kingalfrcd · 8 months
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@kingalfrcd ashley would totally make this for him as a gift on his royal birthday or some shit bahahahaha
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
IF HE WAS STILL A PRINCE and his brother still held the title of king, Alfred would have given in to the temptation. BUT HE’D GROWN, grown into an older man, a wiser man. He had the responsibility of an entire kingdom on his shoulders, A CONSTANT WEIGHT, and the last thing he wanted to do was put that in jeopardy. He was well aware of the risks of sending Ashley off with Uhtred, and those were risks that he was WILLING TO TAKE.
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“Nor will he listen if I send him alone,” he replied matter-of-factly, his gaze unwavering. “He listens to NO ONE but himself. But… rest assured, I HAVE MY REASONS for this. It is my COMMAND.”
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“I need you to always BE DEVOUT… and comply with this.”
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
EPIC: THE OCEAN SAGA. roleplay starters of jorge rivera-herrans' 3rd ep of epic: the musical. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns.
these waves and tides have grown in strength and size.
is it nature or divine or a blessing in disguise?
our home's in sight.
there's no time to die.
brace for a storm.
brace for a storm the likes of which we've never seen before.
with home so close, we must keep pushing forward.
head towards the island but avoid the crashing waves.
tread where the tide is flat and then you will be safе.
captain, we will capsize with thesе waves.
i'll ensure that we prevail.
we're taking too much damage to survive.
we'll beat this storm.
at this rate, we won't make it out alive.
what do you have in mind?
we're gonna shoot for the sky.
please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do.
we're in the home of the wind god.
we don't know for sure.
how many floating islands have you seen before?
and what's your plan?
i'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand.
you could be caught off guard and lose your life.
don't forget how dangerous the gods are.
have faith, friend, we've come this far.
yes, but how much longer til your luck runs out?
how much longer 'til the show goes south?
how much longer 'til we all fall down?
you rely on wit and people die on it.
i still believe in goodness.
i still believe that we could be kind.
where is this coming from, my friend?
i just don't wanna see another life end.
and suddenly you doubt that i could figure this out?
thank you for the concern.
our journey is almost done.
i understand that we're tired.
i understand that we're fazed, but don't forget how much we've already faced.
i need to talk to you in private.
i can't have you planting seeds of doubt.
i can't have you disagreeing each route.
i don't know if you know this, but our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm.
i ask for your assistance.
let's play a game.
if you win, you will get what you're yearning.
all you gotta do is not open this bag.
sounds too easy, what's the catch?
keep your friends close and your enemiеs closer.
never rеally know who you can trust.
'cause the end always justifies the means.
friends turn into foes and rivalries.
captain, what's happening?
let's see what you got.
we cannot let the treasure rumor fly.
sometimes sneaking is a must.
for nine days, i've stayed wide awake.
i can't wait to make some new memories.
time for me to be the father i never was.
why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?
just keep your eyes open.
why won't you let me?
wake up!
do you know who i am?
in all my years of living, it isn't very often that i get pissed off.
damn, you crossed the line.
i've been so gracious.
i'm left without a choice and without a doubt.
guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now.
i've gotta make you bleed.
i need to see you drown.
ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.
you are the worst kind of good.
you are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're not even great.
a greek who reeks of false righteousness that's what i hate.
in all my years of living, it isn't very often that i get pissed off.
damn, you crossed the line.
i've been so gracious.
i'm left without a choice and without a doubt.
guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now.
i've gotta make you bleed.
i need to see you drown.
ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.
you are the worst kind of good.
you are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're not even great.
a greek who reeks of false righteousness that's what i hate.
you fight to save lives but won't kill and don't get the job done.
you totally could have avoided all this.
you are far too nice.
mercy has a price.
it's the final crack, we're about to break the ice now.
unlike you i've got no mercy left to give.
now it is finally time to say goodbye.
today, you die.
we meant no harm.
we only hurt him to disarm him.
we took no pleasure in his pain.
we only wanted to escape.
the line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible.
close your heart, the world is dark.
what have you done?
i am your darkest moment.
any last words?
remember me.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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“I need you to always BE DEVOUT… and comply with this.”
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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genuinely just under two years ago @bebbanburged asked: ❛ i was worried something happened to you. ❜
WHAT TO SAY? Alfred’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. His relationship with Uhtred had been… TUMULTUOUS, to say the least. With Uhtred refusing to accept the existence of the one true God, with Uhtred failing to respect Alfred’s authority on multiple occasions, with the Danes calling Uhtred the next KING OF MERCIA…
And yet, there had always been something there. A connection. A BOND. Alfred had never wanted to admit it; he STILL didn’t, but how long could he deny the truth?
