kjqbls · 6 months
Discovering Wholeness: A Journey into Integrality with Dr. Cristine Atienza
Stepping into the session with Dr. Cristine Atienza on the topic of integrality in the workplace was like entering a sanctuary of reflection and profound insight. Renowned for her work on human development, Dr. Atienza guided us on a captivating exploration of the importance of wholeness and the transformative power it can unleash within organizational settings.
The session began with Dr. Atienza painting a vivid picture of the fragmented state of modern workplaces. She spoke of the prevalent compartmentalization, where work and personal lives exist in separate silos, leading to stress, burnout, and a disconnect between employees and their true selves. In this context, Dr. Atienza introduced the concept of integrality as a powerful antidote.
Integrality, she explained, is the state of being whole, encompassing all aspects of our being - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It's about recognizing the interconnectedness of these dimensions and nurturing them in harmony. In the workplace context, this translates to fostering an environment where employees can bring their whole selves to work, where their individual talents and passions are valued, and where personal growth is encouraged alongside professional development.
Dr. Atienza's explanation wasn't merely theoretical. She provided concrete examples of how organizations are embracing integrality to create positive transformations. She spoke of companies implementing mindfulness practices, promoting work-life balance, and encouraging employees to pursue their passions outside of work. She highlighted the tangible benefits of these initiatives, ranging from increased productivity and creativity to improved employee satisfaction and reduced stress levels.
One of the most impactful aspects of the session was Dr. Atienza's emphasis on self-awareness. She encouraged us to embark on a journey of introspection, identifying our values, strengths, and aspirations. By understanding ourselves better, she explained, we can align our work with our true purpose and find meaning and fulfillment in our professional endeavors.
Furthermore, Dr. Atienza emphasized the importance of cultivating a sense of community and connection within the workplace. She spoke of the need for organizations to foster a culture of empathy, collaboration, and mutual support. When individuals feel valued and connected to their colleagues, she explained, they are more likely to thrive and contribute their best selves.
As the session progressed, a sense of hope and optimism filled the room. Dr. Atienza's words resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring us to envision a future where workplaces are not just places of productivity but also sanctuaries for growth and fulfillment. We were left with a powerful sense of agency, empowered to champion the principles of integrality within our own organizations and contribute to a more holistic and human-centered future of work.
The session with Dr. Cristine Atienza wasn't just an intellectual exercise; it was a transformative experience. It opened my eyes to the immense potential of integrality in the workplace and ignited a passion within me to be a catalyst for positive change. Armed with Dr. Atienza's insights and practical tools, I am determined to contribute to building organizations where employees are valued for their wholeness, where work is aligned with purpose, and where individual and organizational growth flourish in tandem.
The journey towards workplace integrality is only just beginning, but the seeds of hope and transformation have been planted. As we continue to embrace the principles of integrality and strive to create work environments that nurture the human spirit, we pave the way for a future where work is not just a source of income, but a source of meaning, fulfillment, and well-being for all.
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kjqbls · 6 months
A Journey into the Mind: Finding Happiness through Neurotransmitters with Dr. Robin Velasco
Stepping into the session with Dr. Robin Velasco on the topic of neurotransmitters and their role in finding happiness and positivity was like embarking on an exciting expedition into the uncharted territories of the human mind. Dr. Velasco, a renowned expert in neurobiology, navigated the complex landscape of our brain chemicals with clarity and captivating enthusiasm, making the session both intellectually stimulating and profoundly insightful.
As Dr. Velasco delved deeper into the fascinating world of neurotransmitters, he introduced us to the "D.O.S.E. of Happiness": Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. These four key chemicals, he explained, are the architects of our emotions, influencing our ability to feel joy, love, contentment, and even motivation.
The session was far from a dry scientific lecture. Dr. Velasco employed captivating anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate the intricate workings of these neurotransmitters. He explained how dopamine, the "reward molecule," is released when we achieve goals, experience pleasure, or anticipate something positive. Oxytocin, the "love hormone," surges during moments of social connection, fostering feelings of trust, empathy, and bonding. Serotonin, the "mood stabilizer," plays a vital role in regulating our emotions, contributing to feelings of well-being and happiness. And lastly, endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, act as mood enhancers, generating feelings of euphoria and relaxation.
Dr. Velasco's explanation went beyond simply describing the functions of these neurotransmitters. He provided actionable insights and practical strategies for cultivating happiness in our daily lives. He emphasized the importance of activities that stimulate the release of these positive chemicals, such as:
Engaging in physical activities: Exercise releases endorphins, boosting mood and reducing stress. Practicing mindfulness and meditation: These techniques promote relaxation and emotional regulation, leading to increased serotonin levels. Connecting with loved ones: Social interactions and acts of kindness trigger the release of oxytocin, fostering feelings of love and belonging. Setting achievable goals and rewarding yourself for accomplishing them: Achieving goals triggers a dopamine surge, enhancing motivation and satisfaction. The session wasn't just about individual happiness; Dr. Velasco also explored the broader societal implications of neurotransmitters. He discussed how promoting activities that foster positive emotions can create a more connected, compassionate, and joyful society. He emphasized the importance of fostering environments that encourage social interaction, physical activity, and positive self-care practices.
