kingpinpenguin · 1 year
starter call ,     feel  free  to  combine  multiple  prompts !
send  😊  for  a  happy  starter .
send  🙁  for  a  sad  starter .
send  🙌  for  an  excited  starter .
send  💢  for  an  angry  starter .
send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter .
send  😝  for  a  silly  starter .
send  💬  for  an  angsty  starter .
send  💀  for  a  violent  starter .
send  🌹  for  a  romantic  starter .
send  🔞  for  a  sexual  starter .
send  👼  for  a  comforting  starter .
send  👿  for  a  threatening  starter .
send  💥  for  an  argumentative  starter .
send  ⚔️  for  an  action  starter .
send  💋  for  a  flirty  starter .
send  ❤️  for  a  loving  starter .
send  🔪  for  a  hostile  starter .
send  👁️  for  an  envious  starter .
send  ❗  for  a  frightened  starter .
send  🩹  for  an  injured  /  sick  starter .
send  ⚠️  for  an  urgent  starter .
send  🥂  for  a  celebratory  starter .
send  👫  for  a  reunion  starter .
send  💤  for  a  lazy  starter .
send  🛡️  for  a  protective  starter .
send  🏠  for  a  domestic  starter .
send  🔥  for  an  intimate  starter .
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
My 2nd fanfic is done! ^0^ man i love writing bratty oswald so much
(pre) season i / umbrella boy Oswald x reader
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 ‧ ‧ ₊ ˚✧ FIRST DATE
After much(!) persuasion, Oswald Cobblepot reluctantly agrees to go on a date with you. The stakes are high as you have promised Fish Mooney's umbrella boy that you will leave him alone if the date doesn't go well, but you are determined to make it worthwhile - despite him being a difficult brat.
“Don’t be ridiculous !" He spat. "I assure you, I am merely tolerating your presence in this establishment because it is my job to do so." He slammed his glass down and attempted to continue working while giving you the cold shoulder, desperately trying to remain composed. Despite his efforts, he knew his reddening cheeks betrayed him like a neon sign. “Uh-huh~ Tell you what, Oz.” “Please don’t.” “One date.” Oswald nearly choked on his own breath as you spoke. 
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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After managing to calm Oswald down during one of his infamous temper tantrums, you – Mayor Cobblepot’s trusted advisor and secretary – find yourself sharing a bottle (or two) of wine with him.
Spoiler alert, you might be a bit of a lightweight.
———— “I can't believe the audacity of these people!” Oswald paced back and forth in front of the fireplace, his face twisted into a scowl. “This is a personal affront to me, (y/n). They see me as a threat and they're trying to sabotage me, plain and simple, but I won't be stopped by a bunch of bureaucrats and politicians! Mark my words,” he spat, his eyes blazing with anger.
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
First Date
S1 Oswald Cobblepot x burly henchman OC Warnings: Oswald being the canon-typical lil shit that he is We love bratwald in this house. This little fic is based on a roleplay I've been writing with my friend. It's been a while since I shared a fanfic, so I hope you enjoy!
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Oswald was sitting at a corner table in Fish Mooney's bar, focused on finishing some paperwork when he noticed the new barkeeper approaching him.
Rhavan was an imposing figure, towering over most people he encountered, even Butch. His muscular build was evident in the way his clothes stretched over his broad shoulders and chest, yet there was a hint of softness around his midsection that only made him seem more massive. Despite his build he had chiseled features, sharp brows and piercing eyes, his dark hair was pulled back in a messy bun. The man had a wild and primal aura that Oswald disapproved of, but he couldn't deny that Rhavan was handsome – not that he would ever admit that. "Can I get you another drink, Sir?" Rhavan asked, his tone flirtatious (which caught the umbrella boy off guard, but he didn’t show it). Oswald looked up from his work and peered at Rhavan, sizing him up. He knew who Rhavan was, of course, but he had never paid him much attention until now. "I didn’t ask for one," Oswald replied curtly, not bothering to acknowledge the flirtation in the barkeeper's voice.
Rhavan didn't seem deterred by Oswald's brusque response. "You sure? You seem like a man who could use a little more relaxation," he said, winking at the noirette.
Oswald bristled at Rhavan's presumption. "I assure you, I am quite content," he replied icily. He was about to resume his work, but Rhavan didn’t move. “By the way, I’m–” “I know who you are,” Oswald snapped. “Now, do you mind?? I have work to do.” His voice was as sharp as a blade.
“Geez! Someone took a bite of the sour pickle today, huh?” Rhavan chuckled as he headed back to the bar, still grinning.
