kittenwhiskers · 1 day
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Commission for @thornoisdono as a gift for @kittenwhiskers !!
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kittenwhiskers · 3 days
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THAT FUCKING CLOWN ( ง ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃
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kittenwhiskers · 10 days
Hi anon hiii hi hi!!! 💜💜💜
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kittenwhiskers · 25 days
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kittenwhiskers · 26 days
I uhhh I uh I ummmm I uhhhhhhhhhhh
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who the fuck turned on the air conditioner
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kittenwhiskers · 28 days
Just something I found on YouTube
Creds to Lou's Dubs on YT
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
Grumpy Cat
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Requests: Open!
Summary: Angel enjoys messing with his boyfriend a little to much, which leads to an interesting discovery.
Pairings: Ler!Angeldust, Lee!Husk (Romantic)
Warnings: Tickling, Swearing, Nifty being weird
Word Count: 2495
It was rare to spot the old cat anywhere in the hotel besides the bar, which had become a sort of safe haven for the old grouch that he almost never let anyone else into cause that's his spot goddamnit.
Besides a certain spider, of course. But that's besides the point.
Today was one of those days it seemed as Husker took his opportunity while the main floor was empty to claim a spot on the couch.
Seeing as no one was around, the cat allowed himself to give in to his animal instincts and circled the spot a few times before curling up in a ball and letting himself drift away into a much deserved catnap.
The bartender couldn't have been asleep for more than an hour before he was woken up by faint whispers and giggling right above his head, followed by the tickly sensation of something touching the inside of his ear.
"Be quiet. I want to see how far I can shove this thing in this hole."
"Oh! Oh! We should shove my needle in there next!"
Husk snapped his head up to see Angeldust and Nifty smiling innocently down at him. He noticed his punk ass boyfriend was holding one of his red feathers in his hand.
Husker quickly shook himself off and got up to face the two instigators.
"Alright, alright. You two had your fun, now scram! There are plenty of other assholes in this building to bother if you're that bored." He said, hands making a shoo-ing motion towards the pair.
"But we didn't even get to dissect you yet!" Nifty whined and held her oversized needle up in the air.
"Hey, I think I heard a couple rats in the vents. Go find those and dissect them instead, you freak." Husk pointed.
The girl laughed maniacally and she scurried out of the room.
Husk shivered a bit.
"God that thing freaks me out."
Angeldust fiddled with the feather in his hands. "Eh. The brats actually pretty fun to be around when she's toned down the psycho a bit."
The man noticed the feather once again and pointed an accusatory finger at his boyfriend. "And just where do you get off shoving things into people's ears."
"You really want me to answer that?" He smirked.
Husk just groaned and fell face-down back onto the couch. Still a bit groggy from his nap and annoyed at his boyfriend's antics.
The cat sprawled out over the length of the couch as he repositioned himself, allowing his wings full range to reach up and hide his face away from the other.
"Whatever, go find your little friend a make a porno with the rats or whatever it is you like to do for fun. Just leave me out of it."
"Awww what's wrong? Monday blues got you down, Whiskers?" Angel cooed sweetly before making his way over to the side of the couch where he proceeded to climb on top of the grumpy cats back.
"What? I'm putting the feather back right where I found it." Angel teased and began playing with his boyfriends wings.
Husk couldn't stop his wings from twitching a bit under the sporadic touches. Just as he was about to use one to swipe his boyfriend off of the couch, the spider reached up and began carefully massaging the cats shoulders.
Dammit. The cat thought as his entire body instantly turned too putty under his boyfriend's hands. That bastard knew how much this affected him, it's not fair.
The cat grumbled a bit longer but gladly accepted his fate and relaxed into the touch. His body relaxing completely as he began to purr.
Angel laughed softly at the adorable sight. Figured this was a good way to apologize for interrupting the cat's nap.
"See, I'm not all that bad.~"
Husker gave a small hum in response before nuzzling his face in his arms. Stress melting away and Husk found himself drifting off to sleep not even a few minutes later.
The other just smiled softly and enjoyed the feeling of Husk's soft fur running through his fingers.
