knackthatarticles · 11 years
Before Your Vacation: How to Burglar-Proof Your Home
You’re excited about the upcoming vacation. Everything is in place, from tickets to the hotel reservations. You’ve even mentally packed all of your bags five or six times – and you aren’t even leaving for another two weeks!
In all this excitement, don’t forget to fortify your home against burglars. These tips will help you relax and enjoy your hard-earned time away, instead of coming home to broken windows and missing possessions.
One of the best tips is to make your home seem occupied even when nobody’s there. This discourages many burglars. These thieves aren’t often violent. They instead prefer to get in, grab your things and get out without being caught. If they suspect that someone is at home, they generally move to someone else’s house.
These tips will help you make sure that your home is as burglar-proof as any home can possibly be. You’ll enjoy your vacation knowing that you’ve done everything you can to discourage burglars.
Make sure someone’s taking in your mail and newspaper. You can call the post office and newspaper to have your deliveries held if you don’t have a neighbor or friend come over and take them inside.
If you have motion sensors on outdoor lighting, make sure they’re engaged before you leave. Many burglars hate messing with homes that light up outside when they approach. They aren’t always tricked into believing that someone is home and has just flipped on the porch light, but they won’t second-guess the fact that other neighbors can clearly see what they’re doing.
Make sure that all of your windows and doors – including the garage door – are locked. You should also put your hidden spare key inside the house, or leave it with a friend or relative, while you’re away.
Find a neighbor who’d like to use your driveway while you’re gone. Burglars who canvas your neighborhood will see a car that’s parked in your driveway at night, but moves during the day. Be sure that your neighbor, or whomever you ask to park a car, moves the vehicle. If it’s just sitting there, all day and night long, the burglar might think that you just left a second car at home and took the other one.
For another smooth decoy, have a neighbor leave trash out on your curb for pickup.
Contact your neighborhood’s crime watch association to let them know that you’ll be gone. They can pay special attention to your house if they know it’s going to be empty. You should also mention to them any house sitters or pet caretakers who might stop by. You don’t want a confrontation between a neighborhood watchman or watchwoman and the person who’s been kind enough to pick up your mail!
You’ll be tempted to let everyone in the world know that you’re going to spend two weeks in Hawaii, but don’t. Tell only people you know and trust. Otherwise, the information could find its way to people who will take advantage of your absence.
Put your jewelry and other small valuables into a wall safe. You can buy fireproof safes for a couple of hundred dollars or less: well worth the investment if you have a few thousands dollars’ worth of diamonds and gold to protect. These safes are easy to install and very difficult for thieves to open.
Store your personal documents in a secure place – perhaps even the wall safe. Even if thieves don’t break in and pull an identity-theft scam with your personal data, you could still lose these hard-to-replace documents if your home floods or catches on fire.
Take pictures or videos of all your valuable possessions, from the DVD player to the personal computer. Keep copies in your safety-deposit box as well as in your home. If you record serial numbers with the photos or videos, the police are much more likely to find and return what’s been stolen.
You can also have your valuables engraved. Your full name should go on them as well as your driver’s license number for positive identification. If you don’t plan to move anytime soon, you can also put your current address on your items.
Make sure that your alarm system is armed and ready to go. This is one of the best deterrents, especially if you have the warning signs and stickers on the lawn and windows.
Finally, make sure that you leave contact information with a neighbor so he or she can get in touch if necessary. You’ll be less likely to worry about what’s happening at home if you know that someone will call if you’re needed.
Knowing that burglars like easy targets will help you burglar-proof your home and put your worries aside. If your house and valuables aren’t easy to access, the thieves will move on to a house that hasn’t been secured.
~Article written by Sarah Borroum 
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Do you have Aluminum Wires in your home?
Home Electrical Safety Information
If your home was constructed in the early 1970’s there is a good chance that it does have aluminum wiring. In 1974 the use of aluminum wiring was banned from use in residential dwellings. The reason for this is that it was recognized that the properties of aluminum caused a higher risk of starting electrical fires when not maintained properly. Now don’t panic. Aluminum is still a good conductor of electricity so where the wire remains undisturbed in your wall it is fine. Where the problem exists is due to something called ‘cold flow’, the expansion and contraction of the wire, corrosion/oxidation. All of which lead to heat and arc’s and sparks. The areas of electrical safety concern for aluminum wire are at the junctions including: receptacles; switches; and, light fixtures. There is a safe way to make these connections which in industry is a process commonly referred to as ‘pig tailing’. This is a process where we splice the aluminum wire to a copper wire using an anti-oxidizing compound and a specifically rated wire cap. The other end of the copper wire is then available to connect safely to the terminal screw of the switch or receptacle. This should be done by a trained Electrician, even though the products are available at the local hardware store. While homeowner ‘pig tailing’ is legal in Canada, other countries have made it illegal due to safety concerns and the risks of error.
