knightxout · 4 years
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But don’t worry, Bruce, some secrets I kept to myself.
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knightxout · 4 years
Sometimes, my body feels like a burial ground for all the people I should have become.
“Requiem” by Roe Gardner (via cloudbeam)
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knightxout · 4 years
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Sky blue eyes roll at his response. She didn’t expect this to be easy, but she was hoping for a little less resistance. It’s not like she’s planning to screw him over or cut him out of the deal. She wouldn’t know what to do with that amount of wealth anyways. So she figured she’d be generous, a GOOD SAMARITAN, but he’s really standing in the way of her attempt at that. A thin hand lands on his shoulder, a show of GOOD FAITH ( friendship ?? ) between them as she continues her attempt to persuade him to act as her collaborator.
❝   RELAX, JASON. It’s not like they’re gonna miss any of it. And its a treat for ruining a day for some of GOTHAM’S fat cats.   ❞
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Suddenly MORAL DILEMMAS start swirling around in his head. Not knowing why. He could riddle a group of thugs with bullets and make them look like SWISS CHEESE, but harmless robbery is an issue? Years ago Jason shared the very same mindset as Harley when he was caught stealing the wheel of the BATMOBILE. And now? His attitude hasn’t shifted much, in truth. Stance unwillingly relaxes once he feels the seemingly reassuring touch on his shoulder. A resigned sigh is followed by a snort.
“FINE, FINE— I just have a few conditions first. No one gets hurt unless some DUMBSHIT really gets in our way, you donate some to the animal shelter… and we get PIZZA afterwards.”
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knightxout · 4 years
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requested by @benhargrieves
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knightxout · 4 years
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John could not care any less for how Jason took care of the crime problem here. It was already getting out of control. Maybe this worked a lot better than locking them into their revolving door. Seeing him put the guns up, maybe he wasn’t too fond of being found after a job. He didn’t look too bad all things considered. Jason’s mask on the other hand wasn’t so lucky. Taking a drag off the cigarette he was working on when he held the mask out in front of him. 
Blinking down at it for a second before shifting his eyes back up to him. Latin gibberish. Rolling his eyes after a second John put a hand over the mask. “Bippity boppity bo.” He was being a bit of an asshole with this but really what did people expect with him? “Oh well shite. Would you look at tha’. Doesn’t look like th’ magic is workin like it should tonight.”
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He wasn’t so sure what he was even expecting. Did he think the magician’s skills would be suitable for fixing a material object bound to break? Well, in a way yes. After all, sometimes John’s speciality was something he could hardly wrap his head around. He, on the contrary, was relying solely on technology, gunpowder and physical strength. No spells involved.
The other’s approach was a little bit of a wake-up call for Jason. Maybe he should think before opening his mouth for once. His lips curled up into an awkward, kind of sheepish smile. Not like words of penance would roll off his tongue. “That’s disappointing. Who knows, perhaps it’s the wrong weather. I won’t dare to say the problem might be in you.” Eyebrow curving into an arch; he made sure the last part was marked with lighthearted jest.
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knightxout · 4 years
This is an independent, low activity, selective blog for Arkham Knight based Jason Todd. It’s also his main verse, what means that he did not die ( I’ve got separate verses that are more faithful to A Death in the Family story arc and with that being said, feel free to request a desired verse when we’re interacting ).
Roy ( he/him / 21+ / GMT+2 ); you can always reach me through the IMs, but also feel free to ask me for Discord if we’re mutuals!
Please give these pages a read before following.
VERSES ( currently under construction )
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knightxout · 4 years
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@littlevictorys​ said:  shh, everything’s okay. you’re safe.’ -- bruce !!! SOFT.
Light in the tunnel. He never liked that saying because in his most hopeless moments he couldn't see even the faintest spark.
For how long has he been here? A few days, weeks? Even worse… MONTHS? In the murky basement with no windows, he soon has lost the track of time. 
Curled up on the floor, he's covered with his torn-up cape. It's not enough to keep him warm, but it's always something. Some sense of familiarity. ROBIN. He's Robin. Beaten up, too pained to even shed a tear. His bruised hand goes to the R symbol on his suit, tracing its edges. 
Then his aching fingers wander up to his face, the fresh wound. A burning J etched onto his cheek. He wants to cry. But most of all, he wants to go home. 
An explosion goes off somewhere in the building, near enough to send vibrations across the concrete. With the corner of his eye, he catches the door cracking open and he's filled with dread. This door opening never means anything good. He readies himself to see the white spats and the purple suit, but he sees much more familiar boots. Jason lifts his head and lets out a pained groan. 
“You came,” he mouths weakly, trying to bring himself to his feet. He stumbles towards Bruce, soon falling into his arms. And he feels at home. And he starts to sob. 
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knightxout · 4 years
So! I finally graduated, I took a nap, and I’m ready to get back on my bullshit!
