kingdomcome-rp · 9 years
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"Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different?"
Baylen has always been a typical guy. He’s loud, crude and sometimes awkward but deep down, he is just a nice guy. Nobody would ever believe that he had a bad bone in his body. He came from humble beginnings, his parents weren’t big names in the Capitol’s social circles. They were working class and respectable and they did their best to instill that respect into Baylen as well. Baylen had never been particularly talented in anything specific so when he finished school, he went straight into peacekeeper school. It wasn’t the most glamorous of jobs yet Baylen found his place there.
With more money, came more freedom and unfortunately for Baylen, he was reckless. He began to gamble, betting on anything from horses to card games and anything in between. It wasn’t a problem when he was winning, but no streak can last forever. Baylen quickly fell into debt with the wrong people and one of those people was Cricket Bondurant. To pay off his debt, Cricket employed Baylen to spy for him. He was his ears and eyes inside the peacekeepers and fed Cricket important information that he needed. The roll turned out to be very useful to Cricket’s business. 
The debt had long been paid, yet Baylen still worked for Cricket. He became his information broker and he even took out small jobs for the man every now and then. Instead of paying off a debt, Baylen began receiving extra income from Cricket. He still gambled as well, but now he had something to fund it with. Eventually, he became one of the wealthiest Peacekeepers, due to the gambling and his side job(s) for Cricket.
Viridia Mars took over the Underground when Baylen and the rest of the Peacekeepers had been given orders to up the punishments for any rule or curfew broken to whatever extreme he saw fit. Baylen was never one to really punish the people, but if he was ever given an order to flog someone, he’d do it.
Viridia kept him on the payroll as long as he provided her with useful information. Like how the Capitol was to surrender. Like how their President went into hiding weeks ago. The pay was incredible, so who was Baylen to say no? She also hired him to be one of her dogs in the New Panem. Now, as well as being a Neo Peacekeeper and Viridia’s information broker, he’s also sent to receive the debts that are owed to Viridia by any means necessary.
✦ FC: Chris Evans
✦  Single
✦ Location: The Capitol
✦ Friends: Joaquin Vargas, Arizona Daniels, Cricket Bondurant, Holly Vallentini
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
guys the war is over and y'all are free to do whatever tf you want plot for kc next gen, write for things you never got to do in the past through flashbacks (as if you couldn't do that before lmao), honestly the world is yours now. the world has always been yours.
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Hey. Are you guys accepting new characters right now, seeing as you are almost at the end of your plot.
Hello! I really have no idea when you sent this, so apologies if this is a late answer.
Technically, by the time I've answered this the war will have already been over. However, you are free to roleplay at whatever timeline you wish with flashbacks and stuff.
Despite our lack of activity, new characters are always welcome. I know I'll certainly make an effort to be on more, if there is. :')
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Hey. I came across this RP and I am interesting in joining. Could you tell me how active are you guys? And according to your plot the war is about to end so does that mean that new characters might not get a chance to interact and all?
Hello! I really have no idea when you sent this, so apologies if this is a late answer. Honestly, we're like 10-20% active right now.
Technically, by the time I've answered this the war will have already been over. However, you are free to roleplay at whatever timeline you wish with flashbacks and stuff.
Despite our lack of activity, new characters are always welcome. I know I'll certainly make an effort to be on more, if there is. :')
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
So, the war’s coming to an end within the next few months. In February, it’ll officially be over. And here’s what’s going to be happening between November and February.
November - Mission to District 9. It’s the Capitol’s last food source, and if Thirteen takes it away from them, they’re basically gonna starve. This’ll be the last week of November, so mark your calendars!
December - Mission to District 5. It’s the Capitol’s main power source, and if Thirteen can take control of this district, the Capitol will start to freeze in the coming months. I’d say this’ll happen the second (third???) week of December (two weeks before Christmas week.) Then, there can be a holiday break during the war, like a treaty between the two, then back to all out war in January.
January - Missions to 2 and 1 to finally break off all ties to the Capitol. This’ll happen the last week of January. THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH, GUYS.
February - Thirteen brings the battle to the Capitol (finally) and beats them. The war is won!