Dr. Velasco's insightful session provided me with a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between neurotransmitters and our emotional well-being. It was a journey of self-discovery, prompting me to reflect on my own emotional patterns and identify areas where I could implement the strategies Dr. Velasco shared.
More than just a session, it was a call to action. It instilled in me a sense of empowerment, reminding me that happiness is not a passive state of being, but an active pursuit. By understanding the role of neurotransmitters and implementing strategies to cultivate their release, we can create more positive and fulfilling lives for ourselves and contribute to a more joyful world around us.
Leaving the session with Dr. Robin Velasco, I felt informed and inspired. His passion for neurobiology and dedication to sharing his knowledge have ignited a flame of hope. I carry with me the invaluable tools and insights he provided, ready to embark on a journey of actively cultivating happiness and contributing to a more positive world, one neurotransmitter at a time.
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kjqbls · 6 months
Aim2Flourish: Interview with Dr. Marites T. Andres, a Dental Champion in Solana, Cagayan
Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Cagayan, the small town of Solana holds a story of resilience and transformation. At the heart of this story lies Dr. Marites Andres, an orthodontist whose unwavering passion has revolutionized the oral health landscape of her community.
My recent interview with Dr. Andres was a profound encounter with a pioneer. As she spoke, her words painted a vivid picture of a small town struggling with limited access to quality dental care. It was this very struggle that ignited a spark in Dr. Andres, leading her on a journey to become the champion of oral health in Solana.
In 2016, Dr. Andres opened the doors of her Ortho-Dental Clinic, a beacon of hope amidst the challenges of limited resources and geographic barriers. More than just offering treatments, she embraced a philosophy of preventative dentistry. Through patient education, she empowered individuals to take charge of their oral health, leading to a significant decrease in dental problems and a remarkable improvement in overall well-being.
One of the most striking aspects of Dr. Andres' approach is her patient-centricity. Recognizing the financial constraints faced by many, she offers flexible payment options, ensuring everyone has access to essential dental care. This unwavering commitment to accessibility was further exemplified when she opened a second clinic branch in a remote barrio. This act of bridging the geographical gap brought vital services closer to underserved communities, leaving no one behind.
However, Dr. Andres' dedication extends beyond the physical realm. She actively participates in professional development opportunities, like the FDI World Dental Congress, constantly seeking the latest advancements in dentistry. This dedication ensures that her patients receive the highest quality care, reflecting the true spirit of continuous improvement.
But what makes Dr. Andres truly exceptional is her empathy and compassion. She prioritizes personalized care, addressing concerns promptly and fostering a welcoming environment. This patient-centric approach has fostered a sense of trust and loyalty within the community. For many, Dr. Andres is not just a dentist; she's a trusted confidante and a pillar of the community.
Dr. Andres' story is a testament to the transformative power of dedication. Her commitment to accessible, equitable, and compassionate care serves as a model for healthcare professionals worldwide. Her impact goes beyond healthy teeth and bright smiles; she's building a healthier and more empowered community in Solana, Cagayan, one patient at a time.
This interview was more than just a conversation; it was a window into the heart of a community transformed. Dr. Andres' story serves as a powerful reminder that even in the most challenging circumstances, one person can make a difference. Her unwavering dedication and innovative approach have not only revolutionized oral healthcare in Solana but also ignited a passion within others to contribute to a more equitable and accessible healthcare system for all. As I left Dr. Andres' clinic, I carried with me not just a story, but a profound sense of inspiration and a commitment to carry forward the torch of Dr. Andres' mission, ensuring that everyone has the right to a healthy smile.
This experience has profoundly impacted my understanding of rural healthcare challenges and the critical role of individuals like Dr. Andres. It has inspired me to explore ways I can contribute to making healthcare more accessible and equitable for everyone, regardless of their location or socioeconomic background. As I continue on my journey, Dr. Andres' story will remain a beacon of hope, reminding me that even the smallest act of compassion can ripple outward, creating a positive impact on the lives of many.
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kjqbls · 8 months
From Pain to Productivity: My Journey to a More Ergonomic and Safe Home Office
Dr. Jennifer Gutierrez's session on working ergonomically and safely at home was very informative and helpful. She provided a lot of practical tips and advice on how to set up a home office that is both ergonomic and safe.
One of the most important things I learned from Dr. Gutierrez is the importance of maintaining good posture while working. She explained that poor posture can lead to a variety of health problems, including pain, fatigue, and carpal tunnel syndrome. She also provided some tips on how to improve posture, such as sitting up straight with your shoulders relaxed and your feet flat on the floor.
Another important thing I learned from Dr. Gutierrez is the importance of taking breaks throughout the workday. She explained that sitting for long periods of time can increase your risk of developing health problems. She recommended taking breaks in the middle of work and advised us to stand up, move around, and stretch. She also provided some tips on how to create a safe home office environment. She recommended making sure that our work area is well-lit and that there are no electrical cords or other tripping hazards. 
Overall, I found Dr. Gutierrez's session to be very helpful and informative. I have already implemented some of her tips in my own home office, and I am feeling much better as a result. I would highly recommend her session to anyone who is working from home.
Since attending Dr. Gutierrez's session, I have made the following changes to my home office:
I have adjusted the height of my chair and desk so that I am sitting in a neutral posture with my elbows at a 90-degree angle and my feet flat on the floor.
