kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Now this was posted on my IG on the correct day but as most of you have noticed I’m not on here that much, so enjoy a belated edit! (ct Hiro Mashima for original, my edit)
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Nothing will define Natsu so much
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He just needs to do his thing 😂
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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… erza icons!
like or reblog if you safe.
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Make a difference: Befriend a tsundere dragon today!
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Tsundere anime girls are OUT, tsundere ancient dragons with unimaginable power are IN
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Natza Week, Day 5: Fracture
Gray: ... Well, as long as we're bein' frank about "love interests."
Erza: Hmm?
Gray: I might have to decide one way or the other with Juvia. But you hafta realize by now what you're doin' to Flamebrain.
Erza: ...? I'm afraid I don't follow.
Gray: *sigh* He hides it pretty good, but his soul's fracturing, y'know? When Jellal came back, he was torn with what to do.
Erza: ...
Gray: On one hand, he wanted to have Blueberry's face in because of what he did to you. He was so pissed off. Then you got distressed over Jellal getting arrested, and he put aside his own feelings to protect yours.
Erza: ...
Gray: Seven years later, you gravitate to the guy after he summoned us for a powerup. And ya don't even have the decency to settle your feelings one way or another. You're flaky as always, not getting in a relationship, but wishing you were.
Erza: Gray...
Gray: If not for your sake, then choose for him. Put Flamebrain down gently if you have to, just... pick. You're not gonna break him any worse than he already is. It's always been about YOUR happiness anyway. If Blueberry's the guy for you, he'll leave you in his hands.
Erza: ... I just wish he could be selfish for once... It'd make it easier to sort this out...
Gray: Yeah, well, Flamebrain just isn't like that. You should know him by now.
Erza: *small, fond smile* I know. And I wasn't necessarily talking about Jellal...
Gray: ... Then what are you planning to sort out???
Erza: How to repair a fractured soul.
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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I wrote a comic about Bowsette
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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Now I posted a WIP of this on Amino a bit ago and now after many tweaks, I finally got the bust/body to a point where I can declare it finished ^_^ Another Natza week edit for you all! (Ct Hiro Mashima for original, my edit)
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Natza Week - Day 2: Wisdom
“I am starting to regret splitting up our team right about now”
An irritated red-haired knight stated as she was hiding in a dungeon-like tomb while observing her surroundings. Next to her was a man with pink spiky hairs and a scarf around his neck. Contrary to his teammate, however, he didn’t seem to be the slightest bit concerned about the sheer mass of dark mages in their vicinity that were actively searching for them.
“Don’t say that Erza. It’s a rare time for us to spend some quality time clobbering bad guys. Just the two of us.”
Natsu commented seemingly excited about their situation. The desire to just go out there and smack his foes together with Erza was basically written on his forehead.
“You always surprise me with your overly optimistic way of thinking in situations like this.”
Erza sighed but she couldn’t hide a small smile on her face when she got reminded of Natsu’s simpleminded, yet adorable positivity and excitement even in situations like this once again. 
“But still, if you had not ignored our plan and just charged in like that, we wouldn’t be in this situation”
She was obviously troubled by the thought of having to yet again explain why they failed a mission for the most laughable reasons.
“You always worry too much Erza. All we have to do now is beat those dark mages and get the artifact that they stole. Easy peasy.”
Typical Natsu plan right there. If it wasn’t for the fact that they are trying to avoid getting their attention, Erza would have probably chopped his head by now.
Erza just pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed loudly.
“There are too many Natsu. They know this place better than we do. We couldn’t possibly avoid at least some of them running off, alert everyone and run away with the one artifact that we are trying to secure”
The situation seemed dire. Even the experienced S-rank knight could not come up with a quick plan that allowed them to bypass the dark mages without them getting alerted first. Natsu seemed to think for a few seconds and then just smiled over at Erza
“Most of the time you are the one to take action and usually your last minute plans make sure we win the fight. But this one time, just follow my lead okay?”
Natsu confidently suggested. Erza was still skeptical though. What could Natsu come up with that she hadn’t thought of? But they had to do something now, no matter what. They couldn’t hide here much longer. Those mages would find them eventually anyway. To be honest, Natsu wasn’t the most tactical fighters in the team. His general strategy was always to overpower his opponent and grow stronger on the battlefield itself. Perfecting that could, however, be considered a wisdom in itself.
“Alright, fine, but if we end up failing to get the artifact and fail this mission, you will have to explain everything to everyone.”
“Sure will!”
There was still no trace of a plan to be seen though.
“And I will personally punish you for your reckless actions.”
