#spiritual otherkin
rabiesriddenkittie · 22 days
Bite bite bite gnaw gnaw gnaw bit bit gnaw bite gnaw gnaw meow mew purr bite gnaw meow meow bite bite bite mew gnaw gnaw gn-
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pustostanie · 6 days
spiritual alterhumans
(i fucked up and needed to remake this poll, sorry) (also i again fucked up it should be walk in soul but alright...)
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okay but can we talk about how insanely cool alterhumans are?
I just randomly remembered this one longass post that made its rounds in the otherkin tag a few years ago. the one with "dragons walk among us... [poetic-ish description of dragonkin]. elves walk among us... [poetic-ish description of elvenkin]", and so on, it had like... Idk, 30 different species listed or something?
anyway, I got reminded of that and a weird wave of nostalgia hit me and also... how incredible is it, that there are people who are wolves? dragons? elves. fae. whales. dinosaurs. horses. cats. ghosts. robots. anything you can think of. and they're real. they exist. which also means dragons exist! real fucking dragons! and werewolves, vampires, unicorns, everything! they may look like humans, they may not have the magical powers commonly associated with them, but they are real.
I don't know, I just think it's extremely cool if you think about it.
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cosmicvisitor · 7 months
you're here for a reason. and the best part about that? you're the one who gets to decide what that reason is. maybe you're here for the lemon sorbet and the puppy kisses and to tend to your rose garden. maybe you're here to be a friend. maybe you're here on some sort of divine mission, or maybe you're here to make people laugh. it's really up to you. just know that you wouldn't choose to be here in this human body, so far from home, for no good reason.
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monster-untamed · 10 months
This is me, Ya’ll
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I’m at war with Tumblr’s picture quality
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petwyvern · 16 days
I JUST DMD SOMEONE ONE OF THE PLACES THAT MIGHT BE ATTACHED TO MY HEARTHOME!! i decided to post that all here to see if it rings a bell to anyone else who is spiritually alterhuman :3
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let me know if any of this rings a bell!!!!!!!!!
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sirenium · 3 months
Why are there people in 2024 who still make fun of otherkin beings? I think believing in a man in the sky who cares about us is more ridiculous than identifying as another creature, yet I don't go out of my way to insult the nearest Christian for their beliefs if they aren't a bigot. :/
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twoheartedangel · 23 days
Fellow neurodivergent people in my communities how the hellll do you meditate or stuff of that nature.
My thing is I’m very receptive to hypnotism and meditative states like once I’m in them I’m good, like I used to be able to do good meditation especially related to my kintypes.
But my brain goes like 120 miles an hour in every direction, and it’s hard to control all the parts of my face/body especially to keep my eyes shut and keep myself focused, etc. 😵‍💫
I think it would be helpful for me in many parts of my spirituality (obviously still the kin stuff but also as far as deity work and being able to communicate more clearly with them) but I can’t focus for the life of meeee
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fangstyteen · 17 days
i would really like to talk about my past life memories,, specifically my wolfdog & vampire memories,, but idk if anybody will listen
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findinyourkin · 6 months
hello, i am sort of spiritual otherkin as some sort of deity (not from any pantheon, i believe). i'm not looking for anything specific i just want other people linked to any sort of divine (deitykin, angelkin, demonkin, etc) to talk to. i am an adult, and i am only comfortable talking to other adults.
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"Spiritual" Otherkinity
Some people think "oh, spiritual otherkin is just past life based otherkinity" WRONG.
These people forgot that there are otherkin with parallel life origin, and then there are those with future lives origin.
Then there's me and others like me, concurrent life, a sort of metaphysical/spiritual type of origin where it isn't "other lives" based origin, but it is happening right now. Maybe it is an astral body thing, maybe it is more like psychological otherkin. (Which, shoutout to the psychological otherkind out there, y'all are valid af), or maybe a sort of other spirit coming to a merging with the core. Whatever the cause, we feel that it is right here, right now.
And we are spiritual based without a past life attached to it.
