kiwisharkuartblog · 4 years
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root & soil clothing collection
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Some art from my twitter page, also called Kiwisharku
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
Tips to freelance illustrators to avoid being screwed over
Hello! I’m Gabrielle Ragusi. I’ve been a freelance illustrator for years now and, as many other freelancers, I had to deal with difficult situations in the past - recent past. These situations come with the job (for everyone), but they can be easily avoided… if only I had known this sooner!
This post doesn’t paint a pretty picture of the one client, but know that I refer to a very small percentage of people (the clients I work with are actually great). 
Yet, the one client exists and these tips might help you face them.
When The One Client tries to screw you over.
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From time to time, clients will try to have their way with unforeseeable requests and demands at work started and, quite often, at work done.
Solution: State your terms.
Before starting a project, even a sketch, I strongly suggest sending a contract or a simple Terms of Agreement document in which you state everything: commission process, revisions, payment method, ownership… This way they won’t be able to make up some half-ass excuse for their demands.
Also, you don’t have to be overly generous. If the client asks for extra revisions, ask for extra payment. The extra money will cover the extra time you spent on the project, so don’t feel guilty about it.
When The One Client sells bad ideas or asks for the wrong revisions.
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Clients may know what they want, but they also might try to sell ideas that you know won’t work or ask for revisions that won’t make the project look any better. They won’t consciously bamboozle you, but the project has your name on it and judgement will come with the audience feedback.
Solution: You’re the artist in this project, so speak your mind. Giving your clients alternatives and your opinion helps the client know that you care about the project and that you know your stuff. You want the best for your client.
When The One Client wants you to work on spec.
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Solution: Don’t.
On-spec work is a bad idea. If clients contact me, I take for granted they’ve seen my portfolio and know what I do, but if you’re just starting as a professional, my suggestion is to ask for a minimum upfront payment.
The power to say yes doesn’t always apply.
This isn’t about The One Client but about our own ‘Yes’, when inside we’re screaming ‘Hell no’, screwing us over. 
Yes is not always good. When in doubt, think about your lack of time, disinterest in the project and all those things that lead to bad results!
If you don’t have time to work on a new commission, say no. If the project isn’t your cup of tea, say no.
Also, not all clients are jerks, so if you explain you don’t have time to work on another project right now but they like your portfolio, it’s possible that they will contact you again in the future or ask for your time schedule.
(Don’t) Assume that clients know your art style.
This one is tricky and has a lot to do with the first stage of commissions and my personal experience. When clients contact me for the first time, most have seen my portfolio and know what I do. They contact me because of what I do and how I do it. When these clients say “I love your work”, I naturally assume they’ve seen my portfolio.
But when there are no signals that the person contacting me has seen my work, I can’t assume. This happened just a few weeks ago with a client who asked for my availability to illustrate a book after seeing an illustration of mine (the book was about faeries, my illustration had faeries). Problem is I assumed they knew my work, but they didn’t. What happened is that they asked me to work on spec, I said no and gave them a minimum quote for an initial sketch instead. Feedback received, I finally understood they hadn’t in fact seen my portfolio, although I’m not sure where they found my email address.
I don’t have a real solution to this kind of situation other than not assuming things. I guess it’s a matter of dealing with The One Client once again.
Payment fees are covered by the client, always.
If you receive payments through PayPal and similar services, I’m sure you know about the fees.
Unfortunately, I found the solution to this only a couple of years ago - looking back at all the money PayPal took from me in fees, I want to cry (living in Europe and working with clients based anywhere in the world, these fees vary, from 2,9% to 4,5% + small transfer fees). 
Now I send all invoices myself (I don’t let clients send money my way on their own) and I add a tax that covers PayPal or Stripe’s fees to the project’s quote: this is not money that ends up in my pocket, it’s money that PayPal takes, mind you.
My final advice is: be professional. 
The One Client will try your patience, but don’t lose your composure. Even in disagreement, be professional, offer your thoughts and compromise if necessary. If the project is successful, The One Client will be happy. You want your clients to be happy.
I hope you’ll find this post helpful!
Peace out,
Follow me on Instagram - ArtStation - YouTube
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Lunar New Year crept on me this year so I didn’t have time to make a New Years-specific piece, but here’s a little rat saying hello! 🐀🍊
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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What glasses am I going to see in New Horizons that I MUST have?
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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A new OC I’ve made, her name is Vanilla. She is a tattoo artist who only tattoos prosthetic limbs
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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pigeon bakery
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Jo Byeong-man and Kang Kye-yeol, married 76 years, in MY LOVE, DON’T CROSS THAT RIVER (2013) dir. Jin Mo-young
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
tutorial for drawing a cat's hind legs?
so the first thing you should know is that, in essence, a cat’s haunches are a trapezoid
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a mistake i see a lot of young artists do is making the infamous “circle” haunches, with the heel being way too high. cats have very low heels and the hind leg will never be straight down like that
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another mistake i see a lot is what i like to call the “dinosaur leg”, where the leg will be in 3 distinct parts. going off of a cat skeleton you might think that this is correct, but cats have very large and strong muscles in their hind legs which allow them to jump and run and climb and do cat things
 cats have butts!! and butt muscles!! draw them!!
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there are different ways to draw the legs too! i’ve used the “joint” method before where you draw the joints and then draw the rest of the leg, similar to the way they teach you in school
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Rouge Amy rose
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Prim Sablier and Nocturnes my ocs
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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♥ Tiana ♥
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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Made some colorful Gamebats
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kiwisharkuartblog · 5 years
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My new OC Latte. A food blogger, Latte was originally going in for law school however over time she realized it wasn’t for her and dropped out to try other hobbies like photography and baking. She likes taking pictures of stuff she bakes or restaurants she goes to.
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