The emotionless, low-pitched voice and cold glare she threw upon Natsu made him instantly shiver in fear and crush his confidence for a second. He knew oh so well how Erza punishes him when he does something stupid. No matter how close the relationship grew in the past few years, that fear has never even faded the tiniest little bit. It was that attitude that kept him in check when he needed it most of the time though. But that also made Natsu trust Erza so much. She would always be honest and punish him when he was acting thoughtless but that also meant that she would openly compliment and reward him when he was doing good. She was wise enough to always see through his actions and judge them accordingly. Natsu could always trust Erza to be honest with him, no matter what. Even with her armor on, the cold iron wall that he felt between her and the rest of the world was nonexistent anymore. Just the pure Erza, no facade or anything like that. Around him at least. From outside it may look like an abusive relationship but it was the bond of true trust and companionship that allowed them to be so free around each other. Erza always showed Natsu how she truly felt about him, whether it be anger, pride, or love. A bond those two could not share with anyone else, even in Fairy Tail. Not to that extent. It had already grown beyond that. 
Natsu took a deep breath to calm his fears and put on a toothy smile again.
“Fine, as long as you kiss the pain away afterward. But don’t worry! This plan if fool-proof. Just follow my lead this time”
“Wha-… Okay fine. Just tell me what you have planned”
A small blush formed on Erza’s cheeks because of Natsu’s unusually bold first sentence. She just cast those thoughts aside for now and got ready to take action.
“This is a dungeon, right? In other words, we are underground”
“Yeah, so?”
Erza could still not understand what Natsu had in mind.
“You will see soon enough. Let���s just finish them quick. I don’t want the Ice-Princess to finish his part faster than we do”
The fact that he still thought about beating Gray should not be a surprise but Erza was truly fascinated by how Natsu just always wanted to beat him at everything. He sure had some silly ambitions. Seeing Natsu as his usual self even when they assumingly about to fail the mission was one of the traits of Natsu Erza loved about him. 
“Ok! Let’s do this!”
With that said, Natsu dashed out of their hiding spot with a tremendous battle cry that was amplified by the echoes in this dungeon. 
“Fire Dragon’s Roar!”
A massive fireball lit up the entire place. However, Natsu didn’t aim it towards the dark mages but shot it on the roof above them instead. Neither the dark mages nor Erza had any idea what was happening but Natsu continued to shoot fireballs at certain places on the ceiling.
Soon after, those places crumbled and began to crash as the damaged ceiling gave in to gravity. Massive rocks and boulders fell down and formed massive walls of rocks.
Now Erza got what Natsu had in mind. She immediately requiped into the Heaven’s Wheel armor and shot a large number of swords into the ceiling. Every place that got hit by swords or fire crashed down and formed a new wall.
“Now those punks can’t run away and take the precious artifact away!”
Natsu exclaimed loudly, followed by a confident laugh, certain of his victory.
Every pathway way now blocked by boulders. There was nowhere for the enemy to run. A confined battle arena with no escape.
“It was unwise of you to make us your enemies. We will kick your butts in now. I’m all fired up!”
Erza simply nodded in agreement. Both of them, standing back to back now, dashed in opposing directions. Natsu and Erza were far beyond the capability of these dark mages. Each of them getting brutally taken out by firefists or steel weapons. Pretty sure that’s the moment they all regretted their life decisions.
A short while later, all the rogue mages were laying on the floor unconscious. If it comes to magical power, those mages were no match for Erza-Natsu-Duo. Those two were far beyond their league.
“Ahaha see, it worked perfectly”
Natsu put his hands, puffed out his chest and celebrated loudly. With each laugh, small sparks mockingly flew out of his mouth.
“Honestly, I didn’t expect you to come up with a plan like this, Natsu”
“You may be experienced in the art of battle. However, young Scarlet, when it comes to the Wisdom of Recklessness, you have still a lot to learn. Keep this lesson in mind”
The great and wise Natsu placed his fist on his palm and made an exaggerated bow, imitating that of a true master.
“They tell me, oh wise Natsu-dono~”
There was something off about Erza’s strangely cheerful voice. It made Natsu feel chills down his spine. A knot formed in his throat that forced him to swallow in anxiety. 
“How do you suggest we leave and find the artifact now after you blocked every path?~”
… He didn’t think about that.
A dangerous smile indeed. Combined with the shadow cast over Erza’s eyes, Natsu could feel all of his previous pride and wisdom fade in an instant. Right about now, Natsu missed the beautiful and heartwarming smile she usually had when they were together. Her stern but loving attitude or even the possessive yet protective hug she always gave him when other girls tried to approach him was a more preferable choice. 
“Ehh, you know… I didn’t think that far ahead…”
A nervous smile masked the fear of the storm that was headed his way. 
“A dragon once said ‘A wise man never knows all, only fools know everything’ “
A desperate try to avoid the unavoidable. He messed up.
