kinchitchowdhary · 3 years
Drifted acuity!
Lost in the chain of thoughts
Falling into the trap again
Helpless, bounded tired becoming voiceless
Lessons learnt are non sensible.
There's no whereabouts of the reason
Definitely this feeling is a season.
Inner tides are always high
Mind is on a psychedelic journey
Delusional, hypothetical, unethical psyche
is a controversy.
You crumble, your world crashing & collapsing
Feeling defeated winning your anxiety.
It's negative, you over think anything to everything, typical turbulence
And then you become apologetical of your presence.
One moment everything seems fine,the other you're anxious, nervous, sweating like a criminal
Getting excited, making plans,suddenly hard hit by procrastination losing it all.
You become indecisive, social gatherings are awkward
Heart racing high,pounding like a frog,
having answer to every question, yet standing muted crawling inward.
It's like you have a lot to say,
significant to put across
But this goddamm bridge is taking lifelong to cross.
Writing without exploring is half pint difficult
but then the experiences you have imagined are only yours True and Cult.
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kinchitchowdhary · 4 years
Few days back on September 10th it was ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ and it got me thinking of my first encounter with this word when a farmer unfortunately committed one (didn’t want to use the word commit but cannot ignore the technicality)
So I decided to bring to light a little bit of awareness about the current situation of the farmers in our country that I can in my capacity. And also because I do not see many people talk about the poor conditions of the Ultimate food providers.
(with a purpose of starting the conversation)
Farmers are the backbone of our survival.
Yet ironically they have always been given a cold shoulder by the government, be it UPA or NDA.
They are getting sucked up by the middlemen politics, Being the lowest marketable sector, they get whatever the substandard they’re offered.
Every budget every year that’s usually built upon sand has had been a devil in details for them.
In farming they don’t even know if the crops they’re cultivating are gonna yield them anything or not and still they do it with utmost honesty and love. (Infact in Agriculture sector the producer does not decide the price of the produce)
And sadly they get hit the hardest by floods, hailstorm, fires, droughts, landslides and what not, with 60% of damages to the crops by floods, 23% by storms, and let’s not forget the Locusts Attacks damaging almost 90% of the produce of some farmers.
What would be worse than the crops and grains getting decayed & putrefied in storage while the farmers are dying as an impecunious and half the population growing malnourished.
From Lack of storage to lack of transport they suffer a lot, As hiked fuel prices is another burning “must be talked about” topic thus also affecting small farmers is more heartbreaking because they either pay the double rate of transport or can’t afford the rate which eventually get them back to square one with an extra burden of loan repayment.
Having made all the above points, my concern here is about how much we care about them and talk about them?
Recently three ordinances have been issued about the Agriculture marketing and selling which is been highly protested by the farmers of Haryana and Punjab.
I don’t know how these ordinances are gonna pan out for them but the brutality and lack of humanity towards them is really very hard to be ignored.
In these ordinances Farmers are been put back against the wall and are cut loose by giving all the powers to the middlemen and by privatisation of the selling of Crops. As by this there will be no MSP( minimum supportive price) for them which gives a back door to more people to exploit and ill influence them.
Please support our farmers,talk about them, encourage local vendors and It’s high time to ask the government to get off their high horses and start giving them due credits.
I being belonging to one of the families of the farmers know the sweat and blood which get into it. And trust me The race against the rain is a real deal in a farmer’s life.
PS: It goes out for every small business too
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kinchitchowdhary · 4 years
“Let the guard down and let me be by your side”,
-a promise made with utmost certainty, caring holding tight always protecting her, he made her realise.
But all that shine at night are not just the fire flies.
Healing her, assembling the puzzled broken heart,
Piece by piece, he made her alive.
Was doing fine alone and then having him made her escape the dragons of mind.
Migrating from beaches to mountains
Oceans to skies
Covering pole to pole and northern lights
He was making her to pull off everything she always dreamt about
But nothing is certain even the shadow leaves when it’s a blackout
“Everything is perfect, but why?” - she asked
“Calm down, hold on to me, hold tight” - he said slipping her into his arms,
Then jumping off the cliff “let go” -he shouted
Gasping their breaths, they were at the horizon of the sunset
“Our love is like The Sun, always shining light
and whenever there’s a gloomy day, I’ll make sure you shine bright “
“I love you, please don’t ever leave me” -she whispered.