"Yeah, your grouchy ass definitely needed this." The demon said before leaning give the cat a quick kiss.
A couple more minutes passed. Angel's fingers continued slowly down the other's back tracing lines and shaped before he eventually reached the space near the base of the cat's wings.
The spider didn't even register that his fingers had accidentally brushed against the wings' base until the cat jolted violently as if he had been shocked, followed by a loud yelp.
Husk stiffened. He immediately tried to get out from under his boyfriend while reaching back to push the other's hand.
"A-Alright. That's enough. L-Let me up."
Angel froze, worried he'd somehow hurt him, but proceeded to do the opposite of what his partner asked and instead pushed him back down on the couch.
"Sorry, did I hurt ya?" He asked as he began feeling around the spot for any damage. "Was it just a really sore spot I hit or something else?"
He continued to gently brush around the wings while barely grazing his fingers, worried to cause any more pain. Only more concerning that the other wasn't answering him.
Angel looked up and saw that his boyfriend's shoulders were shaking and both hands covered his mouth with his face buried deep into the cushion.
It took longer than Angel would like to admit for him to finally put the pieces together, the demon smiled widely at the realization.
"Ooooooh. That's what that was?~" The spider leaned forward to whisper in the cat's ear. Pressing down a bit harder to pin the other even more. "Husker~ Don't tell me you're ticklish~"
Time to go. The cat thought as he scrambled and fought to get away from the menace on top of him. That tone itself was enough to tell him his boyfriend's little mood had returned with a vengeance.
The spider laughed and sprouted his two extra sets of arms to help him pin the other in place.
"Dammit!- Let me go! Hrgh!- Get offa me-" Husk squirmed viciously, twisting beneath the other and fighting for any chance to escape. He hissed as his wrists were caught and pinned firmly above his head, the other pairs holding down his wings and hips.
The demon chuckled and Husk could practically hear that shit-eating grin he no doubt has on his stupid face- that fucker.
"Awww you're so cute, trying to get away from me~" The cat snarled as the demon leaned over to whisper in his ear again. "What's wrong, Whiskers? Surely a tough guy like you can't be that sensitive~"
A finger trailed along the top of his wing causing the bartender's whole body to jolt again.
"D-D-Don-Don't you fu-fucking dare."
"Aw what's gottcha so nervous, Husky?~ Am I ruffling your feathers too much?~" Angel teased, using both hands to stroke along the length of the wings.
Husk's face was on fire at this point. The other's teasing was just too much.
He thought he would get used to the other's constant flirting and teasing remarks the other flung at him every single day. But even then, it never failed to make the bartender's face heat up, granted he would never admit it to anyone. For once, being thankful for the fur covering his face.
That, along with the awfully light strokes on his wings was enough for the poor cat to completely shut down. Too flustered to get a single word out.
The cat buried his face in the couch once again as his body shook with repressed laughter.
Angel smiled and began wiggling his fingers as he ran up and down the length of the wings. Husk let out a frustrated growl, trying desperately to block out the horrible tickly feeling. A few grunts managing to escape as the cat tried to bury his face even further into the cushion.
The wings twitched violently under the touch causing the next pair of hands reach up and hold them in place as well.
"Jesus, Husker, is it that bad?" He laughed. "I have have never seen you this worked up before! Gotta say, I'm a little hurt that you've hid this from me for so long~"
The hands were drawing closer and closer to the demon's back and he was having a much harder time forcing down his laughter.
"You ignoring me? I can tell you're smiling, Husker~ You must be enjoying this!"
A high-pitched whine escaped from the cat demon's throat at hearing his sadistic excuse for a partner. He shook his head rapidly and kicked his legs as he tried to distract himself from the butterflies swarming in his stomach.
The hands made their way to the tips of each wing and stayed there for a good second. Husker took this chance to breath and regain some of his composure. Unaware that he'd just confirmed his parter's suspicions.
"You're so cute." Angel smiled. "Do your wings become less sensitive the farther out they go?" He asked, experimentally scribbling the very ends of the appendages.
