kinfromtheaether · 2 months
collection of plural resources:
What is plurality? (link)
Am I plural? (link)
New/Questioning system (link)
Plurality hub (link)
Plurality Resource (link)
Multiplicity links (link)
Healthymultiplicity (link)
DIS-SOS (link)
First person plural (link)
The plurality playbook (link)
Multiplicity database systemology (link)
New alter (link)
System sources (link)
Resources for faceclaims (link)
System communication and journaling (link)
System internet safety (link)
Powertotheplurals (link)
System Comfort's plural resources (link)
Plurality resources (link)
Discussing dissociation (link)
Exploration into endogenic & non-disordered plurality (link)
Endogenic systems (link)
Endogenic systems new carrd (link)
Endogenic hub (link)
Tulpas and mental health (link)
The tulpamancy guide I wish I had (link)
Tulpanomicon (link)
Tulpia.io (link)
The chimera's library (link)
The plural dictionary (link)
Plural terms (link)
Quick'n'dirty plural history (link)
Pluralpedia (link)
Multiplicity and plurality wiki (link)
Kinhost.org (link)
Tulpa.info (link)
Soulbonding info (link)
Soulbonding links (link)
Simply Plural - alter logging & chatting (app & site)
Anytype - journaling (app)
Twinote - chatting (app)
Ifake - chatting (app)
Fortelling - system logging (app)
Notion - system logging, journaling, chatting (app & site)
Pronouns.cc - system logging (site)
Lighthouse - system logging & journaling (site)
Pluralkit - social bot (discord)
Tupperbox - social bot (discord)
Firefox Multiacc Extension - multiaccounts (extension)
Feedbro - multiaccounts (extension)
feel free to reblog with more resources, will update as new resources are found! last updated: Jul. 08, 2024
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kinfromtheaether · 3 months
My story: Anteatypes
I have seen more people talk about their fluidity in alterhumanity lately. How some of us have had 'types that we do not longer identify as, but unlike how the community in the past has pushed that you are your 'type from birth and for forever, we are embracing that an identity just isn't us anymore. We are saying; no I wasn't wrong about this, it didn't turn out to be something different than I thought I was -- I just don't identify this way anymore, where I once did.
For this reason, I tried to coin the term anteatype, with help of a friend and a tumblr poll to ask the community what kind of term they liked. The meaning of the word anteatype, I described as follows; "A type that used to be very important to you, or that you identified as for a long time, but no longer identify as." I have since been using this label for my own elven identity, but not without analyzing this identity from time to time. The connection to this old identity of mine is still so strong sometimes, that I question if I am not an elf still. I do wonder if it is true that if I was once an elf, so fully and as such an important part of my self identity, wouldn't I remain an elf always? I would self reflect and journal, even got another noema at one point, but the conclusion remains for me that I am not an elf anymore. I tried to be an elf, because when I identified as one from around age 9 to 20, I was closeted and not in the community. I was an elf all alone, in secret, hiding my true self from everybody. It felt like, this was my time to fully embrace being an elf, be open about it, heal my younger self. Write about being an elf, talk to other alterhumans and elves about being an elf, it felt like this was my time to shine. But I can't. What was there before, the identity of elf that was such a big and important secret part of me, just wasn't there anymore.
And I wondered why. I wondered how that could be, and within the community, I didn't really find answers. I didn't see anyone else talking about losing an identity, except for those who left the community, and some would say those hadn't been nonhuman to begin with. I did however find out I wasn't alone in my experience, friends and mutuals I talked to had past identities too, and now I see fluidity in 'types and identity being talked about more often. Maybe that is because it is a topic close to my heart and a big part of my own identity, so perhaps I focus on such topics to the point of noticing them more.
During my 6 years in the community, I have tried on many labels and 'types and have been very fluid. I felt like I had no choice but to start calling myself a shapeshifter at one point, simply because of my many forms. It was very difficult for me to accept, because I desperately wanted to be only one thing and that thing be static. I have found a great sense of community among other shapeshifters and polymorphs though. Still, my labels switch around multiple times a month, as I try to find the best ones for my experiences. I guess that is just how my brain works, I want it all neatly categorized and put into boxes. Coming up with the term anteatype helped me with that. I have been remembering other identities I had as a child, gaining fox spirit and phoenix spirit as two more anteatypes. I didn't consider having more anteatypes at first. As focused on being one thing as I was, I applied the same to my past. That I was only the one thing for a decade rather than experiencing more in that time, but I am starting to remember more and more of my childhood alterhumanity and it has helping me accept my alterhumanity now. I have had these fluid and multiple experiences my entire life, it is part of me, and instead of embracing being an elf, I can embrace that part of me.
