kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Day 2/30 of me posting my Danganronpa lgbt headcanons
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Day 1/30 of me posting my random lgbt danganronpa headcanons
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Queer Muslims are beautiful and deserve respect. Queer Muslims are valuable to the LGBTQA+ community.
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
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ayo finished lol
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
I am extremely fucking tired
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Types of Danganronpa fans I don’t trust (spoilers lol)
People who don’t like Sakura, Ryoma or the impostor. Yes you’re allowed to have opinions but if you only hate them because of their designs that’s ://
People who give Kazuichi flak for being creepy but don’t give that same flak to Toko or Tenko and vice versa
People who demonize Sonia, Byakuya and Himiko for not liking who’s literally obsessed with them
People who reduce every character down to one or two character traits
People who call Kirumi mom, please fuck off :))) /hj
People who scream at Akane for having cleavage but don’t at Nekomaru who literally has a visible bulge
People who only like the male antagonists and not the female ones
People who will call anyone xphobic for not sharing their headcanons. Again, please fuck off :))) /srs
People who call the support characters mary sues
People who think the characters (besides Sonia) are white or simply non POC. No the fuck they’re not, they are Japanese and Japanese people are very much POC
People who like Haiji
People who demonize the Warriors of Hope, yes, what they did was wrong but they are literal children
People who view Tsumugi x women ships as the best thing ever but view every Tsumugi x men ship as toxic (It’s a similar thing with Korekiyo as well)
People who only make overused jokes like 11037, please find a better joke
People who will yell at other for not liking their favorite character. ik this is an internet problem in general but it’s pretty prevalent in this fandom
r/danganronpa users /j
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Emily and Brody are awful names. I don’t even know anyone with these names I just hate them ://
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Me: I am funny
Someone else with way more confidence than I’ll ever have that can come up with good jokes on the spot: *exist*
Me: I am no longer funny
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Korekiyo kinnies are either extremely non-threatening or the scariest motherfuckers in the fandom.
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
ok korekiyo essay in 3 2 1 go
(tw for mentions of abuse, incest, grooming, pedophilia, rape, death, killing, etc.)
Korekiyo Shinguji is an extremely complex character, and I don't think either the Danganronpa writers or fandom were equipped to handle them. They read very well as an unaware victim of grooming and manipulation who romanticizes and idolizes their abuser to an extremely unhealthy extent but it honestly doesn't seem very likely to me that he was written like that on purpose, due to the way canon demonizes him.
It can he picked up from Kiyo's dialogue in their free-time events and during their trial that their older sister controlled absolutely every part of their life, their clothes, their hair, their hobbies, absolutely everything, likely from a very young age, and they devote their entire life and every part of themself to her even after death. Kiyo also never mentions any other family members, meaning it's possible his sister could have even raised him which would make it far easier for her to isolate and manipulate her sibling, convince them that the kind of "love" she gave is how love should be. Her illness would also make it far easier to make Korekiyo feel guilty or bad for her, easier to keep them all to herself especially since they seemingly were each other's only friends at the time.
Korekiyo's sister's behavior during the trial, even if it's not actually her ghost and instead Kiyo's minds approximation of how she was, is incredibly concerning, acting passive aggressive, controlling, demanding, and shutting out the words of anyone other than herself, not to mention that her ghost even assists in Kiyo's execution. It also says a lot that Kiyo thought his sister would appreciate him killing 100 girls to send friends to her in the afterlife.
We can also look at how Kiyo talks about their travels, mentioning that in one village they were "warmly welcomed" by being tied up and beat and whipped nearly to death, which allegedly made their sister's spirit possess them. Normally, nobody would see being nearly killed as any show of kindness, unless they'd been hurt before and convinced it's what love is as Korekiyo clearly has in this case. We can also take a look at Korekiyo's love hotel event for more evidence because although the love hotel scenes are not canon, they are in character. Of course, Korekiyo's love hotel scene is gross and uncomfortable but it is clear that Kiyo lacks a proper understanding of consent, which actually makes a lot of sense considering their sexual relationship with their sister was of course not consensual and of course his rapist wouldn't teach him about consent.
