kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Importance of strength and endurance
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Nowadays, most of the population is living a sedentary lifestyle, causing a rise in health issues amongst them. Let's go 50 years back. It was a time when there were very few desk jobs, people were constantly active and used to walk a lot compared to today. It was a time where there was no internet. People used to procure food and other products they required by themselves instead of ordering online. The convenience that the internet has given to the human race has made them less active and have decreased endurance and stamina. 
The terms 'endurance' and 'stamina' are switchable when it comes to exercise. However, there are few minute differences between them.
Stamina is the physical and mental ability to maintain activity for an extended period. When people talk about stamina, they often use it to direct the feeling of being energetic or peppy while doing an activity.
Endurance refers to your body's physical capacity to sustain an exercise for an extended period. It's made up of two components: muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your lungs and heart to fuel your body with oxygen. Muscular endurance is the capacity of your muscles to work continuously without getting exhausted.
While certain foods in your diet can reduce stamina, healthy foods help build up your stamina and endurance and increase your energy levels, especially if you're looking to lead a healthy life.
KinFitter is your way to discover the best in yourself. With the demanding job requirement and the fast-changing world, it is difficult to live a holistic, healthy life, resulting in odd working hours, lack of sleep, unhealthy fast food, stress and lack of physical exercise. All this has resulted in growing not just weight and obesity but also disease-related to it like migraine, sleep apnoea, stroke and cerebrovascular accident, cardiovascular disease or heart attacks, hypertension, PCOD, infertility, knee or hip osteoarthritis, gout and even cancer of gut and breast.
Obesity is a multi-modality disease. Working on diet or exercise and even working on both fails to bring the desired results after a stage. Hence Kingsway Hospitals bring you the KinFitter programme. It is designed by a team of expert lifestyle physicians, bariatric surgeons, dieticians, physiotherapists/ physical trainers and psychologists.
They have considered today's daily lifestyle to help you lead a life wherein you can adjust fitness in your daily routine while enjoying it.
Exercise prevents the onset of ailments within the body and keeps the body in form. Regular exercise or physiotherapy exercises for weight loss is critical to remain healthy. When done for a suitable interval and frequently, it can encourage weight reduction and energize your system into the physical form. Physiotherapy is also a workable option for both children and adults combating obesity by helping restore flexibility, increasing strength, building better cardiovascular health, preventing injuries and reducing pain that can occur with excessive weight gain. It can also restore flexibility and help you maintain balance and body function. By headlining a strict diet and fitness plan, along with regular physical movement, physiotherapy can help slim down, fight off excessive weight and be on track with your fitness goals.
So, grab your shoes. Wear your tracksuit. Adopt a healthy diet. If necessary, talk to our experts at Kinfitter Program.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Which doctor is best for liver?
Inside the body, the liver is the largest organ. It helps the body digest food, remove poisons and store energy.
There are many kinds of liver diseases:
Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are diseases caused by viruses.
Diseases caused by poisons, drugs, or too much alcohol. Examples include cirrhosis and fatty liver disease.
Liver cancer.
Inherited diseases, such as hemochromatosis and Wilson disease.
Symptoms of liver disease can differ, but they often include swelling of the abdomen and legs, bruising easily, changes in the colour of your stool and urine, and jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Tests like liver function tests and imaging tests can check for liver damage and help to diagnose liver diseases.
At Kingsway Hospitals, we manage every aspect of liver disease for you, including liver failure, liver tumours and chronic liver disease. If you need a transplant, remember that we have the experience and expertise to understand what needs to be done, and we will work with every possible aspect to get the best solution for your long-term health. We believe in exploring every innovation that might help patients facing the liver disease. Our experts in Liver Disease and Liver Surgery comprising Dr Samir Patil, Dr Amol Samarth, and Dr Prakash Jain work closely to manage any liver disease, whether you require surgery, cancer care, or other treatment.
Are you looking for the best doctor for a liver transplant, contact us on 07126789100 for the best support.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
What type of tests are required for a liver transplant?
When an organ or a part of an organ is extracted from a living person and placed in a person whose organ functionality has been compromised, this process is called a living donor transplant.
On parallel guidelines, transplant of the living liver is a method when a part of the liver is transplanted from a healthy living individual to a person with a non-functional liver. Both livers, the patient's and the donor, gradually regrow to their full dimensions. 
The process of becoming a Liver Donor:
Being a donor, a person should be mindful of the risks associated with a liver donation. Not just risks, it is of paramount significance to know all the major steps concerned in the transplant. Let's look into each step carefully.
Evaluation – Practiced by the medical team involved in ensuring proper liver matching. It includes tests likn
Physical Exam and medical history
Tissue typing
Blood tests
Urine tests
Mammogram – Only for females above 45
Social and Psychological evaluation
While surgery is being conducted, a surgical cut is placed on the donor's abdomen in the right, just below the rib cage. A part of the liver is taken depending on the patient's need without disturbing any vessel joined. The rest of the liver is sutured back, followed by the closing of an incision.
At Kingsway Hospitals, we manage every aspect of liver disease for you, including liver failure, liver tumours and chronic liver disease. If you need a transplant, remember that we have the experience and expertise to understand what needs to be done, and we will work with every possible aspect to get the best solution for your long-term health. We believe in exploring every innovation that might help patients facing the liver disease. Our experts in Liver Disease and Liver Surgery comprising Dr Samir Patil, Dr Amol Samarth, and Dr Prakash Jain work closely to manage any liver disease, whether you require surgery, cancer care, or other treatment.
Are you looking for assistance or guidance over a liver transplant, contact us on 07126789100 for the best support.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Does a liver transplant shorten your life?
When an organ or a part of an organ is extracted from a living person and placed in a person whose organ functionality has been compromised, this process is called a living donor transplant.
On parallel guidelines, transplant of the living liver is a method when a part of the liver is transplanted from a healthy living individual to a person with a non-functional liver. Both livers, the patient's and the donor, gradually regrow to their full dimensions. 
The process of becoming a Liver Donor:
Being a donor, a person should be mindful of the risks associated with a liver donation. Not just risks, it is of paramount significance to know all the major steps concerned in the transplant. Let's look into each step carefully.
Evaluation – Practiced by the medical team involved in ensuring proper liver matching. It includes tests like:
Physical Exam and medical history
Tissue typing
Blood tests
Urine tests
Mammogram – Only for females above 45
Social and Psychological evaluation
While surgery is being conducted, a surgical cut is placed on the donor's abdomen in the right, just below the rib cage. A part of the liver is taken depending on the patient's need without disturbing any vessel joined. The rest of the liver is sutured back, followed by the closing of an incision.
This step demands a hospital stay after surgery for seven days. The pain at the surgical cut is controlled by pain medication. Close observation is required for the recovery signs and regeneration of the liver.
After discharge, any weight more than five kgs shouldn't be lifted until eight weeks. Weekly visits have to be made by the donor, and prescribed medications should be regularly taken. They also need to rehearse leg movement and incision holding as told. The best thing about a liver transplant is that the donor liver will regenerate to almost its size in six to eight weeks. A complete professional and personal rehabilitation within six to eight weeks are primarily evident in donors.