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lizardywizard · 11 months
Feeling the need for a way to distinguish between a number of experiences.
I'm dragonkin. I'm literally a dragon.
I'm snow leopard-kith. I feel close to snow leopards and like they can metaphorically represent me, I care about them and want to protect them, but I don't identify as a snow leopard.
I'm stone lion (???). I used to be a stone lion spirit in a past life, and while I don't identify as that any more, it's left a lingering imprint on my identity.
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softservecanine · 2 years
Being psychologically kin is so!!! Hard to explain!!
(By the by, not trying to put down spiritual therians here! I love you guys /gen)
“How did you know?”
Well I can’t answer with “meditation and spiritual discovery.” I used to think that was it. But no when I was 13, I found the otherkin community, and just kind of started getting in tune with that part of myself that, over time, has become more and more inseparable from my being until we get to where we are today, where being a dogboy is my whole personality, identity, and life.
“Why are you a therian?”
MAN IDK. I don’t think I was born this way. I can’t say that it’s “part of my soul.” I think I was made this way, through social conditioning mixed with my autism. Idk why I ended up like this specifically, or why I specifically feel like a dog. I just do.
Spiritual therians seem to be able to explain themselves so easily. I love y’all. To an outsider, it’s easier to think “oh yeah reincarnation and spiritualism and animism and stuff!” Like that can be easy to digest. But for people like me? That’s a harder pill for most people to swallow.
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talks-with-the-void · 3 months
Werewolf Diarys part 1: When spirituality becomes toxic.
[I am very much taking suggestions for a better title instead of "werewolf Diarys btw if someone has any... also mentioning some people who showed interest in my writing, I hope you don't mind! :3 @solacesins @wolfislost @a-dragons-journal ]
Spirituality is and always was a huge part of the alterhuman community. When I, back in 2016, came in contact with this whole phenomenon for the first time, it was everywhere - kinfolk talking about past lifes, others who practised witchcraft or other magick, soulshards, godshards, parallel lifes, all of it. And while, in my perception of things, psychological otherkin are nowadays a lot more present, I would say the majority of alterhumans is still heavily spiritual.
Now, don't get me wrong - I don't think of that as a bad thing. Not in general. And I have exactly zero problems with folk believing in and practicing spirituality - I may not personally share their beliefs, but I think this is one of the areas where individual truths very much exist. Actually, my own opinion on anything is not really relevant here, I want to talk about something much more broad. A structural community-issue, I would dare to say and surprisingly something I've never seen anyone talk about.
Spirituality is a powerful tool and if used in the right way, a great source of comfort and stability for someone. That is great! I absolutely support that. A problem, however, may occur if a young person without established beliefs newly discovers their alterhumanity, joins the community and sees spiritual representation everywhere, but far far less resources for psychological alterhumanity. If you are constantly confronted with people who find happiness in a spirituality, chances are high you feel drawn towards that. Again - this is not an anti-spirituality post in disguise. You will soon understand what my point here is. So, you might start to - subconsciously or knowingly - try to fit in, to find the happiness they have. It happened to me in that exact way: I knew basically nothing about myself or my alterhumanity and I never had the chance before to explore what I might or might not belief in. Then I saw everyone talking about past lifes and simple as that, more or less decided my alterhumanity was rooted in a past life too. Because I wanted to belong. This alone would not be too much of an issue - in the normal way of things, if someone - me in this case - subconsciously or knowlingly forced themselves to belief in something they actually don't, after a few months or years they'd realize that and find their own way. Being wrong about something and trying to fit in is not inherently bad! It's a completely normal thing for (human or at least humanly socialized) brains to do.
