knut-rocketman · 2 months
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Me appearing on a Plumbella video was not in my bingo list for 2024 (or ever) but YOOOOOOOO!! That's really cool
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knut-rocketman · 5 months
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, Midnight
Once again, it's time to get rid of two contestants. Let's see who's safe.
Well, obviously, we still have the same three as last time, that being Bella, Benjamin and Tango. But adding to that, we have :
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Agnes Crumplebottom, with one Cleaning skill point!
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Bob Newbie, with that Body skill point we saw him gain earlier!
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Flat Broke, with his last-minute Cleaning skill point!
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Nicolo Lothario, also with a Cleaning skill point!
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And finally, Simon Crumplebottom, with a Body skill point!
That leaves us with 49 contestants. Once again, rolling two random numbers... and our two eliminated contestants are...
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Mags Newbie, who was sadly too late to get a skill point with bowling, and ends up in 57th place...
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...and Victor Goth, who doesn't seem too bothered by the situation, and ends up in 56th place.
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Quite shocking. [gets shoved off stage to loud booing]
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Wow. Mags dies next to them and everyone goes to mourn Victor on the other side of the Lot. At least that got the hunger strikers to move.
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The bed room is already crowded enough, guys, seriously? At least you're not in the Reaper's way for now, he's dealing with Mags over there. Seriously, doesn't a single one of you care that she died? Even Bob Sr. is crying over Victor instead of his wife.
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There's food right there- Fine, whatever. Your funeral. You two are probably gonna die next.
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knut-rocketman · 5 months
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, part 5
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Bella somehow gets fit in front of the fridge, with no clear indication as to how.
Nighat : "Can you please move?"
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Nighat : "Thank you."
I... guess that's a way to fill your hunger meter up. Did someone else figure out a way?
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Tariq and Tango : "HURRY UP!!" Agnes : "Bartending isn't a hobby. It's a lifestyle."
Well, if you don't hurry up, it's gonna be a deathstyle. Do you even know how to make drinks?
Agnes : "It's always a good time to start learning."
...Sure. How is everyone else faring against the hunger?
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Yep, as expected. I honestly think at some point, there'll just be a mass death by starvation with how much everyone is complaining. Even the hunger strikers outside have their hunger bar fully empty, so that's going to be fun later on, probably.
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And it looks like Simon has also gained a Body skill point from Bowling...
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...and Nicolo has gained a Cleaning skill point from cleaning up all the piss puddles in the bathroom.
Nicolo : "It smells, but it's a pretty good way to skill since no one else is doing it."
That's... actually very smart.
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Meanwhile, these four are just having fun before midnight. None of them have any skill points, mind you.
Brad : "Weeee! This makes me forget about the imminent possibility of my death!" Adriana : "I don't even remember why I'm here anymore!"
Well, you're here to fight to the death... And your time may come soon, as Midnight-
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Flat : "There we go, the dishes are clean!"
Fla- Flat, you just gained a Cleaning skill point. Right as midnight hit.
Flat : "It counts, right?"
I... I guess it does.
Diane : "I do love it when someone is out of the danger zone~"
Uh- Okay. Anyway, it's Midnight.
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knut-rocketman · 5 months
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, part 4
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And Delilah loses the fight! Nestor lives to keep his hat another day. The crowd gathers to feast on the loser's remains (I presume).
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Nestor : "It was either me or her."
And with Delilah sharing her last thoughts, she is eliminated, taking 58th place. The Dreamer family tree is not making a good showing in this game.
Speaking of, where are the Darongs? Their daughter just died.
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Lina : "You're still alive? I don't mean to judge, but I thought your hunger need was completely empty." Nighat : "It was. Is something happening over there?" Lina : "I'm sure it's nothing important."
...right. Where is Sef?
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...I think he's somewhere in the big group of grieving sims. Hard to tell. I almost can't even see the body anymore with how many people there are.
You've needed food for the past 12 hours, get over it.
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At least Nestor is enjoying his victory away from the crowd.
Nestor : "The bubbles make everyone's voices go away."
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Les : "THAT WAS MY ROTTEN SANDWICH!" Melinda : "Mine now."
As always, hunger causes rifts between our contestants.
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Jeff : "No one is feeding me!!!"
They're not feeding themselves either, Jeff. Nighat stopped preparing food to complain about being hungry and Flo has some food right in front of her. These sims are helpless.