The life expectancy of a Liver Donor:
Now you comprehend that living liver donation has no impact on how healthy and long you will live. The singular effect it creates is on society and your psyche. You live with a gratifying and proud feeling for the remnant of your life. People will start looking up to you as an idol. So get up and be the paradigm that you are thinking of being.
At Kingsway Hospitals, we manage every aspect of liver disease for you, including liver failure, liver tumours and chronic liver disease. If you need a transplant, remember that we have the experience and expertise to understand what needs to be done, and we will work with every possible aspect to get the best solution for your long-term health. We believe in exploring every innovation that might help patients facing the liver disease. Our experts in Liver Disease and Liver Surgery comprising Dr Samir Patil, Dr Amol Samarth, and Dr Prakash Jain work closely to manage any liver disease, whether you require surgery, cancer care, or other treatment.
Are you looking for assistance or guidance over a liver transplant, contact us on 07126789100 for the best support.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Is kidney transplant successful in India?
Kidney transplantation is proven to be the treatment of choice for several people with severe chronic kidney illness because the quality of life and life expectancy is often better than in people treated with dialysis. Nevertheless, there is a deficit of organs available for donation. Many people who require kidney transplantation have to be put on a transplant waiting list and undergo dialysis until a kidney is available.
A kidney can be received from a relative, an unrelated person, or someone who has died (deceased or cadaver donor); only a single kidney is needed to survive. In general, organs from existing donors perform better and for more extended periods than deceased donors.
Some people with kidney failure can not become applicants for a kidney transplant. The older age and severe heart or vascular disease may mean that it is safer to continue the treatment with dialysis preferably than undergo kidney transplantation. Other conditions that might hinder a person from being eligible for kidney transplantation include:
●Active or recently healed cancer
●A chronic ailment that could lead to death within a few years
●Poorly managed mental illness
●Inability to recollect to take medications
●Current drug or alcohol abuse
●Account of poor compliance with medications or dialysis treatments
●Inadequate or no health insurance
Some people with HIV infection may be suitable for kidney transplantation if their disease is well controlled.
People with other medical conditions are assessed case-by-case basis to decide if kidney transplantation is an option.
Transplantation of the kidney is the treatment of choice for many people with end-stage kidney disease. A successful kidney transplant can improve your life quality and reduce your risk of death. In extension, people who get kidney transplantation do not need hours of dialysis treatment. Ideally, patients who are qualified to acquire a kidney transplant do so before starting dialysis.
After kidney transplantation, you will be asked to take medications and will be kept under frequent monitoring as it is needed to minimize the chance of organ rejection. This has to continue for your entire lifetime. The medications can have notable side effects, including an increased risk of severe infections, diabetes, and cancers.
Kidney transplants have a success rate of 90-95 % in India, which is a very high success rate.
At Kingsway Hospitals the best multispeciality hospital in nagpur, the Kidney Transplant department endeavours to render outstanding patient care, conduct advanced research and education programs. Our surgeons employ innovative and highly advanced technologies such as 
Modular OTs with HEPA filters
Dedicated Transplant ICU with 1:1 patient nurse ratio
State-of-the-art equipment
Well trained paramedical staff
24X7 Laboratory, Radiology, OT support
Physiotherapy team for post operate rehabilitation
Dietetics department for post transplant diet plan.
 to treat patients successfully with diseases like kidney failure. The team of kidney transplants comprising of Dr Prakash Khetan (Nephrologist), Dr Shivnarayan Acharya (Nephrologist) and  Dr Vishal Ramteke (Nephrologist) are highly skilled in Kidney transplantation. The transplant team also addresses the health needs of the patients and their family members.
If you require assistance or guidance over kidney transplants, contact us on 07126789100 for the best support
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
While weight loss is difficult for many people, keeping the weight off is even more challenging. The majority of the people who lose a large amount of weight tend to regain it 2 to 3 years later. One theory about regaining lost weight is that people who drop the number of calories they consume to lose weight experience a drop in the rate their bodies burn calories. This makes it more challenging to lose weight over months. A decreased rate of burning calories may also make it simpler to regain weight after a more normal diet is resumed. For these reasons, rapid weight loss and remarkably low-calorie diets are discouraged.
Losing no more than 1/2 to 2 pounds per week is advised. Including long-term lifestyle alterations are required to increase the probability of successful long-term weight loss.
Weight loss to a healthy weight for a person's height can advance health benefits. These include lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, less stress on bones and joints, lower blood pressure and less work for the heart. It is necessary to maintain weight loss to obtain health benefits over a lifetime.
Why is it so difficult to lose weight?
Why is changing Eating Habits so difficult?
While external and genetic factors play a role, no one questions that individuals are in charge of their daily decisions about what and how much to eat. Stress, anxiety and addiction limit the conscious control we have over our choices. A key part of the problem is that we believe we have more control over our behaviour than we actually do, which is why we fail to achieve our goal through traditional diet and workouts. Here, in this program, we will work on your lifestyle and eating habits with Behaviour Modification Therapy, which will help change your day-to-day eating habits and living style.
A single point program does not work for everyone. Though the basics remain, the same many variations are required in terms of program design for each individual because it is not only the needs of a person that vary but also because each one is a unique creation in themselves.
Many differences are to be considered for an individual before a program can be created for someone to embark on the journey for a healthier lifestyle:
Thought processes and Mental makeup
Difference in genetics
Individual likings and preference
Medical conditions
Variations in lifestyle
Social and environmental differences
Cultural differences
Aims and goals
KinFitter is your way to discover the best in yourself. With the demanding job requirement and the fast-changing world, it is difficult to live a holistic, healthy life, resulting in odd working hours, lack of sleep, unhealthy fast food, stress and lack of physical exercise. All this has resulted in growing not just weight and obesity but also disease-related to it like Migraine, sleep apnoea, stroke and cerebrovascular accident, cardiovascular disease or heart attacks, hypertension, PCOD, infertility, knee or hip osteoarthritis, gout and even cancer of gut and breast.
Obesity is a multi-modality disease just working on diet or exercise and after a stage even working on both fails to bring desired results hence Kingsway Hospitals bring you the KinFitter programme designed by expert Lifestyle physician, Bariatric Surgeon, Dietician, Physiotherapist/ Physical trainers, and Psychologist keeping your daily lifestyle in mind.
It's a monthly subscription-based programme to help you achieve your weight goals and help you bring the best out of you in a holistic scientific way. Moreover, this plan comes in three levels to help you customise as you need.
KinFitter Classic: It is a monthly consultancy base subscription where you get evaluated by our weight loss consultant to take care of diseases related to obesity, dietician gives you a diet plan for a month, our expert physiotherapist designs a workout plan for a month and our expert psychologist helps you to adapt to healthy behaviour.
KinFitter Star: All services in the KinFitter programme are followed closely every week, and customisation is offered as per progress and difficulties. Support is provided with both offline and online.
