kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
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“Expect nothing. Only then can you be prepared for anything.” “Have you always been such an asshole?“  “And how do you decide who deserves to die?“  “I have to admit that I have a grudging admiration for you.”  “Sometimes I come up here when I have decisions to make or difficulties to face.”  “I don’t know… how to be in this world without you.“  “Peace is an illusion. And no matter how tranquil the world seems… peace doesn’t last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew.”  “This is not how normal people start the day. Coffee, cereal maybe. Toast. Maybe even toast with another person…”  “All this trust is just making me tear up.”  “I’ll never see her again, not even to say goodbye. Do you know what that’s like?“  “What the fuck? What did you do to my goddamn door?“  “See, friends are overrated, ‘cause eventually, someone will come along and shoot ‘em. You’re better off alone.”  “You twirl your fingers when you’re nervous, you know that?”  “If I were afraid, would you save me, [NAME]?”  “We stick together, [NAME]. Never face the monsters alone.“  “For just a few hours, stay out of trouble, okay?”  “You look so thin. Are you eating enough?“  “There are some things you can’t kill your way out of.”  “You should know there’s nothing I won’t do. Nothing, if it will save you.“  “Divide et impera.“  “When everyone lies, telling the truth isn’t just rebellion. It’s an act of revolution. So think carefully when you speak it, because the truth is a weapon.”  “I told you before, we’re not friends. I don’t owe you a goddamn thing.”  “Don’t talk to me again unless you have something useful to say, okay?”  “The guards’ll be fine. Well, except for the broken jaw and shattered leg.”  “I could get you a car if you’d like. Or you could stay a while. With me.“  “I believe I’m the one offering to do the saving. Think about it. But don’t take too long. We’re running out of time.”  “You know, it’s getting easier to imagine putting holes in you every time you open your mouth.“  “I appreciate that you are no quitter. But there is a time for letting go.“  “Stay with me, [name]. Hey! Hey, I’m talking to you.”  “Don’t worry about him. He’s fine. Just concentrate on staying alive.”  “Hey, hey. Stay awake! Stay awake! Open your eyes!“  “This is what you do, love. Stride across the centuries, and death follows, churning in your wake.”  “Love isn’t finite. Maybe life shouldn’t be either. Maybe we should keep living, forever.“  “How could you believe that I would shoot you?”  “I cannot speak for you, my friend, but I am here to kick great amounts of ass.”  “I hate it when you’re smug.“  “The danger of living too long: you forget to fear death. We dismiss the Grim Reaper as a quaint metaphor. But fearing death… it’s good for you.”  “I missed you so much.“  “This is the weakness of weapons. They are tools to kill and destroy. They are not what gives you power. You are the weapon. You are the killer and destroyer.”  “I don’t wanna die. I wanna live. I want us to see a million tomorrows.“  “That’s the hardest thing to get used to. Nothing survives. Nothing but us.”  “You look good. I could have sworn I broke your back.”  “So, what? I just… forgive you, like nothing’s happened?”  “Whatever you think was happening between us… it didn’t matter. It meant nothing to me.”  “Throwing blades is an excellent way to increase one’s hand-eye coordination.”  “I think your relationship with honesty is passing at best.”  “Do you love me? It’s not a complicated question.“  “I’ll burn every one of them down, if that’s what it takes to bring you back to me.”  “I can’t ever expect your forgiveness.“  “You got a lot to lose. I don’t. Why don’t you listen?”  “I don’t see the point in going through this sober.”  “Fair is for dead men and losers.“  “You can say goodbye later, when one of us is dead.”  “You lied to me. To me, [NAME]. The only person who’s ever truly loved you.”  “It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay. I promise, it’s gonna be okay.”  “I skipped over worry and went straight to full-on panic.“  “I’ll never give you up. If I ever give you up my heart will surely fail…”  “It’s time for you to evolve. Transformation is always painful. But I changed to make myself stronger. You can, too.“  “This is real power. Cutting away the things that make you weak one at a time. Embrace that power. Be on the winning side.”  “They were raw material. A means to an end to get the respect I’m owed.”  “You’ve become everything we fought against.”  “The look on her face. The look on her face when I pulled the trigger. It was almost relief.”  “I may be many things, but I am not a murderer.”  “We have ruined each other. Haven’t we?“ 