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Agnes : "MY ASPIRATION IS TANKING! TAKE THIS!" Gunther : "Ow! Hey, I'm sad too! I didn't get Nestor's hat!"
It's not fights, but at least they're starting to break. That's good.
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Well, not all of them.
Tango : "I don't really like smoothies, to be honest." Jocasta : "How DARE you. --" Darleen : [silently contaminating the pool]
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At least someone is getting some Body skill.
Bob : "I missed every single pin. This stinks."
No, I think that's just you.
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Meanwhile, I think these four are on some kind of hunger strike. They have not moved an inch for a really long time and just endlessly complain about hunger. Their hunger meter is almost empty, mind you. One (or all) of them might die soon.
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knut-rocketman · 5 months
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, part 3
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Even Nighat is bored. Nothing's happening. (Oh, but I am seeing quite a lot of flies there... If we get death by flies, that would be cool.)
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Meanwhile, the Fruit Punch gang is realising that perhaps the key to solving their hunger is not drinking juice, as the Sea Of Red Cups expands.
Melinda : "I'M HUNGRY!!" Betty : "She doesn't know I'm even hungrier." Omar : "All this juice is not good for my bladder need."
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Hunger starts to spread quickly, as many find themselves so hungry that the only thing they can do is stand in place and repeatedly complain about how hungry they are instead of eating.
Irma and Sef, in perfect unison : "I need food!! In my mouth!!" Jeff and PT7, in perfect unison : "HUNGRY!" Michael : [chillin]
The kitchen is right to their left, by the way. You can see the wall. And speaking of, let's see what's going on in the kitchen.
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Yep, more people than plates. As expected.
Cornelia : "Well, isn't this a nice meal, my friends?" [is not friends with a single person at the table] Benazir : "Ooh, the way that young woman is holding that empty plate... Quite attractive!" Gretle : "Ew, I don't want this ugly woman getting this food. I'm taking it away." Bob Sr. : "HUNGRY!!!"
Bob. You are right next to the fridge. Grab a bag of cookies instead of complaining.
Bob : "I'm sitting at the table?"
I meant your- nevermind. Let's go to another table.
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Gretle, didn't you just steal some food from Jocasta? Why did you make a serving of Froot Loops?
Gretle : "It's all for me." Bella : "Why is there one in front of me too, then?" Gretle : "It's all for me and you." Bella : "Sweet." Nighat : [starving to death as she sleeps in an empty plate]
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Meanwhile, Mariana practices her axe throwing. Betty and Susan are too busy thinking about the smell to get out of the way.
Mariana : "Darn, almost had them."
You were aiming for them?
Mariana : "My aim isn't that good."
Take solace in the fact that you hit the target instead.
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Well now, what is this? Nestor is tickling Cornel-
Irma, it's been three hours. You haven't moved. You're right next to the kitchen. GO GET A SNACK AND GET OUT OF THE FRAME. Anyway, back to Nesto-
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WHAT THE- Our first fight?! Between Nestor and... Delilah Dreamer?! What on earth?!
Understandable. Her husband did die. Well, this is going to be a 50/50 on who wins this fight, since they both don't have any skill points.
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As the fight continues, the crowd takes sides. Dalmar is concerned for his... daughter-in-law?
Dalmar : "It'd be a shame if this cool hat was lost so soon in the competition!"
...or not.
Bob and Mama : "GO HAT GUY!" Betty and Mariana : "GO LADY ATTACKING HAT GUY!" Gunther : "If you lose, Nestor, may I get your hat?"
You know what, sure, I guess. Where are the other Calientes, by the way?
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Flamenco : "Hey, Ma. Is the food good?" Dulcinea : "Yup."
I don't think they know yet.
Nighat : [has an empty hunger motive and a full energy motive yet refuses to wake up]
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knut-rocketman · 9 months
Knut's Heresy : Emotion Traits for the Sims 4!
"A sims 4 mod? In this Sims 2 blog? Is he okay?" is what you're not asking. I mean, you're probably not reading this, having skipped over this. You're a TS2 player, not a TS4 player, why would you care?
Well, if you do care, for some reason... Here is a little TS4 mod I initially made for myself! It includes 16 personality traits, all of which give your sims the corresponding emotion. That way, you can make a permanently Energized sim! Or a permanently Bored sim! Or a permanently (until they die) Angry sim!
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"But why would I want that," you may ask?
