kljones4-blog · 7 years
1 minute film update
After having a long discussion with Mark i have decided that to get my head around creating my assets and how i want things to look i first need to redo some quick sketches of my storyboard. We decided this because i have gone from doing stop motion puppets to cut out silhouette animation which involves mainly side shots and completely different camera angles. Mark also told me that i had parts of my storyboard missing which made my story confusing to the viewer such as how she gets stuck in the tree and how she gets helped down. Also when she is talking to the mouse she could be holding him in her hand in a close up shot. I have decided to make my animation using paper cut out puppets and feel it would look best if it was all in black and white. We also discussed my character designs that i had redone for my film and Mark helped me understand the anatomy of my mouse character such as the legs and said not to use eyes for my characters as it gives a more mature look and lets the audience imagine what the character would actually look like making it more interesting.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Character assets
Wolf silhouette
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Character asset
Owl silhouette
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Character silhouette
Mouse silhouette, For the mouse i decided to create a skinnier look with a slim long tail. I also added whiskers and a pointy nose to make the silhouette more memorable and recognisable.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Character asset
Rabbit silhouette, I decided to add more limbs to this character so my rabbit could hop leap and stand rather than be stuck in one position. I did this by adding extra limbs to the legs and arms. I also made the ears floppier to create a cute look.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Character Asset 
Esmerelda Silhouette, This is what my character will look like once the pieces have been put together and it has been laser cut using the laser cutting machine.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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Assets - Head shapes
Silhouette heads i created when deciding how i want my character to look. Through loads of careful thinking i thought it would be best to stick to black and white silhouette paper cut out to keep it simple and keep a theme throughout my film. My story is quite a dark story so i thought black and white could create a dramatic effect. I also thought it would be a good idea to re design my characters slightly as when looking at silhouette animation the characters were quite realistic where as mine where quite cartoon like. I started off by looking at different silhouette images on google and pinterest and then different hair styles and face shapes. I decided to try and keep the face shape the same so i wasn’t changing my character entirely. I designed the different head shapes on adobe illustrator. This is the effect it will give when it has been cut out with the laser.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
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1 minute film progression powerpoint
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Fishing day
Fishing day is a student short created by Alex and Joon using paper cutout puppets and backgrounds done on a multi-plane. It is about a fox who is deceived by a duck when he is out fishing on his own. However the fox does not put up with it, he soon realises that the duck is the culprit stealing his fish. The two fight over the fish with the fox refusing to let go of the ones he has captured and the duck getting battered. Through fighting over the food the duck pulls the fishing rod away from the fox tipping all the fish back into the sea, resulting in more conflict. I like the colours of this animation as they are very bright and vibrant and the characters are stylised and have personality. For example their mouths eyebrows and eyes move to their attitudes and expressions.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
This short animation is fascinating to watch, the characters and music are very creepy and send shivers down your spine. I like how it is filmed as it looks like its done over time. I really like the contrast of colours how the dark colours are at the front and the paler colours towards the back giving the animation perception and distance, this is something i want to create. This art style reminds me of pixelation animation. I also like the use of strong silhouettes, making the animation easy to watch and enjoyable.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
One last journey
One last journey is a sad short film about a young girl who has died and is sad because she is all alone. Eventually some fairy’s come to greet her and take her away peacefully. I really like how the dark silhouettes contrast with the moon. It is a beautiful story which goes from really dark colours to bright cheerful ones. I believe this shows a representation of sadness to happiness.I like this style of animation because the silhouettes are very simple but have style to them. I also like the use of lights and colour, this makes the animation more interesting to watch.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Fox story
Fox story is a paper cut out animation about a fox who begins to chase a crow for his food. The sneaky fox approaches the tree that the bird sits on and tricks the crow into dropping the cheese that he had stolen from the Shepard. The crow then goes hungry. The greedy fox then tries tricking the chicken into singing so he can capture him and eat him, however the chicken manages to escape leaving the fox hungry. I think this short is about deception and treating people how you want to be treated. In terms of the animation i feel that this is very smooth for example when the crow is flying and the fox is chasing after him the movement isn’t stiff.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Peter pan cut out animation
Peter Pan was made using cut out and 2D drawings for the background. This style of animation is silhouette. I aren’t too keen on this short because it doesn’t tell a story it just shows Pan arriving and leaving with Tinkerbell. I also feel the animation is very poor as the characters are stiff, there isn’t much movement in their joints.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
This clip shows a range of different styles of animation that are done in cut out. I like the owl clip because it is very cartoony and the colouring is done roughly which gives the style texture. I also like the clip of the mans hat blowing in the wind as it looks realistic. These clips inspire me because they are all individual in their own way.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Live for the moment
Live for the moment is a short animation created by Verona Riots. She tells the tale of two people who meet and fall in love, over time they go on many adventures and experience happy memories together. I love this animation because of its bright vibrant colours and the water colour effect it gives. This animation is quite hard to follow and concentrate on as there are many things going on in each scene. I like how the animation looks almost 3D due to the shading of the background and characters.
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf cut out animation by student Jake Blakeston.
This short was made directed and created by Jake Blakeston a 3rd year student at Uclan studying animation. It has been created using the multi plane and cut out animation. The animation is done in black silhouette to give a dramatic effect. The backgrounds are really simple so the audience concentrate on the actors. I like this animation because of its style and sense of humour. 
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kljones4-blog · 7 years
Simple cut out animation done by a college student.
This animation tells the story of a wolf on its journey home. I like the textured effect of the background, i think that it is done using double exposure with real life photographs and a plain background. The animation mainly consists of greys and black and white. I like the use of lighter colours to create reflection for example the moon reflecting into the water. I also like how the leaves on the trees morph into butterflies and fly away.
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