kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
i forgot yesterday but better kate than never? HAPPY BIRTHDAY KKAEB!!
i am soooo in hiatus but i just checked out my notification and i saw this????? Like how did u even remember????????? Tysm oml ❤❤❤
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
Since once in a blue moon I actually discover a decent rule for adulting, and since I know I have followers a few years younger than me who are just entering the workforce, I want to tell you about a very important phrase. 
“I won’t be available.”
Imagine you’re at work and your boss asks you to come in on Saturday. Saturday is usually your day off–coming in Saturdays is not an obligation to keep your job. Maybe you were going to watch a movie with a friend, or maybe you were just going to lie in bed and eat ice cream for eight hours, but either way you really, really don’t want to give up your day off.
If you consider yourself a millennial you’ve probably been raised to believe you need to justify not being constantly at work. And if you’re a gen-Z kid you’re likely getting the same toxic messages that we did. So in a situation like that, you might be inclined to do one of three things:
Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Cave when they pressure you to come in anyway, since you’re not doing anything important.
Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Over-apologize and worry that you looked bad/unprofessional.
Lie and say you’ve got a doctor’s appointment or some other activity that feels like an adequate justification for not working.
The fact is, it doesn’t matter to your boss whether you’re having open heart surgery or watching anime in your underwear on Saturday. The only thing that affects them is the fact that you won’t be at work. So telling them why you won’t be at work only gives them reason to try and pressure you to come in anyway.
If you say “I won’t be available,” giving no further information, you’d be surprised how often that’s enough. Be polite and sympathetic in your tone, maybe even say “sorry, but I won’t be available.” But don’t make an excuse. If your boss is a professional individual, they’ll accept that as a ‘no’ and try to find someone else. 
But bosses aren’t always professional. Sometimes they’re whiny little tyrants. So, what if they pressure you further? The answer is–politely and sympathetically give them no further information.
“Are you sure you’re not available?” “Sorry, but yes.”
“Why won’t you be available?” “I have a prior commitment.” (Which you do, even if it’s only to yourself.)
“What’s your prior commitment?” “Sorry, but that’s kind of personal.”
“Can you reschedule it?” “I’m afraid not. Maybe someone else can come in?”
If you don’t give them anything to work with, they can’t pressure you into going beyond your obligations as an employee. And when they realize that, they’ll also realize they have to find someone else to come in and move on.
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
Why "doing something relaxing” does not help your anxiety
A lot of the time when people give advice intended to relieve anxiety, they suggest doing “relaxing” things like drawing, painting, knitting, taking a bubble bath, coloring in one of those zen coloring books, or watching glitter settle to the bottom of a jar.
This advice is always well-intentioned, and I’m not here to diss people who either give it or who benefit from it. But it has never, ever done shit for me, and this is because it goes about resolving anxiety in the completely wrong way.  
THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO when suffering from anxiety is to do a “relaxing” thing that just enables your mind to dwell and obsess more on the thing that’s bothering you. You need to ESCAPE from the dwelling and the obsession in order to experience relief.
You can drive to a quiet farm, drive to the beach, drive to a park, or anywhere else, but as someone who has tried it all many, many times, trust me–it’s a waste of gas. You will just end up still sad and stressed, only with sand on your butt. You can’t physically escape your sadness. Your sadness is inside of you. To escape, you need to give your brain something to play with for a while until you can approach the issue with a healthier frame of mind. 
People who have anxiety do not need more time to contemplate, because we will use it to contemplate how much we suck.
In fact, you could say that’s what anxiety is–hyper-contemplating. When we let our minds run free, they run straight into the thorn bushes. Our minds are already running, and they need to be controlled. They need to be given something to do, or they’ll destroy everything, just like an overactive husky dog ripping up all the furniture. 
Therefore, I present to you: 
–Go on a walk
–Watch a sunset, watch fish in an aquarium, watch glitter, etc.
–Go anywhere where the main activity is sitting and watching
–Draw, color, do anything that occupies the hands and not the mind
–Do yoga, jog, go fishing, or anything that lets you mentally drift 
–Do literally ANYTHING that gives you great amounts of mental space to obsess and dwell on things.
–Do a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or any other mind teaser game. Crosswords are the best.
–Write something. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. Write the Top 10 Best Restaurants in My City. Rank celebrities according to Best Smile. Write some dumb Legolas fanfiction and rip it up when you’re done. It’s not for publication, it’s a relief exercise that only you will see. 