Husk froze. It's fucking Angel, of course he'd be the one to figure it out. God, Husk hated how perceptive he was when it came to finding new ways to fuck with him. Husker knew he was screwed no matter what he said. He huffed and turned around to look at his tormentor.
He honestly couldn't believe that bastard had the audacity to smile down at him, just as innocent as earlier, as if he wasn't torturing him to death just for the fun of it.
"Oh, fuck you." Husk spat. Not that it mattered, he knew his boyfriend was about to kill him either way.
Although he'd be lying if he said that seeing the other's face morph from faux innocence so downright sinister didn't send a chill down his spine.
"What was that?~" Angel smiled. Hands moved once again across the wing's length only much, much slower than before.
"I-I sai- I-ugh!-" Dammit. Husk cursed his voice for stuttering and began to yank and twist his wrists again more out of embarrassment than thinking he was actually going to get away from this monster on top of him.
"Oh no. You were so bold just a second ago, why not say it again before I make you regret it.~" Fingers still trailing slowly as he tightened his grip around the other's wrists.
"Yo-Yohohou ahaha b-b-bahahahhahaha-" A steady stream of giggles finally escaped from his throat, the demon being to flustered to even try to suppress any of it at this point. The cat twisted and turned violently in a fit of frustration and embarrassment.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Angel chuckled, finally reaching the base of the cat's wings, fingers barely touching the feathers while still making their presence known. "You never answered my question though, does it tickle more the further down I go? I sure hope not. If that's the case, I don't know how you're gonna handle this~" Angel exclaimed as he finally went in for the kill. Using all four of his hands to torment the base and lower section of the winds.
Husk screamed silently at the sensation, before actually screaming as his struggling increase tenfold.
Poor Husker was thrown into screaming hysterics almost immediately, that spot was terrible enough by itself, never mind having four hands completely focusing on wrecking him there!
Why the fuck did Angel need to have three pairs of arms??? This isn't fair!!
The poor demon didn't last long, his body soon went completely limp as he resigned himself to his fate, not having anymore energy to resist the overly intense feeling. His voice went silent for a moment as well when his body forced him to take a break from the near constant laughing/screaming.
Suddenly, the tickling stopped and all six hands released their grip on the poor demon.
Husker gasped deeply and collapsed, pulling his arms protectively over his sides now that his wrists were free.
Angel was still on top of him however, only now gently stroking the cat's head.
And that bastard is still laughing.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're alright. Breathe."
Husker did just that, gulping in as much air as he could. The mortification of what just happened setting in as more oxygen found its way to his head.
Angel chuckled almost nervously and began sweetly massaging the cat's shoulder blades again.
"Heh. You still alive? You scared me for a second there, got quiet and stopped moving all of a sudden. I almost thought I killed ya." He gave another nervous chuckle.
"Fu-Fuhuhuck y-you, bihihitch." The bartender managed to get out. Still not moving a muscle and recovering from the attack.
"Ah, yeah. I went a little overboard, I'm sorry. You're just so cute, and I've never been able to get a reaction like that out of you before. I really couldn't help myself. Especially when I got you to smile like that- I was- AAH!!"
Husk promptly cut off his boyfriend's rambling by bucking hard enough to finally throw him off the couch.
The demon grunted as hell fell to the floor. Looking back up at his partner who had curled himself into a ball, wings held tightly against him as he regained his composure.
"I am actually gonna kill you for that one." He huffed out.
Angel stood, brushing himself off and nervously ran his finger through his hair.
"Yeah...I kind of deserve it for that one." He laughed and sat back down next to the cat. "Seriously though, you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He mumbled, his signature grouch finding its way back onto his face. To which Angel reached up and scratched under the cat's chin.
"What are y- eh whatever." God, he hated being a cat. Being forced to enjoy this sort of shit.
Angel laughed. "You still love me?"
Husk cut his eyes over at his pain-in-the-ass boyfriend and huffed.
The other smiled and cupped the cat's face while kissing his forehead.
Angel pulled back, still holding the other's face. Suddenly he got the idea to test out another suspicion of his.