KinFitter SuperStar: It is a more aggressive day-to-day follow-up programme where our dedicated team helps you follow prescribed health plans daily with a live video consultation with a physical trainer.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Total Hip Replacement
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During hip substitution, a specialist eliminates the harmed areas of your hip joint and replaces them with parts built of metal, artistic and ceramic and very hard plastic. This counterfeit joint (prosthesis) diminishes torment and improve further routine operations.
It is also known as total hip arthroplasty. This hip replacement surgery may be an opportunity for you if your hip aggravation meddles with everyday movements and nonsurgical therapies haven't helped or are does not show any sign of effectiveness. Arthritis damage is the most well-known factor to require a hip replacement.
Here are the conditions that can harm the hip joint and sometimes making hip replacement surgery necessary:
Osteoarthritis: Generally known as wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis harms the slick cartilage that covers the ends of bones and assists joints with moving without a hitch.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Brought about by an overactive immune system, rheumatoid arthritis creates a sort of irritation that can erode cartilage and sporadically underlying bone, bringing about damaged and deformed joints.
Osteonecrosis: In case there isn't sufficient blood provided to the ball part of the hip joint, it may result in disengagement or crack, the bone may fall and deform.
One should definitely consider getting a hip replacement surgery done in case of:
-If pain endures regardless of pain medication.
-Meddles with your sleep.
-Even while walking with a stick or walker its condition deteriorates.
-Makes it hard to get dressed.
-Makes it hard to move from a seated position.
-Have an adverse effect on your capacity to go up or down steps.
Before surgery, the patient needs to go through a few body examinations that are required by the orthopedic surgeon. Complete knowledge of medical history and current medications is required to be shared with the doctor. The doctor examines the hip while they pay attention to the range of motion of the joint and the strength of the surrounding muscles. If required one has to get the blood test, X-ray and MRI report for the right consultation from the ortho surgeon. Doctor guides on each and every aspect such as food consumption, body movement and other necessary things to carry out a successful surgery and recovery.
Here are the benefits of a hip replacement surgery:
-First, relief from pain is the greatest benefit of hip replacement surgery.
-Gradual improvement in the movement.
-Gradual improvement in strength.
-One will experience improvement in coordination of the torso and leg.
- It brings comfort in the ability to walk, climb stairs and maintain an active lifestyle.
It is a big decision for any individual to get hip replacement surgery. At Kingsway Hospitals, talk to the expert orthopaedic surgeons to clear all your doubts and to get complete clarification on the surgery.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Total Knee Replacement
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Whether you have just started looking for treatment options or have already selected to undergo knee replacement surgery, this information will help you recognise the benefits and limitations of total knee replacement.
If your knee has been maligned by arthritis, a fracture, or other ailments, everyday activities such as walking or getting in and out of a chair may be uncomfortable and difficult. Your knee may be stiff, and it may be not easy to put on your shoes and socks. You may even feel uncomfortable while resting.
If medications hinder your activities and the use of walking supports do not adequately help your symptoms, you may consider knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery is an efficient and safe procedure that can relieve your pain, increase motion, and assist you to get back to enjoying everyday activities.
Is knee Replacement Surgery for You?
The decision to have knee replacement surgery should be collaborative by you, your primary care doctor, your family, and your orthopaedic surgeon. The means of making this decision typically starts with a referral by your doctor to an orthopaedic surgeon for an initial evaluation.
When Surgery Is Recommended
There are many reasons why your doctor may suggest knee replacement surgery. People who benefit from knee replacement surgery usually have:
knee pain that restricts everyday activities, like walking or bending
knee pain that continues while resting day and night.
Inability to move leg because of stiffness in the knee.
Anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, or walking gives Inadequate pain relief.
Candidates for Surgery
There aren't any absolute age or weight restrictions for total knee replacement surgery.
Recommendations for surgery are based on a patient's pain and incapacity, not age. Most patients who endure total knee replacement are between fifty to eighty; however, medical science surgeons valuate patients one by one. Total knee replacements are successful in the early ages, from the young stripling with the juvenile inflammatory disease to the senior patient with osteoarthritis.
The medical science analysis
Analysis with an associate medical science physician consists of many components:
Medical history: Your medical science physician can gather info concerning your general health and raise you concerning the extent of your knee pain and your ability to perform.
Physical examination: This can assess knee motion, stability, strength, and overall leg alignment.
X-rays: These pictures facilitate working out the extent of harm and deformity in your knee.
Other tests - sometimes blood tests or advanced imaging, like a resonance imaging (MRI) scan, is also required to work out the condition of the bone and soft tissues of your knee.
Deciding to go for Knee Replacement Surgery
Realistic Expectations
An important thing about deciding whether or not to possess total knee replacement surgery is knowing what the procedure will and can't do.
Most people who went through the total knee replacement surgery experience a dramatic reduction of knee pain and a significant improvement within the ability to perform everyday activities of daily living.
With traditional use and activity, each knee replacement implant begins to wear in its plastic spacer. Excessive activity or weight could speed up this traditional wear and cause the knee replacement to loosen and become painful. Therefore, most surgeons advise against high-impact activities like running, jogging, jumping, or different high-impact sports for the remainder of your life when surgery.
Realistic activities following total knee replacement embody unlimited walking, swimming, golf, driving, light-weight hiking, biking, ballroom dance, and different low-impact sports.
Possible Complications of Surgery
The complication rate following a total knee replacement is low. Serious complications, like an articulatio genus infection, occur in fewer than a pair of patients. Major medical complications like attacks or stroke occur even less often. Chronic diseases could increase the potential for complications. Though uncommon, once these complications arise, they'll prolong or limit full recovery.
Discuss your issues entirely along with your medical science physician before surgery.
Infection. An infection could occur within the wound or deep around the corrective. It should happen within days or weeks of your surgery. It should even happen years later. Minor infections within the wound space square measure typically treated with antibiotics. Major or deep infections could need a lot of surgery and removal of the corrective. Any infection in your body will unfold to your joint replacement.
Blood clots - Blood clots within the leg veins are one of the foremost common complications of knee replacement surgery. These clots are often grave if they break away and trip your lungs. Your medical science physician can define a hindrance program, which can embody periodic elevation of your legs, lower leg exercises to extend circulation, support stockings, and drugs to skinny your blood.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Traumatic brain injury.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) happens because of a sharp, external, physical force that injures the brain. It's one of the foremost common causes of incapacity and death in adults. TBI may be a broad term that describes a huge array of injuries that happen to the brain. The injury may be focal (confined to at least one space of the brain) or diffuse (happens in additional than one space of the brain). The severity of a brain injury will vary from a light to a severe injury that leads to coma or maybe death.
Differing kinds of TBI Brain injury could happen in one among two ways:
1. Closed brain injury:
Closed brain injuries happen once there's a nonpenetrating injury to the brain with no break within the bone. A closed brain injury is caused by a speedy forward or backward movement and shaking of the brain within the bony bone that leads to bruising and tearing of brain tissue and blood vessels. Closed brain injuries area unit typically caused by automotive accidents, falls, and progressively, in sports. Shaking a baby may also lead to this kind of injury (called agitated baby syndrome).
