kitteacatscos · 6 years
Hey I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I have a sex drive but never feel the want to have sex with anyone I feel romantic attraction to. Do you know if there's a name for smth like this bc I feel very very confused and unsure of myself. Thanks for taking the time to read this :D
hi!! you might be graysexual??? you definitely fall under the asexual spectrum. i hope this helped a bit !!
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kitteacatscos · 6 years
Hey! I wanted to ask about your Keith Blade Of Marmora suit, I can’t find any tutorials about it! Do you have any you’d recommend? :)
i’m think about making one actually! i haven’t seen any either so i might as well. it might only be available through my patreon tho
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kitteacatscos · 6 years
Your cosplays inspire me a lot and I was wondering what you think I should do because I can't stand wigs and wigs are a big part of cosplay and I don't know what to do
ahhh wigs can be real uncomfortable for me too, it might be your wig cap?? instead of those net ones maybe try those stocking looking ones?? i can’t be sure it’d make a difference but don’t be afraid to not wear a wig either. you can still enjoy cosplay with or without a wig.
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
u know what’s really fun and in style right now? making others feel loved and valued
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
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i heard it was Chloe’s birthday??? i only finished this because of the Farewell episode. if it didn’t make you cry you’re lying.
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could post a hair reference for those who want to cut their hair like yours? I'm sorry if it sounds weird or something haha
this is a question i get asked a lot and i’m??? not sure why??? it’s supposed to be an undercut, but it’s all grown out. you won’t want references of what my hair looks like now because it’s overdue for a trim, and was unprofessionally cut via me. i just google “undercut pixie” and show that to my hairdresser. i assure you that you’ll find lots of pictures of haircuts that look like mine.
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
You're absolutely delightful!! You're art is so pretty and your voice is so soft and calming I want you to know that no matter what you're going through despite not knowing you personally I'll do my best to support you. Have a wonderful day!!
this means a lot to me thank you ;u; i’m glad you think so!! i have mixed feelings about my voice, but i’ve been told to do asmr a few times haha
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
hii i love u so much and i would ask u to marry me but i think ur taken ;)) anyway do u have any wig styling advice?? i really love ur cosplays so much and i hope ur well and healthy
oh!! unless you’re doing a really crazy style, just use hairspray to keep the style natural-looking. never use too much hairspray, you can always touch it up. trim the bangs to fit your face. always trim wigs with the scissors parallel to the hairs. invest in a stand, wig head, and some hair styling clips. use thinning scissors on wigs that are SUPER thick. aaannd that’s all i got !! and thank you i’m trying my best B’)
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
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i’ve been working on and off on this for awhile, but i finally finished it!! i really like the colors and might consider making this into a print.....
I also made a speedpaint for this!! you can give it a watch over here
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
Hey so I follow you on insta and I'm too much of a nervous bean to ask without anon- but how's your BoM Keith process going? I wanna make that same cosplay but I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing and have never made armor before so I honestly just feel like I'm in way over my head???
hey!! it’s honestly going pretty well??? i don’t have so much anxiety about putting it together because i like. analyzed and broke down the design so many times i’m pretty confident about it now hAha. look at lots of tutorials!!! it’s definitely not TOO hard but definitely a intermediate level cosplay. i’m adding lights too but those are optional 8^)
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
Hello, I'm a really big fan of your cosplays! Are you and Alastair by any chance going to Otakon 2018?
hellooo!! i am most likely going to Otakon 2018, but i’m not sure about Alastair. i’ve been going consecutively for a couple years now, but he hasn’t been in a LONG time lmao. a possibility he might tho!
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
um hi. hello, i had a question about your keith cosplay! i was wondering where you got your jacket or if you made it yourself? it looks really nice and i want to cosplay him myself. thank you in advance!
hi there!! i made my jacket myself! i made a pattern to use for it - all i did was find a jacket from my closet that fit me the way i wanted my keith jacket did, traced it at the seam lines, and modified it. i have experience to know what each pattern piece looks like so idk if you would know but?? if anything look up patterning online! good luck with your cosplay!!!
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
Are you planning on going to Katsucon this year? Your Tracer is my absolute fave!
Yeah!! i’m mostly cosplaying Voltron to it haha. i might bring Tracer tho!! i’m so glad you like it aaahh ;w;
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
Ummm hi I’m new to this page but I like to ask everyone who’s page I go on this question so I don’t upset them what are you pronouns as in he/she/they?
i really don’t care about pronouns!! you can use any you feel like for me! i generally go with they/them tho
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
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animation: when still images of your boys kissing just aren’t enough
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
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calm after all the birthday excitement. sorry keith, all shiro wants to watch is dumb space-cat videos on space-youtube.
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kitteacatscos · 7 years
There’s a difference between challenging yourself and overwhelming yourself. It’s okay to go at your own pace, okay?
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