kind-shaype · 10 years
I really fucking wish someone would just hold me and let me cry without telling me that I'm overreacting or that I should be grateful for what I have and just tell me that all of this isn't my fault because it sure as hell feels as if it is. But I understand people don't want that responsibility. They stay away from people like me because I'm a handful. Because they know I'll never get better. I'll never be truly happy. So either leave me the fuck alone or be there for me whenever I'm freaking the fuck out about my life because I'm to the point where I can't handle another fucking disappointment.
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kind-shaype · 10 years
So much shit to do for school The fuck do I have to go there for anyways Jfc I'm so done with this shit I'm depressed as fuck as I was before, had to deal with even WORSE depression for a week or so because I was pressured into getting another damn abortion, got FUCKING SICK afterwards while trying to recover, and because of feeling so damn sick & being so fuxking depressed I couldn't do much homework or catching up or studying So now I'm so behind even though I missed two classes 2x. I'm so fucking done Not to mention my ADD which makes school work that much more difficult Like what the fuck When my parents leave back to Cali the first thing I'm doing is getting myself some fuckin vodka because that's probably the only fucking thing that will make me feel less miserable What the fuck ever Listen guys Getting an abortion will mess you the fuck up. It will NEVER leave your mind. The guilt and misery will haunt you for the longest time and it will make you hurt people around you and it will suck you into a spiraling depression or just make your depression 100x worse. You will start self harming again, you will start throwing yourself around at people wanting attention or anything that's even close to 'love'. You will hurt the people you love and they will never forget. You will get raped by some piece of shit who was supposed to protect you your whole goddamn life and have to keep your mouth shut about it. You will fucking destroy yourself and not go that long without thinking about how you will spend your last moments with the people you love, about how you will kill yourself (because you're so fucked up and lost to the point where you know some day it's going to happen) Some fucking bullshit
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kind-shaype · 10 years
did you know gamers only stop masturbating to anime with their dorito and mountain dew drenched hands to reach over their greasy unwashed blob like frame to type “FUCKING FEMINISTS ARE RUINING EVERYTHING #GAMERGATE”
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kind-shaype · 10 years
white man: well, if male privilege and white privilege exist, then how come my life isn't perfect? checkmate
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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All Power To The People (Released: 1996) Japanese-American Human Rights Activist Yuri Kochiyama
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kind-shaype · 10 years
You were red. You liked me cause I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky and you decided purple just wasn’t for you.
i read this 12 times (via fearlessknightsandfairytales)
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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kind-shaype · 10 years
repeat after me:
there are white people suffering in the world
but the white people who are suffering are not suffering because they are white
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kind-shaype · 10 years
things girls do that I love:
offer their friends sips of their coffee drinks without being asked
scratch each others back
say things like “smell this lotion I bought this weekend”
compliment each other’s eyebrows 
that thing when they agree with you and their eyes get really wide and they nod their head solemnly 
throw out each others gum wrappers or chip bags when they get up 
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kind-shaype · 10 years
I see how it is. Rihanna can wear a shiny, completely transparent dress in public and everyone loves it, but when I did it, I was “wasting saran wrap” and “ruining Easter, Daniel.”
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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An American flag burns at a rally in the Philippines after a trans filipina has been murdered in a hate crime by a US marine. Signs read 'Junk VFA! Junk EDCA!' 'US troops out now' and 'We don't want another Daniel White'
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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If you live in NYC, come join us for the action and rally on Wednesday, October 15 at 5 pm in front of the Philippines Embassy.
When: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 5 pm. Where: 556 Fifth Avenue, New York front of the Philippines Embassy
If you haven’t heard already in Philippine news and now some U.S. news outlets like ABC News & The New York Post, yesterday night a transgender woman name Jennifer Laude was found murdered inside the Celzone Lodge on Magsaysay Drive in Olangapo City, Zambales. She was found, strangled with her head leaning over the toilet by one of the hotel attendants who was also a witness. The attendant, Elias Gallamos, witnessed a white man with blonde hair and a marine cut walking out of the hotel room a few minutes after both he and Jennifer went in. According to Elias the suspect left the door open and Elias went to check the room but saw slippers outside the bathroom so believed someone was inside using the room and he left. Later, they returned to check back in the hotel room and discovered Jennifers body.
Earlier on in the night another witness, the victim’s friend, said they met the suspect at the Ambyanz Disco Bar at 10:55 p.m. Jennifer then invited the suspect to the hotel and asked the witness to leave before the suspect found out they were both transgender.
Both witnesses describe the man as having a “white complexion, with marine-style cut of hair,” standing between 5’8″ and 5’10” and between 25 and 30 years old.
The suspect is now detained in the USS Peleliu assault ship as the investigation continues. However according to the VFA any military servicemen who has committed a crime in the Philippines must be held by U.S. officials not Philippine officials. Basically the U.S. military is hiding behind the VFA (which they created) for the suspect and any other military personel stationed on the islands to gain immunity and escape prosecution from Philippines laws.
Now people, especially the family members and friends of Jennifer, are worried that the U.S. ships can leave at any time and justice won’t be served as the suspect and 3 other suspects of the case will not be turned over to Philippines authorities. Though officials say the ship will not be able to leave the port until the case is solved many worry this will not be the case.
We call for the U.S. to turn over the suspects to Philippine officials for investigation. We call for justice for Jennifer Laude in which its clearly a hate crime and for the numerous rape cases by U.S. military who have escaped prosecution. 
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kind-shaype · 10 years
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This map should be included in every history book.
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kind-shaype · 10 years
theres a very popular place here that ppl like to visit and i always see pictures of this one exact spot and people are like #paradise #hawaii and all i can think about is how thats the place me and my bf first janked the jiggity of the jooblergausen 
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