Oswald clenched his jaw and didn’t know at all what to make of this; he wasn’t used to someone flirting with him (and the barkeeper was, wasn't he?), so naturally he suspected Rhavan must have ulterior motives. Be that as it may, Oswald had no time for such things anyway.
The following days, Rhavan didn’t back off and kept trying to engage Oswald in conversations and the umbrella boy kept refusing to acknowledge his existence, however, sometimes he would sneak secret glances. And sometimes, only sometimes, he felt almost flattered by Rhavan’s interest, even if Oswald was certain this was als just some shallow game the barkeeper played. He had noticed him flirting with a lot of customers. While he understood that it was most likely just to increase his tips, Oswald couldn't help but feel a twinge of bitterness for some inexplicable reason. Perhaps it was because Rhavan's actions confirmed Oswald's suspicion that his interest was insincere. Of course it was.
A couple of weeks later, Oswald found himself swamped with paperwork once again. The club was closed today, there was no business, and Rhavan and Oswald were the only ones still there. Rhavan was polishing glasses and stocking up booze behind the bar, thankfully leaving Oswald alone… until he didn’t. Walking up with two glasses of Whiskey, he plopped down in the seat opposite of the umbrella boy who looked up from his work with an annoyed glare. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Come on, you look like you need a break, handsome. Here, it’s on me.” He said with a grin and Oswald just sat there with a scowl. “In case it has slipped your notice, I am not interested in your advances,” he snapped but took the glass nonetheless. “And don’t call me ‘handsome’.” “Really? Well, maybe I gotta dial up the charm then~” “Please spare me and save your ‘charm’ for someone who cares.” He scoffed. If looks could kill, Rhavan would drop dead. This idiot and that stupid grin of his! Oswald cursed inwardly when he felt his cheeks flush, quickly taking a sip of his whiskey to hide his embarrassment. “Aw, Ozzie. I think you do care~ I noticed you secretly staring at me and I thiiink you actually like meee~” He teased, wiggling his brows and taking a sip of whiskey as well, and Oswald had to suppress his urge to murder him with the nearest available object. “Don’t be ridiculous!" He spat. "I assure you, Rhavan, I am merely tolerating your presence in this establishment because it is my job to do so." He slammed his glass down and attempted to continue working while giving Rhavan the cold shoulder, desperately trying to remain composed. Despite his efforts, he knew his reddening cheeks betrayed him like a neon sign. “Uh-huh~ Tell you what, Ozzie.” “Please don’t.” “One date.” Oswald nearly choked on his own breath as Rhavan spoke, his voice void of any teasing. “Let’s have dinner tomorrow and if you don’t like, it I promise I won't even glance your way again. I give you my word.” “You must be delusional!” He didn’t know if he was more shocked or upset when Rhavan had the audacity to ask him out! “Pleaseee?" Though the man looked like he could easily crush a man with his bare hands, in that moment he held a surprisingly innocent, almost puppy-like expression. "Come ooon, just one date. Just one! The worst thing that can happen is you getting some free food. I mean, that’s a pretty good deal.” There was his mirthful grin again. Oswald's heart was racing and he just stared down at his paperwork as if it held all the answers, since he didn't know how to react. It appeared like his brain didn’t quite know how to process this. The umbrella boy swallowed hard, weighing his options, put on an icy facade and then glared at the bold barkeeper. “Fine,” he spat, his voice dripping with venom. “I can't believe I'm even entertaining this idea, but if it means putting an end to this charade, then I’ll go!" The way Rhavan’s face suddenly lit up wasn’t something Oswals expected, but his cold demeanor remained intact. “Yes! I’ll be on my best behavior!” He clapped his hands together as if he just scored a victory. God, this big goof suddenly got so enthusiastic, it was almost adorable and made Oswald feel things he didn’t want to feel. “Get ready for some serious fun, Oswald! Oh, most importantly; Are you a pizza aficionado or a sushi lover? Or do you have any other preferences, food-wise? This is gonna be awesome. I promise." “...Surprise me,” he said aloof. “Now stop pestering me. I believe you still have silverware to polish.” His voice was dripping with arrogance and faux politeness, but it only made Rhavan’s grin grow wider. ♥
Rhavan stood outside the Japanese restaurant (it was fancy, but not too fancy), waiting for Oswald to arrive… If he would arrive at all. Honestly, Rhavan was pretty sure he wouldn’t show up, but he wasn’t willing to give up his hope just yet. He broke out his best suit jacket (which was a little tight on him) and his dark hair was tied up neatly in a ponytail, giving him a more polished look. As he stood there, he fidgeted with the bouquet of flowers he had brought along, hoping it would help break the ice (if he wasn't being stood up) – then he spotted a cab pulling up and his heart skipped a beat when a noirette with a grim expression stepped out. 