If you would like more information on how to improve the electrical safety of your home, contact a qualified Electrician.
Article by Splice Electrical Inc. Phillip Woodgate - Master Electrician 403 922-4463
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
How To Choose A Contractor
Anyone can buy a hammer and truck and call themselves a contractor. Most people in the business don't  even have the basics such as insurance or licensing. Also little to no references. When a contractor offers you a warranty it is only as good as the company who is offering it. If in the next 2 years he goes out of business then so does the job he has completed if it was even completed in the first place. Many companies can offer the right materials but without factory certification you might not have the full coverage needed. These are just a few things that could help you pick the right contractor for your job. Check qualifications base on proper licensing, insurance and reputation, Check if they have done work in your area. Examine there installation process and make sure the manufacturer covers defective materials. Some contractors can get materials at a discount because the manufacturer no longer covers the product. Hopefully these suggestions could help you successfully hire a qualified contractor.
Article written by Marcus Simard
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Important Questions When Considering a Home Renovation
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Will Renovating Solve Your Issues with the Home? It's only natural to become attached to your house, especially when it's the first home you've ever owned. For this reason, it can be hard for many homeowners to admit that while renovations may solve some of the issues they have with their house, what they really need is to start looking for a new home. When you are considering renovating, take a look at the types of issues that you have with your current place. If they are cosmetic details or structural issues that can be taken care of, then a renovation might be your best choice. If the issues are a little more fundamental, however—such as realizing that you wish you had more space to accommodate your growing family—then you may need to start searching for a different place to live rather than putting a lot of money into a renovation.
Do You Have the Money? As long as your house can support any renovations you are considering, the next questions you need to ask yourself are entirely financial. Do you have the money needed to invest in a renovation project? Even if you decide that you are financially ready to take on the burden, what budget constraints are you going to set for yourself and the team that you work with on the renovation? You will need to start doing your research to find out how much materials and labor are going to cost you as well as starting to decide on a number that you absolutely can't exceed for the cost of the remodel.
What Exactly Do You Want? Hand in hand with the financial questions will be the decision as to what exactly you want to accomplish with your renovation project. Often, homeowners will find themselves making broad complaints about the state of the current house, but they will be baffled when you ask exactly what they wish they could change. If you are thinking about starting a renovation, you need to turn your abstract dreams into concrete plans. You have to stop saying "I wish we had a nicer kitchen," for instance, and hone in on what changes will need to be made to give you your dream kitchen. Maybe it will involve getting new countertops, creating an open concept, or upgrading your appliances, but your first step is creating an actionable plan.
Do You Have a Contractor in Mind? If you are a very handy person, you may be able to complete your own home renovations, but 99% of homeowners will need to work with a professional (or a group of professionals) to get their project done. Before you get too far into the planning stages for your renovation, you will want to find a contractor to be your partner in this exciting undertaking. If you don't already have a contractor in mind, you should try to seek out referrals from your family and friends. Set up meetings to discuss plans, budget, a timeline, and various other aspects of the project. Nothing will make your renovation start to feel more like a reality than bouncing ideas off the person whose team will actually make it happen.
How Will the Renovation Disrupt Your Home Life? Renovating a home is never an easy job. You will have to take into consideration how the project is going to disrupt your home life while construction is going on. If you are going to be without a kitchen or a bathroom while these areas are being renovated, how do you plan to function without these key rooms in your house? Do you have family members or friends who will be willing to host you if the construction zone becomes too hard to live in for a while? Most importantly, you will need to decide on the optimal time for you to complete your renovation, based on your schedule.
  How Do You Get Started? Once you have made all the key decisions, the next step will be giving your contractor the okay to get started. You will have to make sure that all the plans are finalized and any required permits have been obtained before construction can start. Do your best to insist that the project adheres to your budget and timeline, but understand that both of these areas may be subject to a little wiggle-room. When everything is in place, brace yourself for the beginning of the actual renovation process. It won't always be the most pleasant experience while it's happening, but hopefully the results will make everything worth it.