He knew about the rumors, rumors that spoke of his illness progressing, rumors that spoke of him ON HIS DEATHBED — or already dead. He had spies, spies that NOT EVEN THE WITAN knew about, spies that reported to him DIRECTLY and told him everything the people were saying — about him, about Wessex, about Daneland.
And even about UHTRED.
Uhtred, who said he was WORRIED. Not mislead, not misinformed, not deceived. Worried.
For a moment, the usually calculating look in Alfred’s eyes faded. HIS EXPRESSION SOFTENED, a peculiar warmth washing over him. It wasn’t just Uhtred’s words; it was his face. He looked… RELIEVED.
“I am alive… AND WELL,” he finally replied, his voice as calm as it usually was — but there was a SUBTLE DIFFERENCE in his tone, something almost similar to… affection? It was subtle, but it was there.
And just as quickly as it had made itself known, it disappeared, his tone STILL CALM but more neutral now. “I recognize your concern for my wellbeing. It is… APPRECIATED.”
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
HE NOTICED the way she turned red at his observation, and for a moment, Alfred wondered if he’d overstepped. But it was too late now, so he pressed a bit further, albeit gently. “I have an ENTIRE KINGDOM worrying for me. You need not concern yourself.”
Unfortunately, he didn’t often have the time — or the BRAINPOWER — to worry about individual subjects. It wasn’t because he didn’t care; it was just because he couldn’t let himself worry about EVERY LITTLE THING. He had to look at the bigger picture. And yet… “Have you had trouble sleeping as well?” Perhaps she would open up if she knew THEY BOTH had this problem.
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“I’M SO TIRED. But I’m not allowed to rest… not truly.” Kings are never allowed to rest.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
“PERHAPS,” he conceded, although her words did little to convince him. Alfred knew he had to be well-rested in order to make the best decisions possible, but HIS ROLE AS KING often demanded that he stayed up later than he intended. And even if he WAS given the rare opportunity to sleep, his anxiety would keep him away. “Sleep sometimes seems to be a LUXURY… though I will not deny that it is a NECESSITY.” His gaze finally met Valerie’s. Noticing the subtle circles beneath her eyes, his tone became more gentle as he added, “… for BOTH of us.”
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“I’M SO TIRED. But I’m not allowed to rest… not truly.” Kings are never allowed to rest.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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“I’M SO TIRED. But I’m not allowed to rest… not truly.” Kings are never allowed to rest.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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@bebbanburged asked (like 827391 years ago): " i want you biting down on my shoulder so that all those people can't hear you screaming my name. "
Uhtred truly was like no other. The sheer amount of pleasure Alfred was being subjected to was immeasurable; he knew DAMN WELL he wouldn’t be able to stay quiet for much longer. In this moment, he was no longer the king of Wessex; he was just a man, a man overwhelmed with his own desires. And Uhtred was feeding these desires, adding fuel to the fire threatening to turn the whole room into blazes.
The sound that left Alfred’s lips was nothing short of a whimper. It didn’t even sound like him, AND YET, it made those other sounds all the more likely to escape at a much louder volume. Alfred was only acutely aware of what could be happening beyond his closed doors, but Uhtred’s words reminded him — and Alfred had NO PROBLEM following those instructions.
His fingertips dug into the skin of Uhtred’s back, pressing down into either side of his spine as he moved closer, then lightly SANK HIS TEETH into Uhtred’s shoulder. It was a lot to bite into, but his grip was loose… AT FIRST. But as the pleasure amplified, Alfred found his teeth clenching more and more, muffled moans and gasps barely escaping his parted lips. He was still THE OPPOSITE OF QUIET, and he couldn’t be quiet even if he tried. Nor did he want to.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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@stcllla asked: i performed a public service. you act like that’s a bad thing.
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“IT WAS INAPPROPRIATE, Eris,” Alfred answered promptly, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He did not mean to berate her, especially not when she had GOOD INTENTIONS, but she had to understand that reputations were at stake here. She didn’t seem to grasp to FULL EXTENT of her actions.