And there you have it. A compiled list of what should happen between now and then Beyond that is a mystery… kinda. KC BABIES, THOUGH. Any questions, concerns, you know where to ask~
Hey look, it's halfway through February.
List of future events!
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Lives have been lost. Minds have been broken. Buildings have been destroyed, and the Districts are in ruin. These are the consequences of war. A war that seems like it has been going on for decades. Just how many more people have to die before it finally ends?
With the 75th Annual Hunger Games being done for over a year now, war has erupted within Panem. During the year of war, most of the Victors who were in the 3rd Quarter Quell were rescued while a handful got left behind for torture and hijacking. They too were eventually rescued, but with consequences. Their minds were forever changed.
The Capitol grew angrier by the second, President Greenlaw not having any of it. They invaded her home, so she would invade theirs. Months later, she sent Peacekeepers to invade Thirteen, taking whoever was in their way. Thirteen suffered great losses. Those who were under the Capitol's wing once again were all subjected to brainwashing and hijacking. They have become their most valuable assets, so far.
However, recently Thirteen has decided to bomb the Capitol, leaving most of the city in ruins. The Capitol is on the verge of losing the war, but that doesn't stop them from fighting back with all the power they have, now using their prized hijacked victors and citizens they stole from Thirteen as their soldiers, too. The Capitol isn't giving up, so the question remains. How many more lives must end for them to stop?
Stick with us to the end to find out the answer. Welcome to Kingdom Come.
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Blog movement~
If you want to unfollow the blogs I've archived, go ahead.
Just make sure you follow these ones, now as they're sideblogs to Haymitch~
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
So, the war’s coming to an end within the next few months. In February, it’ll officially be over. And here’s what’s going to be happening between November and February.
November - Mission to District 9. It’s the Capitol’s last food source, and if Thirteen takes it away from them, they’re basically gonna starve. This’ll be the last week of November, so mark your calendars!
December - Mission to District 5. It’s the Capitol’s main power source, and if Thirteen can take control of this district, the Capitol will start to freeze in the coming months. I’d say this’ll happen the second (third???) week of December (two weeks before Christmas week.) Then, there can be a holiday break during the war, like a treaty between the two, then back to all out war in January.
January - Missions to 2 and 1 to finally break off all ties to the Capitol. This'll happen the last week of January. THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH, GUYS.
February - Thirteen brings the battle to the Capitol (finally) and beats them. The war is won!
And there you have it. A compiled list of what should happen between now and then Beyond that is a mystery… kinda. KC BABIES, THOUGH.
Any questions, concerns, you know where to ask~
List of future events!
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Hope y'all have a good one. Much love!
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
So, the war’s coming to an end within the next few months. In February, it’ll officially be over. And here’s what’s going to be happening between November and February.
November - Mission to District 9. It’s the Capitol’s last food source, and if Thirteen takes it away from them, they’re basically gonna starve. This’ll be the last week of November, so mark your calendars!
December - Mission to District 5. It’s the Capitol’s main power source, and if Thirteen can take control of this district, the Capitol will start to freeze in the coming months. I’d say this’ll happen the second (third???) week of December (two weeks before Christmas week.) Then, there can be a holiday break during the war, like a treaty between the two, then back to all out war in January.
January - Missions to 2 and 1 to finally break off all ties to the Capitol. When these are planned out, there’ll be another post about it.
February - Thirteen brings the battle to the Capitol (finally) and beats them. The war is won!
And there you have it. A compiled list of what should happen between now and then Beyond that is a mystery… kinda. KC BABIES, THOUGH.
Any questions, concerns, you know where to ask~
MISSION TO DISTRICT 5 IS THIS WEEK totally my bad for not really reminding y'all. After this, there'll be a truce for the holidays until January~
List of future events!
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Next mission is...... two (three????) weeks away~
List of future events!
So, the war’s coming to an end within the next few months. In February, it’ll officially be over. And here’s what’s going to be happening between November and February.
November - Mission to District 9. It’s the Capitol’s last food source, and if Thirteen takes it away from them, they’re basically gonna starve. This’ll be the last week of November, so mark your calendars!
