kissymingi · 36 minutes
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His yucky face is my favourite thing ever
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kissymingi · 10 days
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wolf & bunny
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kissymingi · 20 days
In 1944 a kitten named George (short for General Electric) was saved from drowning by a U.S. Navy crew member. George was then photographed and given a liberty card and detailed health record. Source.
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kissymingi · 20 days
My 11-month male cat lets my foster kittens nurse on him.
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kissymingi · 24 days
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kissymingi · 1 month
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You'll have a sandwich
By Rémich
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kissymingi · 2 months
uh idk what i should say i just decided to post my toddblack fanart (from 2023 till now) here
enjoy ig :)
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this one's supposed to be a reference to that one meme with a girl staring at a man's chest (i hope you can see my vision 😔🙏)
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these three are my favorite ESPECIALLY the last one im always scared i draw them too ooc and im kinda happy with how they turned out here !!
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btw i draw them mostly pre canon so they're kinda soft(??) with each other yeah.... and well i love fluff sorry 😔
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kissymingi · 2 months
(Felix voice) um, so I read online. You said. STAY said. Online. In… a comment. That you wanted to. Ex… I don’t know if I’m saying it right. Ex-san-guin-ate? Me. So, I had to look it up. Because I didn’t know what it meant. (Pause for a full 2 minutes) So I guess, I was just wondering Why. Did you want to do that, specifically. To me. I don’t know. (Stares into camera like a haunted doll) So um for this next part I was going to do sone mukbang ASMR
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kissymingi · 4 months
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kissymingi · 4 months
i kinda want to run a poll asking how people pronounce appalachia but i am so so scared of the results
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kissymingi · 5 months
Obnoxious how most anti-infantilization activism in many low support-centric autistic communities seems to rely on arguing we don't need support rather than reducing the stigma attatched to needing support.
Simply put, most anti-infantilization autistic activism I see is about how we don't need to be talked to slowly, need 24/7 care, don't need help with going to the toilet, don't need help shopping, etc. because we 'aren't toddlers'.
Which is a bad kind of activism, because, uh, many of us DO need those things. This is a fact. Ignoring it won't make it go away. And saying that only children need those things IS infantilization.
What we SHOULD be arguing is that adults who have medium to high support needs and who need help with or just can't do basic tasks, can't speak or can't speak well, need to have things explained slowly/repeatedly, etc. are still adults and deserve to be respected as such. Having higher support needs isn't childish.
No, people shouldn't assume that all autistics have higher support needs. But autistics with lower support needs also shouldn't erase those who do, when they are ALWAYS the ones most impacted by infantilization.
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kissymingi · 5 months
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kissymingi · 5 months
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this animal
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kissymingi · 5 months
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kissymingi · 7 months
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kissymingi · 11 months
you know when you're ill about Some Guy and you look at him and you're like. what sort of siren spell have you cast upon me. fiend. witch. begone from my sight *looks at another jpeg* *looks at another jpeg* *looks at another jpe
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kissymingi · 1 year
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