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
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“Hey! You have a fever, and I told you to stay in bed!” “I can’t just stay in bed while you’re working so hard.” “Thank you, [NAME]. But it’s okay to get discouraged… or be selfish every once in a while.“  “I’ve always been a little dim, haven’t I?“ “That’s right. I’ve never been the brightest light bulb.” “It should have been obvious… that the rice ball would never get to join the group.” “Strawberries! I love those!“ “Please make friends with me again, okay?“ “Are you done unpacking yet?“ “I’m sorry, [NAME]. Please don’t think badly of them. They’re just unpleasant people, that’s all.“ “Oh, no, I’m not trying to kick you out!” “I don’t think just “putting up with things” suits you, [NAME].” “I think you need something a little more than this place.” “No… I don’t deserve to think I “need more”…” “I have to be grateful for everything. I’m… blessed. So… So I shouldn’t say… that I want to go home…!“ “Is this selfish? Does this prove that I’m too soft on myself?” “You’re distracting me. If you want to take a walk, do it outside.” “Say what?! Are you picking a fight?!“ “Oi! You just took us in a circle.“ “Why should I have to feel so on edge the second you leave? I don’t get it, and that puts me even more on edge!” “This is your fault! If you didn’t want to leave, you shoulda said so!” “Isn’t a selfish request okay sometimes?“ “If someone asked for selfish stuff every day, it’d piss me off. But in your case… It’s okay to complain, or be selfish, or get discouraged every once in a while.“ “Wh-What? What’s wrong?! Why are you crying?!” “I’m the luckiest person in the world.“ “Congratulations on successfully capturing the princess!” “Yep, no problem! Leave all the fallout to me.“ “Clearly this isn’t a perfect home, but it’s yours if you want it… [NAME].” “Rice balls are easy finger food.“ “The threatening look isn’t effective while you’re in that outfit.” “Did something just explode?“ “Thank you, [NAME]! That was a brilliant diversionary tactic, and at great sacrifice!” “I’m sorry. I thought you were cute, too.“ “You know, it’s funny… When you say that, I kind of feel better.” “I know you’d look cuter than I do. Much cuter.” “Que será, será! It’ll work out.“ “[NAME], he’ll get a big head if you praise him too much.“ “I’ll show you. And if I win, you better dye your hair black!” “Fine, then if you lose, you bleach your hair till it’s white.” “I already know I always ask for the moon.“ “Ugh, I yelled too much. Now my throat hurts.“
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
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“The only true love is unrequited love.”  “Will I see you again?” “Someone, I tell you, in another time will remember us.”  “I never could lie to you.“  “Promise me you’ll come back.”  “Am I just a joke to you, [name]?”  “This is what you do, love. Stride across the centuries, and death follows, churning in your wake.”  “You’re making it personal. That doesn’t help.“  “It was almost like a dream. ‘Oh. I’m not waking up. Why aren’t I waking up?’ I thought. That feeling never ended. It still hasn’t ended.” “I don’t want to hear your suggestions for my personal life.”  “Hold me, at least once, before we say goodbye.”  “I want to hug you once more, as soft as I can.”  “For whose sake… am I living now?”  “Come back alive.” “Thank you… In the end, that’s all I had to say.” “I love you… In the end, that’s all I had to say.” “For survival, I buried my dreams.” “Perhaps you’re right. Neither of us is who we used to be.”  “Don’t go where I can’t follow.” “I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough.” “Let me in! Tell me what you’re thinking!“  “I just want to save you.”  “We are not the same, and never will be.” “Stop pretending this doesn’t terrify you.” “Of course it meant something.” “Do you remember?” “I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to.”  “I can’t pretend it’s not the end.”  “I said I’d have courage, but I don’t. Not anymore.”  “You’re a good liar.” “You jump, I jump. Remember?” “There’s nothing I’d deny you, if you would not deny me.” “Don’t do it. Don’t love me.” 
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
The decorated porcelain had yet to find its new mark, yet a sliver of dread had already found its own; wound around his insides akin to the anticipation he had felt earlier. 