  ~ written by Taylor Roberts
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
5 Home Fixes Best Left to Professionals
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Any handyman, plumber or home contractor can tell you stories upon stories of people attempting to do their own home repairs, only to end up with a much bigger problem. It’s smart for a homeowner to make simple repairs himself, since a professional can cost a fair chunk of change. That being said, when it comes to these five home repair jobs, homeowners would be wise to call in a professional’s help.
Asbestos cleanup. Asbestos was almost completely banned by the EPA in 1989, meaning many older buildings have the toxic substance in them. There are Internet guides for removing asbestos insulation from your own home, but doing so is extremely dangerous. Because of the health risks associated with removing asbestos on your own, it’s best to hire a professional asbestos abatement service. The professionals take all of the necessary precautions to ensure all of the asbestos is removed without spreading it around your house. 
Gas appliances. Natural gas is a highly combustible element that needs to be treated with extreme care. Many appliances in a house might use natural gas, such as a water heater, furnace, stove, fireplace or oven. The danger comes when you do not completely seal up any gaps or holes in the gas lines running to the appliance once you are done servicing it. Any small leak can lead to an explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning. Service technicians have specialized meters to help them detect the smallest of leaks. 
Plumbing. You might be able to fix a leaking faucet or change out a showerhead, but beyond that homeowners should leave their pipes alone, unless they have extensive plumbing experience. Changing your house’s plumbing layout even slightly can lead to big problems, extensive water damage and a huge plumbing bill. 
Roofing. Repairing a roof might seem easy enough of a task to perform yourself. While it’s true that many roof repair jobs are fairly simple for someone mechanically-inclined to perform, there is one catch: roofs are also quite easy to fall off of. If you don’t repair a roof correctly, it can lead to extensive water damage in your house’s living space, as well as the attic. A wet attic might not seem like a big deal, until mold starts growing through the ceiling, creating a huge health risk. 
~  Article wrtten by Steven Symes
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
9 Must Ask Questions When Hiring a Contractor
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Your home may be your most valuable financial asset. That’s why it’s important to be cautious when you hire someone to work on it.  Remember to be picky and ask lots of questions.  Ideally seek at least three bids from prospective contractors based on the same specifications. Ask for explanations for price variations and do not automatically choose the lowest bidder. When interviewing each contractor you’re considering, here are 9 must ask questions:
Do you have insurance in case something in my home gets broken in the renovation and/or construction process?
Can I have a list of references for past work you have completed where the projects is similar to mine?
Do you give written estimates/quotes?
Do I need a permit for my project? Will you get that for me?
Do you plan to sub-contract the job?
What are estimated time-frames?  Start Date? Completion Date?
What are the terms for deposits and final payment?
Is there any warranty or guarantee?
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
How to avoid Storm Chasers and Scam Artists
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With the recent Alberta floods, something to be aware of is to be on the lookout for storm chasers and out-of-town contractors that may be soliciting door-to-door.  The reason we post this article as this has become a issue in the United States after such storms as Hurricane Sandy and Oklahoma Tornado.   I would like to think that could not happen here in Alberta, but to protect our ourselves, please be aware to ensure it does not happen to you or any of your loved ones. 
Here are a few good tips to avoid becoming a victim to storm chasers and con men.
Warning signs: 
Avoid door-to-door solicitations 
A scam will usually involve the work to be done immediately since the con man doesn't want to give you extra time to discover what they are.
High-pressure sales tactics such as the “good deal” you’ll get only if you hire the contractor on the spot.
Tips to avoid being scammed:
Ask your insurance company about what’s covered under your policy and specific filing requirements. Save all receipts for food, lodging, and other expenses that may be covered. 
Never hire a laborer or contractor on the spot. It is always a good idea to get multiple estimates.
Ask your insurer to survey the damage and see if they have a list of approved contractors.  If not you can use website like BBB Accredited businesses, knackthat, homestars, handycanadian to help find what you are looking for.
Never sign a contract with blank spaces. Contractors can then enter unacceptable terms later on.
Require written contracts that specify work to be done, materials to be used, start and end dates, responsibility for hauling away debris, and costs broken down by labor and materials. 
Ask your contractor to provide proof of current insurance & licence.
Avoid large down payments, never pay in full in advance and don't pay cash. Have the contractor specify a schedule for releasing payments within the contract.
