimhyeon · 24 days
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what type of love do you attract?
breathing against your lover's back as you rest after a long hike up the mountain to watch the sunset; impromptu car rides in the middle of the night that lead you to nowhere and everywhere at once; leaping over fences and gates to hold each other in your arms. you attract adventure. you're the type to say yes before thinking of it. you have a look in your eyes that people find themselves nodding along to, if only to hold onto your attention for a little longer. you hate having to wait, and yearning brings you to almost a state of frustration for you have so much to give. you want to love now, for if you don't love, you feel a sort of emptiness that no adventure can fill. hold on tight, my dear, for your love is waiting for you, too.
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kimhyeon · 26 days
[ send me emojis ]
🌈 I’m gay for you 🤗 given the chance I would gladly hug you 💚 You’re cute 🦄 you’re adorable 🔥 you’re hot 💋 I wanna make out with you 💓 I can’t stop thinking about you 🍀 I’m lucky to have met you 😇 You’re a sweet cinnamon bun 👍 you are fun to be around
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"Adorable and like a cinnamon bun... That's how you like, describe a friend... Anyway... I do wanna make out, too."
[ he's trying not to be awkward; he was just called hot. ]
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kimhyeon · 26 days
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kimhyeon · 2 months
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"Are you sure you're not upset? Coz you look upset. [ mutters ] And who says I don't wana pursue my attraction? Did you, like, get in my head and read that?"
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"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you or make assumptions."
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kimhyeon · 2 months
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[ hyeon said he'd like to lick the sweat off malchin-ssi, please... ]
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kimhyeon · 2 months
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"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you or make assumptions."
[ cont. from here ]
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"It's kinda like... One of those things you just don't - blurt out, Malchin-ssi. At least, I can't just blurt it out. Why? Do you have a habit of just telling people you're attracted to you wanna sleep with them??"
[ he's nervous. ]
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kimhyeon · 2 months
[ cont. from here ]
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"It's kinda like... One of those things you just don't - blurt out, Malchin-ssi. At least, I can't just blurt it out. Why? Do you have a habit of just telling people you're attracted to you wanna sleep with them??"
[ he's nervous. ]
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kimhyeon · 2 months
If your muse is attracted to mine SEXUALLY, send a Ⓡ !!
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"This would be easier to discuss if I knew who sent this."
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kimhyeon · 2 months
Send me Emojis
🌹 I have a romantic crush on you
⭐️ I have a platonic crush on you
🌈 I’m gay for you
🤗 given the chance I would gladly hug you
💛 You are my best friend
💙 You are my closest friend
💚 You’re cute
🦄 you’re adorable
🎨 you’re artistically talented
💕 we have a lot in common
😑 you’re annoying
✖️ you’re mean
☄️ I wish we could talk
👽 you’re out of this world
🤙 you’re pretty cool
🔥 you’re hot
💋 I wanna make out with you
😊 Your blog makes me smile
😘 I’d date you
💍 I want to marry you
💓 I can’t stop thinking about you
💘 I love you so much
🐶🐱 let’s get a dog/cat
👾 nerd
👻 I admire you from afar you probably don’t know I exist
🗑 You’re content is trash and i love you
😍 I aspire to be like you one day
🍀 I’m lucky to have met you
🤐 We don’t talk as much as we used to
🛫 You live far away and it sucks because I want to meet you
😩 I’m too shy to talk to you but I really love your blog
😇 You’re a sweet cinnamon bun
💎 Your blog is pretty
🐒 You’re funny
🎄 Wish to hang out over the holidays
⚔ I trust that you would have my back
👍 you are fun to be around
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kimhyeon · 2 months
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[ eherm... ]
If your muse is attracted to mine SEXUALLY, send a Ⓡ !!
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"This would be easier to discuss if I knew who sent this."
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kimhyeon · 3 months
pretty baby
[ come into my inbox and give my muse a pet name/nickname. They will respond with whether they approve or not. ]
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"Yeah? I dunno about that... Have you been drinking?"
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kimhyeon · 3 months
Come into my inbox and give my muse a pet name/nickname. They will respond with whether they approve or not.
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kimhyeon · 3 months
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Timeline: 2024 May 18th, Saturday late afternoon Location: Im Offices, Tokyo Mood: Bored. Curious. Playful. Attire: See Above
Malchin has been stuck in meetings for most of the week. They were out of the country during the first part of the week. He spends the late afternoon catching up on messages and phone calls and sends a few playful pictures to a friend, awaiting their response.
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kimhyeon · 3 months
Would you ever have sex in a public place?
"YES. Wait. WHAT?"
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[ the fastest YES he'd said in his lifetime. ]
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