–Read something, watch TV, or watch a movie–as long as it’s engrossing. Don’t watch anything which you can run as background noise (like, off the top of my head, Say Yes to The Dress.) As weird as it seems, American Horror Story actually helps me a lot, because it sucks me in. 
–Masturbate. Yes, I’m serious. Your mind has to concentrate on the mini-movie it’s running. It can’t run Sexy Titillating Things and All The Things That are Bothering Me at the same time. (…I hope. If it can, then…ignore this one.) 
–Do math problems—literally, google “algebra problems worksheet” and solve them. If you haven’t done math since 7th grade this will really help you. I don’t mean with math, I mean with the anxiety. 
–Play a game or a sport with someone that requires great mental concentration. Working with 5 people to get a ball over a net is a challenge which will require your brain to turn off the Sadness Channel. 
–Play a video game, as long as it’s not something like candy crush or Tetris that’s mindless. 
–List the capitals of all the U.S. states
–List the capitals of all the European countries
–List all the shapes you can see. Or all the colors. 
–List all the blonde celebrities you can think of.
–Pull up a random block of text and count all the As in it, or Es or whatever.  
Now obviously, I am not a doctor. I am just an anxious person who has tried almost everything to help myself.  I’ve finally realized that the stuff people recommend never works because this is a disorder that thrives on free time and free mental space. When I do the stuff I listed above, I can breathe again. And I hope it helps someone here too. 
(Now this shouldn’t have to be said but if the “do nots” work for you then by all means do them. They’ve just never worked for me.)
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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12.23.17 ;; the year is almost ending, and i finally finished with exams !! 
stickers from stickerguru !! use ‘ellastudyblog’ for 15% off !! 
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
Korean Idioms
Ok so I’ve noticed a particular phrase get popular recently (at least amongst monbebes) because of something Monsta X’s Minhyuk said in a V Live:
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My mouth was bored
Basically this isn’t like a weird phrase he came up with, it’s actually super common! (And we should start using more often in English, too lol)
You know when you’re bored in general and you just want to do something so you start snacking? That’s basically what this means.
The phrase itself is:
입이 심심하다
(Of course you can conjugate it to fit the formality or sentence you’re using it)
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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A day of plants and notebooks, it’s better to keep track of yourself, it’s better if you try to understand why you are like you are. Having a sleep deprived week. Off to Sweden on monday.
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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baekhyun’s smile while reading exo-l’s comments ♡
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
you should find someone that makes you feel like that moment in concerts when the artist enters the stage.
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
You’re studying for your future not for the grades!
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
it takes time for happiness to come, but it will. be patient
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
i hope you meet people with intentions as pure as your own and i hope you travel to all the places you’re curious about and i hope the restaurants you go to have your favorite drink and i hope you always have good dreams when you sleep and i hope the life you live is a fulfilling one
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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ahhhh peach season is finally here 🍑🍑🍑
// my studygram
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
In the Netherlands it's basically the same thing just
Finish high school with passing grades
Fill in a lil online form
Unless you're aiming for the more popular or harder studies you could end up having to be drafted or needing certain grades but i've never heard of anyone writing essays or s/t. Honestly you could pass high school with a 6/10 average and still get in just about everywhere???
Since it’s summer holidays in the US I’m seeing a whole pile of posts about college applications and the whole process just baffles me. Do you know what I had to do to get into uni in Australia:
Finish high school and get an ATAR score out of 100ish in the process
Make a list of my top 6 degree choices on a website
Wait to see whether I got in
There were no essays no different application processes for each uni and you don’t have to do any extra steps unless your applying for med or vet science (both had interviews and there was an extra test for undergrad med). 
Why is it actually beneficial to have students send in essays to each uni they want to apply for on seemingly random topics? It just seems so pointlessly time-consuming.
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
once you stop fantasizing about that ideal version of yourself and start working towards becoming that person by setting your alarm clock earlier and actually going to the gym and actually volunteering at places and actually eating healthier and not procrastinating and working just a little bit harder you’ll realize that it was so easy all along. becoming your ideal self will only ever exist in your mind until you make the decision to work towards becoming that person. get up!! get going!! it’s now or never!! there is no light at the end of the tunnel!! get that flashlight and pave your own path bitch bc no one else is going to do it for u!!
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
tbh the real advice I’d give to anyone is, do shit alone. go to a museum & go at your own pace & leave the instant you’re done. go somewhere you’ve never been and just wander around, duck into & out of places as it pleases you. linger as long as you’d like.
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kkaebsongstudies · 6 years
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228 | Cute little local office supply shop
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