Anyway, here's a collage of pictures!
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Wow, look at how much fun these sims are having!
Download here : http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4124383/
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knut-rocketman · 10 months
Minecraft Floors for the Sims 2!
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This probably already exists somewhere but oh well. Here's a small mod that adds about 40 minecraft blocks as floors for your sims games! You can find them in the Miscellaneous category, all of them costing 50 simoleons.
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Here are all the blocks you can use! Just look at that happy old lady enjoying her new floors!
Download link : http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3999564/
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
100 Jihoon Townie Pack
Some of you might know who Jihoon Midlock is, some of you might not. For the first group, I'm happy to present...
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The 100 Jihoon Townie Pack! That's right, 100 beautiful specimens that you can add to your hood whenever you want!
The subhoods have been checked with HoodChecker and there are no strays or NPCs. All you need to do is put the folders in "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate" and you'll be able to add them in your hoods!
There are two versions : -this one where all the Jihoons are already in the Townie household BUT their names will be randomised upon adding the subhood to your hood. It's a bug from the game itself so I can't really do anything about it. -this one where all the Jihoons have their names not randomized BUT are all in the Family Bin and you'll have to townify them yourself.
Enjoy your new Jihoon townies, and happy simming!
*Note : Needs Ultimate Collection as it uses outfits from pretty much every expansion pack.
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Thank god, no more of those ugly face templates! My hood is going to be full of the most beautiful sims ever! Thank you!
Hauntingly Beautiful Face Templates
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I’ve got a treat for you today. Haven’t you ever looked at face 18 and been overwhelmed by how beautiful it is? Haven’t you thought it would be so marvelous to have every single sim in your game have that gorgeous face? Or maybe you played a certain pleasantview that came out recently and were broken hearted when npcs/dormies spawned with all the other inferior faces and threw off the whole vibe of the neighborhood. Well fear no more! I present a set of default faces where every single face is replaced with face 18. Now, I did edit some of the genders/ages to make the face less gendered because I don’t like how maxis made male and female sims with the same face look so different. Without further ado, here it is!! Enjoy!
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
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Shout to this sim who is named after a dish used for serving soup
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, part 2
Alright, I've just refined my RPC settings. HOPEFULLY something interesting happens this time.
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And we join back seeing people complaining about being hungry and pissing themselves. Guys, there are 5 vending machines and 4 fridges, I don't know what you want from me.
Lina : "Oops. Sorry, the toilets were too far away. Oh well, it'll water the grass, right?"
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And I get a barrage of notifications telling me that a few sims have got colds. You know what? I should download a mod that ups the chances of diseases being fatal. This really is going way too slow.
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Benjamin : "Oh dear... Thankfully it's hidden amongst the 4 other puddles so no one will see."
Yes, great plan there Benjamin. I'm sure no one will notice that you're pissing yourself in the bathroom...
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...because they're all too busy standing in front of the kitchen. Seriously, not a single sim has entered it.
Les : "Water Balloon fight!" Bella : "Please watch out for the dress, it didn't come cheap." Dacia : "Who is that guy behind me? He's so not in my league." PT7 : "I NEED FOOD. WHERE CAN I GET FOOD???"
In... In the building! You just need to go in!! Wait, maybe the vending machines are the problem. Hold on, I'll try deleting them.
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As morning hits, some of the contestants are feeling more jovial than ever.
Victor : "Hello, miss Flo. I hope you slept well!" Flo : "I have no idea who you are. Now please let me go get something to eat."
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The red cup situation is getting out of hand. I even put a trashcan on the roof, but they still don't want to use it. At least these guys aren't complaining of hunger in front of the kitchen. Speaking of, how are the people below doing since I removed the vending machines?
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Oh thank god, some people are making food.
Darleen : "So hungry... I'll just grab whatever I find..." Bella : "Are you sure you don't want what we're cooking, Darleen?" Tiffany : innocent whistling
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Tiffany? You- you forgot the stove. Your meal's in there.
Tiffany : "Yeah, I gave up. I'm just gonna go drink some milk." Bella : "Ah, the stove is free. I can cook my meal on it now." Bob : "Hello friends! How are you- Ew, who is THAT?" Darleen : "Huh? Did someone say something? Sorry, I can't hear the haters."
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Bob, that's Tiffany's food.
Bob : "Not anymore! It's mine now."
And, are you going to eat it all, or...
