kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
Talia only wanted to ask the man where his friend was, so she could finally talk to her and give the other no chance to avoid her more. Part of her, however, knew that she shouldn’t do that. Not because she knew it would be a bad thing to do, but because she’s picked up on certain rules throughout the centuries. “Talia. She and I… know each other, I suppose.” Talia didn’t even know what they were at this point. “Is she alright?”
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“she’s--she’s good, yeah. she’s alright.” kip thought back to the most recent months and everything that had been going on with taryn, including her transformation into a hybrid. he still barely understood it himself, but she seemed to be doing about as well as she could in the given situation. of course, it wasn’t like he had anything to compare it to... “she’s just been... busy.”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
❛ bring some beers. ❜
“i’m still not sure where we’re going…”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
three word starters.
❛ please don’t go. ❜ ❛ don’t turn around. ❜ ❛ eat my dust. ❜ ❛ suck my ass. ❜ ❛ what’s for dinner? ❜ ❛ drunk i’m not. ❜ ❛ where’s your coat? ❜ ❛ bring some beers. ❜ ❛ are you home? ❜ ❛ say my name. ❜ ❛ i can’t go.❜ ❛ i’d like none. ❜ ❛ well fuck me. ❜ ❛ are you sick? ❜ ❛ i’m freezing cold. ❜ ❛ you’re all wet. ❜ ❛ are you drunk? ❜ ❛ don’t look back. ❜ ❛ it says ‘positive’.❜ ❛ run far away.❜ ❛ you are screwed. ❜ ❛ damn it’s hot. ❜ ❛ get here easily? ❜ ❛ don’t touch me. ❜ ❛ it’s cold out. ❜ ❛ just leave me. ❜ ❛ i like you. ❜ ❛ talk to me. ❜
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
For a moment, Talia froze in place, just watching a mother play with her child. The young girl had some of the features Constanza had; wavy light brown hair, just like her father and dark eyes, just like her. For a moment, the Original werewolf let her walls down and let her mind reminisce about the times she had spent with her late daughter –  even if the last moments were painful for both of them. Her thoughts, memories that were threatening to swallow her whole, soon were stopped by a voice that was both familiar and unknown. Looking back, she saw a man – his face not of a stranger but she couldn’t quite place him. Talia narrowed her eyes, fully turning to face the dark haired boy, finally realizing where she knew him from. “You’re a friend of Taryn’s, aren’t you? Taryn Archer?” There really was no point in dancing around the subject.
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as kip retrieved his letter from whatever random person had picked it up, he was startled by another voice and turned towards the woman who it belonged to. “uh...” he contemplated his answer for a moment, both having trouble processing the randomness of the question and attempting to figure out how much info to give to a complete stranger, “yeah... yeah, i’m taryn’s friend. who are you?”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
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                              ❛        it must be very important , if you’re trying to pull me away from the word of the lord . please , speak quickly , i have 15 minutes until i have to be back at the church for confessions.        ❜
“i’m sorry, it--it can wait, father,” kipling cleared his throat, stepping back from the man. truth be told, he had never been a very religious person and wasn’t particularly sure that he wanted to, or even could, start now, but so much had been on his mind since returning to devil’s lake that he didn’t think he could handle keeping it all in there, and weren’t priest's basically supposed to sit there and listen? it was like free therapy... kind of. but, feeling as if he was an inconvenience, the surprising confidence that had led him to approach father theodore in the first place suddenly drained away. “really, i’ll come back another time...”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
start to finish leila had watched the scene unfold, a quiet smirk on her face as she observed. there was something about his misfortune that inspired amusement in the demon. and though it wasn’t her intention to catch the envelope, she couldn’t help but find herself feeling lucky that she had. bending down to pick it up she held it in her hand, making no effort to offer it to him.  “that was quite a show you put on, are you usually so clumsy?”
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kip glanced up at her and instantly regretted it, averting his gaze as quickly as it had risen. all he wanted was to take his letter, go crawl into a hole, and die, but she wasn’t making it so easy. “not--not usually, no.” 