2. Penetrating brain injury:
Penetrating or open head injuries happen once there's a possibility within the bone like once a bullet pierces the brain.
TBIs will cause 'mass lesions' in the vicinity of localized injuries like hematomas and wounds that increase pressure at intervals in the brain. Summarized below area unit differing kinds of sequelae developed from TBIs:
Hematoma: A intumescency may be blood at intervals in the brain or on its surface. Associate in Nursing epidural intumescency may be an assortment of blood between the meninges (the protecting covering of the brain) and, therefore, inside the bone. A meninges intumescency may be an assortment of blood between the meninges and, thus, the arachnoid layer that sits directly on the surface of the brain.
Contusion: A cerebral contusion is bruising of brain tissue. Once examined underneath a magnifier, the cerebral contusions area unit is similar to bruises in different body elements. They carry areas of out of action or swollen brain mixed with blood that has leaked from arteries, veins, or capillaries. Most ordinarily, wounds are at the bottom of the front element of the brain; however, they could occur anyplace.
Intracerebral Hemorrhage:
An intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) describes injury at intervals in the brain tissue, is also associated with different brain injuries, particularly contusions. The dimensions and site of the haemorrhage help confirm whether or not it may be removed surgically.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is caused by injury into the space. It seems as diffuse blood unfold thinly over the surface of the brain and ordinarily when TBI. Most cases of SAH related to head trauma area unit are delicate. Abnormalcy could result from severe traumatic SAH.
Diffuse Injuries:
TBIs will manufacture microscopic changes that don't seem on CT scans and area units scattered throughout the brain. This class of injuries, referred to as diffuse brain injury, could occur with or not Associate in the Nursing associated mass lesion.
Diffuse Axonal Injury:
This injury refers to impaired performance and gradual loss of axons. These long extensions of nerve cells alter them to speak with one another. If enough axons area unit injured during this approach, the power of nerve cells to talk with one another and integrate their performance is also lost or significantly impaired, presumably going a patient with severe disabilities.
Another style of diffuse injury is anaemia, or low blood provided to the brain's bound elements. A decrease in blood provided to terribly low levels could occur ordinarily in an exceedingly vital variety of TBI patients. This is often crucial since a brain that has undergone a traumatic injury is particularly sensitive to slight reductions in blood flow. Changes in vital signs throughout the primary few days when a head injury may also have Associate in Nursing adverse results.
Skull Fractures:
Linear skull fractures or easy breaks or 'cracks' within the bone could accompany TBIs. Doable forces, sturdy enough to cause a skull fracture, could harm the underlying brain. These fractures are also horrifying if found on a patient analysis. Fractures at the bottom of the bone area unit are problematic since they'll cause injury to nerves, arteries, or different structures. A discharge of humour (CSF) from the nose or ears could occur if the fracture extends into the sinuses. Depressed skull fractures may also occur within which a part of the bone presses on or into the brain.
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI):
Diffuse axonal injury is the cutting (tearing) of the brain's long connecting nerve fibres (axons) that happens once the brain is out of action because it shifts and rotates within the bony bone. DAI typically causes coma because of injury to several different elements of the brain. The changes within the brain area unit are usually microscopic and will not be evident on X-radiation (CT scan) or resonance imaging (MRI) scans.
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is often a typical brain injury in automotive accidents and one of the foremost severe sorts of brain injury. Negligent acts that may cause this injury area unit are typically motorcar accidents, falling on slippery surfaces or partaking in sports when a concussion is not correct recovery. The cause is violent forces on the brain and head, forcing brain tissue to slip back and forth until the connecting fibres (axons) tear. This disrupts the messages that neurons send, leading to a loss of performance.
These injuries may be brutal to observe on Associate in Nursing imaging due to most DAI leading to solely microscopic tears. The severity depends on however giant the area of the tear unit and wherever they're set. There is a lot of axons area unit torn, and a lot of severe consequences are there.
Causes of head injury:
There are several causes of head injury in kids and adults. The most common injuries are from automobile accidents (where the person is either riding within the automotive or is smitten as a pedestrian), violence, falls, or as a result of shaking a baby (as seen in cases of kid abuse).
Primary and secondary brain injury:
Primary brain injury refers to the abrupt and profound injury to the brain that's thought about to be a lot of or less complete at the time of impact. This happens at the time of the automotive accident, gunfire wound, or fall. Secondary brain injury refers to the changes that evolve over many hours to days when the first brain injury. It includes a whole series of steps or stages of cellular, chemical, tissue, or vessel changes within the brain that contribute to more destruction of brain tissue.
Measurement of the severity of a TBI:
TBI is classed supported by the seriousness of the injury employing a tool referred to as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The GCS encompasses a purpose system that measures varied functions like eye-opening, motor response and verbal responses. The next score indicates less severe injury. The size consists of fifteen points.
The four attainable severity levels are:
1. Delicate TBI: 13-15 points
2. Moderate: 9-12 points
3. Severe: 4-8 points
4. Persistent Vegetative State: 3 points or fewer
The more severe the brain injury, the longer the time it takes to recover.
For more information and consultation contact our expert neurologist at Kingsway Hospitals.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
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A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or decreased, causing reduced delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissue. And the brain cells start to die in minutes. In a medical emergency like a stroke, prompt treatment is essential to reduce brain damage and other complications.
We are very fortunate that the number of people dying of stroke is decreasing due to improving research and developments in medical field and awareness amongst the people. Now, there are many effective treatments that help prevent disability from a stroke on a much higher level.
Here are two leading causes of stroke.
-A blocked artery (Ischemic Stroke)
This is the most common type of stroke, which happens when the blood vessels of the brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow (Ischemia)
-Leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (Hemorrhagic Stroke).
-A temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain (Transient Ischemic Attack)
Ischemic stroke
Fatty deposits in blood vessels or blood clots or other debris that travel through our bloodstream and lodge in the blood vessels in our brain cause blockade or narrowed blood vessels.
Some primary research reflects COVID-19 virus may be a possible cause of ischemic stroke.
Hemorrhagic stroke
A hemorrhagic stroke happens when a blood vessel in our brain leaks or tears. Brain haemorrhages can result from many infirmities that affect our blood vessels. Factors related to hemorrhagic stroke include:
Uncontrolled high blood pressure
Treatment with blood thinners (anticoagulants)
Bulges at soft spots in your blood vessel walls (aneurysms)
Trauma (such as a car accident)
Protein sediments in blood vessel walls that point to weakness in the vessel wall (cerebral amyloid angiopathy)
Ischemic stroke leading to haemorrhage
A less regular cause of bleeding in the brain is the rupture of an abnormal tangle of thin-walled blood vessels (arteriovenous malformation).