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“Hi!” Rhavan greeted him with a beaming smile, only to receive a scoff in return. “I half expected you to take me to a greasy burger shack.” “So you like it?” Rhavan’s excited smile turned into a proud grin. “Let’s just get this over with, shall we.” He eyed the flowers in Rhavan's hand with distaste before brushing past him, his steps heavy with irritation and oh so much arrogance – but Rhavan could swear he saw him blush a little. Bet the bitter little umbrella boy wasn’t used to getting flowers. “You like iiit~” Rhavan cheered quietly under his breath, sure that Oswald could hear him. The waiter brought them to their table which was tucked away in a dimly lit corner and Oswald seemed to hesitate before slipping into the booth, promptly ordering an expensive bottle of red wine with a sneer, but Rhavan only felt more butterflies. Little shit. Rhavan would be broke after tonight, but it’d be worth it. “Trust me, this place is ah-mazing.” "I suppose it's passable," Oswald muttered in a dismissive tone, exuding a sense of superiority as if the umbrella boy was some sort of royalty. His gaze was fixed on the menu without even sparing Rhavan a glance and it made him want to pin that little brat against the wall and do some very, very naughty things to him. "Check it out," he said with a laugh, perusing the menu as well. "The best thing here is that it's all-you-can-eat, and they actually bring the food to the table. Man, I’ve eaten so much here, I’ve put them in the red multiple times." Rhavan could feel Oswald’s annoyed, judgemental gaze on him for a few seconds before the noirette continued to stare at the menu; probably just to avoid looking at his ‘date’. "I don't see the appeal of stuffing yourself until you're sick. But I guess some people have simple tastes." He remarked condescendingly. Rhavan just chuckled. The waiter came by, opened their bottle of Merlot and expertly poured a glass for each of them. Oswald thanked him briskly and wasted no time in taking a large sip before falling silent once more, so Rhavan took it upon him to order (“a bit of everything, and bring a lot”). “So, Ozzie–” Oswald shot him a withering glare, as if he were contemplating using a chopstick to poke the barkeeper in the eye. "I don't appreciate you calling me that. I thought I made myself perfectly clear," he hissed. Rhavan's smirk only widened. "Oh, sorry. I thought that rule only applied to 'handsome'," he quipped, causing Oswald's gaze to darken even further. “I knew this was a mistake. I cannot believe I was foolish enough to let you talk me into this!” Rhavan’s hands quickly went up in a placating gesture, alarmed because it looked like Oswald was about to jump up and bolt. “Woah! Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Sorry! Best behavior. Promise. Oswald. Mr Cobblepot,” he babbled hastily, and luckily, Oswald remained seated, his gaze locked onto Rhavan with an icy stare filled with rage (it made him look even more attractive). “Oswald is fine.” “Alrighty. Oswald.” Phew, dodged a bullet. Rhavan still smiled at him, trying not to think about how much he wanted to rake his hands through his spiky black hair and taste the venom on his pouty lips. “So, uh, how long have you been working for Fish?” “A while.” He replied, going back to staring at the menu even though Rhavan already ordered. “Huh. She must be a big fan of you. After all she keeps you around 24/7,” he chuckled. “So it seems.” The umbrella boy took another sip of wine. “Lucky you." He let out a low whistle. "She’s one hell of a woman–” Suddenly, Oswald slammed the delicate wine glass onto the table with such force Rhavan feared it might shatter. “Yes, she is. Truly.” Finally he looked at him. There was so much faux sweetness in his voice and his smile was so false, it sent a chill down Rhavan’s spine. “And I can’t help but wonder how you managed to end up in her good graces.” His steel blue eyes narrowed suspiciously and Rhavan knew very well Oswald wasn’t trusting him one bit. Who could judge him. As he leaned back in his seat, he shrugged, looking relaxed.