I have placed a monitor stand on my desk so that my monitor is at eye level.
I have taken up stretching and doing light exercises to avoid muscle stiffness and fatigue.
I have organized my work area so that everything is within reach and there are no electrical cords or other tripping hazards.
I have noticed that making these changes has made a big difference in my comfort and productivity while working from home. I am no longer experiencing the same level of pain and fatigue that I used to. I am also able to focus better and get more work done. Before attending Dr. Gutierrez's session, I was not very aware of the importance of ergonomics and safety when working from home. I would often work for hours on end without taking breaks or adjusting my posture. This would often lead to pain and fatigue, but I just thought it was part of the job. After attending Dr. Gutierrez's session, I realized that I was putting my health at risk by not working ergonomically and safely. I am grateful to to her for sharing her knowledge and expertise on working ergonomically and safely at home. I highly recommend her session to anyone who is looking to improve their home office setup and reduce their risk of work-related injuries. 
I have found that working ergonomically and safely has helped me to be more present and mindful. I believe that working safely at home is essential for anyone who wants to maintain good health and productivity. By following Dr. Gutierrez's tips, you can create a home office environment that is both comfortable and safe. This can help reduce your risk of work-related injuries and improve your overall well-being. When I am not in pain, and I am able to focus on my work without distractions, I am able to be more productive and creative. I am also able to enjoy my work more.
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kjqbls · 8 months
Creativity, Art, Expression, Mindset Reset, and Self-Care: A Reflection Paper
The Creativity, Art, Expression, Mindset Reset, and Self-Care session with Ms. Rosanne Araneta was a timely and much-needed reminder of the importance of these aspects in my life. We live in a fast-paced and often stressful world, where it can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of our own needs. This session was a valuable opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with myself in terms of my hidden creativity.
Creativity is an essential part of the human experience. It allows us to think outside the box, come up with new solutions to problems, and express ourselves in unique and meaningful ways. One of the ways that we can foster our creativity is to regularly engage in creative activities. This could involve anything from painting and drawing to writing and music to simply spending time in nature. When we engage in creative activities, we allow our minds to wander and explore new possibilities. We also learn to express ourselves in new and different ways. 
Ms. Araneta reminded us that creativity is not just for artists or musicians. It is a skill that we can all develop and use in our everyday lives. In this session Ms. Aranetal has led us through a series of art exercises that helped us to tap into our creativity and express ourselves in a visual way. One of the art exercises that we did also was to draw 20 objects that has circle or round shape in it for 10 minutes. For me, that represented my current state of mind. This exercise was a great way for us to reflect on our thoughts and feelings, and to express them in a creative way. We also played a game using one sheet of paper to create, fold, or cut it to an object. The game was to foster creativity. We needed to create multiple objects using that single paper and our output should not be the same as others. It was a fun and simple way to get our juices flowing. It's also a great way to test our problem-solving skills and see what we can come up with when we are limited to just one piece of paper. I was initially a bit overwhelmed. I didn't know what to create. But then I started to think about all the different things that I could make with just one piece of paper. I could make a boat, a plane, a bird, a flower, a stone, a coaster, an eraser... the possibilities were endless. Playing this game was a great way to foster my creativity. It forced me to think outside the box and to come up with new and innovative ideas. It also helped me to appreciate the beauty of simple things. The game was a reminder that creativity can be found in even the most mundane things. A simple sheet of paper can be transformed into something beautiful and unique with a little bit of imagination.
Ms. Araneta has also helped me to reset my mindset by teaching us about the power of positive thinking. She also led me through a series of exercises that helped me to identify and challenge my negative thoughts. Like how mindset has a powerful impact in my life. Thew way we think will surely transpire in us and will be our truth. We choose who we are and it is with the way we think about ourselves. If I have a negative mindset, I am more likely to focus on the negative aspects of my life and to give up easily. However, if I have a positive mindset, I am more likely to see the good in my life and to persevere in the face of challenges.
Through her exercises and teachings, Ms. Araneta helped me to tap into my creativity, express myself in new and meaningful ways, challenge my negative thoughts, and adopt a more positive mindset. She also reminded me of the importance of taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this session. It was a much-needed reminder of the importance of living a balanced and fulfilling life. I would highly recommend this session to anyone who is looking to foster their creativity, improve their self-expression, and boost their overall well-being and to try something new that you have always wanted to learn, but have been too afraid to try. Step outside of your comfort zone and see what happens. You may be surprised at what you are capable of.
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kjqbls · 8 months
Breathe in Love, Breathe Out Stress: A Reflection on the Spiritual/Moral Aspect at Work
The recollection session on the spiritual/moral aspect with Ms. Macey Eusebio and Sir James was a timely and much-needed reminder of the importance of these values in our professional lives. We are all living in a fast-paced and often competitive world, where it can be easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of what is truly important. But when we bring our spirituality and morals to work, we can create a more positive and fulfilling work environment for ourselves and others.