December - Mission to District 5. It’s the Capitol’s main power source, and if Thirteen can take control of this district, the Capitol will start to freeze in the coming months. I’d say this’ll happen the second (third???) week of December (two weeks before Christmas week.) Then, there can be a holiday break during the war, like a treaty between the two, then back to all out war in January.
January - Missions to 2 and 1 to finally break off all ties to the Capitol. When these are planned out, there’ll be another post about it.
February - Thirteen brings the battle to the Capitol (finally) and beats them. The war is won!
And there you have it. A compiled list of what should happen between now and then Beyond that is a mystery… kinda. KC BABIES, THOUGH.
Any questions, concerns, you know where to ask~
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
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“Though wise men at their end know dark is right Because their words had forked no lightning They do not go gentle into that good night.”
If people thought Commander Dexter Eld was cold before his wife died from the Capitol invasion of 13, afterwards they realized they were ever so wrong. Growing up with a very pro military mother and father, he became pro military as well and trained to become a soldier, though it wasn't what he truly wanted to do. When he heard 13 was starting to need more and more spies out in Panem, he knew he had to volunteer. This would be his chance to be happy in his proper element-- cooking. His parents were proud of him of course, especially his father, for doing something for the good of the district.
He left when he was 22, he left for District Six posing as a cook. There, he met Angela Cole, a doctor for the town he was in. It was love at first sight. When he was around her, he was all love and kindness, but when she was gone he was back to barking orders as head cook of a restaurant. The two weren't to stay together in Six, though. A little over a year after the two met, they got married and only a month after that something went terribly wrong in that a Peacekeeper found him out simply by accident. Dexter was talking over a secure line to someone in 13 when the Peacekeeper was about to tell him what a fantastic dinner he made for his squad.
After that, Dexter knew he had to run. He convinced Angela to run with him, though it was difficult. It was the one selfish decision he made that he never regretted. He knew those who befriended and interacted with him and Angela would be tortured for information. He knew those people would pay for his actions, but he had to save himself and he had to save Angela. The two barely escaped, stealing one of the newer hovercrafts he'd heard had just been cleared for testing.
He was 23, she was 25 when he introduced her to his parents. They too fell in love with the doctor from District Six, and he saw that she brought out the best in them too. His father was military through and through, and he had never in his life heard him make one joke.... Until Angela interacted with him. She was truly an angel in Dexter's eyes.
Now back in 13, Dexter wrote down all the information he gathered from becoming friends with the Peacekeepers, the mechanics, and those who ran the train tracks throughout Panem, knowing that they'd need the information one day. As he couldn't very well show his face in Panem ever again without being found out, he kept training as a soldier over the years and raised in the ranks to become a commander.
No one could tell he didn't particularly like being a commander. He's one of the best, and one of the hardest. But once in a while, he'll be found in the district's kitchen, cooking with whatever meat the hunters had brought back. When one of his men finds him there, he won't deny that he likes cooking. Instead, he threatens to give them ten times more laps in the morning should they tell anyone about it. Fortunately, no one likes running ten times more laps than they already do, so it's always kept secret that he loves cooking more than the military.
When the rebellion came around, it was his chance to show what he was made of as a commander, and once the districts were all rallied up and ready to fight back, he was given control of movement within the districts. He spoke to the many district rebel leaders, strategizing with them and fighting with them. He was gone from 13 a lot, hating that he had to leave Angela, but she knew he did it for the good of District 13-- for the good of Panem.
When the Capitol invaded 13, Dexter was in District Two, figuring out how to crack the Nut. When he got the call, he jumped on the first hovercraft back to his home, only to find out that Angela had been caught underneath some rubble during some explosion caused for distraction. Her spine was crushed and she had lost too much blood. She was in the infirmary, where she had only so long left to live. With her last breaths, she told him that she was sorry she hadn't told him sooner, that she was pregnant. Their baby would never live to see the light of day or the stars during night. He would never find out what their child would look like. Angela would never live to see the war end.
She always brought out the best in him. Even when he was around soldiers, he would always soften when she was there. When she was next to him, he didn't have a care in the world who saw how mushy she made him. He loved her, and she loved him, and that's all that mattered. But now she was gone, and the best of Dexter was buried underneath his grief and pain. Where she filled his heart, there was now a gaping hole.