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knightxout · 4 years
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JASON TODD as Red Hood in THREE JOKERS #1 (2020)
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knightxout · 4 years
Hey everyone!
I’ve got a small PSA to make: I’ll be defending my thesis soon, so right now I’m dealing with quite a good chunk of stress and paperwork (and honestly, the latter’s much less bearable), so I doubt I’ll have much energy to do anything over here in the next days, but I’ll be back with a better pace sometime in the first or second week of September.
Thank you for understanding and take care!
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knightxout · 4 years
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you are pentheus from the bacchae by euripides, and you hold yourself so tightly wound together and so perfectly in place that even the slightest push will make you shatter. you are determined, you are headstrong, and you are addicted to pushing yourself to your farthest limits just to see when you'll snap. you find comfort in tradition, order, and authority, because that's where you are allowed to be blind to the darkness inside you. once in a while, give into the temptation and the chaos you keep denying yourself. it's the only way to not be afraid anymore.
TAGGED BY: @perfectedingbadideas​ ( thank you! ) TAGGING: steal it ;^)   
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knightxout · 4 years
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u hide in the trees, stalking and killing innocent people... or are they innocent? what's driving you to kill? literally no one will ever truly know because you are so shy and dont say shit the entire movie. jesus christ dude, open up a little.
TAGGED BY: @perfectedingbadideas​ ( thank you! ) TAGGING: whoever hasn’t done it yet!
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knightxout · 4 years
Hey everyone!
I’ve got a small PSA to make: I’ll be defending my thesis soon, so right now I’m dealing with quite a good chunk of stress and paperwork (and honestly, the latter’s much less bearable), so I doubt I’ll have much energy to do anything over here in the next days, but I’ll be back with a better pace sometime in the first or second week of September.
Thank you for understanding and take care!
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knightxout · 4 years
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Jason Todd in Gotham Knights (2021)
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knightxout · 4 years
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DEATH OF A SALESMAN yr. 1985 | dir. Volker Schlöndorff
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knightxout · 4 years
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melodramatic  shit  i’ve  said  in  arguments (  primarily  over  the  tv  remote .  ) | @knightxout​ said: ❛ [ laughing ] YOU’RE NOT EVEN FUNNY … ❜
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A handful of popcorn flies towards her COHORT, kernels popped and un-popped alike landing everywhere. She doesn’t care about the mess, nor about the fact that she’ll be the one to have to clean it later. No, what she cares about now is the fact that her sense of HUMOUR is being denied. Features are screwed up into a pout as she provides the evidence to her attack.
❝   My GOSSIP GIRL commentary is hilarious !!   ❞
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His stomach hurts and tears collect in the corners of his eyes, and it surely doesn’t help HIS CASE. On top of that, he’s just OUT OF BREATH. However, offended Harley may be an even more COMICAL view. Bombarded with popcorn, Jason finally takes a moment to inhale and exhale. Suddenly a gleam of friendly derision sparks up his pupils as he sends the other a patronizing gaze. This should ruffle her feathers even more, HOPEFULLY.
 “No need to be so steamed-up ‘bout it, QUINN. Look, not everyone can be pretty, smart and funny. Some people are blessed enough to have it all, though. For example... ME. Hate the game, not the PLAYER.”
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knightxout · 4 years
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** PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ACTIONS. | @knightxout​ said: [ fort ] - your muse surprises my muse with a pillow fort.
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She practically STOMPS across the floor of her apartment, annoyance evident in every step. She isn’t often like this, bubbly sweetness dissolved into a sour mood, but enough sleepless nights will turn her into one hell of a MONSTER. And instead of letting her wallow in her discomfort, her cohort insists on her getting up and…hanging out with him ?? She doesn’t remember exactly what his excuse for getting her out of bed was, but it doesn’t matter. Her grumpy demeanour slides away from her features as she stumbles upon his newest creation in the living room, replaced by pleasant surprise as the mountain of pillows and linens comes into view. She blinks, taking in the sight before responding, corners of her lips coaxed up into a tiny smile.
❝    Is that…did you build a PILLOW FORT ??    ❞
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Jason isn’t the master of cheering people up or doing nice things out of SELFLESS KINDNESS for others. He’s hardly successful at caring for his own self. But a moment of self-reflection knocked some ( possibly short-lived ) common sense into him — he should be CONCERNED for his FRIENDS more often. And, all in all, Harley is a friend. Not much of the type to over-interpret the shifts in the tone of voice or the punctuation use in messages, he still could sense that she might've needed a breather. Even if it was to come in the shape of a pillow fort. Peeking his head out, in an instant the corners of his lips shifted upwards in almost CHILD-LIKE glee; a cup of a sickeningly sweet frozen drink in each hand.
“That’s right, EAGLE EYE. There’s also enough candy to give both of us diabetes and some MAC’N’CHEESE to have a break from all the sugar. You’re in or you want me to deal with these slushies all by myself?”
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