To a very special someone.
Hi Miss Lisa...!! I hope this is a good start..i had to call it quits as its 230 in the morning..ive been plugged and caged since 8..so..6 and a half hrs? There's so many things here on tumblr...i could find so much...!!! I may need to do it by category! Anyways I hope this is a good start...im just learning how tumblr works..but..i think i LOVE it..:) Xoxoxoxoxoxo
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good lord...yeah..i think i would need some rigorous training for that
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another thing i want to learn how to rig up...internet controlled bondage? mmmmmmmm
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Happening Right now on a Teamviewer session
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Teamviewer..what a particular evil and intense way of controlling virtually
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Teamviwer Surveillance 
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cumplay and humiliation go hand and hand it would seem in the world of kink!
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with all of this…you can control your pet all day, every day, regardless of where they are!!
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All application that i need to connect remotely by internet or intranet
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i do enjoy being a nice ride for a lovely lady that enjoys  fucking a face!
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“Shush, Bryon. I own this modeling agency and I want to get off now. You’re going to do what I tell you to do or you’re going to be my ‘dresses for cross-dressers’ model as of tomorrow.”
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Why am I here!?!?!?
So...here i am on the fun world of tumblr...everyone nowadays has delved into the world of social media- I am no different.
    However; i do keep my flavors very much separate from each other on the plate that is My Life. Sadly, or rather- practically! I try not to mix business and pleasure. I like having my secrets. (as do we all!)
 I like being the average american boy.
I can cook (very well i may add!) I can play a couple of instruments, I am pretty decent artistically speaking (I can render in graphite pretty much most things!) I am a carpenter, a welder, a writer... I love watching football, I snowboard, play sports, former runner... I can go on and on about the world of superheroes and comic books..I am relatively a pretty normal dude, i would say!!
Man oh man..do i love me some wild and crazy- dark and devious, perverted and kinky Human sexuality!!! ;) I enjoy the aspect at which our brains can create, devise, build, etc. interesting ways to push our sexual boundaries to the ends of our universe. This is a very sexy thing...
Currently..Why am i here?
I do have a Fetlife account...(and attempt to journal there..but i slack..so, why not make it more difficult by adding ANOTHER bit of kinky social media??) 
The short end of it (So i don’t ramble..as i do tend to go on and on..) is that i have been tasked by a dear friend/play partner/muse/gorgeous woman to write/record/journal/photo reference ideas (OR scenarios/interests/etc.) that could possibly be partaken in when i return back into the area of which we both are relatively local to each other (vague..wasn’t it! ;)) 
I am excited to do this for Her...in many different ways. First; The idea of listing and such the potential of possibility..of Fantasy become reality does amazing things to my mental stimulus. Second; this was a request- an assignment really; and i am thrilled that this beautiful woman thoughtfully and thoroughly planned this one out for me. You see; She didn’t just ask me to virtually list/gather/etc. things for Her..no..She also stated that while i do this- I am to be plugged (and thankfully for myself, who is very lax at this sort of training-allowed to decide WHAT particular plug to use) as well as locked in a chastity cage. I am required at a MINIMUM to do no LESS than 2 hrs. with each session of info gathering; Multiple sessions are encouraged; and this is all due by Tues. morning.
IF i complete my task; My beautiful friend may at Her discretion choose any of these things sent her way as potential summertime fun. I decided that in order to convey (as well as CONTINUE in my service to Her) all that she requires- I would make this tumblr account as a tool for Her to use with me!
(Incidently; I have been caged now for the past hr and a half; plugged the same- and it’s getting SLIGHTLY easier..The past couple of days have been gathering and research for M’lady- and now i am putting the pieces together for the start of this project!
So, i wont bore you anymore with this intro- lets get on with the pics and such!
(this is going to be fun, i should think!!!)
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