That is all I can think of for now. Thank you for reading, and please do share your experiences with anteatypes or fluidity if you have them! Opening up about these topics, shows others they're not alone, and hopefully helps our community grow to more acceptance.
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kinfromtheaether · 4 months
Honestly y'all need to chill with the "nonhumaness needs to be involuntary!"
The only reason you're saying that is due to wanting to present 'valid' enough for outsiders. It's not a choice so they won't bully you, like they do furries or other people.
And I hear you cry "but KFF!". KFF aren't nonhuman, they just relate. If someone comes over to me and says "I choose to be nonhuman today, I am nonhuman no matter what other ppl tell me. I genuinely identify as nonhuman." That isn't KFF, that's a nonhuman.
Truly, I'll just go "woah...that's so based". Because truly, what are our differences? We both genuinely identify as nonhuman....and yeah that's about it.
You might say, "they don't experience shifts!" There's nonhumans that don't experience shifts. And there's humans that experience shifts, we call it the "shifter's disease". Basically when a full human researches or is around nonhumans and begins feeling phantoms or feeling nonhuman, despite not being nonhuman. So it isn't exclusive to us.
"They don't have noemata!" There's nonhumans that don't have noemata.
"They don't suffer species dysphoria." Theres nonhumans that don't experience species dysphoria. Also cool transmed rethoric.
"They weren't born with it!" There's nonhumans that become nonhuman later on in life.
"They didn't wish their whole life to be a different species!" And? I can imagine there's some nonhumans that didn't even realize they wanted to be/were a different species.
"It's disrespectful to nonhumans that suffer due to their identity!" Another cool transmed rethoric. It's only disrespectful to you because you're up your own ass and believe that anyone who didn't suffer like you did, that didn't have it as hard as you isn't as valid as yourself. But what you don't realize is by having that belief you are excluding such a large portion of your community.
There's involuntary nonhumans who don't suffer from their identity at all and they're still part of our community.
The line between voluntary and involuntary can get blurry very quickly and hard to describe. But truly, you are no one to say who can use a label that rightfully describes their experiences.
Get real and truly think about why you're so upset at someone having a good faith identity.
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kinfromtheaether · 4 months
I love the sky. It's beautiful and so vast. I love how many shades and colors it can have. I love the shapes the clouds make and how light is reflected on them. I love seeing the stars and the moon as they keep me company. I love seeing birds fly up there, so free.
But I hate how I can never reach it again. I hate feeling the wings on my back ache to fly and join the clouds and the birds. I hate the longing I feel whenever I look at it. I hate how the stars aren't a part of me anymore. I hate not being able to be surrounded by the sky, to see how beautiful it is all around me.
I love how close it is, but hate how far it feels.
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kinfromtheaether · 4 months
Honestly y'all need to chill with the "nonhumaness needs to be involuntary!"
The only reason you're saying that is due to wanting to present 'valid' enough for outsiders. It's not a choice so they won't bully you, like they do furries or other people.
And I hear you cry "but KFF!". KFF aren't nonhuman, they just relate. If someone comes over to me and says "I choose to be nonhuman today, I am nonhuman no matter what other ppl tell me. I genuinely identify as nonhuman." That isn't KFF, that's a nonhuman.
Truly, I'll just go "woah...that's so based". Because truly, what are our differences? We both genuinely identify as nonhuman....and yeah that's about it.
You might say, "they don't experience shifts!" There's nonhumans that don't experience shifts. And there's humans that experience shifts, we call it the "shifter's disease". Basically when a full human researches or is around nonhumans and begins feeling phantoms or feeling nonhuman, despite not being nonhuman. So it isn't exclusive to us.
"They don't have noemata!" There's nonhumans that don't have noemata.
"They don't suffer species dysphoria." Theres nonhumans that don't experience species dysphoria. Also cool transmed rethoric.
