king-brandrick · 2 years
canon is bad but i know 100 fic authors who could do it worse
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king-brandrick · 2 years
Just a few friendly reminders to everyone:
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— This is about the oldest Sansa is supposed to look in text.
Sansa is eleven when:
She is betrothed to Joffrey
When the Trident Fight happens
When her father literally kills the symbolic representation of her soul (and possible psychological/spiritual twin) because of a fight other people had
When she gets drunk for the first time
When her father first lets her outside the city limits with no one but another eleven year old girl and Septa Mordane for a guard
Sandor Clegane first threatens her life (an incident that came about prompted by her paying him a compliment)
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Sansa is twelve when:
She begs for her father’s life
She watches him die
She is made a prisoner of war
She is beaten regularly
She is nearly gangraped by a mob
Sandor Clegane sneaks into her room drunk off of his ass, forces her onto a bed, holds a knife to her throat, threatens her life again, and nearly rapes her
She feels the need to sneak out at night with a knife under her cloak to go meet with a drunk knight she isn’t sure she can trust
People start commenting on/staring at her boobs A LOT. (Sandor, the seamstresses, Tyrion, every man at court, random stable boys, Myranda Royce)
She is stripped and beaten in front of the court
She is threatened and is practically dragged to the Sept to marry Tyrion, an event she doesn’t know about until she is in the damn wedding dress. She is told she’s going to be “wedded and bedded” regardless of what she wants.
She is molested by Joffrey in front of a crowd
She is threatened with rape by Joffrey
Tyrion molests her
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She is thirteen when:
She learns she’s basically lost her entire family to her husband’s family
She is unwittingly implicated in a regicide plot
She is taken into the custody of the most prolific pimp in Westeros, a man who sold her best friend into sexual slavery, first to a brothel, then to Ramsay Bolton
She becomes a fugitive from the law, entirely reliant on said pimp, who is responsible for her fugitive status
Marillion tries to rape her
Petyr kisses her without her permission (sexual assault)
Lysa tries to kill her for said sexual assault
A sick little boy starts trying to suck on her boobs in the middle of the night
Her captor/”father” starts prompting further kisses from her and has her sit in his lap while he promises her gifts
Just feel like people need to keep this all in mind. Because it seems like people are really into either a) shaming/judging Sansa for the way she copes or b) romanticizing and/or eroticizing certain relationships that are inflicted upon an underage girl by much older men. And I don’t even mean as shipping. I’m not talking about fanfiction or people thinking that Sansa and this person might make a good pair eventually or something. 
I mean like, people who try to justify the textual stuff and pretend it’s not problematic, assault, or exploitative. Shipping is one thing, but trying to argue that there’s nothing wrong in text about what transpires between Sansa and person a, b, or c is a whole other matter entirely. 
Furthermore, I’m really, REALLY getting sick of people seeing Sansa as “learning to manipulate men through her sexuality”. I’ve seen several people ACTUALLY CLAIM that “using her sexuality to influence men” is the “ONLY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT” SHE GOES THROUGH.
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She’s a little girl who has gone through a process of rapid sexual abuse and grooming. SHE IS NOT A TEMPTRESS OR SEX KITTEN. NONE OF THE SEXUAL CONTACT SHE’S HAD HAS BEEN CONSENSUAL. SHE IS SEXUALIZED FROM AGE ELEVEN. 
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These arguments are the same sort of thing I’ve seen from people who want to claim Lolita is sexy. Lolita is about a girl who gets coerced, imprisoned, and raped by her step-father. 
Sansa’s story is not sexy (at least not thus far), it is the worst type of sexual. It is overwhelmingly traumatic for someone so young. It is purposely an inversion/deconstruction of romance and eroticism. 
…. Also, stop expecting a highly sheltered 11-13 year old to process trauma and abuse like an adult.
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king-brandrick · 2 years
i think one of my fave things to come of out GOT’s ending has to be the fact that jonmund won in the end and the inc*st shippers got mad abt it and kept trying to argue abt how it was OuT oF cHaRaCtEr bc at that point jon rlly was the most in-character out of all of the major cast sbvdndjdkdkdk
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king-brandrick · 2 years
like game of thrones really wrote itself right into jonmund when they forgot other wildlings existed lol like what was I supposed to do NOT ship jon with the representation of his entire narrative and happy ending who also happens to be incredibly touchy and kind to him? ok!
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king-brandrick · 2 years
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I was looking up TV Tropes for Tormund Giantsbane and found the best thing ever
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king-brandrick · 2 years
Thinking about how lucky jonmund fans are that we got to witness the [major character death] angst in canon and STILL got a happy ending. We are cheating the system
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king-brandrick · 2 years
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sorry i keep sending u things but ur jonmund yelling Got Me
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king-brandrick · 2 years
for the uneducated “crow” is a derogatory name the wildlings call the night’s watch and tormund took this and started softly calling jon “pretty crow” and “my little crow”... not only is it some fruity nonsense it’s got this layer of loving the enemy that drives me up the fucking wall
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king-brandrick · 2 years
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#it’s been over a year but i still can’t believe jonmund was the only endgame ship on game of thrones
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king-brandrick · 2 years
every so often the monkeys in my brain push the button that makes me remember My Little Crow and everything comes crashing down again
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king-brandrick · 2 years
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the whole show
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king-brandrick · 3 years
Tormund: I’m begging you, please go to a doctor
Jon: *clutching his chest* I’m sorry, is this OUR stab wound?
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king-brandrick · 3 years
Sophie Turner and Jonathan Van Ness meeting for the first time 
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king-brandrick · 3 years
I hate hate HATE all those 2edgy 4me theories about kids shows. Like Angelica dreaming up the rugrats, or the ed, edd, and eddy children being ghosts, or literally anything that takes a lighthearted and fun kids show and has to turn it into some tragic take of rape or murder or misinformed mental illness. So you know what? From now on I’m gonna do the exact opposite. Every cool grim-dark show is now because of a bunch of children. To get us started: Game of Thrones: A middle-school DnD campaign with the most angry, vindictive DM who has promised to kill everyone’s player characters (and their family) by the end.
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king-brandrick · 3 years
in light of current events, I’d like to once again take this opportunity to remind everyone to watch black sails
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king-brandrick · 3 years
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king-brandrick · 3 years
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Toby Stephens, internally: it’s because he’s gay 
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