He never hated anything. Never hated anyone. Until he lost Angela. Now, his hatred for the Capitol, for those that fight for them, defend them, and side with them runs deeper than any well in Panem. He doesn't leave 13 to travel the districts as much, believing his duty was within the district and not outside of it anymore. Those who thought he couldn't become more cold and harsh were wrong. Angela's death brought out the worst in him. It even diminished his love for cooking. He wants to quit, just walk out on life, but he knows if he does that, she'll never forgive him. So, he keeps on doing what he knows best and he keeps fighting.
✦ FC: Henry Ian Cusick
✦ Widowed
✦ Location: District 13
✦ Friends: Jedediah Boggs, Alma Coin, Will Barnes, Aimee Bonnet
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
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“Not having someone, that's the worst curse imaginable.”
Lavinia Foxworth was born and raised in District 5. Life was in no way as hard as it was for many folks in Panem, but it certainly wasn’t easy. It was still a battle with fate for a roof over their head and food on their table. Luckily, fate was on their side with a man like Tony Foxworth as head of the family. Tony, a loving and doting father and husband, was a rather renowned inventor in District 5. He had a knack for clever ideas in the power plants, and it was because of this that they didn’t starve. It was also due to this, however, that Tony Foxworth caught the attention of the rebels. 
It wasn’t long before the Capitol caught wind of Tony’s secret workings, and they didn’t wait long before ridding Panem of his work entirely.
Lavinia was twelve years old when her father died in an accident at the power plant. She and her mother, Michelle, were told that something had been wrong with the wiring, causing a fire.  Michelle and Lavinia would not have coped as well as they did if it hadn’t been for the presence of the Trengroves in their lives.
Lavinia first met Apollo Trengrove in school when she was just six years old. They’d been quick friends, and before long their families were planning dinners together, paying each other visits, leaving fruit baskets at each others’ doorsteps. It was the comfort of what felt like a second family that kept Lavinia and Michelle sane after Tony’s death – that is, until the Reaping.
On this particular reaping, Lavinia and Apollo had been seventeen, and Apollo’s little sister Artemis was only eleven. When Artemis’ name was pulled, Lavinia’s throat had closed off, and she turned just in time to see her best friend collapse. This is when things started to change. Apollo’s outlook on life grew dark, and he never smiled or laughed like he used to – he grew distant even from Lavinia. She herself felt empty inside: everything seemed to be falling apart.
The first time Lavinia saw Apollo smile for weeks was just a few days after Artemis’ death in the Cornucopia bloodbath. She was confused until he showed her a map that could lead them to a “secret place”, he called it. A place without the Games, a place where they could be amongst other people who ran, other people who fought. He never told her where it was, and he never let her see the map – and she never needed to. Seeing him smile like that, seeing him so confident – she believed he was going to be able to lead them somewhere they could be safe.
They barely waited 24 hours before they ran. Together, very much in love, and without saying goodbyes to their families (which would haunt Lavinia for years to come), they left District 5 forever. For six months they ran together, trying to find the edge of the wild, where safety waited. They never arrived. Since the moment they left, suspicions about their disappearance had been raised, and the Capitol immediately set out to hunt the duo down. 
They were just on the outskirts of District 12 when the hovercraft caught up with them. Holding hands, they ran until they were separated, looking for any form of cover from the hovercraft that had spotted them. Just as Lavinia had been about to give up, she nearly crashed into a duo, a boy and a startled young girl, younger than she was, with dark hair that was braided, grey eyes, and a bow and a quiver of arrows. In the whole of seconds Lavinia took in every contour of the girl’s face, the girl who was her last hope, the only person who could save her and Apollo now. 
Lavinia barely had a chance to cry out when the net came down. As it closed around her, she had a chance to see one last thing: Apollo. They shot something through him. A spear, maybe – she couldn’t tell. The only thing she knew was that Apollo was, without a doubt, dead. She screamed his name once before she was behind the closed door of the hovercraft, and it left the area without a sound. 