"They weren't born with it!" There's nonhumans that become nonhuman later on in life.
"They didn't wish their whole life to be a different species!" And? I can imagine there's some nonhumans that didn't even realize they wanted to be/were a different species.
"It's disrespectful to nonhumans that suffer due to their identity!" Another cool transmed rethoric. It's only disrespectful to you because you're up your own ass and believe that anyone who didn't suffer like you did, that didn't have it as hard as you isn't as valid as yourself. But what you don't realize is by having that belief you are excluding such a large portion of your community.
There's involuntary nonhumans who don't suffer from their identity at all and they're still part of our community.
The line between voluntary and involuntary can get blurry very quickly and hard to describe. But truly, you are no one to say who can use a label that rightfully describes their experiences.
Get real and truly think about why you're so upset at someone having a good faith identity.
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kinfromtheaether · 4 months
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🩵 Light Blue Angelkin Board for @divinedysphoric !
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kinfromtheaether · 5 months
If you don't mind my asking, because I don't trust things like Google to give me a straight answer, what is alterhuman? I read the post you reblogged but I don't understand what it is if not those other things. I'm sorry
oh no, it's no problem! /gen
ok, so, alterhuman is an umbrella term for anyone who doesn't feel 100% human. it encompasses identities such as:
otherkin ("A nonhuman creature, such as Dragons, Fae or Elves. Also used as an umbrella term to describe Otherkin, Fictionkin, and Therians. Some choose to use it just as an umbrella term [for alterhumanity]." i blatantly ripped this from the internet because i didn't know how to explain it. depends on who you ask, YMMV)
therianthropy (often shortened to "therian". usually used to refer to identifying as a real-life animal of some sort. common to see people have a spiritual connection to said identity, but not required)
otherhearted (having some sort of bond with a species, does not have to be a real animal)
endelity (nonhumanity influenced in some form or fashion by delusion and/or psychosis)
many, many others such as constelic, synpath, copinglink, etc.
I'm gonna attach two different links for you to check out!
hope this helps!!! :D /gen
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kinfromtheaether · 6 months
i'm starting to feel less and less safe in this site as a fictionkin, so i just wanted to call out (factkin dni please):
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kinfromtheaether · 6 months
“Dragon, I am not sure that I am a prince.”
“Of course not, you are my beloved pet.” “No, I mean… gender-wise.”
“Oh. Are you a princess?”
“No, I don’t think so.” “Alright, dear. Then, what are you?” “I think- well I’m not sure I am allowed.”
“You can be anything you want to be, my darling.”
“Well- and please don’t laugh- I think I’d like to be a dragon. … Like you.”
The dragon purred and wrapped its long neck around the smaller being and nuzzled its nose on their head. “Then a dragon you are, my love.”
“But I’m worried I’m not qualified to be a dragon. I don’t have scales or wings.”
“Dragons come in all sorts of kinds. Many are scaleless or wingless.”
“And I’m rather small and weak for a dragon…” They sighed. “I mean, I am already fairly small and weak for a human.”
The dragon studied the being who was now a smaller dragon for a long time before speaking rather gently. “I am rather small and weak for a dragon too you know… It is something I never told you, and you couldn’t know because you have none other to compare me to.” “What? But you’re so big and strong! You fly ten miles a day to hunt for us and you defend me from nosey knights who try to ‘rescue’ me!”
The dragon nodded. “Yes, but other dragons can fly for a thousand miles a day and hunt for an army, and they could fight off an army too. After fighting a single knight I become quite tired… This is why I live alone in this cave, away from other dragons. They harass me for my weakness, and try to push me to do more… they say what I am is not enough.” With this, the dragon lowered it’s head, seeming to feel ashamed. 
The smaller, human shaped dragon kissed the larger one on the snout. “Well, you are certainly enough for me. You might not be able to fight or feed an army, but your hunts keep us both full and your claws keep us both safe. And I always look forward to curling up under your wings at the end of the day. You don’t have to be alone anymore.” They frowned, their brow furrowing. “It makes me angry how you were treated.”
