Sakura Ogami's parents
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Sakura Ogami and Werecat Kenshiro
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I need help, I'm making Kenshiro and Sakura Ogami as mlp but I'm struggling for the cutiemarks, so please give me ideas.
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Am I the only one who headcanon that Gonta was found by Sakura's family and got adopted as Sakura's cousin or brother?
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Do anyone think that Sakura Ogami was that kid who could see ghosts and would give her father heart attacks?
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Do anyone have some Yandere Sakura Ogami x Kenshiro headcanons?
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I have been wondering what you guys would like me to draw or write? (I found out how to turn on the ask thing)
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Sakura Ogami school headcanons:
1. Sakura was nervous when she found out she was going to live in dorms as when she was at over seas torments her father was always with her
2. It took Sakura two months to warm up with her peers
3. Junko took Sakura on shopping trips as soon as she saw her clothes are mostly old fashioned clothes.
4. When Kenshiro recover he would death glare anyone who call her an orge
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Sakura Ogami x Kenshiro Easter headcanons:
1. Kenshiro would force Sakura to wear a pair of bunny ears
2. The two would take a hike were a bunch of bunnies live
3. Kenshiro would make a protein chocolate bunny for Sakura as he knows she dislike sweet things
4. The two would play an Easter egg hunt but instead of candy it would be notes of both of them talking about how much they love each other
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I got my hair cut and I decided to redesign my oc again 😅
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Sakura Ogami family headcanons:
1. Sakura's father when Sakura was younger like a infant it was hard to separate him from her
2. Sakura's mother gave her that name is because that tree is when Sakura's father asked Sakura's mother
3. Sakura Ogami also have 5 cousins and two nephews
4. The men in the family had a talk about respecting women and younger people
5. When Sakura's mother was pregnant, Sakura's father refused to leave her side
6. Sakura is very close to her father
7. When Sakura Ogami was around 7 months old she would only cried for her father
8. Sakura's mother gave her the 10th anniversary kimono
9. Sakura's mother was her and Kenshiro's biggest supporter
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Post Danganronpa au
1. Kenshiro refused to date again after he found out that Sakura Ogami died
2. The only people left for Kenshiro in his life was the Ogami family
3. Sakura's father fell into a deep depression after finding out the fate of his only child
4. Only reason why Kenshiro was still holding on to life is because the Ogami family can't take any other person close to them dieing
5. Before finding out what happened to Sakura, her father would wait every day for her hoping she comes home
I was about to cry while typing this😭
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So this is what I came up, if you have anything to help me improve I'm always happy to hear it
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Yandere Kenshiro headcanons
1. Kenshiro was jealous about Sakura Ogami getting close to the other classmates but doesn't say anything to "keep the peace"
2. He accidentally killed someone once before Sakura Ogami had a built body because they were flirting with her
3. Kenshiro does stalk her a bit but it's Sakura Ogami had pass it as puppy love
4. Even more clingy then normal
5. Sakura's father notice a change in Kenshiro's behavior after he killed a guy (he doesn't know he had killed someone) and is trying to keep her out of harm ways
6. Only reason why Kenshiro never kill Sakura's father is because the love Sakura have for her father
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Danganronpa au headcanons
If Kenshiro never got sick:
1. Kenshiro would be the ultimate street fighter
2. Would get into fights with those who are rude to Sakura
3. Sakura Ogami would be more open with emotions
I have test today wish me luck 🙏🤞
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Hello, updates will be slow as school is taking up most of my time, and my pen had broken but as soon as I get a new one I will give you more Kenshiro x Sakura content
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