kimmimaru · 1 hour
Ugh, yet again missing a major natural event. Why does all the cool stuff happen while I'm asleep? Aurora Borealis is something on my bucket list too, I've always wanted to see it but thought I'd have to either leave the country or travel all the way up to the very top of Scotland or something but I get told today that you could bloody well see it where I live??? I'm too far south so never thought that would be possible. Its a once in a lifetime event and I fucking missed it. Typical.
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kimmimaru · 7 hours
Today I had to go to one of those stately homes because family wanted to go, so I got dragged along. Tbh I could have refused but the child beast wanted to go as they have an adventure playground there. So I went but it was intolerably hot and I was mush by the time we'd walked around the place. The beastie was whinging because her legs hurt etc as well. Never again. Those places bore me stupid. Ah yes, a big house. I mean, ok, it has some history and its pretty to look at but I don't need to spend hours staring at a big house.
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kimmimaru · 3 days
I will never understand people who enjoy the heat. It gets above 20 C and my brain turns to soup, I get really tired and my tolrence level for existence is 0. Its sweaty and uncomfortable and no matter how much suncream I wear I still somehow feel like I'm burning. Its awful.
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kimmimaru · 4 days
I don't drink fizzy or sugary bottled drinks often, its mostly tea and water (I'll be honest: its mostly tea lol). But I had a free bottle of cherry and rasberry fizzy drink with something or other I bought, so thought why the hell not. It was good but they've changed the bottle caps and now you can't remove them completely. They're attatched with a little bit of plastic so when you unscrew them, it sticks up. Makes drinking it really weird and uncomfortable. I don't always pay attention to the cup or bottle I'm drinking from so kept poking my nose with the cap. Why has this happened? I can kind of see why they're doing it but jesus christ, its not really that convienent is it?
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kimmimaru · 4 days
So, I have a painting that's not finished. I have to add some texture and dimension and stuff, currently its up on my living room wall to keep it out of the way and prevent it from getting damaged accidentially. So, why is it that every time someone sees it they say; oh this is lovely! And I'm like: Thanks! Its not quite finished though. And then they reply: Oh no, but its so good! ...Yes. I am aware. Like, what are they implying here? Thats the sort of answer you give when someone says 'its actually shit, ignore it'. Not 'its pretty good, yeah but not quite finished yet'. I never said it was BAD. I said it was unfinished. Kind of makes me wonder if they're bullshitting now or just mishear me. I dunno, its just an odd thing to say. Surely the correct response is; ah I see, can't wait to see it when its done. Or something. I'm going to admit to being one of those people who hates a lot of their own creations. From fanfic to my art a lot of it I hate for one reason or another, but when I am proud of something I will happily say that yeah its good. I dunno, people are weird. It makes me doubt myself lol.
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kimmimaru · 7 days
Oh jesus. So, I keep hearing something scrabbling around in the attic, a four legged something. Very likely a rat judging by the noise it makes. But I'm not sure how it got up there. Anyways, I have no access to the attic, it was sealed off when they converted the hospital into housing so not sure what to do. i'll contact the landlord folks and ask them. I mean...its either a rat or there's a very fast little ghost up there, anyway.
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kimmimaru · 10 days
My vets have just fucked me over. My pup, Rocky, has a nasty lump on his ear, I got a biopsy because they weren't sure if it was cancerous or not. Luckily it was not, but it could be one of two things: a lump that a lot of younger dogs get that gets bigger over time before eventually going away on its own, or one that will just keep getting bigger and bigger and not stop. So I wanted to have it removed, because either way there's a big chance of irritation and infection, since he has big ear flaps.
Turns out the vets no longer accept my current insurance provider, so I can't go through my insurance and can't afford the operation without it (you know, its why I got pet insurance in the first place). Now, I can change insurer, except its unlikely I'll find an affordable one that will cover preexisting conditions like the ear lump. Or I could find a new vet, except there is one vet in my town that I can get to easily without a car. So if there's an emergency I can actually get my dog to the vet if there's no one available to give me a lift. So yeah, changing vets is possible but it would be a huge risk that someday I may end up in a situation where Rocky needs immediate vetinary care and I would be unable to get him to the vet.
I don't know what to do. I can afford normal treatments, like flea stuff and worm tablets and even his regular jabs, but if something big happens I would not be able to pay the bill without insurance. Its a no-win situation and I am pissed.
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kimmimaru · 11 days
Yucky weather today. I hate humidity, and not just because it plays havoc with my hair. It feels like everything's been coated in a thick, wet, hot blanket. Gross. Like its kind of drizzling rain but it doesn't offer much in the way of relief. There was also a big storm last night that woke me up at 4am, had a massive headache too. Not enjoyable.