Be sure to ask for references, and actually follow up with them to ensure they are legit.
Pay by credit card, if possible as you may have additional protection if there’s a problem.
Here are just some of articles on about the scams in the US 
Hurricane Sandy Scams: Officials Warn Of Crooked Contractors, Charities - Huffingtonpost
BBB warns of post-storm contractor scams - Southwesttimes
Scam artists exploit Oklahoma tornado victims - CNN
State Warns Of Rental Scams Following Tornadoes - News9
More articles on how to protect yourself so Albertan's do not become victims too.
12 tips to avoid storm chasers - AngiesList
How to Avoid Home Improvement Scams - Readers Digest
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Easy Tips to Protect Your Home’s Deck and Keep It Looking Good Longer
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Decks add square footage to your home in the form of outdoor living space, a great feature if you ever decide to sell your home. A deck also adds curb appeal. For these reasons, it’s important to maintain your deck to keep it looking good. A properly maintained deck lasts an average of two times longer. So follow these simple steps to keep your deck looking like new.
One simple way to tell when to treat your deck is by applying a bit of water. If the water beads up, your deck is protected for the season. When the wood soaks up the water, you should apply a product to protect it. With so many choices, it can be difficult to decide what works best for your situation and needs. Homeowners can choose a clear sealer, wood toner, semi-transparent or solid stain. Some products offer UV protection, waterproofing or ingredients to prevent mildew. Common mistakes include buying the wrong product or not applying it right.
Be sure to use a product meant for decks since they receive more foot traffic than other wood surfaces. Wood stains usually make a better choice. It takes less time to prepare the deck surface for stain. Most wood stains fade over time, but won’t crack and peel like paint.  Be sure to protect a pressure-treated deck. The wood won’t rot, but can still split or become dry and cracked without protection.
For protection without color, use a clear sealer or wood preservative. These products need to be applied each year. A sealer prevents deck boards from warping and cracking but won’t soak into the wood to stop rot and decay like a preservative. A toner colors the surface slightly while it protects the wood from warping and spitting. It also provides some UV protection. Toners need to be used every one to two years.
To add some color to your deck, choose a semi-transparent stain. These products allow the wood grain and texture to show. For older decks, a solid color stain hides the grain of the wood, while adding color. The drawback of a solid color stain is that it will crack and peel over time. All stains penetrate the wood to provide protection from natural elements and offer UV protection. They also last longer, about two or three years.
How often you need to reapply toners, sealers and stains really depends on your climate and the amount of foot traffic. After selecting the best product to use on your deck, do some preliminary maintenance. Inspect and replace any split, warped or rotting boards. Make sure to sink any nails or screws. Consider sanding your deck if it shows signs of excessive wear. Sanding opens up the pores of the wood to help preservatives and stains penetrate better.  
The next step is to get your deck clean. Clear the deck of furniture and any other items. Trim plants and flowers around the deck, then water the surrounding area well and spray your home’s siding. You can also cover plantings and siding if desired. Use a garden hose or pressure washer set to 3,000 psi to wash dirt and debris off the deck.
Home improvement stores sell products for cleaning decks. However, you can make your own inexpensive cleaner to remove dirt and mildew. In a five gallon bucket, mix together one quart of household bleach, 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent and three quarts of warm water. (Be sure the laundry detergent contains no ammonia to prevent a hazardous chemical reaction.)  
Use a stiff bristled brush to apply the cleaner to the deck. Wear protective gloves while applying the cleaner to the wet deck surface. Scrub in the direction of the wood grain and work in small sections. Start on the top rails and work down to the deck boards. Clean only about 200 square feet at a time.
Wait about 15 minutes for the cleaner to penetrate, then rinse off the deck completely using a pressure washer or garden hose. If using a pressure washer, don’t hold the wand closer than six to eight inches from the wood. Rinse one board at a time and don’t spray in one place for too long. Allow the wood to dry fully before applying a protective product to the wood. If the wood is wet, the finish won’t be absorbed. 
Sweep the deck clean before applying the finish. Begin by applying the product to the railings and posts, working from the top down. A synthetic bristle brush works best. Watch out for drips or runs as you work. Don’t forget to stir the product often for best results. After finishing the railings, move on to the deck boards and apply the in long, even strokes. Avoid lap marks by keeping a wet edge.