Smiling at her, hugging her
“I know” - he said
Everything imperfect is perfect, faulty seems fine, when you’re in love and your guards are down.
With a happy voice she suggested:
-“Let’s make a home in woods and stay here together and forever”.
“Relax take a step back, look around
What do you think, how do you think we’ll gonna survive”.
He panicked
“But that’s what we always wanted, our mutual spur of living in woods” -she said being surprised
“Because I read all about you in your diary, and was just wanted to endeavour on you, no feelings were attached”
-he exclaimed
Pieces could take years to be built back, and a single moment could crush them to an ashes sack.
“Why”? -she cried
“Because love isn’t like the Sun,
But it’s like the phases of the moon
and this is our New moon night”
“We should stop it here, I’m leaving you”- he said
Loosing her consciences
Couldn’t believe it,
She looked at him.
Putting her guard down first and then letting her bleed dry, emotions as cold as ice,
He left her side.
Guard down
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kinchitchowdhary · 4 years
Yeah! Whatever
Stupid or Clever
Doesn’t even matter
Why being so Judgemental
When you have your shit all over the metal
Keep your Opinions to yourself
Hold on, and get thyself some help
Take a pause, and look back into past
See, you were also this fast
Bills paid or unpaid
Laundry done or not
Oh! Are you clean or filthy
These were the remarks.
Thank God! Being cleaner then your thoughts
Superimposed upbringings
Underestimated confidence
You can’t even move a stone
You’re incompetent.
Excuse me! Physics have already given it
“To move an object from ‘Rest’ you need an external force”
Just like your kind words, your judging statements are my external force.
Now you sit back and hold on to your Deprecating
Until i make my way and you feel it burning.
Not just to prove or disprove
But to break the Chain
Because there is no gain without Pain.
Still restraining the sack,
And not letting it slack,
Hence not giving it back
I have my ethics in my bag
But don’t push it hard, it’s a red flag
Give me some lessons on how to brag.
But better be prepared
And not be scared.
Don’t ask me my whereabouts
As the attention is in doubt
And when it’s a knockout
You would witness the BLOWN OUT.
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kinchitchowdhary · 4 years
Hope Driven?
Driven by a force
Forcefully enough to fall
Falling hard to break
Breaking fast into pieces
Pieces wide spread
Spreading like a cause
Causing the required harm
Harming like its grey
Grey doesn’t define your age
Ageing like a fine wine
Wine that keeps you young
Young is what you’re from heart
Heart is hard to be pleased
Pleasing objectifies the time and efforts
Efforts could be coincidental
Coincidentally buying flowers
Flowers are blooming like a smile
Smiling like it’s shining bright
Bright enough to make you blind
Blindly walking through the night
Nights are flashing with blue lights
Lightning strikes through the dark clouds
Clouds are hiding stars behind
Behind everything is a possibility
Possibilities compelling chances
Chances are destroying faith
Faith restored through apologies
Apologies explaining the honesty
Honesty lies in Humanity
Humanity judging the colour of the skin
Skin of which colour?
Colour defining your creed
Creed dividing it indiscriminately
Indiscrimination is non-existent
Non-existential are the broken hopes
Hopes to be restored again.
Now you decide your driven hope!
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
It was our last day in Norway
He was cooking dinner for both of us
And was smiling throughout the process
Perceiving him I said what’s the matter?
Suspiciously he said obviously the dinner!
What it could be that made him conceal the smile I wonder?
It was December and Christmas was around the corner
It was my favourite pasta and his favourite fudge
Dinner was organized and the setting was outside
The breeze was freezing cold and it was midnight.
