kingtogod · 10 years
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"Judging from what I've seen of the people here they'd have to be superhuman at least to get these fuckers here. That's seriously fucked up. Just remember that apathetic shit or not if anything happens to you you gotta answer to me. Let that put a little fear back in you."
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“How are you sure that the one behind this isn’t human? Sorry Agon, I shouldn’t have spoke out loud, but really, though I haven’t met my partner yet, they seem to give off a strong feeling of apathy that’s just too much for me, as if they’re only a hollow being. I’ll find a way to fix myself up, and again, don’t worry. Let your big brother handle this.”
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"Hey, how's the kidnapping treating you?"
kingtogod started following you
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┊Dreads, huh?┊
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"You're in luck. Fucking is one of my talents."
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"That so? I want some good fuckin’ orgasms."
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"Yeah it's called being blackout drunk and dealing with asshole wizards. I'm human not fucking Goku here. Why can't you feel anything? Did they do something to you? Fuck off I'm already worried you ass."
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“Oh so the famed God Speed Impulse has its limits as well. I also can’t feel the same for you….like I literally can’t feel anything…Anyways, I’ll still keep my promise, you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"Let's just say I'm know for my performance and stamina on and off the field."
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"Better be a good one."
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"What can I say? I'm only one man and we're talking about a magic alien jigsaw here. I might also have been a bit smashed when it happened. I'm not really sure my memory is pretty blurry but the last thing I remember before here is throwing back some shots. I can't say I'm happy to see you here. If this goes battle royale and you die I'm gonna be really pissed."
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“Agon…I’m surprised. You, of all people, managed to get kidnapped.”
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"Only if you're interested."
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"You lookin’ to score?"
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kingtogod · 10 years
She was cute and while he did want to try and tap that they really had more important things to do, like figure out what they had going for them in this hellhole since they were stuck together. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
"My thoughts exactly, what was it, Morgiana?"
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"The way I see it we're here because some fucker is crazy and bored and that's a bad fucking combo. Not to mention that he's got either something like magic or super science on his side since he did all this weird ass binding and shit. I don't know what this is going to be like from now on so I want us to know what our arsenal is. If we know our strengths and weaknesses from the start we'll be better prepared if shit goes down."
He could feel her fear and nervousness now radiating through the back of his head. It was annoying as fuck, he and Unsui were twins and they didn't have any of this bullshit. He just hoped she wasn't completely useless, he was not putting up with that feeling for this whole disaster. 
           To be partnered with someone she didn’t even know what well, to put it into simple words..frightening. She knew nothing of this them or what kind of person they were and that’s the part that made her nervous. But when faced with the one whom she would be connected to from now on, tensions eased, though just a bit. He didn’t look like he was a bad person. She’d just have to trust that he wasn’t, until proven otherwise. ❝ Yes, I think that’s correct. ❞ though as she speaks, she doesn’t look at him.
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           ❝ I..hope we can get along well. I am Morgiana. I will try my best not to burden or cause you any harm. If it is fair, I will expect the same from you. ❞
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kingtogod · 10 years
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"Well, hello gorgeous."
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kingtogod · 10 years
Agon: R
Agon: IT
Unsui: NO
Agon: BBBBBBBBB))))))))))))))))))))))))
Unsui: NO
Unsui: NO
Unsui: NO
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kingtogod · 10 years
spitshine-d replied to your post:All the other es21ers are screaming in fear at the...
SLAMS u wanna go
oh fuck yes I wanna go
I want these 2 b utterly trashy together
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kingtogod · 10 years
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All the other es21ers are screaming in fear at the idea of Agon and Panty meeting.
Let's just say I'm praying for it.
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kingtogod · 10 years
Agon slammed open the door to the room he'd woken up in and began walking towards the tug. Why not go and see who this mystery person he'd been saddled with. He just hoped it was someone useful, he wasn't going to spend his whole time here protecting some worthless trash just because some asshole told him to. When he finally felt the tug end and saw a young girl he smirked a little. So he'd gotten a girl as his partner, well at least she was cute, it wasn't a complete bust. He might have to do the brunt of the work but he might be able to get a little something out of it too.
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"So it looks like we're partners or something huh?"
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kingtogod · 10 years
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Finally giving this guy some love like for a starter.
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kingtogod · 10 years
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Guess I should do a mun intro then
Hi my name is Meaghan but you can just call me hiei, agon or mae. I literally respond to anything. I'm 21 and a senior illustration major. I'm here bc rae is a little bitch and made me wanna do the thing. Both my characters are assholes and I'm basically a pomeranian. I've been rping for too long so bare with me if I'm shitty about everything ever. I'll be putting up my standard rules page soon so please, please read them I don't ask for much and I have a block first ask questions later policy. I'm trying to write this and sound pleasant but I just keep sounding like a jackass whoops. I swear I'm kinda nice I've just had a lot of bullshit happen in the past rpwise and i'M HERE TO HAVE FUN so no more working things out just cold hard blocks. basically just run all rp ideas and things by me first and we're chill.
I use lucielle from arrested development and occasionally leslie knope from parks and rec for my fc so there's no confusion between ic and ooc posts.
fuck i swear I'm not an ass I SWEAR PLEASE BELIEVE ME SOBS
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kingtogod · 10 years
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kingtogod · 10 years
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by まりちゃん
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