kjcami · 3 years
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kjcami · 3 years
kjapa: Dr. Seuss wins every time.
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kjcami · 3 years
congratulations to Andrew Garfield on his Oscar nomination so deserved
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kjcami · 3 years
so award shows are already screwing Andrew Garfield over. not even nominated for a bafta.
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kjcami · 3 years
Reblog and put in the tags whether you preferred Caillou, Little Bill, or Sesame Street as a kid.
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kjcami · 3 years
Ok enough. Whats everyone's heights. I want to make fun.
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kjcami · 3 years
What makes this funnier is if you watch Riverdale you'd know it's exactly like this 😭😭😭
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kjcami · 3 years
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🛸 2.13 “Mr. Jones”
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kjcami · 3 years
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Have a safe and realistically happy new year!
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kjcami · 3 years
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They're Together Again...
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kjcami · 3 years
“You can’t seriously be mad about this.”
“I’m not mad, I’m just curious!”
Veronica barely glances up from her plate, trying to spare Archie the annoyed look that’s going to come his way if he keeps this up. So much for a nice Saturday dinner.
In all honesty it’s something she probably could’ve predicted, at some point he would have to run into someone from her past life since he moved to the city. If anything it’s a miracle it took this long.
It’s just extremely inconvenient one of her old flings had to be at the same restaurant as them on this particular day; walking over to kiss her hand and remark about how long it’s been, laughing in good nature about how he never foresaw her party girl persona ever becoming tied down. 
Last time he met one of her exes it was Nick St. Clair, and she remembers very well just how great that went.
“I don’t know why this is such an issue all of a sudden-” Veronica begins, throwing him a pointed look.
“You know about my exes, why can’t I know about yours?” He challenges back.
“Of course I know about your exes, Archie, we went to highschool with them,” she snaps, looking around at the few people around them that might’ve noticed the conversation getting a bit heated. “Look, what do you want to know?”
“How many?”
“How many what?”
“How many people were there before me?”
It’s a little surprising, considering she’s usually the jealous one in their relationship. But that also might be the reason she gives in.
She sighs, throwing her napkin down and leaning back in her chair. “If I tell you, will you drop this and stop pouting like a scorned woman?”
“Yes,” Archie agrees.
Veronica pauses for a moment to think before answering, “Do one night stands count?”
His eyes widened, “Does it make that big a difference?”
“Oh do not go all high and mighty on me, Archie Andrews, you were not some celibate walker of life when we met.”
His eyes glower, knowing she’s right, but doesn’t like it.
“Hook ups don’t count.”
“Okay, then three.”
“That wasn’t part of the agreement,” Veronica points a finger at him, and nudges his leg with hers under the table, trying to break his expression. “Besides, it’s not like you know them.”
“So then why does it matter?”
Veronica stares at him, wondering if it would be dramatic to go finish her meal with her ex and whoever he’s with because they’re the only people she knows here not being difficult
“A boy from my prep school, a girl on my old dance team, and then Reggie.”
“Ha!” he sits up straighter, like he caught her in a lie. “I do know Reggie.”
“Yes but you already knew about me and Reggie. Besides, none of them were serious, at all. Not like someone…” she raises her eyebrows at him, ready to turn things around on her apparently very investigative boyfriend.
“I didn’t have any serious relationships before you.”
“Uh huh, what do you call Josie McCoy?”
“We were together for like five minutes!”
“And yet you brought her to meet your mom, took her to Lover’s Lane probably too, undoubtedly she also was privy to all the secret little thoughts in your songbook,” she points out.
“We did that stuff too!”
They’re quiet for a few moments, both of their arms crossed in front of their chests, and while she’s strongly considering calling for the check and making him walk home, he speaks up.
“I’m sorry. You don’t owe me anything about your dating history,” Archie reaches out to take her hand, stopping a few inches before in case she doesn’t want to be touched, but she closes the gap and intertwines their fingers.
“You can ask me anything you want, Archie, but you don’t need to freak out on me about three people I’m not even remotely interested in anymore. Besides we’ve been dating since we were sixteen, I seriously think if I was going to run away with someone I dated as a baby teenager, I would’ve done it by now.”
HIs face turns tomato red, and that’s when she knows he gets it, and she’s succeeded in proving her point.
“I’m sorry,” he says again.
“I know, and it’s okay, because I’ve definitely flipped out on you about more than one waitress or random lady on the street before that smiled at you.”
Archie nods, squeezing her hand, before they both return to their food.
“Just one more thing-”
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kjcami · 3 years
Her husband is the most difficult person to shop for that she’s ever met. 
He never branches out to new things unless pushed, he’d been wearing the same brand of underwear and socks for years until she reminded him he’s a grown up with a nice paycheck and doesn’t need to buy things in value packs anymore. And it wasn’t until he proposed that he finally splurged and bought himself a proper suit that was tailored just for him.
Needless to say when he offered to decorate the apartment Veronica took him up on it, knowing she would need all the time she could get to shop for something he’d tell her he loved but then actually use.
And the time was well spent, because she found a lovely pair of boxing shoes that she was going to have custom made in his favorite shade of blue, because whoever said some things never change was right and Archie’s still the gym rat he was as a teenager.