Table setup was different
The candles were scented
The bonfire was huge and dogs were excited
Bon appétit! We raised our wine glasses
With an eye contact and a smile we started
It was past midnight we were still sitting near the bonfire
He said “look above it’s show time
See these magnificent lights
The phenomena of solar wind in the Earth’s sky
But the sky of your eyes
The light they emit
Has made my heart go on a Whirl
Sun’s Flares at the spheres
Magnetic field being Bipolar
Collisions reactions feelings at a rollercoaster
Bearing witness to this lit up sky
Would you like to be the forever Aurora of my life”
I was awestruck first at him
And then to the Northern Light
Said yes!
And kissed the man of my life.
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
It is not hiding the truth but hiding the lies, that’s more hurtful.
It is not getting blind but getting “dumb in love”, is what breaks it.
It is not about having lesser time but having lack of communication, that ruins it.
It is not about falling or rising but Cultivating and Flourishing together, is essential to make a bond call love.
It is not about hugging for million times but slapping once, that wounds the feeling.
It is not the spoken Contention but sometimes the unspoken Altercation, that holds all the Power for you.
It is not when you “get high” but when you’re low, you loose it all.
It always isn’t about What you say? But What signs you get? , You seek for Achieving it.
It is not about being Judged but always Being Judgemental, that condemns the Unimpeachable.
It is not about loosing Hope but loosing Faith first, that puts you off in life.
It is not about backwards or forwards, history or future but get going nevertheless is what’s important to Thrive for life.
It is not the Title of the Book but the content of it that makes it The Best Seller.
Be it Retro or Modern but being Comfortable is what spells Vogue.
It is not about the Intentions & Opinions but speaking up at the right place and time, that notch’s the Difference.
It is not always about the actions but the Expressions and Purpose with which the efforts have been done, that Reproach a relation.
It is not always about managing the Queensdom but dominating it that makes you the Emperor.
It is not the Sailor of the ship but the Direction of the wind, that sails it through the storm.
It is not about having an easy way out but sticking to your beliefs that makes you a Saint.
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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Controversial one 👆🏻😅 #myextendedfamily🐶 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qsS-0Ai46BeYNOCcDuBwIMOSHz4lBlWrHdTE0/?igshid=1q8byepuo7dkf
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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Something called “The Indian Aesthetics” 🍂 . . . Ps: you know what I mean 🥀 (at Sadabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mP9wkg8DBxK_1ow2tJ5xfqNx_aOZIC4a7Wcc0/?igshid=1973pcu07u1wg
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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You cannot be Interested and Inconsistent 🌔✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Pct0SAMDXRt5r1ePQf3Sk24L3hcu1298vhOA0/?igshid=x325x8jp4rnu
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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Priceless 🌷 . . . #myextendedfamily🐶
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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Unheard! . . . Ps: i got lucky with Sunsetting today (at Sadabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1o9Rz6gmsx0gUrmVKJ7H5mMZ38Qx4Nd6cXMyw0/?igshid=1dsmb8v1t7our
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
Loss Vs Gain
Losing someone makes you loose a part of you, like something has been broken and taken away from your heart. It makes it heavier and helpless. This could leave you alone to grieve and greet. Makes you either vulnerable or valuable, sometimes keep you cut-open bleeding red and sometimes trap you inside blocking black.
Losing often also gets us to gaining, sets us free, breaking through barriers keeping hostages inside the heart. Freed us from the negative connect, force us to get up, clean the mess and achieve the height. Losing is not always losing but gaining-of confidence, of courage, of spark, of spirit, of oneself and of consciences of conscious and subconscious mind. Losing can be heartbroken but it also interviews you to your real self.
Losing could also be sporadically harmless, like a halt, a pause to make you avoidable at a situation or from a situation, to make you understand the value of time and timings. To make you believe that there is someone upon you, above you, (or maybe you in your subconscious mind) who knows better. Losing gives you second chance to start all over again, tests your patience and gives you strength to hold on to broken pieces and fix them, make them better then how they were before being broken. Losing could be a long lost wish being fulfilled in a mismatched arrangement, could often led you to originate new advantages with new toughness and diligence.
-kinchit ♥️
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
Class-VII C
Monday 11:27am
(Everyone is quite excited about the next class, asking each other about their homework and the bell rings)
The teacher enters the classroom.
Teacher: Good morning class.