“Honestly, I just need the cash, I make a mean martini, and I’ve got the physique.” He proudly flexed his muscles which made Oswald roll his eyes. “I gotta be honest though, I don’t really wanna get involved in all the underworld and crime related… stuff, but oh boy, the pay is great.” He grinned and nonchalantly took a sip of wine. Oswald arched his brows. “So you think you can stay on the straight and narrow while working in this establishment?” He sneered, mocking him. “How quaint.” “Well, I haven’t had to bash anyone’s head in with a baseball bat so far. And hey, if worst comes to worst, I'll just unleash my deadliest weapon – my winning personality~” The way Oswald looked at him made Rhavan want to eat him up right then and there, but before the umbrella boy could say anything undoubtedly spiteful, the water arrived with their food; arranged on dozens of small platters. An array of sashimi and artful sushi rolls, teriyaki, and all sorts of delicacies were brought to their table and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw Oswald’s face. For a split second he could see the amazement in his eyes and Rhavan was almost sure that he never really went to a place like that before. Oswald struggled with the chopsticks, which only confirmed Rhavan's suspicions. Cute. “C’mere, let me help you –” Rhavan said amused and reached out. “I’m fine! Any chance I can get some regular silverware?!” He hissed, clearly flustered. Rhavan tried not to grin too much. “Nope, I’m not letting you eat sushi with a fork,” he chuckled and risked having his eyes clawed out when he boldly took Oswald’s delicate (and clammy) hand and placed the sticks between his slender fingers. The dark-haired man sat there, tense and stiff, briefly moistening his lips with the tip of his tongue, reluctantly allowing (or rather enduring) Rhavan's assistance. “Is this your first time eating sushi?” Rhavan asked curiously, his tone gentle. Oswald still looked flustered. “Raw fish hasn't exactly whet my appetite.” He retorted with a snide tone. He managed to pick up a sushi roll, glancing at Rhavan and trying to copy what he was doing. “You’re gonna like it, trust me.” Rhavan couldn’t stop smiling at how adorable Oswald was, especially because he was so dead-set on acting like a little brat. He tried the tiniest bite, figured it wasn’t so bad, and began eating much like a fussy child; prodding the food with his chopsticks on the tiny plates, carefully selecting only what appealed to him and leaving the rest untouched. “Not so bad, huh?” “Not as bad as I expected.” Rhavan merely grinned and they ate – Oswald mostly in silence while Rhavan constantly gushed about each dish with childlike excitement and offered recommendations for him to try. Despite Oswald's quiet demeanor, Rhavan couldn't help but feel that the weird little guy was actually enjoying himself. After he had his third glass of wine, he seemed to loosen up a little. Well, ‘loosen up’ was a bit of an overstatement, but hey, it was still progress in Rhavan’s book. “So, Mister Cobblepot, do you have any hobbies that won't land you in jail? Stamp collecting? Extreme ironing? Juggling?” Oswald cast him an inscrutable look, a blend of boredom and mild irritation. “I don't have time for such frivolous activities.” “I bet you're a master yo-yo-er.” “I assure you, I’m not.” He said, not amused.
“Come on, there must be something! Knitting? Horeseback-riding? Cooking?” Rhavan’s smile was unwavering and his eyes shining with curiosity, but Oswald only let out an exasperated sigh and took a sip of his wine.
“If you must know, yes, I can cook. My mother taught me well, but it's not something I do for leisure.”
“There we go!” He cheered, grinning. “ It's like fate brought us together! You can cook, and I love food.”
“I can see that,” Oswald said, still condescending, though his voice lacked the sharp edge from a couple of glasses of wine ago.
“What, that fate brought us together?” Rhavan teased, earning another eyeroll from Oswald. He toyed with a sushi roll, seemingly unsure if he wanted to eat it.
“Why are you doing this?” He suddenly stared Rhavan down, his tone edged with sharpness once again.
“Doing what?” Rhavan asked with a mouthful of chicken teriyaki.
“Don't play dumb with me!” He was practically buzzing with anger and distrust. “You know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're playing some kind of game, I suggest you stop now. You won't like the consequences."
Rhavan blinked with confusion at the sudden threat, then quickly shook his head and reached out – stopping himself just in time before he could take Oswald’s hand since he didn’t feel like getting stabbed tonight. Instead he rested it next to the raven-haired’s, who was still fixating him with his unyielding, icy stare.
“Oswald,” he began softly. “I promise you, I’m not playing any games. I just… I really like you.”
The umbrella boy quickly averted his eyes, looking to the side with pursed lips and a frown creasing his delicate features.
“Hey, I’m serious –”
“What’s there to like?” He suddenly snapped, still not looking at him. “You hardly even know me!”
Rhavan paused, wetting his lips, then smiled, kind of dreamily.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s your cute freckles. Maybe it’s the way you purse your lips when you’re deep in thought or how you show Fish’s guys who’s boss.” When he noticed Oswald’s lip quivering, he dared placing his hand on his – Oswald didn’t instantly pull away and Rhavan felt his heart swell. “Or maybe it’s just your impeccable style,” he added with a grin. “But I’d love to get to know you better… If you allow me.”
Finally, the noirette turned to look at him again and pulled his hand away (at least without stabbing Rhavan with his chopsticks. Also progress).
“We will see.” He replied, his tone guarded.