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kimmimaru · 11 days
Update: There were only dead spiders. No live ones that I could see, luckily. There are an obscene amount of cobwebs, I am too small to get at most of them. :/ The windows are massive victorian hospital windows, even with a ladder my short fucking arms won't reach up there. Bugger. Hopefully can rope my father-unit into helping me out this weekend.
I have to clear off the child beasts window today, I'm dreading it as for some reason spiders love her window. it's infested with false widow spiders. Now these guys don't make a habit of biting, but they will do if they feel threatened like how I'm about to destroy their homes. I've been bitten before and it's not fatal but it does bloody hurt. So long as you wash it ASAP to avoid infection it's not really harmful, I'd just rather avoid the pain. Also I'm terrified of spiders so wish me luck as I try not to cry.
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kimmimaru · 12 days
I have to clear off the child beasts window today, I'm dreading it as for some reason spiders love her window. it's infested with false widow spiders. Now these guys don't make a habit of biting, but they will do if they feel threatened like how I'm about to destroy their homes. I've been bitten before and it's not fatal but it does bloody hurt. So long as you wash it ASAP to avoid infection it's not really harmful, I'd just rather avoid the pain. Also I'm terrified of spiders so wish me luck as I try not to cry.
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kimmimaru · 12 days
So, local voting for the head of the police is happening soon. It means people have started canvassing and handing out leaflets, anyway, had a great encounter with a Tory asking if I'd ever vote Conservative...told her no with a big smile. Took her bits of paper, closed the door and put them straight in the bin. Tories can do one. Fuck off with that shit.
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kimmimaru · 12 days
The military are practicing and their training grounds are so close by it makes my entire house tremble. Kind of feels like they saved the worst of the firing until the last five minutes of training because its been pretty bearable until now and they should be finished in five minutes. I'm used to it but the child-beast freaks out so I expect to see her in a minute if she's scared.
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kimmimaru · 16 days
I got one of those automatic air freshners for my living room, thought it would be a good idea. I regret it now. It scares the hell out of me, my dog and the child-beast every time it goes off. Jump right out of our skins, its actually kind of annoying. But it does smell good.
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kimmimaru · 17 days
So this is random but thought I would tell tumblr anyways, I had the weirdest dream. Now I don't really have dreams, or if I do, I very rarely remember them. So when I do have a dream, its usually pretty vivid and memorable. Anyways, this one was set at a zoo, there was a zoo keeper but they wore a hat and I couldn't see their face. Then a parrot flies over and lands on the zoo keepers arm, the parrot asks about if he knows about a tiger and the keeper says that they're sorry but the tiger died recently. The parrot is sad and explains that it used to be a guide for the Tiger as it journeyed through the jungle. And that's it. Random as hell. However, I thought it has the potential for a fun little kids story.
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kimmimaru · 19 days
Honestly there's a lot of good things about where I currently live, but one of the issues I always get is that Google Maps cannot find my house. At all. And aparently every delivery driver nowadays wouldn't know how to use common sense if it leapt up and fucking bit them. So, it may be that Google Maps leads them to another road, but every time they attempt to deliver at the house with the same number as mine of that road, even though the address on the package quite obviously does not match. This means I rarely actually get my packages, because people just can't be arsed to use their heads. Literally they try and deliver it to a house a road over, I see it on the route tracker. What's worse is that one particular, very popular delivery company is so bad and has suffered so many complaints that they deactivated their customer service department. It no longer exists and it is impossible to lodge a complaint. So I'm stuck as they will not drop my parcel off at a random post office for me to collect...except I don't drive and can't actually get to the post office they're using. No parcel for me. So thanks. Sorry, ranting but I'm pissed off as this is something that happens so frequently I actively avoid webistes that use this delivery service if I see their name (most times you can't tell what service they use at all, so I just hope its not the shit one).
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kimmimaru · 21 days
Just finished reading all the books in the series of Heaven official's blessing. Its so good. I was so far gone that I had moments of losing track of time and shit. Haven't gone that deep in a book since I was a kid. This bad and good, lol. Good because the series is wonderful, bad because I almost kept forgetting to eat lol. The joys of autism I suppose. I did enjoy being right about who the big bad was tbh, I like getting it right. Now I'm sort of wondering what else to do. I did watch The Untamed recently, so may hold off on the book for that for a bit. Need to find a new thing to read, ugh. I'm so fussy sometimes it does my head in. Thing is, I have no room for actual, physical books so have to buy it for kindle right now. I have so many books its rediculous but I have read and re-read them all many times. Some are pretty old too, like my mum's copy of Good Omen's and her copy of the Hobbit, have to be delicate with them as they're almost falling apart. Oh, I have a couple of Stephen King books I still haven't read...should probably read them also a manga or two I have been meaning to read. Need to catch up on the latest JJK too. Too many choices, not enough time.
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kimmimaru · 25 days
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The blossom is out, sadly they're not attracting as many bees. Seems the stupid amount of rain and hail lately has been preventing them from doing their jobs. :(
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