kitikara · 11 hours
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If you liked Legends & Lattes, check out these five titles to try next! The vibes are women. Big women. Large lesbian orcs and also their girlfriends. Did you read Legends & Lattes and wish there were more cozy romances with orc women? We found them! As a belated Lesbian Day of Visibility treat 😘💪🌈
View the full summary and rep info on wordpress!
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kitikara · 12 hours
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they must wind the past into the present and allow it to unreel into their future.
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kitikara · 12 hours
Tuhle jsem narazila na Babičku ilustrovanou Zdeňkem Burianem. Prolistovala jsem ji a se smutkem jsem shledala, že tam nejsou vůbec žádní dinosauři. To mě samozřejmě velmi zarmoutilo a ta myšlenka mě pohltila natolik, že jsem ji musela realizovat. Výsledek zde:
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kitikara · 12 hours
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Sketched this on the train home after seeing the film
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kitikara · 12 hours
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Drew this after reading this amazing fic by @there-must-be-a-lock . Love a good crossover ship 🤠🤠
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kitikara · 12 hours
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Gift for Willow!
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kitikara · 12 hours
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Me and my bestie have decided to crack ship our blorbos
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kitikara · 12 hours
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Silly wind down sketch
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kitikara · 12 hours
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I put way too much effort into this ( based on this meme, it wouldn’t leave me alone until it was drawn — I am freee )
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kitikara · 14 hours
I've talked about how much I long for more fandom meta to be archived on ao3 for both preservation's sake and easier access, but a specific kind I'm always ravenous for is translation analysis.
Yes, tell me more about the cultural connotations of this word, tell me about this pun or double meaning that didn't fully translate, tell me where the English translation took liberties. Can't get enough of it.
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kitikara · 14 hours
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Of course they weren't allowed to cook. The daily menu they were given was created to provide them with everything they needed, and the longnecks weren't happy when someone medled with it.
But sometimes, Calico didn't feel like eating the same thing for the fourth time in line. Or maybe someone had missed the dinner. Or they woke up in the middle of the night, hungry.
The older clones sometimes brought them snacks from other planets, and mixed with their rations, it made something really tasty, most of the times.
As long as he managed not to set their bedroom on fire.
For clone culture week day 1: surface culture @clonefandomevents
Clone cadets cooking something like an Army Stew. I think clones know how to cook, in case they would get stranded somewhere.
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kitikara · 14 hours
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Of course they weren't allowed to cook. The daily menu they were given was created to provide them with everything they needed, and the longnecks weren't happy when someone medled with it.
But sometimes, Calico didn't feel like eating the same thing for the fourth time in line. Or maybe someone had missed the dinner. Or they woke up in the middle of the night, hungry.
The older clones sometimes brought them snacks from other planets, and mixed with their rations, it made something really tasty, most of the times.
As long as he managed not to set their bedroom on fire.
For clone culture week day 1: surface culture @clonefandomevents
Clone cadets cooking something like an Army Stew. I think clones know how to cook, in case they would get stranded somewhere.
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kitikara · 14 hours
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kitikara · 1 day
So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)
Reblog to increase sample size!
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kitikara · 2 days
Nejene a úprava džínsky
Část třetí - vyšívání a tak
(Část první, druhá)
Protože se mi zdálo, že kdybych čáry do obou Večerníčkových hvězdiček jen bílou barvou, bylo by to moc obyčejné, rozhodla jsem se je vyšít.
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A pak když už jsem tu jehlu držela, rozhodla jsem se pridat ještě pár vyšitých hvězdiček. A korálků. A korálků misto pih.
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A ano, většina z toho je tak drobná, že to z dálky vůbec nejde vidět. Ale co už. Já z nic mám radost.
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A pro predstavu všechny druhy korálků, ktere jsem použila (teda az na ty větší modre a zluté. Ty jsem zjistila že jsou moc velké a nelíbí se mi na tom)
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kitikara · 2 days
Naše škola dělá bezaktovkový den (přines si věci v čemkoliv, co není aktovka)
Zatím mezi vrcholy večera jsem zaznamenala:
Můj futrál od houslí. S houslemi uvnitř.
Povlak od polštáře
Vydlabaný plyšák, outfit sladěn s plyšákem pro správný dojem
Goth dáma s domečkem pro panenky od monster high
Kolo. Ano, kolo. Učebnice přidělané za sedadlem nad zadním kolem. Jak to tahá do schodů? (Bonusem je jeho tričko s nápisem "země patří twinkům a silným ženám." Perfektní)
Počítač. Jakože, vnější box od počítače. Soudím že bez vnitřních součástí. Doufám.
Wolt box na doručování jídla na zádech. Ladící merch tričko
Víte jak jsou ty kachničky, s plastovými nožkami na kolečkách, na dlouhé tyči, který můžete vozit po zemi a jejich plastové nožky dělají vtipný plácavý zvuk? Tohle, s učebnicemi navázanými provázkem.
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kitikara · 2 days
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Bruce Wayne, playboy turned dilf
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