kin-vination · 7 years
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Hey everyone!
Mod Drift here to say that as much as I'd wish it to be otherwise, I think this blog is fairly dead. I have no idea what happened to the other mods, and I myself have very little time. I appreciate all the followers we've had over time, and I've loved every single moment of answering your questions!
I'm going to clean out the inbox, and close the ask after a while. This blog will stay up as an archive of sorts, and who knows, maybe I'll pick it back up! I'll also leave my kin blog, should anyone want to keep in touch with me, @purple-haired-detective !
Stay divine, and may the stars guide you in your path,
Mod Drift.
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kin-vination · 7 years
Hey, everyone...
Sorry for neglecting this blog, I've been swamped with real life things and little to no time and or energy to give efficient readings. I promised myself I'd get back to this blog soon, and I hope I can before too long! That being said, please like this post if you'd be interested in applying to be a mod! I'm only using this to gage interest, and I'll set up another form for anyone to apply. I've currently got about 25 requests in the inbox, and I will get to those as soon as possible.
Thank you all for being patient.
-Mod Drift✨ (Who is mobile locked and has no pictures.)
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kin-vination · 7 years
does my L miss me? do I have more than one F canon?
I got a no for you L missing you, but a moderate maybe for having more than one F canon. 
Hope that helps!-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
As Taako, was I trans or nonbinary/genderfluid?
I got a moderate no for being trans, and a small yes for being nonbinary/genderfluid!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
did 🔒 ever happen in one of my j timelines?
I got a strong almost/not quite, anon!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
hello! could i please get a pendulum reading! as hakanai, was i killed by hakuchu?
I got a yes, sadly. ;; I hope this helps!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Am I kin with anyone from Dream Daddy? If so, am I kin with Amanda, the main Character/Dad, or Mary? - 🐚
You are definately kin with someone from Dream Daddy! I got a maybe for Amanda, an almost for player character/dad, and a moderate yes for Mary!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Did Asbel marry Cheria or Richard in my Graces canon? And did Pascal and I eventually get together or did I spend the rest of my life pining after her? (ty in advance ^^)
I got a yes for Asbel marrying Cheria, and a no for marrying Richard for your Graces canon. And, I got a yes for Pascal and you getting together! (No problem!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Could I have a shufflemancy reading about my relationship with mk? Thank you!
You’re speaking my language, anon! This’ll be under the cut for length, but you’re the first shufflemancy reading on this blog, hehe!
-Mod Drift✨
I stopped at Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. My first impression is that you two were close, in a possible romantic relationship, or possibly something farther than that. The first set of lyrics that stand out to me are the very first ones, actually. “She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene“ This says to me that maybe MK thought you were gorgeous/handsome/stunning when you two first met, and was blown away by you. The next set of lyrics that stand out to me are “She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene, then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one” So perhaps MK might have been attractive as well, but simply drawn to you for some reason of their own. But I also sense a feeling of friction between you two, maybe because of tensions later in the relationship? I believe that the lines “Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims that I am the one” imply that there was a falling out between you two, over some sort of matter. The implied child issue in the original song could stand for almost anything from your time in this life with MK. I’m running out of ideas, but I do think that the two of you got together, had a great relationship until the spark died down and the two of you split off, maybe. You’re free to make your own interpretations, however! I hope this helped, even a little bit, anon. 
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Am I kin with R or C? Will I find K soon?
I got an almost/not quite for R, and a small yes for C. I also got a moderate maybe for finding K soon. 
Hope that helped!-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Was my last name Matsuda? If not, was it Katou or Suzuki?
I got a strong yes for it being Matsuda, anon!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Is this Kravitz my Kravitz?
I got a definitely, anon! But, communication is key. 
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
does anyone from my J canon miss me? is anyone looking for me?
I got a no for people missing you, and a strong maybe for people looking for you. I’m sure people are out there, though! Best of luck to you, anon. 
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
(for pendulum) was I ever abused or assaulted as 💙 ?
I got an almost/not quite, anon! I’m sorry to hear about that, though.
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Am I kin with anyone from Fnaf4 or possibly FNAF 2? Am I kin with the Crying Child or the Big Brother from the fourth game? Am I kin with Marionette from the second game? (thank you so much!) - 🌷
Small yes for Fnaf4, and a no for FNAF 2, a strong yes for the crying child, and a moderate no for the big brother from the fourth game, as well as a very subtle yes for Marionette. (You’re very welcome! Thank you for being so specific!)
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Was my name Hibiki as a shinigami? And did I have a last name?
I got a definitely for both, anon!
-Mod Drift✨
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kin-vination · 7 years
Ask is open, everyone! 
-Mod Drift✨
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