Allow your newly finished deck at least two days to dry before walking on it or moving back furniture. Occasionally clean your deck with water and a broom to maintain the new finish. Then sit back and enjoy the outdoors on your clean, beautiful deck.
~Article written by Naomi Devine
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
List of Skilled Trades who have Volunteered to Help yycflood victims.
It is heartwarming to see how this city is banding together to help one another.  The list keeps growing of skilled trade volunteers keeps growing - we will add as we get them.  You can view their information by clicking on the links.  If you are a homeowner in need of specific volunteer please use yychelps.ca for your requests.  Please share this info and like these amazing companies/people facebook pages.
Cedarglen Homes   Home Building
Align Developments Ltd  Renovations, Decks & Patios, more...
MeadowView Construction Ltd. Renovations and more...
Kurmak Builders Renovations, General contractors, more...
Aeroseal Duct Sealing Calgary Furnace & Heating, Handyman Services, Flooring..more
Whole Home Developments Ltd Renovations, Water Damage Repair, more...
Signal Hill Lawn Services Landscape
navagrah landscape architecture + urban design Landscape Design Services
Crystal Waters Plumbing Company Plumbing
Executive Airways Grooming Services Water Damage Repair
Active Concepts Ltd. Handyman, and more...
Durango Developments Renovations, Flooring, more..
Red seal Journeyman Carpenter Carpenter
Rob Baycroft General Contractors
Fusion Pipe Solutions Inc. General Contractors
Qualified Electrician to Volunteer Flood Victims Electricial
ION Interiors Drywall & Plaster
Paul Roberts building services General Contractor
JCRV PLUMBING 50% off for flood relief 2013  - Plumbing
EcoWater Systems Calgary Certified Water Technicians volunteer yycflood contaminated water equipment
Prairie Sun Electrical
White Water Management Yycflood - we are here to volunteer with pumping out basements or the like
Total Electrical Solutions Ltd Offering free Electrical Inspections in homes and businesses affected by the flooding
Tarpon Energy Services Electrical 
Disclaimer: Offers received from skilled workers & businesses have not been vetted nor are they endorsed by KnackThat. Please contact the business directly with your specific case to see if they can help you.
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Beautiful short video that captures the sense of community in Calgary Video  - created by Bradley Stuckel
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
We are putting together a list of Skilled Trades for yycflood
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Please register your business name with us if you are in the skilled trades industry and are available to fix Calgarian homes.   
The people that started KnackThat are Calgarian's too - we want to help. We are doing that by creating a comprehensive list of skilled trades for Calgarians...this promo code will give you 5 months trial and don't worry you will NOT be charged after....you can cancel and no questions asked. 
If you are a homeowner needing help, please use the instant connect with tradespeople and specify if the job is PAID or VOLUNTEER.  Those skilled workers that are interested will reply, then you get to choose who you respond to.
Thanks everyone and lets making rebuilding after the 2013 YYC Flood easy for everyone involved. Stay safe.
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
How to clean up Mold and Mildew
How do I get rid of Mold and Mildew?
Identify the location of the Mold
Depending on the severity of the Mold, an Air Quality Test maybe necessary
Locate the cause of the Mold and rectify the source to prevent molds from returning.
Remediate remaining building materials (structure) if necessary by washing, or sanding, or grinding and in extreme cases, sand blasting.
Replace / Rebuild all removed finishing materials
How do I prevent Mold and Mildew from growing?
Every home has house dust and every home has mold spores floating throughout the air. The only time the mold spores will grow is when moisture is present.
The key to getting rid of mold is to control the moisture by fixing any water problems that you may have.
Article submitted by Mayken Hazmat Solutions
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
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Our heart goes out to all Alberta Residents who have experienced damage to their home or property.   Remember that it can all be repaired and life will go back to normal.  Try to stay dry and stay safe.
For all of you affected, we have put a collection of articles together of how to deal with Water Damage:
After the Flood - A Homeowner's Checklist - CMHC
Water Damage, Mold and House Insurance - CMHC
How to Combat Mold in a Flooded House - houzz
Water Damage: 8 Ways to Dry Out and Move On - houselogic
Mould: Get Rid of It! - Health Canada
Repairing Your Flooding Home - Red Cross
4 Ways to Deal with Residential Water Damage - wikiHow
Addition....article #8 worthy to read
Cleaning your home after a flood - Alberta Health Services 
Picture courtesy of pic.twitter.com/tre6ZFf9SJ
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
The Basics of Spring Lawn Care
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If you live in an area where your lawn is covered by snow all winter, you will need to carefully rake your lawn in early spring once the snow melts and the ground is dry. This spring raking will remove the thatch build-up of dead grass and debris that accumulates over the winter. Thatch that builds up more than half an inch can smother the new grass blades that are starting to grow.