"I could tell you liked it though." The spider said.
The cat stuttered a bit and jerked his head out of the other's grip.
"You are downright impossible! What makes you think I'd enjoy that type of childishness even a little bit?!"
Angel pressed his palms together and smirked at the other.
"Oh, y'know one sign could be how warm your face just got."
Husk froze with his mouth wide open at the sheer amount of audacity-
"That's it!-" He declared as he shot up off the couch and lunged at his boyfriend who was now running for his life, laughing the entire way.
Husk hated when he was right, and now he's gonna kill him for it.
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
Ahhhh! I can't stop thinking of ler!Adam who HAS to take his mask off in ler mode in order to blow the most effective raspberries (the stubble is also a helpful bonus) so it's always off whenever he's wrecking a lee. His signature go-to ler tactic is pretending to eat the lees ribs. He can also see the lee's reactions more clearly without the mask, so he prefers it off. Dude is also the least subtle ler to ever exist in the history of forever. He's never ambushed or surprise attacked anyone. It's always the most over the top in your face tickle monster chase that he knows the lee won't be able to outrun. He just swoops down from the sky, and the lee is immediately trapped in the most effective bear hug ever. He's also known for gently "body slamming" lees before wrecking their shit.
Lees rejoice- you eating well tonight!
Oh Adam is THE tickle monster. This man was never subtle from the get go. Air guitar solo- FUCK YEAH! 🎸
Get ready for another long one, folks! Hit up that read more line!
He can be so goofy, yet also wants to come across as menacing while rubbing his chin over your stomach. Even with the mask off, his grin is intimidating yet deranged. Unmasked Adam has FANGS. No really, look it up. Dem chompers. Another thing he yearns to hear from his target, is them to admit it tickles and how much. Dude loves that shit.
"It tickles? Well no shit, dummy! That's the point!"
If that weren't torturous enough, he'll attempt some sort of interrogation. About what, you may ask? Honestly, anything that comes to mind. High chance it will be something so out there and nonsensical. Something you'd never have an answer for. Making you his forever captive.
"You don't know shit? Ha! I ain't stupid, dude. I got ways of making you spill~"
As I've mentioned before, Adam is not a super gentle ler. You'll feel the full effect of his fingers rapidly raking up and down your sides, around your tummy, then zip up all the way to your armpits. Any pleas for mercy only embolden him, especially when he's determined to find the spot that breaks you.
"Tell me... where is your weak spot, hmm? C'mon, no sense in holding it in. I can do this all day."
Say that you were foolish enough to answer such a thing, you'd be swiftly subjected to that one spot getting the works. Fingers, raspberries, nibbles- heck, if feeling cheeky enough, Adam might even lick you. On top of all of this brutal display, the teasing makes a come back.
"Big dumb fucking move telling me sweet spot! You really think I was gonna stop just because you told me? Haha! Sucks for you! Now then... let's hear you scream!"
He may or may not burst out into maniacal laughter by this point. Full on villain move there. Followed up with some teasing as he lowly whispers into your ear. The classics such as "tickle tickle" and "coochie-coo" come up, yet he tries to sound as intimidating as possible. If you tell him that makes it worse, you are only gonna get one simple response.
"Good. Now suffer."
If you are somehow still not tuckered out and are squirming too much, Adam might feel the need to restrain you in some way. Most likely will conjure up some rope with his holy powers. Because he can do that for some reason. Once you are all nicely wrapped up in a way that keeps your weak spot within reach- say your prayers.
"Hey, quit your bitching! YOU made me do this! Buckle up, chuckle-fuck. I got you for the whole day. Haha! I'm gonna make the most of it~"
He may indeed go on throughout the whole day. With the exemptions of the odd break for the pair of you. Or at least until he gets bored. Which outcome would you wish for?
Quick details on how Adam would handle certain tickle spots: RIP if more than one of these applies to you.
Armpits: At first he'll complain that of course it is one of the spots that can get sweaty (he's one to talk), but quickly gets over it once he sees how much it wrecks you. Fingers will spider down your arms, then dig deep into those sensitive little pits. His own wing feathers will make the perfect tickle tools for this spot.