“Oh, you're keeping me on my toes, huh? I like a challenge!” Rhavan jested. “By the end of the night, you'll be begging for a second date!”
For a second, Oswald’s cold, disinterested facade crumbled and the faintest smile tugged at his lips as he shook his head. “Your persistence is only matched by your ability to annoy me, I’ll give you that. But I wouldn't get your hopes up too high.”
Rhavan chuckled at that. God, he wanted to kiss his lips so badly. Smug little weasel.
“I’m gonna make it my mission to turn that annoyance into adoration~”
Oswald shook his head once more, emitting a huff that sounded almost like a suppressed laugh.
He ordered dessert, and while eating they even had some sort of conversation going on (mainly about the city). After they finished, Rhavan paid for everything (obviously), then walked Oswald out, taking the flower bouquet with him.
“Sooo… what’s your verdict, Mister Cobblepot~? Am I allowed to keep admiring you at work?” Rhavan asked with a confident smirk and Oswald rolled his eyes, but the scowl etched on his face had noticeably softened.
"I suppose the evening wasn't entirely… insufferable."
Rhavan couldn’t stop grinning as he walked Oswald to a cab.
“Fantastic! I'll mark that down as a 'yes'.” He held out the purple tulips. Oswald's lips formed a tight line as he begrudgingly accepted the flowers, trying to hide the slight smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Where do you wanna go on our second date~?”
“Good night, Rhavan.” Oswald got into the cab, but his eyes gave away the hint of amusement he felt at the other man's persistence – it didn’t slip Rhavan’s notice and his heart skipped a beat.
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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Please read RULES & MUSE if you'd like to interact on discord or here !!
Mun is 25+ (late 20s) and will only engage in longterm RPs and/or ships with muns over 21. I'm fine with you sending asks and following me as long as you're 18+.
Ed and Oswald are based on the TV show Gotham.
Give me all the Riddlebird ships!
I'd love to connect with like-minded gothamites, so pls say hi <3
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est. march '23 most active muse at the moment: Oswald
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
This blog is being moved to @enigmavis !! ( ed & oz multimuse )
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
Gonna move this blog and make it my main!
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
Threaten my muse’s loved ones on anon
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
roleplay starter prompts.
by @kingpinpenguin
»»————- ☂ ————-««
Your muse breaks into my muse's home, but they end up having a conversation instead of fighting.
My muse saves your muse from a group of dangerous thugs.
Your muse is a hired killer, and my muse is their next target, but they end up sparing them.
Your muse catches my muse staring from across the room.
Our muses bump into each other (Bonus: your muse spills coffee all over my muse's shirt).
My muse and your muse are both stranded in an elevator together.
My muse sees your muse crying in the park and offers a tissue.
My muse is kidnapped by your muse's henchmen, but they manage to turn the situation to their advantage.
My muse and your muse were childhood friends who went their separate ways, but they reunite under dangerous circumstances.
Your muse is a supernatural being who saves my muse's life, but they demand a high price for their help.
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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bb girl u r so special to me
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
headcanon. ╱╱ freckles.
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My boy has freckles. If you don't see them, it's because he usually covers them up, especially in later seasons when he holds more power. As a child, he was teased and bullied for his freckles (among other things), which left a lasting impression on him. Also, he worries that his freckles make him look weak or vulnerable (or way too adorable)
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He doesn't cover them in season one though, and my explanation is one, his mother would scold him for covering them up. Two. Fish Mooney. Hear me out. When Fish notices him trying to cover up his freckles, she asks him what he's doing and he tells her that he feels insecure about them. She'd say something like: " You think you're the only one with insecurities? We all have them. But we don't hide them. We embrace them and use them to our advantage. They make you unique." (He'd still cover them up occasionally though)
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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get to know me meme: [6/10] male characters ⇢ oswald cobblepot
‘You need an assassin. This is Gotham, you can find them in the phone book. Under ‘A.‘’
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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1x13, Welcome Back, Jim Gordon
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
headcanon. ╱╱ impulsive behavior.
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Oswald Cobblepot's impulsive behavior can be attributed to several factors;
His deep-seated insecurities and fear of being perceived as weak.
Despite his cunning nature, Oswald is often ruled by his emotions, which can be intense and overwhelming.
Additionally, his troubled upbringing and the trauma he experienced as a child may result in difficulties with emotional regulation and impulse control.
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
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"I've seen every dark corner of this city, and I know all the secrets it holds. So if you want to get ahead, you'd be wise to come to ME for information."
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kingpinpenguin · 1 year
╱╱ open.
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"Watch where you're going, you imbecile!! You're lucky I have somewhere to be."
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