It wasn’t until later, after enduring torture for information, surgery to remove her tongue, and servitude to the Capitol, that Lavinia would see the girl from the forest again. Katniss Everdeen, she was called. When she first saw her face on the Capitol televisions, when her name was spoken for the first time, Lavinia’s heart nearly stopped. She’d thought about Katniss every now and again after that day, and she knew there was nothing that Katniss (or her friend) could have done for her and Apollo. She’d long forgiven them. There was nothing to forgive.
After having the opportunity to serve Katniss before she went into her Games, Lavinia found herself growing fond of the tribute from District 12, and contrary to what she knew Katniss feared, she was terrified of seeing her die in that Arena. After the Games, during the next tournament, she was serving Katniss once more. It was at this time that Avoxes were given an option: remain just how they were, or accept the generous offer of a prosthetic tongue in exchange for information on the victors. Lavinia Foxworth was no spy, and even a tongue - the opportunity to talk and sing again - wouldn’t sway her. Katniss Everdeen had given up much, and Lavinia saw hope in her. Hope for a future. Lavinia was one of few who denied the option.
Lavinia escaped the Capitol once, and, with the help of the rebels, was brought to Thirteen. She found home, there, before the world was ripped from beneath her feet once again. She was taken back to the Capitol after an invasion of Peacekeepers, along with a handful of other unlucky souls who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. When brought back, the Capitol quickly realized who - or, rather, what - she was. There was no way she’d survive a hijacking, that much was obvious, and they needed to keep their hostages alive. So they did the next best thing: shock torture for information. This is where she is today. The Capitol knows she has no information. She doesn’t even know where Thirteen is, let alone any information that could help them destroy it.
After all, she’s just an Avox. 
✦ FC: Karen Gillan
✦ Single
✦ Location: The Capitol
✦ Friends: Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Peeta Mellark, Falco Adler, Amanda Morstan, Gale Hawthorne
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
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“There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.”
The highest recorded IQ was that of 230. Hers was that of 203.
Her life began as a story of a little girl forced to grow up too fast. Her father was more or less absent, appearing for birthdays and occasionally on other times, but he never  stayed for long. Once she was five, he stopped altogether, and she was left with no reminders of him other than a charm that had apparently been his on a leather chain that she never took off her neck. She was ten when her mother died, unexpectedly of an illness that neither she nor her older brother Simon were aware of. He’d been the one to find her at least, cold in her bed after dying in the night. Simon was eight years older than her, old enough to attempt to raise a child, which he had to do. His father helped out when he could, but he was working hard to support the family he’d made after Simon had been born, after things hadn’t worked out with their mother. Things were hard, but they made do. She was left on her own more than anything, Simon working hard to bring in money they’d need. Pandora was a rather independent child as it was, and didn’t require much attention so it didn’t bother her much. She was left to her reading, which she never had enough of. Even books that had been her mother’s, history books of a time before Panem was created full of words many adults wouldn’t understand, were absorbed within hours and she was itching for more. Reading and drawing, always drawing or writing in her journals, filling two to three a week. 
But her intelligence was not properly measured. She couldn’t pay attention in school, too preoccupied with her notebooks, with her writing, having to get everything she saw behind her eyes down on paper before it sent her senses hyperaware and she ended up screaming. Her intelligence was not really seen until she was reaped for her Games, just a year after her mother passed. No one expected an eleven-year-old, small for her age to begin with, to last even an hour in the Arena. But she came out victorious, having not touched a weapon throughout the entirety of the time. She hunted like a skilled assassin, setting inricate traps, luring others to different groups of tributes, using poisonous fruits and plants and whatever else she could think of. Most of the tributes fell victim to greed, as a little girl brought in many sponsors out of sympathy. She saved her parachutes and reloaded the boxes with poison food or plants, poisonous insects and hand-made explosives. Tributes spotting the parachute would run right to them and never saw their untimely end coming. She strategized everything from beginning to end, almost no moves left unanticipated.