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
normally, if kip wasn’t working, he was shut up inside his apartment or wandering around the lake, but on occasion, he did have errands to run around town. at that exact moment, he was on his way to the post office to return something to an online store, and also to deliver a letter to his parents. his mother had always said that a letter meant more than a text, so he sent a least one every couple of months.
as he stood at a crosswalk, juggling a cardboard box, the letter, a smoothie, and his phone, which he was trying to pry out of his pocket, when inevitable disaster struck--the box fell first and while his reflexes were quick enough to catch it, his smoothie wasn’t so lucky. it followed quickly, the top popping off and splashing pomegranate plunge everywhere, and as if that wasn’t enough, his phone slipped from it’s spot three-quarters of the way out of his pocket and the letter was picked up by the wind, flying into the street.
“shit,” kip cursed, glancing around and blushing darkly when he noticed just how many people had seen him. trying to shove his embarrassment aside, he scrambled for his phone and the smoothie cup, and then began chasing the letter across the street. upon reaching the other sidewalk, however, he found that the envelope was trapped beneath someone’s shoe. blush spreading to the very tips of his ears and unable to meet the other’s eyes, he straightened up, shifting everything in his arms. “uh, that’s, um--thank you.”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
Scott slung the towel over his shoulder as he greeted the person coming in. “What can I get for you?”
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kip hesitantly took a seat at the bar, voice quiet but grateful when he gave his reply, “just a--a sprite.” he had been doing pretty well at staying away from alcohol lately and tried to test his self-control every once and awhile by coming into the bar for something non-alcoholic.
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
Charlie couldn’t help but be worried as he left work for the day. All the evidence pointed to the recent attacks around town being committed by a non human life form and the marks they had left didn’t match up to any animal he was able to identify. He wasn’t sure what that meant but he was sure that it was something he should be worried about. If they didn’t know what or who was responsible for the attacks then they wouldn’t be able to stop them and it was his job to protect the people in this town and especially the people he loved. He didn’t know what he would do if people kept getting hurt when he was meant to keep them safe. He sighed, trying to put it out of his mind as he walked through town smiling when he spotted a familiar face “Hey, what are you doing here?”
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startled at the sudden interruption, kip raised his head and blinked, almost owlishly, at the other person. he placed the face after a brief moment of thought and offered a small smile to charlie, clearing his throat before speaking, “oh, uh, i’m just running up to one of the shops on seventh.” charlie was a young cop who, as far as he knew, hadn’t even an inkling of the supernatural goings-on around devil’s lake. that meant kip had no reason to think charlie might ever become suspicious of him, but he wanted to be careful and, in any event, he did just genuinely like talking to him. charlie was a nice guy, nicer than many.
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
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Words could not express how alone Noah had felt, if vampires could feel anything, it was like a sinking stone. He had lost most of his clan except for his sire, Scarlett. He adored her for saving him, for making him eternal. At one point he had even taken his revenge of his parents and their drunkard friends for lynching the closest thing he and his sister had to a mother, until his sister became I’ll and propaganda had pointed their nobby fingers at the maid Mary. Thus Typhoid Mary became a thing. To his parents surprise, he still looked like their eighteen year old son, but that was an obvious lie. His skin was pale, his eyes darkened red. They had written him off as dead, so when his mother had come to hug him, he had ripped her throat open before hunting down his father and the rest who were responsible. It had caused quite the ruckus and the mortals sought their revenge, killing off most of his group except him and Scarlett. They even took away the vampire he had fallen hard for, and as Nathaniel lay there dying, he handed Noah a gold change, his final words being that will protect you from the sun, and then he was gone. He sat upon a rock, staring aimlessly into the lake. He had heard this was a safe haven for creatures and myths like himself, yet he never felt so alone. His fingers toyed with his protection chain before reach for a rock to skip when he had accidentally grabbed someone else’s hand. Turning to face the person, he profusely apologized. “Oh I’m sorry. Here, you can have it.” He said giving up the perfect skipping stone.