If you come across patches on the lawn where the grass blades are all matted together and have a moldy appearance, this is a condition called snow mold. Raking the area where the blades are matted will remove the dead grass and encourage air circulation. This will then allow the new grass blades to emerge.
If the soil under your lawn has become compacted over the winter, the grass roots will not have access to the water, air, and nutrients they need. This will result in a very unhealthy lawn. You can aerate the grass by loosely inserting the tines of a pitchfork into the topsoil at an angle and gently move the soil to create small holes. Another way to aerate your lawn is with an aerator which removes small plugs of soil to create holes in the dirt. The small plugs of dirt can be left on the surface to disintegrate. In many locations, you can rent an aerating device for the weekend so you do not have to purchase one.
After the spring raking, you may wish to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to suppress weeds before they have a chance to grow. Do not apply a pre-emergent herbicide to those areas where you are reseeding the lawn. If your soil is quite acidic, you can add a corrective application of lime in the spring. This application of lime will not immediately correct the problem so you should repeat it every year.
As you check your lawn, walk over it carefully and check for places where the soil dips down or where the grass has died out completely. Any low lying areas can be filled in with a good quality topsoil. You can then level the soil and seed it with new grass seed. In areas where the grass has died, add a small amount of topsoil and then sprinkle grass seed on the surface. Sprinkle a bit of slow release nitrogen fertilizer over the newly seeded area. If you have a fairly large area of lawn that needs to be reseeded, be sure to get a high quality seed mixture of grasses that are suited for your neighborhood. Very often, cheap grass mixtures include grasses that do not survive a long time. Water immediately with a very gentle soaking from a garden hose. Keep the area protected from traffic until the grass becomes established.
One final step is to apply fertilizer to the lawn once you see that new grass blades are actively growing. You should only use a fertilizer that is designed for lawns and contains a lot of nitrogen. It is best to give a light application of fertilizer in the spring and a heavier application of fertilizer in the fall. Too much fertilizer in the spring can encourage the development of diseases.
To be prepared for lawn mowing, have your mower maintained so the blades are sharp and it starts easily. Once your grass has reached the height of three or four inches, you can give the lawn its first mowing of the year. You should only take off half an inch at a time. Mow your lawn in a different direction each time you do it. By following these steps in the spring, you are sure to have a lush lawn in the summer.
 ~ Article written by Debra Day
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Curb Appeal They Can’t Ignore
Selling your home or just want to make a dramatic statement in the front yard looks department?  There is a myriad of ideas you can incorporate into your front yard make-over plan that will immensely improve its style even without spending a fortune.  From basic landscaping techniques to transformative plantings to fabulous fixes, you’ll love to look at your front yard—and so will everyone else!
Dumpy Driveway
Plain old concrete stained and pitted—this may be the perfect place to begin a curb appeal make-over.  The hardscape elements of your property can be more than merely functional.  While simply repaving your drive with concrete is an inexpensive fix, consider doing something more decorative.  A bricked drive can double as a gracious entrance path to your home and it can complement an informal cottage look or a more formal property.  If you are going with concrete, consider installing a version that mimics stone or features a complementary design.  If your current driveway remains functional but you want to spice it up, add some flower beds beside it.  Even the plainest drive can be dressed up with a showy display of plantings.
Where’s the Door?
Even with all the television shows advising homeowners to trim back the plantings to show off the house, there’ll be hundreds in every neighborhood buried behind bushes and hiding within sagging branches of shade.  Too much shade and an abundance of unkempt plants can detract from the home no matter how great it looks inside.  One rule of thumb says strike a balance between the structure and the plantings when going for curb appeal.  A clearly defined path to the door and a generous view of the home framed by plantings is a sound plan to enact.  Trimming back dead branches is also important for the health of your landscape; without proper maintenance of the plantings, homeowners risk large branches falling down during storms or ill health for many of the landscape’s plantings.