“It makes me angry how you were treated! That is what drew me to rescue you. I could see your society was treating you the same as mine was… Pushing you to do too much when you were tired, not appreciating you for who you are… but I appreciate you. You always know how to make me laugh, and all your little faces are so cute. I always look forward to feeling you press against my sides at the end of the day.” It nuzzled them. “You are dragon enough for me, better than any other dragon I have met. You are enough.”
The smaller dragon nodded. “We are our own sort of dragons. And that is enough.”
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
HIHI!!! I really don't wanna be rude but I'm an idiot so please ignore this if I come off as rude but how does someone identify as fictionkin? How does someone identify as a fictional character? /gen
I think it's interesting and I'd like to learn more about it!
Oh! It's typically the belief that you were that character in a previous life! Or that you have similar souls! Or something similar! Typically there are a lot of memories, and a similar feeling of *that's me* that matches up! There are also psychological 'kins, like for instance, we're psychological and spiritual kin! We personally believe most of our fictionkins were caused by autism/trauma, but it also feels quite spiritual! We're bad at explaining things, so we highly encourage you to explore and research on your own! :D
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
What I've learned about my therian identity is that the more I ignore it or try to push it away in favor of appearing "normal" and "mature", the more I feel like I am an empty being with no direction or purpose in life.
The world is difficult to exist in when I am not actively processing things through a canine lense. Even my own thoughts and emotions are overwhelming, full of twists and turns, a million little things to consider, a million little things to worry about.
My coworker, what did they say? Why did they say that? Why did they say it in that tone? And what does their facial expression mean? What was I doing exactly when they said that? Have I caused this?
Now, why go that far down the thought path? Why waste precious energy? The canine part of me says not to worry. That if something happened that I needed to worry about, they would have made it obvious. The canine part of me does not worry about human vagueness. The canine part of me is focused on completing my task. Thinking of what I am eating that day. Thinking of stretching out my limbs, going on a walk, napping under a shady tree, staring at birds and squirrels...the canine part of me says life is simple. And joy is everywhere.
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
hi I need to be a boring adult for a minute
please don't out yourself as anything "strange and unusual" if you're in an unsafe space or if you're unsure about how your caregivers will react
if you're dependent on someone for your way of life, such as being a teenager, it's not dishonest to "hide" parts of yourself -- it's literally just surviving
if you think you're safe? go for it
but the momentary relief you might feel from telling a guardian you're a therian may not be enough to protect you from any wrath or repercussions, if your family is inclined to that
it's just not worth the risk most times, even if it seems like it is
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
I got news for you
If you say you’re alterhuman/otherkin/therian/nonhuman/fictionkin, then you are.
That’s all it takes.
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
A lot of singlets believe that they have spiritual origins, you know.
Almost everyone who is religious or spiritual does. They might define "spiritual" in different ways, but it is extremely common to believe that one's soul was put or created in one's body by spiritual processes, even put there by a god. If not a god, then it's reincarnation or the processes of the animistic world. And that's the majority of people on Earth.
So, like, if you think or feel like system members of a plurality all have to have psychological origins, maybe it's a good idea to ask why you've come to think or feel that way. And whether it is fair to yourselves and other pluralities to have that assumption.
Especially if it's an unconscious bias where you don't tend to really believe someone when they say they have spiritual origins, consider that, please.
But, like, if you are a member of a plurality and have spiritual origins yourself, please do rest assured that you are in good company with most singlets in the world.
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kinfromtheaether · 7 months
is it bad i rarely think about my fictionkin stuff nowadays... like God i hope i wasn't lying to myself and a lot of people for like a year and I'm just growing out of it now, i really hope not, but i feel so distanced from my kins. i still do acknowledge them as me but it's not so intense anymore (it used to be so intense, that's what worries me). it's like they're a bunch of objects i don't know what to do with. i still proxy in my dm server w/ my boyfriend but it's just for vanity at this point not gonna lie. i don't get kin memories anymore and i don't even think about them that much. i feel horrible about it like i was already terrified of being wrong about kinfirming a character but what if i was wrong about everything? like i can't be i just cant be
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kinfromtheaether · 8 months
honestly the sheer amount of people i’ve sadly seen talking about their theriotypes or kintypes they’ve “chosen” is insane
people still need to understand that alterhumanity is an identity not a thing you can pick and choose
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kinfromtheaether · 8 months
you cant fucking hurt me bitch im protected by the migratory bird act
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