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CP: hi! I’m Sorry to note he you, but would you mind critiquing these? I actually made these a /hella/ long time ago but I forgot to submit them >~> please and thank you >-
Yo, Its fine! We’re a critique blog, were meant to critique! 
I take it these are meant to be trolls from Homestuck. I know next to nothing about it so I apologize. 
Honestly, I really love all of their outfits except for 5′s in the first pic. I think that the blue and green should be a lot more toned down. 
I do like how their horns are all different. 
Though I really wished that the quality for the photo was better. Kisekae has a save image function. Its in the wrench tab. I recommend using it in the future!
- Mod Mahaad 
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Hi, I haven't really submittted stuff on tumblr before, how do I do that?
Its really simple! So go onto the blog you want to submit to (for example ours) and click the link that says submit (on our blog its got a different title)
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So and you get taken to this page 
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and choose what post type your submitting, our default is Text but you can change it to a photo post instead by clicking the bolded text that says “Text” 
The Photo submission is like the one you do for your normal blog. 
NOTE: You MUST click the “I accept the Terms of Submission” blog every time you submit to a blog that isnt yours 
Hope this helps! 
- Mod Mahaad 
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Hi Everyone, since I can’t edit the submit page at the moment heres a new rule: 
3. You are ALLOWED to submit NSFW content. Cause Kisekae is a NSFW platform. 
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3If you are a PriPara fan, I recreated the SoLaMi Smile team which consists of Laala Manaka, Mirei Minami, and Sophie Hojo. Hope you enjoy! DeviantART link.
I’ve actually never heard of PriPara till now so here goes. 
On the elementary school unifor, you could have used number 38 in the ribbons section to do that whole medal thing they have on their ties. 
The Skirts colors could be a little more de-saturated and I think the shoes are a little too dark 
- Mod Mahaad 
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//apologize for the creepiness, but I did something cool without editing it post saving the image~ @gothic-moe-muses
Ahaha Don't apologize, this is really great!! I can only suggest adding a background.. 
- Mod Mahaad 
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After seeing some of the images submitted, I’m think about opening up a remake offer, just send me a code at @mintlovingkitten. Please?
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Do ya mind giving some criticism on the characters physical features? Sorry, I don’t have any bios made at the moment.
I don’t think that they’re’s anything for me to nit pick at...I really love this! Actually.. 
I can’t see the last characters Mouth or nose, but that's about it I suppose.. 
- Mod Mahaad 
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Judge my style, please. That’s the unedited version of Tumblr and Deviantart. Here is the post.
The only thing that I can nit-pick at is their noses, they look overly realistic and out of place, maybe getting rid of the bridge(?) would help it. 
- Mod Mahaad 
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heyooo-- sorry i haven't been on recently
Oh no, its okay
- Mod Mahaad 
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Hi guys!
Sorry that I’m such a terrible mod 
- Mod Mahaad 
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Holy fuck an update
sorry, I know it seems like this blog is dead...and to an extent it is kinda. 
But right now I’m gonna go through and submit everything the our inbox
- Mod Mahaad 
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Heyy could you review two of my characters? :00 (No link because I don’t wanna post it on my tumblr and I’m suspended on da rip)) Also!! If you want to look at their bios, here’s the link.
Well, one thing I have to say firstly is that I really like their designs, for the most part. but I wish I could see their noses a little better though (especially gingers) 
My personal suggestion for Éclair is to not only have multiple arms but what about multiple legs and eyes? 
also are we meant to be able to see gingers bra? or is that meant to be an undershirt?
- Mod Mahaad 
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Something i had done a while back, im still new to kisekae so im hoping you can maybe give me some pointers as to how to improve? Thank you in advanced!!
Well sorry for the wait! I’ve been busy and my internet is being a douche 
the major things I can points out are: 
1. Their calves are a little too thin. 
2. The sailor fuku’s are really (for a lack of a better term) boring, maybe you should add a tie or a bow
3. the girls waist should be a little more bigger 
4. their arms should also be wider. 
you know how to increase their calf and arm width right? 
- Mod Mahaad 
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((Could you guys follow my mun blog, mintlovingkitten? You'll find more Kisekae stuff there.))
I think we’re following you
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the fuck is this
Its a Critique blog. 
- Mod Mahaad 
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Ah um it doesn't seem the submit is open ?? I dont see the button for it ??
The Submit box is called “got something” 
if it looks closed, try waiting a second or two 
- Mod Mahaad 
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Ah, i noticed you had followed me and since im new to kisekae still, can you maybe do a critique on my latest picture? I can submit it if thats easiest for you guys !!
Sure We’ll do a critique
Just submit it and I’ll get started 
- Mod Mahaad 
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