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
A transient ischemic attack (TIA), sometimes identified as a ministroke, is a temporary period of symptoms similar to those one would have in a stroke. A TIA doesn't cause permanent damage. They're caused by a temporary drop in blood supply to part of your brain, which may last like five to six minutes.
Similar to an ischemic stroke, a TIA occurs when a clot or debris reduces or blocks blood flow to part of our nervous system.
one should seek emergency care even if they think they've had a TIA because their symptoms got better. It's not possible to tell if one is having a stroke or TIA based only on the symptoms. If one have had a TIA, it means they may have a partially blocked or narrowed artery leading to their brain. Having a TIA increases the risk of a full-blown stroke later.
If you or someone you're with maybe having a stroke, pay particular consideration to the time the symptoms starts. Some treatment options are most effective when carried out soon after a stroke begins.
Signs and symptoms of stroke include:
Trouble speaking and deciphering about the simple conversation going around. One may experience confusion, slur the words or have difficulty understanding speech.
Paralysis of the face, arm or leg. One may feel unusual numbness, weakness or paralysis in their face, arm or leg which often affects just one side of the body. One should try to raise both their arms over their head at the same time. If one arm begins to fall, it may be due to a stroke. Also, one side of the mouth may droop when one is naturally smiling.
Problems seeing in one or both eyes. One may suddenly have blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes, or they may see double.
Headache, a sudden, severe headache, which may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness, may indicate that the person is having a stroke.
Trouble walking. One may stumble or lose their balance and may also have sudden dizziness or a loss of coordination.
The best approach to treat strokes is to act FAST. Ischemic stroke is best treated when treated within 6 hours from onset of brain attack, as the clot can be dissolved more effectively by giving Inj r-tPA within 4.5 hours and the outcome will be far better. Mechanical thrombectomy can be offered upto 6 hours and in selected few patients upto 24 hours.
Patients who develop severe post stroke brain injury, or those who have hematoma may require surgery for hematoma removal or decompressive Craniectomy. In this procedure, a part of skull bone is removed to reduce internal pressure of brain.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is a critical aspect of Stroke care. Most stroke victims will require rehabilitation after the event. A person's condition is generally dependent on the area of the brain and the amount of tissue that was damaged. It is common for the rehabilitation process to include a wide range of therapies along with family education.
Rehabilitation programme for stroke includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dysphagia therapy, speech therapy, cognitive therapy, continent advisor, recreational therapy, advice on orthotics and vocational counselling.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Holiday Heart Attack
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Every year, approximately 647,000 people die from heart disease.
It is known to many people that heart disease is the top cause of death for both women and men. By exercising daily, watching what we eat, and keeping our stress levels low, we try to combat it.
Yet multiple people are surprised to know that through December and January, we spoil the most and our stress levels crescendo at that time. The death toll increases by 33% at times of heart attack.
The logic for the "holiday heart attack" is not known, but doctors have many theories.
It is common for people that the holidays in cold weather causes a spike in heart attacks.
Even in warmer climates, However, holiday heart attacks are consistently higher across the country. In 12 years, one-third of extra coronary artery disease deaths happen. One study suggests January and December than in June through September in Los Angeles County.
A different theory says that the attached stress that comes with the holidays may be enough to send a week hearted person over the edge. But the rise of heart disease does not happen in a matter of weeks as the numbers may suggest. The increase in cardiac deaths during the holiday season could be because of a culmination of heart illness risk factors tied into a short amount of time.
After all, less motivation to work out, stress and overindulgence, are the three major components that make up the holiday season.
Make it a potluck! Ask your friends and family to chime in! Have everyone bring a meal so that the workload doesn't all fall on a single person. Want to take your health to the next level? Challenge yourself and your preferred ones to prepare dishes rich in colourful veggies, fruits, and whole grains! Watch your liquor intake. Over time, excessive liquor can raise your blood pressure. regular
Drinking can lead to an irregular heartbeat known as arterial fibrillation, which increases your uncertainty of heart attack.
Stay warm! Cold temperatures are difficult on the heart! They cause blood vessels to contract, which raises blood pressure. Lower temperatures also mean that blood clots more easily. Avoid exposure to frigid temperatures and layer up!
Catch some sleep. One of the easiest ways to strengthen your immune system is to get a sufficient amount of sleep! Infection and fever put extra pressure on your heart, so keep your immune system
functioning properly!
Get some fresh air. The crackling of a wood-burning fire might get you in the holiday mood, but the tiny particles released by burning wood are harmful to your heart health. Keep your distance from burning wood and stay inside during any air pollution alerts.
Get moving! Take a walk around your society to look at lights! Find a quick workout video on YouTube! Turn your exercise into quality family time and ask your preferred ones to join you! Exercising works wonders on your heart and reduces stress!
Say NO! Stay away from high-stress conditions. The first step is to pare down your "to do" list! You are not a superhero—no one expects you to be! Having too much on you can lead to exhaustion, anger, and emotional stress—all of which cause pressure on the heart!
Pay thought. Many people neglect their health through the holidays. Don't forget to take your meds and pay heed to how you're feeling. If you feel like something might be wrong, don't impute it on stress, worry about being an inconvenience, or brush it off. Many people confuse heart attacks with panic attacks. It's better to be safe than sorry! Don't put off discomfort or pain because you are travelling. Seek medical attention right away.
No matter what season it is, always aim for BALANCE in your lifestyle choices.
• Stay focused on your goals.
• Stay honest with your journey.
• Stay conscious of your body.
• The holidays are about spending time with the people that you love.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
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What are you doing as you read this?
Are you having a cup of coffee?
Are you taking a break from work?
Getting ready for bed?
chances are most probably you're sitting down most
We get it; your feet are tired! That chair is comfortable. What are you supposed to do—!!!
We have all heard the saying "sitting is the new smoking", relating to India's increasing epidemic of sedentary lifestyles. But is this true? Is sitting in a chair that bad for you? Let's see.
Over 25% of Indian adults sit for more than 8 hours every day. Near about half of those people get little to no exercise.
The average Indian watches approximately 3 hours of television every day.
The average Indian is active in less than 20 minutes every day.
One hour of steady walking can counter the effects of too much sitting.
A new study found that people who sit the most, compared to people who sit the least, have a greater risk of disease and death:
112% increased risk of diabetes.
The increased risk of cardiovascular activities such as stroke and heart attack comes to around 147%
Cardiovascular risks of death increase to 90%
Risk of death increases by 49% by random causes
Sitting can be so comforting. Why is it so bad? Here's what happens when you sit for too long.
Blood flow slows down, allowing fatty acids to build up in the blood vessels, leading to heart illness.
Sitting for long periods frequently may lead to insulin resistance which can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity—2 major risk factors for heart disease.
Fat processing slows down in the body. When you sit, your body's creation of lipoprotein lipase (an enzyme essential for breaking down fat) drops by about 90%, leading to the storage of more fat that can not be broken down.
Sitting is inevitable! Here's how you can avoid any adverse side effects:
Set a timer. Get up every hour and move. Stand, walk around, stretch. To remind yourself, you can even download apps.