Class: Good morning ma’am (unanimously and loudly, ofcourse with the excitement)
Teacher: okay! You all seem to have done your homework, so now one by one everyone will read out their respective paragraphs that i have given you as your homework day before yesterday.
Class: yes ma’am!
My best friend!
(She started calling out names and the student started reading)
First student: My best friend is Ridhima whom I have known since childhood and she is also my neighbour.........
Second student: My best friend is Rohan and we always play together at my play station and............
Third student: My best friend is Nidhi because she always brings me lunch and help me with my homework........
Fourth student: My best friend
(And this kept on going for the other students as well with their paragraphs with the name place and hobbies of their best friends)
(With the voices fading in her ears, she started thinking about her paragraph)
(Nervously waiting for her turn the teacher finally called her name and then in the dilemma of whether to read it or not she started reading)
My best friend is my only friend
Always making me feel secure and calm and comfortable, listens to me and never complains, I talk about all my things, get ideas to solve my problems, shelter me from the loneliness, has always overheard my long night calls and morning crisis, i always get my perfect picture with my best friend
After every fight with my dad i go to my best friend, to cry out loud silently i go to my best friend, before anyone could know its always my best friend, always available is my best friend, with no demands is my best friend, have seen me rejected and dejected but never given up on me is my best friend.
(She was going with the flow , with whatever she had in her mind and then ending it furiously she said..)
She: My best friend is my ‘Bathroom’.!!
(With that everyone looked at her and the bell rang)
Who’s your best friend?
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
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Ironically sustainability has unemployed the root planters of it♻️ (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gjQRMgQCm8W2hfzKnuPIugiIU_n9zzPhgVeU0/?igshid=1tq7iogqayvmw
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
Yes! they said it right a Journey is always about the path it cruise through,
All about the peaks and pits
About success and shame
About fortune and fame
About promotions and perks
About retirement and risks
About times and terms
About proms and proposals
About courage and cuddles
About fairytales and fireworks
About education and eradication
About disbelief and distortion
About harmony and hibernation
About crawling and crossovers
About falling and flyovers
About distance and dollars
About fracking and fractures
About entertainment and emails
About relaxing and reliving
About sewing and scissors
About fishes and flamingos
About grass and grasshoppers
And sometimes (or maybe most of the times) somewhere far away it is also,
About love and religion
About faith and honour
About bounds and favours
About graves and shadows
About power and pressure
About intimacy and errors
About deaths and ladders
About affection and sorrows
About dreams and illusions
About hardlucks and hardwork
But no matter at what page or pace or turn your journey is you should always see it as it’s own driver🖤
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kinchitchowdhary · 5 years
It is not normal but unfortunately it is becoming normal because every 9 out of 10 people are having anxiety with only 2 of them addressing it as a problem and this is the worse we are heading towards.
Anxiety is not something people should address and call ‘normal’, or “just another feeling”, Because yes! It might be difficult for some people to recognize it as an issue but that does not make it normal.
It is an unwelcomed guest that can stay for as long as forever, so we should always remember;
“Anxiety is a noun which should never become a verb”
•Being violently volatile towards everything coming your way is you pushing yourself towards anxiety.
•Escaping situations , avoiding conversations, excusing people is sometimes you to the other side saying hello to anxiety
•That feeling of constant pressure in your energy for every element around your environment is you knocking your ass off at the door of anxiety.
•Developing new phobias with a lack of self worth and unconscious mind is you taking the staircase to anxiety.
•Being suicidal with an insight of jumping off the cliff or maybe having an overdose, is your everyday nightmare named anxiety.
•Avoiding humans , getting unavailable, knowingly blind trusting, impractical decision making, bipolar disorder or just for the sake of it not even labeling it is you with your darkest, deepest, dullest feeling that trust me is the sharpest edge of anxiety.
•Over-exaggerated thoughts, voices in the head, body being numb, smile being fake, tumbling at it’s peak is you with all your leaps to anxiety.
•Pacing to the strong pull of negativity and depression is you giving up to anxiety.
•Inventing new head for the hills to reality is you living an unlit ending – anxiety.
•It is never on the surface and is always deep down , a missed bullet to depression is anxiety.
-kinchit ♥️
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