“Shut up!”
She shouted angrily and chopped the top of his head with an armored hand. Natsu was on his knees, holding his head in pain.
Shortly after, however, Erza reached out her hand to Natsu. Her previous angry attitude seemed to have faded.
Erza sure did notice Natsu’s genuine try to come up with a good plan this time. He may not be the wisest, but he doesn’t need to be. Just being that adorable little dragon that would fight any opponent that threatened his family was enough for her. Still, Natsu giving his best not be completely simple-minded and trying to improve himself for her sake didn’t go unnoticed. She was eternally grateful to have such a precious partner by her side. A partner, she couldn’t imagine out of her life anymore. A dragon that she would keep close to herself forever. 
“It wasn’t the smartest plan you came up with, but I guess it did prevent them from getting away with the artifact. Now get up my dragon of wisdom”
A bit taunting but still mostly appreciating her cute little dragon.
“Once we clear this barricade of rubble and get what we came for, I will get a delicious cake. Your treat.”
Natsu’s eyes were sparkling again. His usual enthusiasm and excitement back to where it should be. He took her hand that she offered to help him back up on his feet. It may have been only a few seconds but Natsu did notice that she requipped the cold gauntlets away before she reached out to him. Even as a fire mage, the heat of holding her hand was not comparable to any fire he was able to create. He wanted to hold it forever and never let go. But for now, it was enough to be able to finish this simple mission with her. 
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Natza Week 2018
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It kinda snuck up on me, and I would’ve missed it if others hadn’t been posting about it…. XD But I think I managed to throw together a list of prompts for Natza Week 2018. This year, Procellas had the idea of using words that could apply to Natsu and Erza’s relationship/dynamic in some form or another, and I ran with that when cherry-picking words.
So, as usual, consider these prompts as guidelines for celebrating this passionate couple~ Write, draw, edit, do whatever you’re good at. Use the theme of the day as a base if it helps. Or if you don’t feel like working with that theme, just come up with your own content. Celebrate Natza to your hearts’ content!
Since we had a late start with the prompts, I’ll extend the end date to next Monday, if anyone needs extra time.
10/01 - 10/08:
1. Bravery
2. Wisdom
3. Sunrise
4. Heart
5. Fracture
6. Reincarnation
7. Hope
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Natsu: If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
Erza: Your relationship status
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Erza: Don't do anything stupid.
Natsu: You and I both know that's asking way too much of
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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Happy Natza week everyone! (Ct Hiro Mashima for original, my edit)
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
Natza Edits, Anyone?
Yes, you heard that right! (And no that is not a typo before any rude Nalu fans appear.) Lately I’ve been making Natza edits of Mashima arts and posting them on Instagram and later I started doing the same on the FT Amino. Now, I’ve brought them to Tumblr. Please enjoy some of my Natza works so far in honor of the fact that Natza week starts tomorrow! ^_^ (Credit to Hiro Mashima for originals, my edits)
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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Look at my adorable Natza babies ♥♥
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
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Im sure she wanna have some Come on strawberry cake and natsu How SWEET
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
NatZa - Valentines Day
Natsu: Mmm… Erza seems so upset… *mulls over on the table* Hey Lucy, that valen-somethin’ day’s coming up right? What do girls like? o-o
Lucy: E-eh!? *jumps a little flustered* W-What do you mean?
Natsu: Y'know. What would a guy get a girl to make her feel happy and what not?
Lucy: W-Well…normally red flowers… and chocolate… is the norm… <\\\< why?
Natsu: Nothing really n___n just curious
Lucy: *heart thumps*…. o\\\o o-okay….Is he… tryin to ask what to get me??…
Natsu: Welp! See ya Lucy! n____n I gotta go do some things…
Lucy: O-Okay!.. I’ll just uh…be here… I can’t believe he’s actually going to…
~Valentines Day~
Erza: *sulks, feels someone tap on her shoulder* …? *turns to face* wha— *blushes*
Natsu: You seemed sad and apparently this stuff cheers girls up n____n *drags in a truckload of red roses and chocolate*
Erza: …*flusters, taking the rose*…Do you really mean ‘that’…? *face hidden by the roses*
Natsu: Hm? o_o…. of course? Why wouldn’t I? *light flickers into his head* Ah! Unless you don’t like i—
Erza: *pecks him on the cheek* …
Natsu: o\\\o…
~The two just spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what just happened~
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kiraakane-blog · 6 years
This art... my poor heart....
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Thank you so much!!
As I have already said I accept almost all couples, and I must say that these two together are really cute, so… i don’t like draw angst thing ..it breaks my heart every time T___T But i Hope you like it and… sorry for any errors <3
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