“Next time, ASK ME FIRST.” Not that she needed permission from the king; it was more of a precautionary measure than anything else. Alfred knew she’d fight him on this; he mentally prepared himself for the argument that was SURE to ensue.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
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@bebbanburged asked: “  i’ll get you out of this. trust me.  ”
Fear was a natural part of any man, but Alfred had been able to suppress it for a long time. And yet, right now, their situation seemed HOPELESS. Wessex was occupied by the Danes; Alfred and his men — WHAT WAS LEFT OF THEM — were stuck in the marshes. He grew sicker by the day, and though his health SEEMED to be improving, it was a long process, and the longer they waited, the longer the Danes had to destroy Wessex and prepare for the inevitable battle.
And now, Edward was ill. Severely.
Alfred had every reason to be afraid, and the PURE EXHAUSTION he felt made the task of suppressing this fear nearly impossible. It was evident in each step he took, evident in the water slowly forming in his eyes as he gazed over at Aelswith, who cradled Edward to her chest; evident in the way his hand shook — and NOT from his own illness for once. He had faith in God; he ALWAYS had, but faith and fear were not mutually exclusive.
And here was Uhtred. I’ll get you out of this, he said, his voice so earnest and sincere. TRUST ME.
Uhtred had proven himself trustworthy. He’d stayed true to his oath; he’d been supportive of Wessex, and now, of Alfred himself, even WITHOUT HIS CROWN, even after all he’d put him through. The sentiment was so profound it made Alfred want to cry, to release all those emotions he’d been SO DESPERATELY trying to hold back.
But he didn’t. He never would.
“I… I DO TRUST YOU.” His voice was different now, no longer guarded by his usual nonchalant demeanor. There was a vulnerability there, an acknowledgement of his own fear that left him EXPOSED.
I’m scared, Uhtred. I’m so scared.
Alfred’s gaze, FULL OF ANXIETY, finally lifted to meet Uhtred’s. His eyes watered — NOTICEABLY SO, yet he did not care anymore. He was strong enough not to let the tears FALL. All it took was an exhale and a couple of blinks for the tears to disappear.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
PROMPTS FROM THE INCREDIBLES *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
why do you need to know?
i have to do this alone.
i’m not strong enough.
i can’t lose you again!
we’ve been planning this dinner for two months!
the public is in danger!
i am your wife! i’m the greatest good you are ever gonna get!
we’re dead! we survived but we’re dead!
he’ll look fabulous anyway.
what’ll i do? what’ll i do?
what are you talking about?
pull! yourself! together!
you know where he is!
go, confront the problem! fight! win!
call me when you get back. i enjoy our visits.
you can’t be seen in this.
i never look back. it distracts from the now.
isn’t that my decision?
you can’t generalize about these things.
weren’t you in the news?
never heard that one before.
i was wrong to treat you that way. i’m sorry.
now you respect me because i’m a threat.
no matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again.
can we keep it clean for… for ten minutes!
normal? what do you know about normal?
looks like i hit the jackpot!
are we there yet?
we get there when we get there!
look at me when i’m talking to you!
do not change the subject.
you gotta admit, this is cool!
i’ll be a bigger hero than you ever were.
it’s finally ready!
sure, it was difficult, but you are worth it.
all i wanted was to help you.
you can’t count on anyone, especially your heroes.
they will kill you if they get the chance.
can you just give me one chance?
it’s great to see you, but i gotta tell you, i’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.
you know why we can’t do that.
you always say ‘do your best,’ but you don’t really mean it.
i’d like to help you, but i can’t.
pretend to be upset.
you need a new suit, that much is certain.
i didn’t want you to worry.
and now we’re running for our lives through some godforsaken jungle.
you keep trying to pick a fight, but i’m still just happy you’re alive.
i appreciate you coming down here.
that was totally wicked!
how are you? it’s been such a long time!
do you think i’m totally irresponsible? thanks a lot!
i don’t know. something amazing, i guess.
i’m just getting a drink.
wait here and stay hidden. i’m going in.
valuing life is not weak.
we are not encouraging this!
do i have to answer?
you want me to shut it down without completely destroying it.
why are you unhappy?
you are my greatest adventure, and i almost missed it.
am i good enough now?
there isn’t much time.
you’re in charge until i get back.
whoa, whoa, whoa, time out!
i wanted to go bowling!
i performed a public service. you act like that’s a bad thing.
we’re supposed to help people.