kipling spent a lot of his time at the lake these days--that, or wandering around the different trails in the forest. with taryn back in town, he really had barely any free time at all, but still found himself at the shoreline or surrounded by dense forest more often than not. this was one such occasion.
unfortunately, this was also an occasion, like most, where he found that he wasn’t alone at devil’s lake. he couldn’t expect that, not with how many people and creatures lived in the town itself, but he could always hope, couldn’t he? as it was, it seemed he only had to share the lake with a relatively young looking man who had already claimed a large rock for his own. kip wasn’t bothered by this and continued, slowly, down the length of the shore, hands stuck in his pockets.
at some point, he began picking up stones to skip, mindlessly, over and over until he drew nearer to the other man’s rock. there appeared to be a perfect skipping stone just nearby, but if he went to pick it up, he ran the risk of being noticed and a conversation starting. after a moment of intense inner debate, kip moved forward and bent at the waist, fingers closing around the stone.
and, of course, an even worse scenario than just being noticed--the other man’s hand brushed against his own. he took a hasty step back and blushed, shaking his head when he was spoken to, “no, no, really--you can have it.”
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kipcxrr-blog · 8 years
a brief history of the life & times of kip carraway
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tw: eating disorders, mentioned drug & alcohol use & self harm 
back in the day:
ok so kip was born and raised in devil’s lake alongside his bff taryn archer. he had two loving parents and no siblings, so he was pretty spoiled but still incredibly kind and thoughtful and sweet
ever since he was small he was super interested in dancing. he took classes from the time he was two and became rly rly rly good at it
eventually he began to focus on ballet and became essentially a lil prodigy
his dream was to get into the american school of ballet in nyc and then he DID !!!! with an amazing scholarship too, so after high school he left for new york with intentions to make a life there and with no kids left to look after his parents moved out of devil’s lake to a place up in northern michigan
despite being probably the most talented and promising student there, he couldn’t help but fall prey to the dangers of being a professional dancer, especially focusing only on ballet and being in a very competitive and fast paced environment as an already impressionable & sensitive kid. if u didn’t look exactly right, you weren't allowed to particpate, and usually you would end up getting replaced which had pretty severe negative effects on ur grade and reputation
so yeah kip started starving himself initially, but then moved to bingeing and purging when it became too difficult to not eat. he also began to self harm around this time as punishment for being so weak that he couldn’t even starve himself right
after graduating and rising quickly at the most prestigious ballet company in new york, he made friends with many like minded dancers and it became easier to keep up the eating disorders if they encouraged and enabled one another. kip ended up supplying one of his best friends there with the same diet/appetite suppressant pills that he took, but she began taking more and more and mixing them with others that she asked him for, all on top of their normal diet of cigarettes, diet coke, and lines of cocaine
now to take this where everyone knew it was going: he gave her too many different pills throughout the day one time and with everything else she was taking and all the stress, she overdosed and died that night
two weeks later during one a rehearsal for one of the most important performances of his career, he changed into a werewolf for the first time and ended up severely injuring, maiming, or killing most of his fellow dancers and his choreographer 
scared and confused out of his mind, the following day he packed his bags and fled new york as quickly as possible with only one place in mind: devil’s lake
kip keeps to himself for the most part. he’s still slowly recovering from the eating disorders, drugs, and self harm, but he slips up fairly often bc a) he’s trying to do it on his own and b) his only dreams have been ripped away from him forever
he doesn’t dance anymore even in devil’s lake partially bc of some paranoid fear that someone may recognize him but mostly bc he doesn’t feel like himself in his own body anymore
while pretty private, he’s still very sweet and funny and SUPER GOOFY when he has to interact with others and he just needs some FRIENDS 
honestly i’m sorry for this intro post from hell but tl;dr he used to be a dancer, got turned into a werewolf, killed a bunch of ppl, and now he’s back at devil’s lake. pls pls pls let me know if you wanna plot!!! i’m super happy to be a part of this rp :’) thank you guys so much
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