In the introduction of this activity, we were asked to do a breathing exercise. I suddenly tried to remember when was the last time I took a breathing exercise. With the busy life that I have in my adulthood, 4-5 hours of sleep is the most restful experience I used to have now. Hence, I took this activity seriously. Breathing exercises are a powerful tool for promoting physical and mental well-being. They can help to reduce stress and anxiety. They help us focus and lighten our overall mood. I have personally found breathing exercises to be very beneficial. I appreciated it more when Ms. Macey made the exercise more personalized to us by giving every breath a convention - breathe in love; breathe out stress. Breathe in Peace, breathe out hatred. Breathe in goodness; breathe out negativity. Breathe in good health, and breathe out stress. Breathe in compassion; breathe out apathy. My favorite was the phrase "breathe in love; breathe out stress" because it is a powerful reminder that we can choose to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, even when things are difficult. When we breathe in love, we are opening ourselves up to the possibility of joy, connection, and well-being. When we breathe out stress, we are releasing the negative emotions that are holding us back. I also find the phrase "breathe in peace; breathe out hatred" to be very meaningful. Peace is a state of being calm and happily contented, while hatred is a wrecking emotion that can lead us to despair. When we breathe in peace, we are aligning ourselves with our values. When we breathe out hatred, we are letting go of the negative emotions that are poisoning our hearts and minds. And from there, we can create a more loving and compassionate world. Recently, I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed by everything in life. I was feeling tired of being swamped with responsibilities and obligations. After just a few minutes of breathing exercises, I felt much calmer and more centered. I was able to see the situation in a more positive light. I am grateful for the reminder that I can choose to focus on love and compassion, even when things are difficult. I believe that this is the key to creating a more peaceful and loving world.
The next was a video played by Brother Mike about Catholic Social Teachings that are based on four key pillars, which are Human dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity, and Common good. In line with relating this to our work, what has struck me most is the importance of the common good. As discussed in the video, the common good is the sum total of the social conditions that are necessary for human persons to flourish. We must all work together to promote the common good, working to promote peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds.
After this, we also had a session with Sir James and had us talked about the highs and lows of Integral Human Development relating to our workplace. In my current experience, my high point would be cognitive development. I have nurtured my cognitive development at work by reading, doing investigations regarding the breaks and exceptions in our reports, and engaging in stimulating conversations with our stakeholders. My work has helped me to develop my critical thinking skills and to learn about different technical perspectives about the banking and finance world as I am from a different industry in my undergrad program.  
I am grateful for the opportunity to have reflected on my life through this recollection session. The breathing exercise we had was my favorite. Although it was a short activity, it was very deep to me as it helped me realize how to commit myself and contemplate continuing to reflect on my life and make positive changes. I was reminded to pause for a while and look at the world again from a different perspective. Since this is more of a work reflection recollection, I regained to think again about my values, and my goals without being a robot.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Focusing on Being A Leader
Many times, I stumbled on choosing what’s the right career for me. I didn’t know where I’m going and didn’t want to listen to my father’s advice of me taking up Nursing instead. I finished BS Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. But knowing how physical some of the jobs this program offers, I couldn’t continue working in the same industry after I graduated because of my right knee medial patellar dislocation injury. But even when I was young, I always looked up to the people working in the office wearing business attire. I felt like they are very professional and sophisticated because of how they looked and how they communicated. I felt like I always wanted to work in the office with that kind of physical look and being able to communicate well in English. But this thought has just gotten into me when I’m already doing it. It was a late realization after college that this is what I really loved to do, and it’s different from the program I finished. I didn’t know the nitty gritty of having a Business Ad and Accountancy undergrad program when I was young because coming from a family where almost everyone has left for abroad, I’m only left with options between getting medical-related programs and hospitality program.
So then to continue my journey last 2014, I didn’t want to explore Hospitality and went into the trend of getting a call center job. I couldn’t go abroad because again, Hospitality jobs demand more physical in nature and I know that my knee will not endure it, plus I know that I’m no longer happy doing it.
Exploring the Business Process Outsourcing world has given me opportunities. Although to be honest, I was discriminated for getting into it and felt cold treatment and disappointment from my family. I was ashamed of where I was and went into hiatus and experienced mental health crises for a very long time right after college. I was almost a call center hopper when I finally redeemed myself by landing a job in a bank. I first became a Collection Officer for Credit Card and applied for a one-level promotion after 2 years and became an Analyst in the Global Banking and Market department with the same bank. This is the same level as Supervisor but as an Individual Contributor. Here I became inspired. And this is when that late realization came in that when I was a kid, I dreamed of this kind of profession - going to the office, communicating with stakeholders, very business-like setup and doing the formal attire. I am so grateful to redeem myself and landed this job and was finally exposed to the Corporate World that I didn’t realize was the kind of job I was hoping for.
As I finally found what I want to do, I’m thankful that it isn’t late yet so I’m staying faithful to my goals.
2-3 years from now, I hope to have already finished my MBA program and sell myself out to the big corporations, or I can stay with the same company provided that I can be promoted again one level ahead.
5-10 years from now I hope to climb another 1 or 2 steps on the corporate ladder as a Manager, Assistant Vice President, and then Vice President of a department.
15 to 20 years from now, I'm still working as a leader, an expert, and honing people who also are in love with the corporate world, sharing/providing wisdom to the young aspirants.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Rebuilding Values As I Age.