As far as he was aware, the Namikaze were few and far in between and could mostly be found around trade routes and the Daimyo’s courts. None sans for himself and a dearly departed could ever claim to have crossed Konoha’s grand entrance gates and yet here was an almost mirror image of himself, from the tips of his bright locks to the nearly identical, yet lifeless hues to the slope of his jaw. 
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For a fleeting moment, he was tempted to consider the possibility that it was a cleverly employed henge to throw him off. There were enough of the jutsu out there, after all. The constant, familiar undercurrent of chakra emanating from the boy partially dismissed the notion. The Namikaze, as broken a clan as they were, were not the sort to prioritise blood purity over convenience, and Minato had learned to identify the specific shade of his own parentage well enough. 
That didn’t explain why this pseudo doppelganger had it though. 
The Yondaime’s gaze narrowed a fraction, lingering on the boy before gravitating towards the confiscated weapons at the corner of his desk. A brief pause later, and the very same was being offered to his shorter counterpart, with the Hokage a mere arm’s length away.  
He had read the previous logs maintained by the Sandaime; there were numerous possibilities - numerous variables to consider, yet for some reason the coil of nervousness that had tightened anew would not waver. 
  He knows the Yondaime is watching him carefully, and he can’t say he’s surprised, or can blame him. That’s why he doesn’t take the pouch when it’s help out to him, only taking out the kunai he needed and holding it out to the man, handle side facing him. He hoped this way, it would seem like he wasn’t trying to wield it, and also the Hokage could study it for himself, to see it was genuine. He’s silent as he does this, not speaking up until the kunai would be taken from his hands.
  “I guess you could say I’m not exactly from here, but I am at the same time.” He stands stock still as he speaks, as if giving a mission report, instead of explaining to a Kage that was supposed to be dead to him why he wasn’t, and why Naruto was standing before him. “As I’m sure you can tell, I have quite the large amount of chakra reserves, and my teachers deemed me possible to learn your jutsu.” He finally moves, turning his head to look out the window for a few moments. “I guess not----”
  He found himself curious, though. He knew a lot could change in just one or two years, but twelve? He wondered how different the village was, if it was different. His legs almost itched to walk among the streets, and he knew a part of that was just him getting antsy, (he didn’t like standing still for too long, and this was starting to border on too long), but he kept himself still, turning his head back to the other to hopefully take his mind off it. He needed to focus.
  “I guess since you are still technically Hokage though, it’s alright to tell you this, then.”  He gives a bow, speaking again once he straightens back up. “My codename is Kitsune. My name is Naruto Uzumaki.” Though, only Tenzo really calls him by his name anymore, and only when they’re not on duty, which is rare to the point where his own name sounds almost strange to his ears. Still, he figured he’d be asked anyways---- might as well just give the information now.
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
She understood that, perhaps better than most, and she just nods in agreement with him, leaning back in her seat, her palms cradling the cup in which her tea began to grow tepid. She wished ANBU wasn’t the only path for him, in actuality it wasn’t, not really. But Naruto felt he had a duty there, to be the silent assassin no one ever sees. 
She would argue against the powers that be, to prevent him from treading this already dark path he seems to be heading down. ANBU would not help him there, just enable the darkness to manifest, teach him how to wield it as a weapon. But she couldn’t. 
It simply wasn’t her place. 
“Make sure you do, ne? I’m going to miss these little meetings, otherwise.”
She tries to remain cheerful, for his sake more so than hers. Inside she is miserable, powerless, yet again, to stop a good man being corrupted by the ANBU ideal. She’d been here before with Kakashi, his mind warped against his usual basic human instincts. She dreads to think how it will effect Naruto. 
  He’s silent again, staring at her for a few moments. He knew he wouldn’t be able to spend too much time with her anymore, between missions and training and one other thing. He knew an ANBU were not to have ties. He would have to keep his distance from her, but surely, that was for the best. The village wanted him as an operative, and who was he to argue. He had been at their mercy for this long. Might as well keep following where ever they took him.