Despite all of this, Kiyo still loves their sister because they've never had any reason to see anything wrong with her actions, having nobody else to tell them that what she did to them was wrong, but since Kiyo never outright says they're a victim (which of course MAKES SENSE) nobody in the game picks up on their trauma, and a lot of people playing the game don't either.
After their death in chapter 3, Kiyo is barely ever mentioned again if at all because he died being seen as a creepy serial killer with a sister complex, and lots of people in the fandom see them the same way (just gross icky irredeemable incest seesaw man) without reading between the lines and seeing all the evidence that they really are just a traumatized teenager.
Now. Obviously, Kiyo still isn't a good person in the game. Of course he isn't. He's still a serial killer, but really in this series is that a valid reason to hate a character? Junko destroyed the entire world and killed countless people and fans still love her. Of course it's perfectly valid to hate Kiyo for other reasons but hating them for and making fun of their trauma seems unfair to them and people who relate to what they went through.
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Korekiyo is canonically non-binary because I said so
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
‘There are no women in video games!’
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‘Women in video games are always sexualized!’
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‘If their main outfit isn’t sexualized, their alternate costumes are!’
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‘Women in sports games never wear appropriate clothes! They just wear sexy outfits!’
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‘Women are always damsels in distress and never know how to fight!’
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‘Women in games are never allowed to be feminine!’
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‘Women can never be main characters in games!’
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‘And if they are, the ratings are never good!’
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‘Women in games can only be masculine, they can’t use feminine attributes to their advantage!’
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‘Women are never valuable party members!’
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‘Women in video games are only interested in male partners or friends!’
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‘Women in video games always dress as men, but men in video games never dress as women!’
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‘No one ever likes a woman in a video game!’
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‘Women in video games -’
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Princess Peach has got you covered.
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
Man I love looking through character tags and seeing my trigger ship :))))
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
“Ship means something you want to see happen.” Bitch, no it don’t. This weird-ass modern culture of lobbying show-runners to make your ship canon didn’t emerge until the advent of social media. (And recent social media like twitter, not shit-you-forgot-existed like MySpace.) Shipping and fandom in general have been around much longer, so you can stop acting like “this is the way it has always been uwu” right the fuck now.
Until relatively recently, most fans I’ve known have been perfectly okay with their ships never being canon. I, personally, would be actively offended if certain ships of mine became canon. That is not why I ship them. What I want from canon and what I want from fandom are often entirely different things that only intersect on the margins.That is why fanworks are called “transformative” ffs.
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
aaaaaaaaa I should have probably said this sooner but I use he/him for Chihiro. If that makes you uncomfortable then uhhh don’t interact with me ig
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
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kirumienjoyer · 3 years
It’s that time again, time to infodump my non-despair au.
So some of you might be wondering what ever happened to Junko? Well, a lot. (Whole series spoilers)
!!!TW for su1c1d3!!!
Junko attended Hope Peak academy officially as the ultimate fashionista, but she called herself the ultimate despair. Her goal is the same as canon.
However her plans of started the tragedy and the killing game failed miserably, for the most part.
Her ultimate analyst abilities and Ryoko do not exist in this au, therefore she couldn’t find a good way to actually the tragedy.
However she did succeed in a few things, she had a few helpers: Mukuro, Mikan, Tsumugi and the Warriors of Hope. They mainly just followed Junko’s order’s.
One day, Junko decided she had enough of the Warriors of Hope and decided to take them out. She killed all of them by throwing them off of Hope’s Peak roof.
Of course, she didn’t get away with it. Once she knew that the police were coming for her, she hid herself away in her dorm. Wondering if she should turn herself in or kill herself, she figured that killing herself would bring her and everyone else more despair. So she hung herself in her dorm.
Upon finding her body, everyone was truly shocked on how things escalated. While Mukuro and Mikan eventually recovered from Junko’s abuse, Tsumugi would run away from Hope’s Peak, with her own plans in mind.
This part is easily the most gruesome part of the au. Everything else from here will be way more light and tame.
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