Having grown from a broken family, I have developed some strong personality features. But I can say that most of them are defense mechanisms of a child who has a separated parents. Over time this personality became more positive in nature. It taught me how to fight the challenges of life in accordance to Faith and by not giving up on any trials life throws me as I have already practiced the unusual challenges that an ordinary child should not experience. Instead of being a problem child, my experiences motivated me to become a better person even though I grew up without my parents beside me.
I’m happy with my attitude now except for some that even though I should have control over, are still difficult to manage. Like my being impatient about waiting over something that’s bound to happen, being high-tempered at things not going my way, and overthinking too much. What I do on waiting is keep myself busy. I prioritize the things needed to be done just so I can keep myself busy and save my time from anticipating what hasn’t happened yet. On myself being high-tempered, since I already set self-awareness to it, I learned to ignore the feeling, pause for a moment, and go through a deep breathing exercise. I practice letting things pass because I also don’t want to waste my time fretting over things I cannot control. I also read a book from Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic and this helped me manage my attitude over the things that I have no control over. Although I see progress on how to avoid these traits, sometimes I still find difficulty managing them. I am learning to be stoic, but I know that I’m a work in progress hence perfecting it is still far from where I am now.
I am a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert. Sometimes I want to be alone and quiet and reflect on life, and sometimes I want to be with friends enjoying the weekends out. Now, being mature enough, I am staying positive about life and staying true to my goals. I am in the process of materializing my acquired wisdom as I age. And I’m staying focused on what I do.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Last November 27, 2022 we were able to do our service-learning activity. It was a very memorable experience because that was my first time to do that kind of activity in a small group. And I realized that when you do it with a small group, the more that the feeling becomes intimate. There is a sense of fulfillment when you see genuine smiles and laugh from the people you are helping. The feeling of being able to provide service to the less fortunate is a very humbling experience. It made us realize the worth of what we are doing and made us appreciate what we have.
Our e-service -learning activity focused more on providing refresher training of Candle Making activity to Liwayway Maysan community. We also gave them start-up kits that they can use to begin with their business should they decide to officially put up a candle making business. Right after the training, we also provided them a Financial Literacy seminar/session. This is going to be very helpful for them especially when they start a business. We wanted them to have a bit of knowledge in budgeting and handling their money so what they earn will not just go to waste. And since it is already holiday season, we were also able to provide some grocery items for them that they can share with the community.
The activity makes me reflect about the saying that goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” For us who have means to provide assistance, we might think that it’s better to just give help by means of giving money, or donations and then done. But, in reality, it is better to provide knowledge and learning so they can use them in the long run.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Ethics (Such A Big Word)
When we talk about ethics, we can come up with numerous words that we can incorporate in it. It is very, very broad and can open a lot of topics relating to it. We know ethics very well; we can even define it in our own words. But why do we study it? Everyone has a different view and perspective of the word. As a future leader, I would like to share my own understanding and reflection about it.
As someone who is romanticizing the corporate world and has been working with a team, ethics is subjective. In the line of business and corporate world, ethics is no longer just about you. It is more of the people around you. People who are going to be impacted by the decisions you are making. It is always being connected to your social responsibility. Myself in the team cannot act as one only for myself, but I act as one for the benefit of our team. I cannot leave a work undone basically because I know that there is cascading impact to others. I cannot ask for an immediate vacation leave tomorrow just because I feel like doing so and that my teammates can just cover for me anyway.  What I would like to say is that, ethics is almost common sense. But why do others still miss it? Is it because they lack maturity? They lack emotional quotient? Ethics for me is also a basic sign of respect to others. It is all about wisdom and conscience. I say that because my basic ethics in every decision I take may it be simple or complex, is just by asking myself, “Is this the right thing to do?” This is a question where in most of the time, we know the answer. And though the answer is, yes, it is the right thing to do, it may not always imply that it is ethical. This is when being subjective on the matter enters. It is normal that things do contradict just like in this sense. But again, talking from daily experience, I know that whatever it is that I am deciding for especially when it comes to work, it will always be about for the common good. It may not be the right thing to do and not as objective as it has to be, in many senses, it is ethical, because it is what our conscience is telling us, and as my personal belief, when the conscience is the one talking on behalf of us, it will never be unethical.  On the early days, intelligence quotient is big deal especially when you are taking a people-manager path because you always have to be objective, and that is right. But is it ethical? And that is when the emotional quotient takes the lead. Perfect example was the scenario in the Pinto cars of Ford company during the early days of when small cars are starting arise. Ford knew that there is something wrong in the design and it is going to be dangerous for the people who will be reaching a certain speed as the tank gas design may cause fire. Redesigning will cause few dollars for each manufactured car. With the computation that Ford had, it will be cheaper for them to pay for the casualties rather than redesign and fix each of the Pinto car that has been manufactured. Hence, thinking of their profit and business wise, the management has then decided to take the cheaper expense that they will have which is basically risking and compromising the safety of their customers. Which again, is never ethical decision to take. The decision is self-centered for Ford as a whole. It failed to think of the welfare of the people.
Basically, what I wanted to simplify is that, being ethical is already something that we know. Only that sometimes, our decision-making skill is being clouded by our own self-righteousness and lack of principle. Ethics was never about being objective; it is always about morality, wisdom, and conscience. It is not selfish as it should always be for the benefit and interest of all.  
