klaritaacevedo-blog · 7 years
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Sam: “You don’t have to do this..”
Y/N: “But I want to.. *smiles*”
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 7 years
A Glee Wedding(Sam Evans)
Requested by Anon
All my posts
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His blonde hair was covered in sweat, he couldn’t let this happen. He couldn’t let you get away. Not this time.
“Sam?” You watch as he steps into the Glee club, strumming his guitar. It doesn’t take long before he’s dancing around the room, singing ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran. Singing to you.
“Happy Anniversary,” he smiles wide.
Rushing up, you jump into his arms, allowing him to lift you off the ground for a moment as the room of your friends fills with applause. “And a reservation tonight at BreadStix,” he grins.
“You didn’t have to do all this for me,” you slap his arm. “I would’ve loved a movie night.”
“I know,” he shrugs softly. “I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Well I appreciate it,” you lean in, kissing him softly, ignoring the sound of cheers and whoops.
Sam runs down the street, yelling out apologies to the people he pumped into. He can see Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine stepping out of their car. “Hey! Guys!” He waves his hands frantically, “Has it started yet?!” He’s panting, looking at them with worry and panic in his eyes.
Kurt stammers, “Uh, no, we were just coming to help Y/N get ready. Uh, why?” Sam doesn’t answer, he only bursts into another sprint, rushing to find you. “Sam?!”
“Good morning,” Sam mumbles in a raspy voice. The morning voice that you loved.
“Morning,” you smile down at him. He was cuddled into your chest, laying the majority of his body over yours. “Sleep good?”
Sam smiles, almost in a daze, “Best I have in years.” He kisses your bare chest, hugging your body close. “Get dressed,” he kisses you softly. “I’ll get started on breakfast.” With a smile, he stumbles out of bed, slipping his boxers on and heads towards the kitchen of your apartment in New York. 
While Sam was working on his modeling career, you were attending NYADA alongside Kurt and Rachel. Everything was perfect. Every morning and night with the guy you loved, going to school for something you loved with your best friends. Life couldn’t get any better. 
But it could get a whole lot worse.
Sam regretted the way things had ended. It wasn’t how he wanted things to go, but that horrible fight had changed everything.
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” He yells, “This is my big break!”
“I am happy for you, Sam, you know that! But this is my big break, what about me?”
“It’s always about you! It’s one week, in Bora Bora, you’d love it!”
“Maybe, but I can’t miss this audition, Sam, it’s between me and someone else. I have to be here!”
“So, what? Are you saying you care more about your job than me?”
“Is that what you’re saying?”
“I just want you there!”
Your voice drops, “Are you asking me to choose?”
Sam takes a deep breath, “Yes, I am.”
You let your eyes flutter shut, and breathe before looking him in the eye. “Guess this is goodbye.”
“Guess it is.” Sam couldn’t believe it. Your career meant to you more than he did?
“Don’t ever,” you jab your finger into his chest, “Make someone choose between the two most important things in their life. I love you Sam, but I’m not giving up just because you ask me to.”
“Y/N,” Sam forces the locked door open, the hinges go flying.
You scream, a hand on your chest, eyes wide. “Sam? What the hell was that?”
“Don’t do this,” he pants. “Don’t go out there and marry him, you don’t love him.”
You sigh softly, “Sam it’s been two years, I love this man.”
“Not like you love me,” he shakes his head. “I hated myself everyday for letting you go, for making you choose instead of supporting you in everyway. I hate that I’m the reason he got you, but Y/N, I can’t let you get married.”
“Why not?” You fold your arms, “He’s a great guy, he treats me right, what’s there to think about?”
“He doesn’t make you feel the way I do,” Sam takes a step towards you. “He doesn’t get your toes all tingly,” another step closer. “He doesn’t sing disney songs, or makes great impressions,” his chest fills with pride at the small smile that tugs at your lips. “I know I have the worst absolute timing ever, but,” he takes a deep breath and drops to a knee. Taking out a ring, nothing big or fancy, just a small simple ring. “I know I can’t offer you everything you deserve, I know that our careers are just kicking in, I know that he might be able to give you the world, but I will damn near try. I’ll do everything I can to show you I love you everyday, and I’ll never let you think that you’re less than perfect. You are my world, Y/N, and I want to spend every second of my life with you by side. Will you marry me?”
You stood there, in complete and utter shock. Here he was. Your high school sweetheart, the one you loved with every being in your body, the one who was asking you to marry when you were supposed walk down the aisle to marry someone else.
Your laughs filled the air, surrounded by the ones you loved. Sam somehow got you to say yes, just from that hopeful look on his face, and that beautiful smile. His lips were on yours as the sound of your Glee club family cheered you on in the room covered in cheap wedding decorations with a man who had years on Mr. Shue and probably got his marriage license online. But it couldn’t be better. You couldn’t be happier.