After her victory, it was though nothing had changed. Pandora returned to her books and her journals, remained quiet and kept to herself. It was as though nothing had changed, as though she hadn’t caused the death of twenty-three people at only eleven years old. It was puzzling to say the least, though within a few years she would come out of her shell. Once she realized that people knew her name and wanted to talk to her without really knowing her, and soon the quiet girl became more than talkative, finding another outlet for her thoughts. The Capitol tested her IQ, and soon she became one of their cash cows, one of their favorites. At twelve, her IQ was that of 140, already considered genius. But it didn’t come without a price. So much was going on in her mind that it was almost painful to be quiet, needing to get out thoughts before she became overwhelmed. She was in constant movement, constantly writing or drawing, constantly talking. Silence drove her to hysteria, as did being left without writing materials. There was too much going on in her mind for her to just sit there and think. As she aged, her IQ only increased, but the symptoms only grew more severe.
Soon she fell out of the Capitol’s favor, though that was not due to being uncooperative. Her unstable sanity made her difficult to work with. It was a different kind than Annie Ceesta, who was standing on the edge of a breakdown at every moment. It was clear that Pandora had already crossed that edge, bordering somewhere on schizophrenia though not quite. Genius always came with a price, though it was difficult to tell if the diagnosis came from her abilities or from experiencing the Hunger Games at such a young age. For the most part, Pandora kept busy. She baked, she wrote, she read, she experimented, she took things apart. Anything to keep herself busy, anything to keep the blackness from taking over her eyes. The busier she was the better, and sleep was nearly out of the question. 
When the Quell began, it was again as though Pandora wasn’t bothered. She began to strategize, watching past Games, reading up on them as well, writing something more worthwhile in her notebooks rather than the random thoughts swirling around in her head. She made no alliances, knowing she’d work better on her own. But being put into the Arena again proved to be difficult. To be honest, she didn’t remember most of it. The darkness came over her eyes as the hysteria began, as it always did. Which only added to her confusion when she woke up in a Capitol hospital only about halfway through the Quell, and when they were never put back into the Arena again.
She was not rescused with the first group nor with the second, left in the Capitol to be questioned and  interrogated. She was eventually tortured, the officials convinced she had someone helped with this, considering her intelligence and prior tactics. But she had no idea, didn’t even remember leaving the Arena, and all of the confusion added onto everything else was enough to set her over.  She just wanted her notebooks and books back, wanted to bake and cook and build things. She just wanted back some sense of normalcy, the only sense of normalcy she had. She wasn’t the same once the Capitol was done with their interrogations, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on how. But sometimes she felt fuzzy and things seemed  a little cloudy, as the Capitol had decided to just hijack her mind regardless. After all, they’d rather have her on their side than not.
But with the Capitol bombing, she fled, the noises too much and overstimulating her to an extreme. She wasn’t sure how, but she’d ended up with a group of refugees being treated for their wounds, and even though she wasn’t injured, she stayed with them. They were boarded onto a Hovercraft, told they’d be safe where they were going, but she wasn’t sure if she believed it. After all, safe was relative, and she wasn’t sure anything was very safe any more. Nothing felt safe anymore.
✦ FC: Jenna Louise Coleman
✦ Single
✦ Location: District 13
✦ Friends: Falco Adler, Uryston Steppe, Beetee Latier, Atticus Faulks, Wiress Orenda, Rose Thompson
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
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kingdomcome-rp · 10 years
Welcome to Panem, Dexter Eld!
✩ Character ✩     ✦ Name of Character: dexter eld     ✦ Face Claim (only for oc characters): henry ian cusick     ✦ Age: (only for oc characters): 47     ✦ Status: d13      ✦ Home District/Current Location [i.e. for location, Capitol or District 13] (only for oc characters): d13     ✦ Your thoughts on this character: [removed for privacy] aka he's a bean just like patsy
    ✦ Bio - 300+ words(only for oc characters): no     ✦ Quote (only for oc characters): lmao     ✦ Possible friends (only for oc characters): ayyy
 ✩ Extra ✩
    ✦ Para Sample (An IC paragraph is not necessary, but it is encouraged. A 3 paragraph minimum is required for your sample): [removed for privacy] i haven’t had coloured boogers in a while. like they’ve all been white or clear     ✦ Questions?: my head hurts and i need more the 100 pls
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