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kjqbls · 2 years
E – Service-Learning Program
Life in general is beautiful and complicated. With how many billions of people living here on earth, surely our experiences are different from each other. Our lives are not the same but we all have a heart to help others and be the wind beneath their wings. Taking Master of Business Administration here in De La Salle University isn’t just a program to take just to get a degree. The university is also committed to help its partner communities that need assistance through service-learning program that will be delivered by the students. As future leaders this is a good starter to teach us, the students not to set boundaries on who are we only supposed to provide service. It shows us the reality of life without judgement. This activity also helps students become aware of the realities in the communities who need help. Values are not innate, there are also those that can be taught and imbibed when being exposed to it, and I see that De La Salle University is doing a good job in inflicting these kinds of values to its students.
It’s really humbling to hear the experiences of our partner community, Liwayway Maysan Housing Cooperative. This cooperative is being led by Ms. Rossana Magtanao and is located in Valenzuela, Metro Manila. As discussed by Ms. Rosanna, their place is a danger zone because it’s prone to fire and flood. The government has awarded them housing plan which wasn’t finished and has ceased construction during the previous administration. They have been known as poorest of the poor. And it's rare to have someone in their community who finished studies and got a degree. The usual source of income that the people in their community have, is a small sari-sari store business, construction workers, or sometimes women go to work as a seamstress in one of the factories nearby their location. Their lives are filled of challenges on a daily basis. That includes their kids school allowances and the lack of funds for their daily necessities. In the line of education, they have no problem as government provide free school supplies and tuition fee to their kids who are in the elementary and secondary level. In health services, they are given free service and medicines. In business or work aspect, they are feeling lost as they are short of funds to come up of a decent business that will help them in their daily lives. We also found out that the government has been arranging free livelihood training for them but in the end, doesn’t provide starter kits or funds to kickstart a business from the training they underwent, which does not really help since the training and learning is not materializing. This factor has become our focus in our service-learning activity. We do not want to waste the trainings given to this community. We want to help them by reliving some of their acquired knowledge or skills about the trainings they had and give them the things they need to at least start a small business. In the process, we also want to provide financial management session that will give them pieces of advice on how to properly budget their capital and income. These plans are still in the pipeline and still being decided, we are taking a serious step into coming up of a decision that we hope will really benefit the people.
Personally, knowing the challenges of these people has made me respect them even more. Their main weapon is resiliency. With the hardship they are encountering on a daily basis they are still here, hustling, pushing and forcing themselves to live. Although they have less, they are not giving up their lives. Sometimes we hear people saying that the poor needs to work hard so they can at least improve their lives. But the poor is already doing that. Some of them are already doing the best that they can but because of circumstances piling up, it is never easy to be on top of everything especially if we are talking about finances and budgeting. Clearly these people need help and guidance that will lead and redirect them to the path where they can improve themselves and not judgement. Hence, our team is very dedicated and keen on what is the best plan that we can provide to not waste the chance to try and make a difference in helping and providing financial literacy especially in these trying times.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Have You Been Called?
Growing up, have you ever thought of your purpose? Have you ever heard a call from anything deep inside that resonates and lingers for quite some time but you don’t know what that was? I was one of the many people who do not know what I want after high school. I was only copying decisions of the few successful people I know but I wanted an easier path. Although in my younger years I was too determined that I want to be a doctor or teacher because of the usual things I see in the television where every kid wants to be a teacher, doctor, priest, or soldier when they grow up. When I got old it was way different. I was lost for few years before I finally was able to redeem myself towards the career I want to take. Now I already know who I want to be, what I want to be, and where I want to be.
When I was younger, I didn’t know who I want to be. I couldn’t find my purpose in life. I do not have an answer to my whys. I didn’t even know who I want to be. Not that I don’t have the guidance from my parents, but even the suggestions they tell me are something I don’t like. I couldn’t even find that ground where to even start living. As a naïve, I was so lost. What I just wanted to do was get an “easy” program to finish for college and right after, move out and get a life of my own. I was so stubborn and careless. Little did I know that who I want to be already manifested when I was still a kid – be a corporate woman, working in the office looking professional. But since I was distracted, thinking of many programs I will take for college, I didn’t know that. I took a different path and enrolled Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management instead when I should’ve taken Financial Management or any other Business program but not - HRTM. It was 4 years after college when I landed a job in a bank and that’s when I knew who I want to be when I had a first-hand experience of what it feels like working in Financial/Banking industry.
Before I knew what I want to be, I underwent a lot of struggles spiritually, mentally and financially. After graduation, I took the liberty to move out and tried jobs from the Hospitality industry which I really didn’t like. I resigned and shifted to BPO because of higher salary and benefits that this industry offers. I was 22 years old during that time and I felt like I’m going nowhere. I didn’t like it too. I took the chance to apply for job/internship abroad. I was forcing myself to like the idea of working overseas even when I feel the opposite. I tried my very best to mature and love the idea of me working abroad and have a higher income. I stayed faithful looking for jobs overseas, and even went to different churches to pray that hopefully, a divine intervention would happen that will help me land a job in cruise or land base in Dubai, Singapore or an internship in the US. I had a lot of interviews that I thought went well, but nothing happened. I didn’t get a follow-up call or an update about my application. It wasn’t successful for me and I got tired of waiting. I went back to working in a BPO company because it’s the industry where you can find a job immediately since they have a one-day process recruitment. I was so frustrated and felt like entering the quarter life crisis since I’m going 25 with nothing on my resume and credentials but only short job experiences from companies I never liked. I started questioning everything in my life and that includes my Faith. I felt like the years are going too fast and I couldn’t redeem myself. My life was a mess and I do not have a path to follow until I experienced working in a bank and that’s when I knew that I want to continue to be a banker and get promoted on the same industry.
