kiwimidge · 9 years
On motivation
The idea is to be excited enough about something to take the first step. Forget the failures. Forget how often you fail to finish. Forget the fear.
Yeah, nah, never mind.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
November 13 1915
Got finally away on Red Cross barge to Hospital Ship Syria (P and O) Norman and two others of 9th with me. Long restless night. Delirious man kept me awake.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
November 12 1915
Evacuated to 2nd L.H. Field Ambulance then with Blue Ticket (oedema and anaemia) to 1st Aust. Clearing Hosp. Fine supper of braised beef. Stretchers case alongside me delirious. Dr. - "What are you making a noise for? I'm not hurting you yet" patient "No, but you're going to,"
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kiwimidge · 9 years
November 11 1915
Ordered away to Field Ambulance. Kempshill shot away part of back of left hand accidently while loading rifle. Early relief of 3rd Bde again rumoured.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
November 10 1915
Still on sick parade eyes swollen and puffed legs.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
August on Gallipoli
Things are getting dire - in the first week of August rum was issued every day, instead of once in a blue moon.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Moral statement
Maybe its just me, but surely making money off the poorest most vulnerable people in our society is wrong.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
Epicurus (via fyp-philosophy)
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kiwimidge · 9 years
My grandad wrote in his diary, 
When not facing artillery fiery. 
Each little ditty
Was really quite witty
And lifted up souls from the mirey. 
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kiwimidge · 9 years
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Related matters
Grandson Timothy McLeod will be part of the Anzac Day commemorations in London, joining the March past the Cenotaph. BBC have rung to ask permission to quote this diary.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Seriously. So, he wasn't really lonely and he wouldn't even have noticed if not for his sister. #how women are written out of history and literature. 
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Very Short Fact: On this day in 1802, William Wordsworth and his sister spotted the “long belt” of daffodils that would inspire his famous poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.
“Wordsworth didn’t wander alone: he was accompanied by his sister Dorothy and it was she who observed the movement of the daffodils. Wordsworth’s poem was written in retrospect, out of what he called, in another key phrase from the preface to Lyrical Ballads, ‘emotion recollected in tranquillity’.”
[p. 90, English Literature: A Very Short Introduction, by Jonathan Bate]
Like the Very Short Introductions on Facebook for more from the series.
Image: Yellow daffodil. Public domain via Pixabay.
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Just because librarians everywhere are awesome! 
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NLWD is a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers! :)
Here are ten ways to celebrate!
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Beware the barrenness of a busy life.
Socrates (via cosmic-rebirth)
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kiwimidge · 9 years
But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.
Daphne du Maurier   (via aberminimal)
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Owning your voice.
Perspective. Identity. Community. These are the foundations for relationship, the boundaries you explore, the message you become. 
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kiwimidge · 9 years
Winter is coming
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