 Pallid Porch
Sometimes you can achieve great curb appeal simply by perking up your front porch.  If your porch is small, consider an expansion that wraps around a stretch of the house.  Adding planters and hanging baskets can also pep up the look of this important front yard feature.  Simple hanging baskets filled with single color plantings will look visually bold from the street.  Group various sized pots at the foot of your porch for a splash of floral color.  If your porch is large enough, a decorative bench or water feature might also add some character to the porch.  Freshly painted railings and a new hardscape will also go a long way to showcasing the front of the home.
 Neat but Dull
Your house is well maintained and your lawn is perfectly green but there is nothing to call attention to your front yard.  In a word, it’s—boring.  This is wonderful because there is likely nothing to fix, but you have a ready canvas just begging for an imaginative new twist for the space.  What can you install right there in the middle of that flat rolling green lawn?  A water feature like a pond, an island of pavement for a fountain, an island-like flower bed for a patch of purple coneflowers or colorful succulents, a gazebo, a pergola, a flowering tree—these are all options to break up the space with an eye-catching feature.
  Improper Props
So you love your pink plastic flamingos and ceramic goose with her seasonal array of outfits—that’s fine and there may be a great way to reinstall these kitschy features in your make-over, but revamping your prop-appeal with some new ornaments and fixtures can make a difference in the look of the front yard.  Enliven some plain shutters with new, larger shutters that are painted in a bold shade.  Consider installing awnings and flower baskets on the front windows for a dramatic improvement.  Props like an ornate light post, a decorative mailbox, a classic bit of statuary—these new features will wake up a tired yard.  Planters with easy-to-maintain plantings can be a safe way to add pizazz to a yard.  Even simple terracotta pots in various shapes will add drama to a porch, steps, or front yard garden beds. 
  You can alter the front yard immensely simply by changing the landscape with new hedges or hedge removal.  You can paint your front door red or install new ground cover.  The point of a make-over is to create an appealing look for the front yard that may attract a buyer if your home is on the market or it will simply make your home, your favorite place to be, more captivating.  There are plenty of landscape and garden makeover books at your local library and thousands of images of front yard make-overs online.  You can also achieve your new curb appeal one project at a time so that the expense can be managed and you can redefine the space at your own pace.
~ Article written by J. A. Young
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knackthatarticles · 11 years
Give Your Bathroom a Makeover without Breaking the Bank
The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. You spend a lot of time cleaning and making yourself beautiful in this room. Since it is also one of the most used rooms, you have to keep it from getting messy, dull and lifeless. It totally defeats the purpose of making yourself beautiful if you do it in a room that doesn’t inspire you to be beautiful. Here are a few ways you can give your bathroom a makeover while on a budget.
A fresh start
A fresh coat of paint will do wonders for your bathroom. Since you’re at it, why not change your color palette? If blues and whites are your colors, you can choose greens and yellows for a brighter look and cheerful feel. Your bathroom will look like you spent a fortune updating it but really; all you did was buy a few pails of paint.
If paint is out of the question, why not go for printed wallpaper? You can change the bathroom’s theme entirely by using printed wallpaper. You can go for an Asian feel or decorate with flowers and greenery or even a beach scene. Whatever design you choose, it will surely make your bathroom looking like new.
Do you love to travel? Why not get a souvenir from the local market that you can put in the bathroom as a stand out piece? Placing an interesting (and quite surprising) piece in this room will make it look lively.
Who says you need to buy a Picasso or a Monet? You can take photographs, signs or images from your collection or browse the internet for things that catch your eye. Print them out and put them in a frame and hang in your bathroom. Instant art!
Change curtains
Makeovers need not be expensive. A simple change of shower curtains can turn your bathroom from dreary to dreamy. Choose curtains that are made from interesting materials such as beads to totally make your bathroom unique.
Pretty accents
Place some pretty and unexpected accents in your bathroom. You can display your beautiful bars of soap in a glass jar. You can put some fresh flowers. You can place your toiletries in different colored boxes. You can even put in some furniture that you bought from a garage sale such as a small table, chair or ladder. Place your accents on top of the table or use it as extra storage to display your beautifully packaged soaps, perfumes, lotions and the like. Use the ladder to hang fresh towels. Always think outside the box when using furniture to decorate a space. Think about how you can use it for form and function.
Making your home beautiful doesn’t always have to be expensive. You can use things around the house to make a room beautiful. Find a second life for things that you don’t use anymore. Go through your kitchen, garage, attic, den or closets to find things that you have forgotten about but can be of great value when used for another purpose. 
~ Article written by Danielle Chan
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