But what happens if the person in question ends up in toxic spiritual spaces? That, too, happned to me. I had the unfortunate experience of being a deeply unstable young being with untreated BPD, depression, anxiety and various other issues who so desperately wanted to fit in. I met some people who I greatly looked up to, who followed spiritual paths - and I wanted to impress them, to be like them and most importantly not being left by them. Very very unfortunately... they had a lot of black and white thinking going on. Every little doubt about their belief was taken as a personal attack, every suggestion that something might not be a result of manifestation but maybe just a coincidence was met with anger. Don't get me wrong, if someone constantly disrespects your beliefs and tells you they're wrong, it's absolutely okay to be angry about that! But this was not the case here. I was literally afraid to say that I experienced, for example, energetic cleansing differently than they did because it would have been taken as a personal attack. But still, I wanted to fit in and was so scared of loosing the small community I built with those people that I didn't realize they were the reason I felt more and more miserable.
For those people, anything and everything was something spiritual and saying something like "oh, just yesterday I thought about song XY and today I've heard it on the radio 5 times! That's so funny, it's not even in the charts at the moment!" was instantly met with "you manifested the song!". I was talked over and told my own experiences were wrong because they didn't align with their beliefs. Lucky for me, at some point a lot of internal changes (we're a median system) happened and I/we realized what was going on and quickly cut all ties with those people. We rapidly got better and accepted that we just don't hold spiritual beliefs and that's okay. But this time did leave scars.
As a side note, aside from my personal experiences, chalking everything up to spirituality can be downright dangerous. I can lead to not checking in with the doctor because the shadow people you're seeing? Oh, it's just spirits! While I'm not saying it absolutely must be something medical, it could be hallucinations, caused by whatever. The strong headaches you get? Oh well, just caused by a blocked chakra (or, maybe not?). You might be right. It might be caused by metaphysical things, i am not telling you you're wrong. But it might as well be something health related. The circles I was in really danced on the line of being like this. Or, they crossed it, I think - several people there claimed to be able to perform physical healings over the internet. For me, they never worked.
The "structural problem" I mentioned earlier is simply how present spirituality is in this community and how that, naturally, leads to young folk blindly taking on those beliefs. That's not the fault of people who talk about their spiritual experiences and I'm not saying you should stop talking about it. Not at all! That would not be the solution.
So, what do I want to happen instead? We need to do two things: one, encourage critical thinking. And I don't mean the old-school "grilling" and having folk "prove" their identities. I mean we have to encourage folk, especially young folk, to not blindly follow beliefs they see everywhere around them but rather to look at themselves from different angles and find their own truth. If that truth ends up matching with the more common ones, great! Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But Alterhumanity and identity in general is about discovering yourself and who you are and that simply doesn't work if you try to follow someone else's individual truth. In the worst case, it might lead people into groups like the one I described above and I for one, don't want that to happen. The other thing is, the psychological side of this community needs to be more present. We need more voices speaking about psychological experiences, we need to represent ourselves more. It is so, so important for new folk in our community to be exposed to all sides of it, not just to a few.
Spirituality in itself is not bad or dangerous, but some people make it dangerous. I know that 99% of spiritual alterhumans are totally chill and cool and all of you have my deepest respect, but like it is with all things in life, toxic people also exist. And because of how prominent spirituality is in this community, i think it is our respnsibility as a community to try and protect newbies from those rare but existing toxic spaces.
I know I might step on some paws with this post and I apologize for that. But I honestly have never seen anyone talk about this issue, although I am sure I'm not the only one who experienced something like this. I'm totally open to discussion and questions, just please stay civil and respectful and grant me the benefit of the doubt - if you read this post anf thought "wow, that's such a mean thing to say", please assume it was just bad wording. English is not my native language after all.
Thank you for reading!
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cosmicvisitor · 6 months
i don't know where we go after we die and our bodies turn to rust and stardust (as Nabokov would put it), but i think we'll all be pleasantly surprised when we're dead and finally open up our eyes.
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monster-untamed · 10 months
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I’m just really lonely lol
And every time I try to connect with someone, The social anxiety takes over and I end up not saying anything
But I’m trying to do better and come out of my shell (hehe get it? Kus I’m a turtle therian)
-Aquatic kin are awesome as I am aquatic kin myself
-Alien kin are always really cool and I’m questioning if I am one
-I’m actually a little scared of angels (I know y’all are super nice) but what the heck! Please interact with this post too :>
But idk I’m just throwing this out there to see if this works
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