I was in the verge of giving up when I discovered where I want to be. I applied for a bank here in Quezon City where surprisingly, I was hired. It was not a 1-day process application as I needed to come back for a final interview. I was working graveyard shift during that time and my interviews were after my shift. I needed to stay afloat of the situation and look smart even after a very tiring graveyard shift because it’s a make-or-break chance for me of finally going out of the BPO industry. I was literally bombarded by questions by the panelist and I can say during that time that I flunked the final interview that went over an hour. I sat down in the waiting area of the recruitment where I applied in contemplation thinking where next can I apply that is not a BPO setup. After few minutes of waiting, I heard my name and I went directly to the HR to know the result. I was preparing for the bad news when I heard the opposite. I passed the final interview and the HR representative already confirmed that I was hired! When the HR was discussing the salary and benefits, I was really out of myself and have been thinking afar. I was in cloud 9. It was surreal because neither have I experienced working in a bank nor finished a banking/finance for my undergraduate studies. I cried during that moment and I promised myself that I will take care of that job and the company. During my 1st day at work, it was our induction where in the HR would discuss the company history, policy and rules. HSBC bank has a very good background and culture. It was a lot different from other companies I have been with, and that’s when I knew that this is where I want to have a career progression. This is the company where I want to be a leader and be part it for my whole life.
Until now, working with the same company for 4 years, I still have no reason to leave. The culture is one of the finest I heard coming from the experiences of my friends with other companies. I have never regretted choosing this industry. In fact, I got promoted to a supervisor level after 2.5 years of working here. My experience was a lesson for me. It indeed manifested the saying that, “The best is yet to come.” It made me realize that the Lord will not put you somewhere he knows that is not your desire. He will really make a way for you to hear his calling. Had I fought and forced myself too much to go overseas even if I really didn’t like it would’ve been a disaster for me. I know that this is my vocation, this is the same company/industry that redeemed me and I am taking my MBA to have a concrete education that I will soon use in my career progression.
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kjqbls · 2 years
DLSU’s St. John Baptist De La Salle
De La Salle University has ever since a very popular university In the Philippines. I’m one of the fortunate aspirant students of De La Salle University to fully enroll in their MBA program. When I was applying to be a Graduate School student of this university, it was embarrassing that I never thought of researching the university’s Patron Saint, St. John Baptist De La Salle, and it was only when the term started that I finally met St. John Baptist De La Salle in the orientation and in our one of MBA classes, Lasallian Business Leadership with Ethics and CSR course. It aimed for us to know St. John Baptist De La Salle not only as the founder of our university but also as the patron saint of all the teachers: His dedication to help the poor study, his hardships and sacrifices in providing education to the poor, and successful works he has done in the service of teaching. 
As shown during our welcome orientation and on the video we watched on our Lasallian Business Leadership with Ethics and CSR course, St. John Baptist De La Salle has done a lot of successful works in the service of teaching. He founded a group whom he called as brothers who also like him, helped in building schools and communities for the poor. He made a smart move of establishing teaching habit, from one-by-one teaching strategy he started doing it in groups. His legacy has pioneered in some programs like training teachers. Until now his teaching methodologies are being used. St. John Baptist De La Salle was born from a wealthy family and was a French Priest. He was very dedicated to help the poor get an education so he assisted a teacher from a poor community to build a school for them. He then sold his fortunes and the money was used to help build the school they are planning. St. John Baptist De La Salle was a role model to everyone. He has strong compassion to those who are in need. He can sacrifice his own possession for the sake of helping anyone. He has devoted his life to provide service in sharing his knowledge to his brothers and to the children. He believed that Faith works especially if it’s for the common good. His life story has also showed us how forgiving he was when someone stole his belonging, St. John Baptist De La Salle did not judge the person for his wrong doing, instead he encouraged the thief to become a better person and be one of his brothers.
St. John Baptist De La Salle was very selfless. He has devoted his life into giving, teaching, helping and providing. He made sure that the help he provided is for a long-term use. When I was studying and watching the life of St. John Baptist De La Salle, his relationship to DLSU was something I didn’t expect, knowing that this University is a very popular school for those who are in the middle to upper class of the society. But it is very humbling to know that this University like its Patron Saint is also giving and very kind as DLSU offers a lot of scholarships to those who are in need. I feel like this is one of St. John Baptist De La Salle’s legacies and that it does not fail to show the true value of what he has left.  As humans, we can somehow relate to the experiences of St. John Baptist De La Salle. We are also equipped of that natural feeling of willingness to help. Our conscience leads us to goodness that gives us some kind of a weird feeling that yield to do good in others.