Watch your posture. Poor posture can lead to bone damage, reduced blood circulation, fatigue, and loss of muscle strength. If you must sit, keep your chin tucked, shoulders back, and your stomach stretched toward your spine to keep muscles engaged, bones aligned, and circulation flowing.
Take a stand. If you're able, why not go for a standing desk? It has proven to increase brain function, creativity, and productivity. Your heart will also be very much thankful to you. Commit to exercising every single day. Go on a walk during lunch.
Plan to attend a fitness class.
Choose the far parking spot.
Every minute of physical activity counts!
It has been said in recent years that 'sitting is as bad just like smoking. While sitting and smoking both have adverse effects on health, it is not possible to compare them.
It's wonderful to take a rest. It's essential. But at what point does 'taking a rest' turn into living a sedentary life? Track the hours that you spend in a day sitting.
Honestly, sitting at your desk may not be the same as being in a smokers lounge, but it could very well bring in the same result.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
*डायबेटीस*– काही गोड गैरसमज
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डायबेटीस (मधुमेह) तसा वैदिक काळापासून माहित असलेला आजार आहे. चरक संहितेत ह्या बद्दल माहिती आढळते. पण आजच्या काळात ह्याचा प्रादुर्भाव प्रचंड वाढलेला आहे. 🙏बहुतेक प्रत्येकाच्या घरी एक ना एक डायबेटीस असलेली व्यक्ती आज आहे. भारतात *मधुमेहाचे प्रमाण जवळ जवळ 8 %* आहे. आज आपल्या देशात अंधत्व, किडनी चे विकार, हृदय रोग, पायाच्या जखमा व विच्छेदन ह्याचे प्रमुख कारण अनियंत्रित ब्लडशुगर आहे. शिवाय Whatsapp युनिव्हर्सिटी मुळे प्रचलित गैर समजांमुळे ह्या कॉम्प्लीकॅशंस च्या प्रमाणात भर पडली आहे.
*त्यामुळे काही ❌गैर समजाचे ❌ निरसन करण्याचा प्र���त्न आज करू या*.
*१* ) " *माझ्या घरी कोणाला* *डायबेटीस नाही, त्यामुळे मला होणे शक्य नाही*."❌
✅अनुवांशिकता हे मधुमेह होण्या मागील केवळ एक कारण आहे. बदललेली जीवन शैली, दैनंदिन ताण-तणाव, अनियमित आहार, शारीरिक श्रमाचा अभाव, स्त्रियांमध्ये गर्भ धारणेचे वाढत चाललेले वय ही बाकिची कारणे कमी जास्ती प्रमाणात प्रत्येकाच्याच आयुष्यात आहे. शिवाय भारतीय वंशाच्या लोकांमध्ये शरीरात body fat चे प्रमाण हे पाश्चात्यांपेक्षा अधिक आढळते, त्यामुळे डायबेटीस हा अधिक प्रमाणात, कमी वयात व तीव्र स्वरुपात आढळतो.
*२*) " *मला सध्या काही त्रास नाही, तर मी ब्लडशुगर का तपासू* ?"❌
✅थकवा, वजन कमी होणे, सतत लघवी ला जाणे, सतत तहान लागणे, सतत भूक लागणे, सतत इन्फेक्शन होणे ही माहिती असलेली लक्षणे केवळ २५% डायबेटीस पेशंट्स मध्ये दिसतात.*७५% पेशंट्स मध्ये शुगर वाढलेली असून देखील कोणतीच लक्षणे नसतात*. पण ह्या ७५% लोकांना कॉम्लीकेशंस व्हायची तितकीच शक्यता असते. ते टाळण्याचा एकमेव उपाय म्हणजे वेळेत डायबेटीसचे निदान होणे व जास्तीत जास्त वेळ शुगर नॉर्मल ठेवणे. म्हणून *चाळीशीनंतर* प्रत्येकाने दर वर्षी किमान एकदा अथवा गरज असल्यास शुगर तपासणी करणे आवश्यक आहे.
३) " *मी गोड खात नाही, व्यायाम करतो, म्हणून मला औषधाची गरज नाही*."❌
✅जेव्हा एखाद्याला डायबेटीस होतो, तेव्हा त्याच्या शरीरातील इन्सुलिन तयार होण्याची क्षमता ५०% नी कमी झालेली असते , शिवाय इन्सुलिन ची कार्य क्षमता देखील कमी झालेली असते (Insulin Resistance). त्यामुळे Life Style Modification (व्यायाम, आहारातील गोड पदार्थ, कार्बोहायड्रेट उदा. भात, बटाटे कमी करणे) हे औषधा सोबत आवश्यक असते पण औषधाला पर्याय होऊ शकत नाही. केवळ प्रि-डायबेटीस स्टेज मध्ये जीवन शैलीत बदल आणून बिना औषधाने शुगर नॉर्मल राहू शकते.
४) *मी डायबेटीस चे औषधे घेतो, म्हणजे मी खूप आजारी आहे*.❌
✅हा सर्वात मोठा गैर समज. डायबेटीस हा आजार नसून शरीरातील एक अनियंत्रित प्रक्रिया आहे. औषधाने व जीवन शैलीत बदल आणून त्यावर तुम्ही नियंत्रण मिळवता आहात. आज ब्लड शुगर नॉर्मल ठेवून (डायबेटीस असलेल्यांसाठी " *fasting* -*उपाशी पोटी १३० mg/dl पेक्षा कमी*, 
*जेवणा नंतर* २ तासांनी १८० mg/dl पेक्षा कमी व
 *तीन महिन्यांचे एवरेज* HbA1C  ७% किंवा त्याहून कमी) ठेवल्यास पुढे होणारे डायबेटीस चे कोम्प्लीकेशंस टाळता येतात.
👉🏻लक्षात ठेवा, आज औषधे घेऊन तुम्ही उद्या होणारे मोठे आजार टाळता आहात.
५) *माझी शुगर नॉर्मल आहे, मी औषधे बंद करू शकतो*❌
✅तुम्ही नियमित व योग्य औषधे घेत आहात, तुम्ही जीवन शैलीत योग्य बदल आणले आहेत, म्हणून शुगर नॉर्मल आहे. काही अपवाद वगळता, ते बंद केल्यास, शुगर पुन्हा वाढू शकते. वजन कमी केल्याने काही पेशंट्स मध्ये जरूर औषधे बंद होऊ शकतात, पण ते देखील डॉक्टर च्या सल्ल्याने. शिवाय काही परिस्थितींमध्ये उदा. Steroid Induced Diabetes मध्ये डॉक्टर च्या सल्ल्यानेच औषधे घ्यावे.
६) *डायबेटीस चे औषधे नेहमी घेतल्याने किडनी खराब होतील*❌
✅डायबेटीसची औषधे घेतल्याने किडनीला इजा होत नाही. त्याउलट औषधे न घेतल्याने ब्लड शुगर वाढलेली राहिली तर नक्कीच किडनी फेल्युअर, हार्ट अटेक व इतर कॉम्प्लीकेशंस होऊ शकतात.