Everyone you loved all in one room, marrying the man you wanted to be with forever. Life couldn’t get any better. But it did. It only got better from the moment you stepped out of the chapel.
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 7 years
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Admit it, they all made you cry a few thousand times.
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 7 years
I know Glee isn’t necessarily about Sam, but I think the way that he treated him was awful and I have a lot of reasons why.
First, Sam dated Quinn who cheated on him with Finn and they broke up. He went to Santana but that lasted like two episodes and all they did was make out and she was super mean to him so I don’t really count that lol.
Then there was Mercedes, and though they never really became official after her and Shane broke up… despite Sam’s trying… they did not date. Then came Brittany (ahh my favorite) and he was so cute and nice to her and then they broke up so Brit could be with her OTP, Santana, which we knew was going to happen so I guess I get it. 
Back to Mercedes which didn’t work out because of the whole sex thing… and I will admit I hated that they made Sam cheat on Mercedes with the dumb photographer but the way that Mercedes handled it was kinda weird to me. She seemed like she had just been waiting for them to break up because she knew it wouldn’t work out.
Now we come to Rachel. The second I saw how her and Sam looked at each other in the Movin’ Out episode, I shipped them pretty hard. Because Sam reminded her of home and he is the closest thing to Finn she’s ever gonna get.
And season 6 happened and my heart was happy because Sam was helping her heal and she was helping him get over Mercedes and he believed in her. He believed in everyone he dated. 
WIth Quinn, he was protective and loving. With Mercedes he posted a video of her on youtube and put her name in lights so she would believe in herself. With Brit he married her because she thought the world was ending and got her another cat so Lord Tubbington wouldn’t be lonely. He showed Rachel she could love again and encouraged her to go back to NYADA because he knew she would regret not doing it. 
Sam has been such a wonderful and caring and supportive boyfriend and then what does he get? NOTHING. I like that he is coaching Glee but I can’t tell you how upset I got when Blaine said “Sam’s got another girlfriend” because it completely threw Sam aside. He’s just the boyfriend who gives and gets nothing in return. He is never good enough. Mercedes wanted Sam to “help heal Rachel’s heart” but I didn’t know that was ALL he’d be doing. So she can go back to Jesse St. James who was never on the show and when he was he was a jerk. I can’t tell you how sad I am for Sam and it makes sense to me why Chord has been acting weird at press. He got pushed aside and I think it’s unfair. And thinking back to when Sam said maybe if he’s lucky he’ll always be on Rachel’s wall in his little gold shorts breaks my heart because he deserves to be all over the wall. He’s everything and I love him, and I never even realized how much I did.
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 7 years
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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Rick Riordan Books: The Lightning Thief
“Half-human and half-what?”
“I think you know.”
I didn’t want to admit it, but I was afraid I did. I felt a tingling in my limbs, a sensation I sometimes felt when my mom was talking about my dad.
“God,” I said. “Half-god.”
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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Do people actually wink in real life? I feel like it’s mostly a book/art thing. I had a lot of fun drawing the not-very-ugly ugly sweater:)
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
sadly this is true
leo valdez didn’t die but his characterization sure did
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
S H E D I E D 
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
Ben Parish: *smiles*
Cassie: sign me the FUCK up 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so💯 thats what im talking about right thereright there(chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
the lyric “this is our paradise this is our war zone” reminds me so much of my parents aka ben parish and cassie sullivan oh my god
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
i was hoping for this too but then nope she just dies 
if Cassie dies in TLS (which I’m hoping she doesn’t), I’m all here for the Ben Parish meltdown
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klaritaacevedo-blog · 8 years
o m g 
call him by his name – a parivan fic
a/n: this is a one shot i had thought of during school and i finally got time to post it online. and also, this is based on the movie – kind of. i may get some facts wrong but it’s just for the sake of this drabble. I’m so sorry if this is crappy but i hope you like it.
summary: cassie just likes his name. That’s all.
Ben Parish.
She likes his name – she always has. It rolls out of her mouth comfortably and the name always seems to bring a smile to her face. She also likes the fact that she’s the only one who can get away with calling him Ben instead of Zombie. She likes feeling special – it’s silly but she likes having the privilege to call him that. Besides, she can’t really bring herself to call him Zombie. She can never see him as one.
(She will always see him as Ben Parish – her first love. Her first crush. He’s gonna be the father of her kids some day – after all these ‘saving the world’ thing is finished, anyway)
She also likes the fact that he’s the only one beside her brother who calls her Cassie. She loves the way Ben says her name – she likes it when he pronounces it as Cassiopeia. It’s just a fucking turn on to be honest.
There’s a question tugging in the bottom of her heart, though.
Why is she the only one who he lets to call him Ben Parish? It doesn’t make sense. Ben gets all upset if Ringer or Teacup or even Sam calls him that. He doesn’t like it, but always seems okay when she says it.
(She’s thinking too much into his name oH MY GOD.)