  His head turns to a nearby window, watching the sun filtering through, hearing the muffled chirping of birds outside. He had found himself looking forwards to their quiet times, the pause in between studying and training a nice reprieve. He wonders, would he miss it as well? He had long killed most of his emotions, finding any remaining, lingering ones hard to identify. But, he supposes he would miss them. He supposes....he’d probably miss her as well. A small, quiet part of him wonders what would happen if he didn’t survive. Would she be the only one to mourn him? Or would anyone truly care? He quickly shakes the thoughts off, turning back to her.
  “I’m sure we’ll be meeting up again soon enough, Rin-san. I’ll do my best to survive until then.”
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
  They had been having tea together, unsure the next time they would be able to see each other, just wanting to take a bit of time. To slow down and simply enjoy some good tea and good snacks and good company. Starting the next day, he’d officially be ANBU--- a life of blood and death and anonymity. If he minded, he didn’t show it, his face as blank as ever, though his gaze seemed softer around Rin.
  He’s taking a sip of his drink when he speaks up, pausing. The cup is rested on his lap, seeming to be rolling her words around in his head for a few moments. It’s after a little bit of silence that he shakes his head just a bit, placing his cup down on the table in front of them. “I don’t want to set the world on fire, Rin-san---”
  “I just want to survive to see the next day, like everyone else.”
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Song: The Fire by Puppet & The Eden Project
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It was all very bittersweet, this moment. Though Rin was so very proud of what Naruto had achieved in his young years, there was an irrefutable ache in her chest at the thought that he would be leaving soon. Though the brunette wasn’t officially privy to such information, she knew ANBU had called upon him, and it was now his duty to filter into the ranks. 
But she would smile regardless, because this was the way it had to be. This was how he would continue to grow, to become the man he so desperately wanted to be. 
“Just know, Naruto-kun…” she started, unable to halt the tremble in her voice, and her lips, forcing her to pull them between her teeth before daring to continue. And what she said next was meant with the upmost positivity, to tell him, that he had the power to change the world. 
“… you can set the world on fire. Nothing is stopping you.” 
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
  He has a notepad, scribbling down notes every now and then as Obito talks, wanting to remember as much as what he’s saying as he can.
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
[ small starter call? ]
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
[ small starter call? ]
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
[ i have some new followers, so like this for me to hop in your ims to plot something !!]
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
[ i have some new followers, so like this for me to hop in your ims to plot something !!]
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
how are you so quiet about it? your sadness i mean. how do you hold it in your chest, in your eyes, in your teeth without letting it speak; how does it stay still?
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
“Stop pretending this doesn’t terrify you.”
  “It doesn’t.” His voice is flat, matter-of-fact. There’s nothing in his eyes that give him away, and while he is partially lying---- he also isn’t. He supposes any normal person would be; stuck in a time that isn’t his own, with no one he knows, and-- so far at least-- no way to really get back. But, well----
  He’s not exactly normal, is he?
  He has no friends, no family-- there is no one for him to leave behind. He guesses that’s why it was so easy to accept him into the ANBU. You can’t cut ties with people if you don’t have ties to cut. Sure, he likes Tenzo well enough-- he took good care of him, after all-- but he doubted the other saw him as anything more than a mission, at best. A monster he had to babysit, at worst. There’s nothing to be terrified of, in his eyes. All his disappearance will mean is that they lost track of the Kyuubi. There is no mourning for Naruto Uzumaki. And he’s fine with that.
  Isn’t he?
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
“I want to hug you once more, as soft as I can.”
  He blinks at her, wondering where that came from. He had been telling her about how they wouldn’t be seeing each other as much anymore. It was official, Naruto was going to become an ANBU member. He was going to be busy with missions, as well as his training. And they had sat there in silence for a few moments. Until she had spoken up.
  If he had to use a word to describe it, Rin had always been....soft with him. She had taught him a lot on helping keep Kyuubi’s chakra in check, but she hadn’t been harsh with his training. She had spoiled him in treats and hugs and so much more. Even as he slowly grew more distant to even her. And so, he can’t turn down her request.
  His arms gently wrap around her, wanting to hold on to a moment of childishness one more time.
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kitsunbu ¡ 4 years
[ Boom verse page is up too look at me go !! ]
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