७) *मला डॉक्टरांनी इन्सुलिनचे इंजेक्शन घ्यायला सांगितले, इन्सुलिन इंजेक्शन घेणे वाईट असते*❌
✅Type 1 Diabetes जो प्रामुख्याने लहान मुले, किशोरवयीन मुले व क्वचित मोठ्यांमध्ये आढळतो , ह्यात इन्सुलिन ला पर्याय नाही, ते जीवनावश्यक असते.
👉🏻Type 2 Diabetes जो प्रामुख्याने मोठ्यांमध्ये आढळतो, कधी कधी शुगर नॉर्मल ठेवण्या साठी इन्सुलिन च्या इंजेक्शनची गरज भासते. अशा वेळेस डॉक्टर च्या सल्ल्या नुसार इन्सुलिन इंजेक्शन घेणे यथोचित असते कारण तुम्ही गोळ्या घेता कि इन्सुलिन घेता ह्या पेक्षा तुमची शुगर नॉर्मल आहे कि नाही ह्यावर तुम्हाला कॉम्प्लीकेशंस होतील कि नाही हे अवलंबून असते. इन्सुलिन ची सवय लागण्यापेक्षा ती त्या व्यक्ती च्या शरीराची गरज असते.
8) *मी डायबेटीस सोबत दिलेले बीपी, कोलेस्टेरॉल चे औषध बंद केलेले चालेल*❌
✅काही पेशंट्स ला सोबत बीपी कोलेस्टेरॉल चे औषध दिलेले असते. डायबेटीस पेशंट्स मध्ये हृदय रोगाचे प्रमाण अधिक असते, शुगर सोबत बीपी व कोलेस्टेरॉल नॉर्मल ठेवल्याने ही शक्यता आपण कमी करू शकतो, म्हणून ही औषधे घेणे गरजेचे असते.
९) *उपासाच्या दिवशी, प्रवासात औषधे बंद ठेवावी लागतात*❌
✅सीवियर डायबेटीस असल्यास, वय वाढलेले असल्यास उपास करणे टाळावे. बाकी पेशंट्स नि उपासाच्या दिवशी जेवणाच्या वेळे नुसार औषधी घ्यावी, शक्यतो जेवायच्या वेळेस उपासाचे खावे, कडकडीत उपास करणे टाळावे. प्रवासात व बाहेर गावी जेवायच्या व औषधाच्या वेळा पाळाव्यात.
१०) *मुलाला/ मुलीला डायबेटीस आहे हे सांगितले तर लग्न जमणार नाही, नोकरी मिळणार नाही*❌
✅शुगर नियंत्रणात ठेवली तर वैवाहिक जीवनात, प्रेग्नन्सी आधी व मध्ये शुगर नॉर्मल ठेवल्यास अपत्य होण्यास काहीही प्रॉब्लेम जात नाही. पण ते लपवल्याने शारीरिक त्रास तर वाढतोच पण मानसिक गुंतागुंती देखील वाढते. आवशक आहे ते योग्य उपचार करून शुगर नॉर्मल ठेवणे. शुगर ची योग्य उपाय योजना केल्यास व आवश्यक ती काळजी घेतल्यास जॉब मिळण्यास व करियर मध्ये देखील काही प्रॉब्लेम जात नाही.
अशा रीतीने मधुमेहाचे योग्य व्यवस्थापन करून ��पण आपले आयुष्य मधुमेहासोबत देखील गोड करू शकता.
🩺 *डॉ अमेय बीडकर
हृदयरोग तज्ञ
किंग्जवे हॉस्पीटल
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
What is heart failure?
  Heart failure happens when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in your body. Heart failure is a serious condition, but it does not mean that the heart has stopped beating. Although it can be a severe disease, heart failure is not a death sentence, and treatment is now better than ever.
 When this happens, blood may back up into the lungs (congestive heart failure), and some parts of the body don’t get enough oxygen-rich blood to work normally. These problems lead to the symptoms of heart failure.
 Heart failure develops because the heart muscle becomes weak or loses the ability to pump normally. The Ejection Fraction (EF) is a percent that lets us know how the heart is squeezing (normal is 60%). If the heart isn’t “squeezing” well to get enough blood to your body, you have heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction (EF < 40%). If the heart can’t “relax” to fill with enough blood between contractions, you have heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (EF > 50%). Heart muscle weakening and damage is often called cardiomyopathy, which literally means “heart muscle disease.”
 Symptoms of heart failure
Heart failure interferes with the kidney’s normal function of eliminating excess sodium and waste products from the body. In congestive heart failure, the body retains more fluid, yet not all heart failure patients retain fluid. Here are the symptoms of heart failure:
 1.Shortness of breath during daily activities.
2.Having shortness of breath when lying down or sleeping.
3.Weight gain with swelling in the feet, legs, ankles, or stomach.
4.Generally feeling tired or weak.
What causes heart failure?
Heart failure is most often caused by other conditions, such as atherosclerosis that is blockages in heart vessels, heart attack, high blood pressure, heart valve problems, genetics, and alcohol or drug abuse. Sometimes the damage occurs for no known reason. This is called idiopathic cardiomyopathy (idiopathic means “no known cause”) and many with this find that heart failure runs in their family.
Risk factors for heart failure
Health conditions that are left unrecognized or untreated will increase the lifetime risk of developing heart failure. Some of these diseases include:
 1.Coronary heart disease that is blockages in the heart vessels (the most common type of heart disease) and heart attacks
2.High blood pressure
5.Unhealthy behaviour can also increase your risk for heart failure, especially for people who have one of the diseases listed above.
Unhealthy behaviour includes:
 Smoking or using tobacco
Excessive alcohol intake
Eating foods high in fat, cholesterol, and sodium
Not getting enough physical activity
Treating heart failure
Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the quality and length of life for people who have heart failure. Treatment usually involves taking medications, getting daily physical activity, and reducing the salt or sodium you eat in your diet. People with heart failure need to track their weight and symptoms each day so that they can discuss these symptoms with their health care team.
 Heart failure management is a treatment strategy that can improve your heart function, reduce your symptoms, and lengthen your life. The strategy combines several treatments, including lifestyle changes, medications, and heart procedures.
 The last couple of years have been exciting in having newer medications we can offer to patients with the weak heart muscle. These add to our other well-proven medications that can really help improve heart function in many people, reduce hospitalizations and improve surviving heart failure.
 Some patients with heart failure may need surgery or procedures to open blocked heart arteries, or open-heart surgery. They may need heart valves fixed or replaced. Many often need procedures to help reduce heart rhythm abnormalities. Some patients with advanced heart failure may need a heart transplant or mechanical heart pump.
 Living with heart failure
There are five things patients diagnosed with heart failure need to do every day at home to manage their heart failure. Follow — these basic steps:
 1.Medications: Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor and heart care team, let them know if you don’t tolerate your medications and don’t run out of them.