“Cassie?” all her thoughts dissolves into the air. She blinks, turning her head to see him plopping down beside her inside the jeep. She smiles at him – thinking about why they seem to be awake at the same time and always manages to do this everytime.
“Oh hey, you’re awake,” she says. He gives her a smile.
“Yep. Like always,” he says, moving closer to her. Her heart flutters when he accidentally touches her shoulder. “So what are you thinking about this time?”
“Nothing,” she replies sheepishly.
“Cassie Sullivan – I may have not known you that well but I know that there’s always SOMETHING going on in your brain. Seriously, Cass, you can tell me about it,” Cassie couldn’t stop the blush that’s creeping up to her cheeks right now. It was true what Ben had said. This isn’t the first time Ben had caught her thinking.
“Seriously, Ben, I’m not thinking about anything important,” she presses again.
“I still want you to hit me up with whatever you’re thinking,” Ben says. “Come on, Cass, please?” He turns to her and gives her the best puppy eyes look he could muster. She always gets weak when he does that.
“Screw you Ben,” he grins at her because he knows she’s finally giving in. “Okay, fine, I was just thinking about your name.”
“My name?” Ben repeats. She nods shyly because it’s such a stupid thing to think about. “What’s wrong with your name?”
“Nothing.” I love your name. Your name’s perfect. “I was just wondering why I’m the only one who gets to call you Ben Parish and why you don’t want anyone else to call you that,” Cassie couldn’t bring herself to meet Ben’s eyes because she knows he’s grinning at her right now – having the biggest smile on his face because it’s Ben. No matter how much times Ben claims the old guy is dead – Ben Parish will always be the same boy he was a few months ago. “Okay, don’t say anything. I know it’s dumb.”
Ben laughs at her. “It’s not,” he says between laughs. “Cassie, I swear to you, it’s not dumb.”
“Then why are you laughing?” Cassie looks up, looking confused. He’s looking at her like she’s a genius (she doesn’t get it), and his mouth is smiling his thousand watt smile.
“Because,” Ben continues. “Because it’s such a Cassie Sullivan thing to think about.”
Cassie looks down again, punching him quietly in the shoulder. “Oh my god, shut up. Go back to sleep.” But instead, Ben scoots closer to her – their knees touching now as he looks up at the jeep’s ceiling. “Ben…?”
“I let you call me Ben – because.” Cassie waits for him to continue. “I don’t know, I guess. When I first saw you in the Airbase – I flipped. I thought I was completely alone - when I first come, I was alone. I knew no one – but then you came,” he explains quietly. “You remind me of my old life – the Ben I was before. I keep telling myself he’s dead – but he’s not. You’re the only one here who knows me when I was Ben Parish and I want you to think of me as him as sick as that sounds – the Ben who doesn’t kill, the Ben who’s biggest problem is not winning a football match and having an A+ at school.” He turns to look at her in the eyes. Those brown eyes that never fails to melt Cassie. “That’s why I still call you Cassie,” Ben smiles at her softly. “I wanna remember you as Cassie,” he touches her cheek softly, caressing it with his soft hand. “I’m being stupid.” He softly chuckles at himself.
Feeling a surge of braveness, Cassie takes the hand that was holding his cheek and squeezes it tight. “It’s not,” Cassie grins at him. “It’s such a Ben Parish thing to say.” Ben laughs at her – Cassie swears the sound just became one of her favorite sounds in the world – and grabs her by the shoulders to hug her.
Cassie laughs too – her arms wrapping theirselves around Ben’s torso as she leans into Ben a little bit more. He’s warm and Cassie doesn’t want to let go. Which is fine because she doesn’t think Ben has any plans to move. He hugs her tighter (by the way he’s hugging her she doesn’t think it’s even possible anymore).
“Cassie?” Cassie doesn’t lift her head when he says her name. She’s too comfortable on his shoulder right now. “Promise me you’ll still call me Ben after everything that will happen. Promise me that everything will be okay after this.” He sounds like a child and Cassie almost laughs.
“I promise,” Cassie says softly, and even though she can’t see him she knows he’s smiling right now. Not one of his thousand watt smile – but one of his genuine smile that she loves seeing so much.
They pull away a couple of minutes later – their eyes locked in almost immediately. She doesn’t know if they’re just too caught up in the moment or what but suddenly someone’s leaning in and suddenly they’re both leaning in to each other just like there’s a magnetic force between them. His lips find hers first, capturing them in his own. Cassie closes her eyes immediately, kissing him back. Their lips moved in perfect rhythm. It’s not rushed or anything – it’s just how Cassie had imagined the kiss to be. It’s perfect.
Before the kiss had gotten too intense, they both pull away, resting their foreheads agains each other giggling like little kids. “I promise,” Cassie repeats. “Everything is going to be okay.”
  a/n: the ending?1/229323?? Im honestly shocked I didn’t think it would turn out this way. Anyways, I hope you liked it!
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