kkerr001 · 10 years
Social Obligations
Responsibilities an organization/individual must perform to benefit society. 
When I hear this word, I think of how we all have responsibilities as adults that we must do in order to be accepted in society. For example, going to work to earn money for bills and to support a family. Below is a picture that represents this in a way. The mom looks as if she is a stay at home mom, taking care of the kids and house work, while it appears that dad is just coming home from working all day. 
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kkerr001 · 10 years
representing a person, thing or situation in a way that is true or accurate 
While reading the Loan Ranger, there are many situations in the book that provide a sense of realism. On pages 25-26, Jimi Hendrix is a symbol for protesting against the war, which connects with the book very well. Throughout the book, the father and son listen to him, the son feels a sense of connection with his father during this time too, while the father shows his feelings against war. 
Throughout the book, history is also brought in with the native Americans and their heritage. With the struggles in the past, we can see how hard it must be to live now. We can understand how they live, why, and his ancestors past and how it is affecting him now. 
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kkerr001 · 10 years
Idea that there is an accepted way of being, based on lifestyles, politics, culture, etc. 
As we discussed in class this doesn't work for the majority of society, it's not absolute, and follows a stereotype 
Below, I used a picture from the Dove Campaign. I feel these commercials and videos provide the perfect image of how women feel. We want to feel beautiful in our own bodies but with society putting high pressure on everyone to be "perfect" it may be hard. This doesn't always work for everyone, we are all different. 
The second picture provides another way of looking at things. Do you see yourself and think, "I'm wrinkled!" or "I'm wonderful!" We need to stop trying to fit into the norm of society and love who we are! 
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kkerr001 · 10 years
Cultural Identity
How your background shapes who you are as a person: religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, education, politics, etc. 
During discussions on the Loan Ranger, I realized Jr. must feel out of place while going to college being away from his tribe in the city. Who we are is shaped by how we are raised. He was raised in a closed off community, so to speak, and then is thrown into the city while going to school. He likes to keep to himself and doesn't go out much; relating to how he grew up. I feel the way he behaves, feels awkward, and how smart he is, is all based on how he grew up. 
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kkerr001 · 10 years
Voluntary Kinship
a relationship you chose to bond, not usually based on blood 
During our class discussion the first thing that came to my mind was my bestie! :) We have a very close bond and are obviously not related by blood. I would do anything for her and know she would do the same for me! The picture below sums up our relationship! We don't care what others think, we know we are annoying, but we still love each other by choice! 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
The act of standing up for what you believe in, keeping real to your morals despite what others think. 
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My pictures basically just define integrity even more. Stating that you should do what you want/believe in doing no matter what others think. You will be judge no matter what, even if you think you are perfect, you'll be judged for that, so why fall into the social norms of living, stand up and out for what you believe in and who you truly are. The first picture is saying if you have integrity it is the key to moral courage. Just a different way of stating/showing that having morals and sticking to them shows who you truly are. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Homosocial Relationship
A relationship between two genders that is not romantic, sexual, or typically friendly. 
As we discussed in class, Andy and Red's relationship is a perfect example of this. In the beginning of the story they started out not talking but when Andy knew Red could get him the tools he needed for his rock collection they began helping each other out in a business type way. They simply have a mutual respect for one another and do not judge each others pasts. They never conversed about their days/lives but just helped one another out. They are not romantically involved either at any point in the story. For the most part they are not friendly, or what we see as friendly, in the story. Towards the end they do seem to have more of an emotional friendly relationship but that is what we concluded as readers. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Hyper masculinity
The exaggerated masculine traits which usually end up being harmful. 
In class we discussed that the sisters in, Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption, represent this. They are overly sexual and aggressive throughout the book. This is especially shown towards Andy when he first arrives. They beat him up and try to be sexual with him and are overly aggressive, until Andy we assume, sticks up for himself. 
I also found these two pictures which I thought perfectly represented hyper masculinity so decided to throw them in too! 
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The first picture says it all. He is an ass but defends it with being manly. The second picture is of a body builder, obviously this represents being overly strong/fit. Men tend to take certain aspects to an extreme to feel like they are the best, which I feel is a type of hyper masculinity because sometimes in the end it is harmful. For example, being an ass may be funny at certain times but usually doesn't end well in society. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Hegemonic Masculinity
Idea that manhood represents a fixed, inevitable, natural state of being. This is a myth. Some examples of this are strong, aggressive, rational, and in control. 
Society sets this standard for men to follow, to represent the manly man and if you are anything but then you are seen as not masculine. 