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kingalfrcd · 8 months
"THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU, YOU HURT ME" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for painful conversations, adjust as necessary
we didn't exactly part ways on a good note.
i'm still waiting for my apology. you know. the one you owe me?
i hated what you've done to me.
the guilt eats me up inside.
you put me in an awkward position.
i thought i told you i never wanted to see you again.
this isn't what i had in mind.
don't you have somewhere else to be?
i want you to leave me alone.
you haven't apologized for what you did.
i don't want to see you. i never want to see you.
i said it once and i'll say it again. leave me alone!
go away, and never come back here!
i can't forgive you.
you're just sorry you got caught.
if you're looking for forgiveness, you won't find it here.
you broke my heart. what part of that do you not understand?
how am i supposed to just look the other way?
i stuck my neck out for you, and this is the thanks i get?
you were never going to apologize.
can we speak of this another time? i'm busy.
i never want to see your face again.
you know what? lose my number.
get out of my face.
you're not welcome here anymore.
i should have apologized ages ago.
you missed your chance to apologize to me.
you had plenty of opportunities to say sorry.
you're not sorry for what you did.
can't you just leave me alone?
i'm here to apologize to you.
i'll do anything you ask of me.
you know i had no other choice.
go somewhere else. not here. you're not welcome here.
don't come any closer.
turn around and walk straight out the door.
i said get away from me.
i just need five minutes of your time.
i think i owe you a pretty substantial apology.
the last time i saw you... i hurt you. i didn't mean to hurt you, but i know i did.
could you give me a second chance to make it up to you?
i can still see the hurt on your face.
you didn't deserve the way i treated you.
i should have come to you sooner, i'll admit.
is there any way we can talk about what happened?
i never should have done what i did.
you have no idea the damage you caused.
i think it'd be best if we never spoke again.
delete my number.
what i did to you... is unforgiveable.
could you at least listen to me for five minutes?
i never meant to hurt you like this.
you didn't deserve the way i treated you.
you deserved better than that. i know that now.
what if we tried again?
maybe i don't deserve forgiveness after all.
i don't even want to hear it.
don't say another word.
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kingalfrcd · 9 months
(disclaimer: the way these are worded are probably not realistic for actual medieval times, but i tried. so some of them are kinda awkward. change up the wording however you need to lol) 
❝ you are a prisoner and you will be treated as such. ❞
❝ do not underestimate my power. ❞
❝ just because i am a woman does not mean i cannot fight. ❞
❝ just because i am a woman does not mean i cannot read. ❞
❝ i don’t want to marry him/her. ❞
❝ you know we can’t be together. ❞
❝ we shouldn’t even be talking right now. ❞
❝ i cannot disobey direct orders. ❞
❝ wealth does not equal happiness. ❞
❝ i would like to learn how to read/write. ❞
❝ i made this for you. ❞
❝ i’m traveling to Carcassonne. i would love you to join me. ❞ 
❝ you have just made a terrible mistake. ❞
❝ what i saw will change me forever. ❞
❝ this food is exquisite. thank you. ❞
❝ you are nothing more than a mistress. ❞
❝ i am only one of his mistresses. ❞
❝ your garden is beautiful. ❞
❝ meet me in the garden at dusk. ❞
❝ i have a message for you. ❞
❝ i received your message. ❞
❝ the king/queen asked to speak to me directly. ❞
❝ you cannot be with someone like me. ❞
❝ i cannot be with someone like you. ❞
❝ don’t let anybody tell you that you are worthless. ❞
❝ you are so lucky to have been born into the family you were. ❞
❝ please keep this a secret. ❞
❝ god spede you. ❞
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kingalfrcd · 9 months
Send “They’re ’s a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse!
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kingalfrcd · 9 months
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@bebbanburged asked: ‘ why won’t you look at me ? ’
The words would not come out, nor would Alfred force them to. When he’d first met Uhtred, he had seen him as simply means to an end, another asset that he could use. THINGS HAD CHANGED; years had gone by, years of Uhtred proving himself time and time again, and yet Alfred still USED HIM.
He couldn’t stop. He could try, but something would come up, something that would force his hand.
Maybe it wasn’t any outside circumstances. Maybe Alfred had to accept that it was JUST HIM.
“I HAVE BEEN LOOKING. I’ve been watching, observing…” Alfred knew that wasn’t what he meant, AND YET… he turned his head, finally glancing at Uhtred, though he still didn’t quite meet the other man’s eyes. “And I have seen that you have done MUCH for Wessex.” An acknowledgement, because Alfred knew DAMN WELL he deserved one, and also because it might serve as a diversion to Uhtred’s question.
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