Of course, it was all too good to be true. She should’ve known better than to expect her to be able to finish her work early for her Christmas break from the office, find Archie a gift, and then get to go home to a festive apartment and be with her husband. 
Something always has to go wrong.
“It’s nothing! Really, it’s not even the worst I’ve ever had, it’s only like four stitches,” he tries to reason frantically, waving his hands in his holiday sweater, as she takes a single step into their home. “I didn’t even need pain meds, just the numbing stuff, because it’s not a big deal.”
“What the hell did you do?”
Dropping her bag on the floor and quite literally running to him, Veronica grabs his chin to examine his cheekbone that was now covered in a thick white bandage. 
“Archie, what happened?” she mumbles miserably. She left him alone for a few hours and he goes and wrecks his handsome face. She should’ve called Kevin to babysit.
He’s clearly nervous as he awaits more of her beratement but nonetheless replies, “I tripped and knocked my cheek on the coffee table. But don’t worry, I didn’t get blood on the carpet-”
She slaps his arm. “Archibald, I don’t care about the carpet, I care about your face! Why didn’t you call me?”
“Because it was no big deal!” he repeats honestly, placing his hands on her waist. “And seriously I’ve had to go to the ER enough to know when I need a driver with me.”
Veronica rolls her eyes at that. Of course he would think it’s reassuring to remind her of all the times he’s gotten seriously injured.
“Only you would get hurt decorating for Christmas,” she sighs, pulling his head down to rest his forehead on hers. “If that cut scars your pretty face I’m gonna hurt you.”
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kjcami · 3 years
so it's almost 2022 and bugheads and some varchies are still blaming archie for the Grundy relationship. something doesn't sit right with me.
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kjcami · 3 years
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Woah, December seemed so far away and yet here we are. Almost right in the middle of it with the holidays so close. And while we made sure Roberto & Co will get coal this year under their trees, Santa promised Varchie will come back to us in the very near future.
In the meantime though, here’s some Varchie fanfics/drabbles revolving around the holidays to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. 
We miss them in canon as much as you do, but we have some amazing writers in this fandom who make up for the lack of content/continuity Riverdale is simply unable to provide these days. 
Make sure to drop them a little comment. 
Wake Me On Christmas Eve by theeternalblue
A collection of 8 ficlets living in the same college AU. Moments set during Christmas time and how the holidays work their magic.
Of Sweet & Lacy Things by theeternalblue
When Betty and Jughead asked Veronica to take care of their daughter for a week, she never guessed the surprises it could bring to her life. That includes a handsome teacher, the world of a six-year-old, and surprises courtesy of her best friend. Will she be able to handle all that and the new holiday collection for her lingerie brand?
All The Roads by andsmile
Veronica Lodge’s lavish lifestyle changes completely when she meets someone at a deli shop and assures him that she has everything she needs. The next morning, she wakes up in the arms of Archie Andrews, her high school sweetheart who broke her heart a decade ago, and to the horrifying discovery that her former life no longer exists. Or, an archieronnie!AU based on early 00’s movie, “The Family Man.”
If Not For Christmas, By New Year’s Night by AlwaysSpeaksHerMind
The holidays are more difficult for some than others, and Veronica Lodge (Harvard sophomore, fashion queen, reluctant Yuletide orphan etc.), is long past expecting that hers will contain anything resembling the Christmas Magic of feel-good lore. Then—by either accident, or the same mischievous twist of fate that inhabits all movies debuting in December—she meets a red-haired server at a party, and…it’s not like she starts to change her mind, exactly. 
Waiting in Vain by monicaposh
Friends with benefits on New Year’s Eve.
Little Moments by Tuesdayschildd
Christmas drabbles.
Baby It’s Cold Outside by Tuesdayschildd
The annual Mitchell-Klinger Christmas office party is not for the faint of heart. Newbie Veronica Lodge is about to find out what it’s all about. And if she happens to discover a bit more than expected, who can blame her?
Let It Snow by Tuesdayschildd
We always carpool home for the holidays from college, but a storm hit and now we’re taking the last room at a B&B. Or. Best friends Veronica and Archie don’t check the weather report. Best thing that’s ever happened to them.
Let It Snow by walkingmusical
Archie and Veronica are driving home for the holidays, only for their car to break down in the middle of a snowstorm. It’s the middle of the night and there isn’t a town within walking distance. There’s only one thing they can do: wait out the night and keep each other warm.
Winter Hours by missanonyma
Blizzard by missanonyma
Winter by missanonyma
Snowfall by missanonyma
All I want For Christmas by AlwaysSpeaksHerMind
Archie, Veronica, and the story of the necklace. Set in 2x09, “Silent Night, Deadly Night.”
Holiday Party by theeternalblue
Veronica overhears Archie’s ex mocking him for being single at a holiday party and introduces herself as Archie’s S/O with a kiss on the cheek but they’ve never spoken before.
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kjcami · 3 years
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Andrew Garfield photoshoot para Vogue
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kjcami · 3 years
ok Andrew Garfield better be an oscar contender for tick tic boom. he was completely amazing
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kjcami · 3 years
the rock and Ryan are so good in this movie. they play off each other so well
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