Neck: He's gonna hold his face just an inch away from it. You'll be feeling his warm (and probably smelly) breath on your skin. That dastardly stubbly chin of his will rub up and down the area, delighting in every peep you make in response. Nibbles and feathers are abound to happen too.
Ears: There will be grumbly comments how "lame" of a spot this is for him. Not a lot to work with in his opinion. However, it is worth a shot. He's noticed that simply whispering seems to do the trick. Nibbling along the lobe works too. Sadly, he'll get bored before seeking out your second worst spot.
Ribs: Of course the first man himself is biased to this spot! He loves ribs. Shit is the best! And yours are of no exception. Like anon said, he will (pretend) eat those up! Yum! Maybe pretend to play those puppies like a piano with his fingers too!
Sides: Ah, a classic spot. Perfect for scratching, poking, nipping... and so much more! Whenever he puts you in a bear hug, expect this spot to be shown no mercy. Side raspberries are gonna be a thing too. Those pesky wing feathers will make an appearance too. Such a versatile area indeed! But not as much as-
Stomach: Hope you got the guts to withstand what lays in store for you. The gloves are off for this one. Adam knows full well how hellish this spot can be (totally not from personal experience, he swears). My, my... that belly button of yours looks mighty lonely. Best give it some company by planting a nice smooch upon it. Oops, no- that is a raspberry. Nothing is off the table for this spot. Expect the works. If he's feeling oddly affectionate, he'll plant his face into your soft tum and nuzzle like crazy.
Back: Adam will most likely forget this can be a weak spot. Ever had a massage that tickled? He's probably gonna aim for something like that. Raking his fingers down your spine, watching you shiver... yeah, he could get to enjoy this spot. Worst part is, since you'll be flipped over- you won't see what is coming. Then again, he will be unable to see your face, which low-key takes the fun out of it for him.
Legs: Just be warned, he's gonna make it hard for you to stand after this. Every inch of your legs will feel like you ran a marathon. Got ticklish knees? Well you are fucked. The space behind the knees too? Double fucked. If you are okay with your thighs being touched, he'll delight in using his feathers there.
Feet: This spot is either a dream or a nightmare for most lees. Regardless of how you may feel... he's coming for those little piggies. He'll for sure tease you on how large or small they are. If they're on the larger side, you are probably gonna get sick burns such as "Damn, you buy your shoes at the clown store?". Whereas if you have smaller feet, he's gonna throw the baby talk at you. You are going to feel the full force of fingers digging into your arches. Perhaps a feather will somehow find its way in-between your toes.
I probably missed some spots, if so- I'm so sorry!
Hope this scratches the itch for tickle monster Adam for now!
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
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Okay THIS is actually brand new art I made it last night ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Also all my friends are fucking jerks /lh
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
Question who is your favorite character in stardew valley.
Ahhhh I haven't played enough Stardew Valley to give a very solid answer but I'm gonna go with Elliott!
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
Here's Al being a jerk to one of my many Hazbin self-inserts
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He's such a dick ( ง ᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
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Sick and twisted
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
there are,,, uhhh,,, a bit older,,,
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don't look at me don't perceive me
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
Updated sona + artstyle
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
husk needs his grumpy little body tickled and teased all the way to mars
thank you and goodnight
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kittenwhiskers · 1 month
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I wasn't planning on coming back to Tumblr- like ever- but I miss sharing art and I especially miss doing commissions so HIIIIIII HI HI HI!!!!! (≧▽≦)
I've been on the Hazbin bandwagon since the show dropped so uhhhh here's something I made a little while ago just until I make more art. I'll probably be posting some more stuff I've made on hiatus in the meantime, and y'all will get to hear and see more about/of my faves. As of rn it's Husk if that wasn't obvious
Anyway byeeee see y'all again soon (•ө•)♡
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kittenwhiskers · 4 months
Hey y'all let's not send death threats to each other or wish death upon anyone in this community please. That is such spineless cat shit behavior please don't be uncool
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