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kjqbls · 2 years
The Case Study & The Meet Up
Our MBA class in Lasallian Business Leadership with Ethics and CSR course had a recent case study activity wherein we were tasked to group ourselves to which we are four in ours. Our professor has a list of case study topics and draw lots have been done to assign a certain case study for each group. Our group got the case study topic about Google’s issue on an employee who distributed a memo on Google’s working mail list that was entitled, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber”. The case study we got is a good topic to ponder and this led us to a decision for our group to personally meet, discuss the case study, and brainstorm to come up with our own SWOT analysis and Alternative Course of Actions.
Our group decided to meet at Starbucks, Matalino Quezon City branch. Meeting personally with my groupmates was something new to me in the past 3 years. They are one of the newest people I met physically after the pandemic lockdowns. As mentioned, there were four of us in our group: Me (Khaei), Dominique, Angel, and Alyssa. Unfortunately, Alyssa wasn’t able to join us because she’s residing in Bicol, but she was able to give her points via chat. It was a very smooth and nice meetup for the three of us as it was not awkward and all of us were happy to finally see each other personally. Our personality kind of matched and we felt like we already knew each other initially because of the quick bond and friendship that we were able to establish during that time.
To give a brief background, we read our case study from our current course book authored by Joseph Des Jardin, An Introduction to Business Ethics. This is about Google’s employee, James Damore who practiced freedom of speech by writing a memo describing company biases on diversity and inclusion. The writing that he claimed facts are about disparities between men and women. The memo he made was spread in Google’s mailing list. With James' intention to state facts, the medium he used to voice out his facts and opinions was not at par to Google's values and code of conduct that relates to equality in their company. In repercussion to James’ action and alleged misconduct, his employment was terminated by Google.
This topic triggered a lot of opinions coming from our group. We were able to fully brainstorm and got ourselves to finally come up of our agreed Statement of the Problem, SWOT analysis, and Alternative Course of Actions. Our work experiences also played a very big part in discussing the James Damore’s case. We were able to compare the culture and the policies of the company we are working for. We tried to understand the topic by thinking that as if we were on the Google side (management), and later on, James Damore side. Although we understand that there are different set of rules and policies companies do have, we have agreed that terminating Damore’s employment wasn’t the best resolution to come up with. We felt like this was kind of unethical to us as there should be due process that happened. Surely, Damore’s action about spreading the memo was also unethical, but we have thought that it was not something that would merit an immediate job termination only if due process was followed.
To sum up everything, we had a good learning discussion regarding the topic as if we were lawyers of James Damore and at the same time, also the management of Google. If I were to reflect, having to do this kind of setup is really, really far from just discussing virtually. The flow of discussion was there, there wasn’t any internet interference, no choppy or breaking up conversation. We were able to articulate our point and we were able to agree and disagree in front of each other. Regarding Google’s issue, a company should not just stick to a single commitment like equality in the workplace because other factors like being open in speaking up or freedom of speech should also be at par among others which partly also falls under equality.
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kjqbls · 2 years
25-Year Life Planning
Have you ever thought who you are going to be 25 years down the road? Have you figured out the path to your dreams? You may have planned where you are going even right from the start when you were training the basics. 25-year life planning basically is the choice you want for your life and they say that you have to write your goals so you can have them materialized. When I was doing my 25-year life plan, I felt a bit excited of what is in store for me in the future. This activity has given me realizations in the sense of life timeline, bucket list and my finances.
My life timeline has made clear when I was writing my 25-year life plan. I was overwhelmed being reminded of how time flies. I’d like to have an early retirement hence I need to grind and hustle even better so I can earn more, and save for more in the future. I realized that although I was able to redeem myself, I am still far from the point of where I want to reach. I need myself to have more experience, learning and wisdom that will help me go through the path of life.
I have tons of specific things in my bucket list and I’m excited to tick off each of them. In reality, humans as we are, we are surrounded by changes and the probability of getting what we want is measured by time. Things keep happening as the moments are piling up. The changes I’m referring to can be something that will hinder or postpone the completion of our bucket list. As I write my 25-Year Life plan, I realized that there are always tiny things happening in between the major plans we have set for our lives. We always write the positive things in planning but have never thought of setbacks that will cause delay and hence we feel bad because of failing to meet our expectations. On my end, although the plan is set for 25 years, I have given myself a mindset that the things I want to achieve though doable, may still not be completed in the next 25 years.
Finances have always been difficult to handle and plan especially when there are circumstances that will need spending your savings. For me, financial aspect of someone’s life is always a privacy and sensitive topic to discuss because people have different perspective in handling it. Life experiences play a big part in handling finances. I realized that handling my finances will depend on my future plans. If you’re someone who wants to have a family of your own and have kids then you need a more serious financial handling techniques and ways. If you don’t want to have kids, then finances will be less pressure for you as you only have to think of your retirement funds. 
25-year life plan is a holistic view of your choices in life. But the reality of staying true to it is a different story that may require loyalty and faithfulness to your own self. My life plan journey has opened a lot of topics in my mind for myself. It did a good job on pointing out how I need to be serious in life or otherwise, a year of mess will also take time to heal and hence will result to waste of years rectifying everything. 25 years will never be a joke and I know that my life between those years is surely tough and will not be as easy as writing them. 25 years from now I hope that even if I haven’t finished doing the things I wrote in there, I am still alive, still completing the dream but already successful enough to have an intuition that I can finish what I have planned and still strong enough to continue for more.
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