2.Activity: Stay active every day, do what you can to keep your body strong.
3.Weight: Weigh yourself each day, recognize when changes in your weight mean you are retaining more fluid.
4.Diet: Follow your diet, which means low salt (< 2 grams per day) and limit fluid intake (< 2 litres per day).
5.Symptoms: Recognize your symptoms and know when to call for help.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Are you suffering from sleep disorder?
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  "Early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise". This famous quote by Benjamin Franklin stands very apt, as a proper healthy nighttime sleep will lead to a successful lifestyle. For ages, sleep has astounded scientists due to its intricacies. To date even after so much research, the proper nature, need and advantages are still pondered.  Reference of sleep disorder can be found in the impeccable observation of Charles Dickens famous story in the Pickwick papers as Joe the fat boy, who was suffering from sleep apnoea. Even in Ramayana, Kumbhakarana used to sleep 6 months was described as a huge, fat, giant who used to wake up after his appetite used to goes down. The link between appetite and sleep center was probably known, as currently it is known through experiments that area of brain i.e. Lateral thalamus is involved in sleep-wake cycle correlating with food intake. Sleep deprivation tends to cause excessive weight gain leading to obesity and possibly other metabolic disorders such as Diabetes. In Indian culture, a person who sleeps more is considered to be happy and prosperous. However excessive daytime sleepiness could be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnoea. Risk factors such as male gender, post-menopausal women, small jaw bone size, and enlarged tonsil etc may contribute to upper airway collapse leading to sleep apnea. Even snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. So all snorers are having OSA(obstructive sleep apnea)??, probably not, however, a proper medical examination is required. Apnoea as defined as a temporary cessation of breathing leads to sleep fragmentation which in turn causes a lack of nighttime sleep causing frequent awakening and excessive daytime somnolence. This fragmentation can be micro fragmentation which does not lead to a proper awakening i.e. getting out of the bed, however leads to tremendous fatigue of the brain due to improper sleep. Symptoms such as restless sleep, Waking up choking or gasping, morning headaches, dry mouth, or sore throat, Waking up often to urinate, Waking up feeling unrested or groggy, trouble thinking clearly or remembering things can happen due to OSA. Apart from reduced quality of work and compromised lifestyle, OSA can lead to Type 2 diabetes, neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular and fatty liver like complications. As per the national Indian survey, OSA is prevalent in almost 6-11% of the population which goes unnoticed due to the subtle nature of the disease. In the USA, it is estimated that an OSA patient is 4 times more likely to cause a road traffic accident. The first and foremost need is to detect and consider it as a treatable disease. Treatment of this disorder leads to a phenomenal change in the quality of work and improves lifestyle. The treatment is often weight reduction, lifestyle changes and most importantly external pressure devices which are to be worn at night time. These devices splint the airway and open it for proper breathing. Next time you see an obese person sleeping and snoring in a waiting area/meeting/online conference, please don’t jeer at the person instead help him/her to get evaluated for OSA. Together we can stop this silent, subtle and slow killer.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
Post covid hair fall.
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How to deal with after-effects of corona virus infection?
Dermatologists worldwide are seeing an increase in the number of skin and hair-related issues as an aftermath of the Covid-19 disease. While different types of skin rash, infections like herpes zoster, candidiasis, are all on the rise, severe hair loss in the post covid recovery phase, is the commonest problem faced by most coronavirus patients. This hair loss is called Telogen Effluvium in medical terms.
 What is telogen effluvium?
Acute telogen effluvium occurs as a sequela to any kind of a shock to the internal system, e.g. medical illness, surgery, accident, childbirth, stress, etc. These stressors/ triggering factors disrupt the normal functioning of the body and directly interfere with the normal hair cycle. These changes result in a sudden shift of hair from the ‘resting phase’ into the ‘shedding phase’. 
 Who is affected by it? And how?
Anyone who has gone through the physical and mental stress of covid-19 infection can experience this kind of hair loss. The hair fall is typically sudden in onset, can start between 2 to 3 months during the post covid phase and the number of hair lost per day is overwhelming for the patient.
 How to deal with it?
The good news is that this is a temporary type of hair loss. It lasts for 3 to 6 months but sometimes can persist for longer than that. But there are certain things that need to be taken care of while tackling this hair fall. 
- Ensure that your diet is nutritious and rich in protein sources. A diet with balanced macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients is essential during this period. 
 - Patient should be checked for iron, calcium, and other vitamin deficiencies. If found deficient, the patient should be promptly started on respective supplements.
- Avoid stress. Stress leads to more hair loss. Yoga, meditation, adequate sleep are some measures to keep stress in control.
- Do NOT fall into the trap of some magical overnight-hair regrowth remedies.
-Seek help from a dermatologist, who will guide you with the correct medical advice and treatment.
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kingswayhospitalngp · 3 years
COVID Aftermath- Is a Third-wave coming?
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COVID-19 has become a routine household name in 2021, as it has been with us for quite some time. Still, it is somewhat feared but majorly neglected. During a phone call, we often hear the deep, masculine, stern caller-tune voice of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan telling us not to be complacent, yet still, we let ourselves go astray.
Follow COVID- inappropriate behavior. There is a teen rebellious attitude somewhere hiding among us. Overcoming fear by showing unnecessary overconfidence is not a good attitude.
Why does this happen? This is because Fear does not cause long sustainable behavior. Use harsh punishment for a kid, Kid will behave as you want. Although this effect is instant, alas, temporary.
Similarly Fearing COVID during 1st wave and subsequently getting adjusted has led us to the devastating 2nd wave. But have we learned, unfortunately, no. Still, there is no frequent hand washing, no use of masks, and no social distancing. Even the AIIMS-WHO report has hinted at a 3rd wave somewhere in July-August 2021. So, if 3 rd wave is coming then -Are we ready for it? During the 2nd wave, there was a dearth of oxygen supply and hospital beds. Till now almost 3 crores of India's population has been affected, fortunately, around 2.88 cr have recovered.
But India's population is 136.64 crores as per the 2019 report. So only 0.022% of the Indian population has been affected by COVID and 3.6% of the population is vaccinated to date(22/6/2021). It took 95% for Measeles to develop herd immunity, it is estimated around 70% population should be affected/vaccinated to develop herd immunity for COVID.
So we hugely still lack resources for the anticipated 3rd wave.
  "Prevention is better than cure" this aged adage couldn't be more apt in current times. This Pandemic has taught us a lot of things-
1. We can survive with a little. we don't need to gormandize on outside food or having a shopping frenzy attitude.
2. Family comes first. In times of pandemic, the true meaning of family has emerged.
3. DIY- Do it yourself- Many things can be done by us, we don't need to rely on others. So now that we have noted the silver lining on the black cloud, we shouldn't forget the black cloud itself.
  We should follow simple 'SMS'- Social distancing, Mask, Sanitization rather than forwarding WhatsApp rumors. It is possible to have a bright future but it requires action today. Hence the today is called a 'Present' given to us by God.
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