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My picture represents an ideal hegemonic masculine man. He is clean cut, dressed nicely, has a perfect smile, and of course is giving his lady flowers. What every girl dreams of right?! Not. But I feel like this is the picture society puts into young girls minds, especially with reality TV, like The Bachelor. That if your boyfriend doesn't represent the man above he isn't truly a gentlemen. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
The act of gender or sexual expressions and how they change over time. It is not concrete. 
While reading Orlando we talked a lot about how gender/sexual expressions change significantly over time. Orlando is a great example of this. He/she changes throughout each chapter, century. In the beginning Orlando is a man of high status and writes to express himself. Then Orlando turns into a female changing not only his gender but also sexual expressions. While Orlando is a she, her costume/dressing changes representing not only the expressions changing throughout the time but her complications in life and not being comfortable with who she is. Orlando's poetry writing also changes throughout the times. It becomes wanted and read about in the end of the book and becomes more emotional compared to the dark/gloomy poetry he wrote in the beginning. Orlando's social role changes too while reading. He is of high class in the beginning and by the end is hanging out with gypsies, widows, and prostitutes. The book, Orlando, shows great examples of fluidity in many ways. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Expression of yourself. Finding a balance between who you are and what society expects from you. 
The quote below expresses how it is OK to be different. Being different from everyone else is what makes you, YOU! Avoiding the social norms and following your heart is what everyone should do. If we all were the same what would this world be? We are all one of a kind. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Affect Theory
The affect theory is the study of emotion, conveyance of emotion and psychology. In our class discussion we talked about three theories; Intellectual affect, emotional affect and sexual/bodily affect. 
In "A Girl" the following line shows an example of sexual/bodily affect: "A mouth, the lips apart, Like aspen-leaflets trembling in the breeze From her tempestuous heart." During our class discussion we talked about how this could be a image for a women waiting for her lover. It deeply describes her body in a sexual matter. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Having control of your own life and doing what is right for yourself 
In "The Consultation" the women is seeing a doctor for counseling about aborting her unwanted child. She is tired of people telling her what to do with her life and how she should live it. "No, I must cling to my beliefs in the powers of garlic,..." She is refusing the advice the doctor is giving her and sticking to her own beliefs and doing what is right for herself. Agency is about taking control and power over your own life and putting aside the norms and absolutism. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Absolutism is acceptance or complete belief in a total, fixed idea. It recreates the stereotypes. 
In "The Mother", the main character is struggling with being this fixed idea of a perfect mother. In the passage she goes out on the town and is shopping, she finds a pair of sunglasses and states, "I want to own a pair and start over and not look like a "mom". She is wanting to be in style but still be a "mom" and with the stereotypes society has created she is struggling with being herself. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Selfishness is letting go of expectations of society and is all about reclaiming your power, independence and identity. Selfishness can also be viewed in a negative way like we have discussed in class. People may be seen as being overly confident and arrogant. 
The picture below describes my view of selfishness perfectly. Sometimes we feel as if society creates who we are instead of allowing ourselves to be who we want. We need to stand up for who we want to be individually and claim our identities instead of following social norms to fit in. 
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Voice is the sounds people make when they are wanting to be heard. But, Who are we hearing and who are we not hearing in society?
Today in class we discussed the three poems all about being a Mother and expressed the voice in them. Is the voice speaking from experience or creative fiction and what type of connection does it leave? I expressed that I feel more connected when I know the author is coming from experience rather then creative fiction. Others made valid points that the author may be connected to some one who experienced what they are writing about which I never really thought of. Depending on the type of voice used in a reading can truly impact the way a reader feels.
The picture below describes my first question. Who are we hearing and not hearing in society and am I speaking what I want. This picture shows that some people may feel like they are unable to voice their opinions in certain situations or that their voice is not being heard. Voice is everything in today's world and expressing how we feel.
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kkerr001 · 11 years
Many aspects can define motherhood. Your offspring, connection with others that resemble your characteristics as a mother, and one's overall nurturing behaviors. 
In "The Mother" By: Gwendolyn Brooks the quote, "If I poisoned the beginnings of your breaths, Believe that even in my deliberateness I was not deliberate." 
After reading this poem I felt as if this "mother" felt connected to her baby even though she didn't have a baby. Meaning that you don't have to have a child to feel/be a mother. We as women feel connected to others and automatically become nurturing. This could be with a fetus, child, pet or children we babysit for. At times we aren't trying to feel connected as a mother but end up being more connected then we thought. 
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