Bob : "Well, yeah, of course! I'm hungry!"
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Right, all for yourself.
Bob : "Look, they just asked me for some. I can't really say no, can I?"
But you can.
Brad : "Thanks for the food, man! It's so nice of you to make food for all of us!" Bob : "Yeah... Thanks..."
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Lina : "Hey, I had a plate and someone took it! Who took my plate?! I'm hungry too!" Tiffany : innocently sits down away from Lina Bob Sr. : "I found this seving plate of food on a counter. Do you guys want any?" Gunther : "Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Especially you, Miss Dacia!" Bob : "They took all my food! I'm starving again!"
Well, that's your own fault, Bob. You shouldn't have put the plate down on the floor if you wanted to eat it. Look, Nestor is grabbing it now. Good job.
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 2, Part 2
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Oh hey, there goes Delilah into insanity. Davis was her husband, so it's understandable that she's gone insane.
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Wha- Flat??? Did you just make sandwiches for everyone??
Flat : "Well, not for everyone, but still. Anyone who wants one can take one."
(Note that these are a custom subway sandwich but I couldn't find the original dowload link, so here's a folder of food I found where you can search AGreekSub to find the specific sub Flat made)
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Everyone seems to be enjoying their sandwiches, Flat did a good job. Although I doubt that there are 58 servings in the plate. Oh well, you did good, Flat.
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Oh come on, Primo! Not in the kitchen! Ugh, hopefully someone will clean this up...
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...once they also stop pissing themselves. Seriously, do you guys hate public stalls that much??
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Oh hey, Dalmar woke up!
Dalmar : incomprehensible gibberish
That's what we like to hear!
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Aaaand everyone's knocked out. Flat, did you put something in the sandwiches?
Flat : "Umm... No, of course not! Haha..."
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Flat : "Destroy the evidence, destroy the evidence..."
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Meanwhile, more and more people are starving across the lot. There's a point where soda and snack machines just aren't enough. We might see some starvation deaths soon, exciting!
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As you can see, everyone across the lot is miserable. (Also, note Agnes' want to max a skill. She wants to win this!)
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William : "Rockin' out on the electric guitar, woo!"
Good job on the skill building, but at this point I'd rather you cause drama. Seriously, how many mods do I need to install before something actually interesting happens???
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 1, Midnight
So as you probably guessed, all of the ancestors started with no skill points. Makes sense. So instead of listing all the contestants who are at risk, here are all the contestants who aren't :
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Bella Goth, who apparently came into this game with 10 skill points without me noticing!
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Tango Caliente, who managed to get a Body skill point during the day!
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And Benjamin Burb, who is safe thanks to his earlier skilling session!
That leaves 57 contestants. I'll use a random number generator to see who our 2 victims will be!
And the losers are...
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Davis Dreamer...
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And Isabella Fiorello! It's a shame, I liked her. She was very wholesome with her husband. Anyway, time to die.
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I sent them outside so that the bed room wouldn't get too crowded.
Everyone : is devastated Bella : "I must leave now."
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Bed room gang seems to focused on sleeping to care. Delilah and Primo are in there, too!
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Look at all those elders crying over their fellow contestants. You love to see it.
Adriana : "Who IS this guy and why is he in my way???" PT7 : "Enough crying. I must eat."
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Immediately after mourning, the elders race to the hammock.
Skip : "Ha, I got here first!" Cornelia : "Darn you and your youthfulness!" Dacia : "I need to PEE!"
Dacia, that was your... checks family tree ...son that just died. Shouldn't you be more, I don't know... sad?
Dacia : "I'll be sad after I've gone to the bathroom!"
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At least Dalmar cares enough to get his aspiration to tank.
Dalmar : "zzz my son is dead zzz i hate this nightmare zzz"
Dalmar, it's not a nightmare.
Dalmar : "zzz when i wake up i'll be going into aspiration failure zzz"
That's better.
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 1, Part 4
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Night has fallen on our elder-infested lot, and so has Jeff Pleasant's stink. Everyone takes notice.
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Meanwhile, the Marsh duo and Benjamin are watching a blank TV screen.
William : "I love this show!" Anastasia : "What? I hate this show! --"
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Benjamin, understandably freaked out, decides to exercise, which is a smart move considering he has 0 skill points. Agnes Crumplebottom lounges.
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Meanwhile... what happened to Delilah?
Carmelo : "Oh, she's fine, she just fell off the hammock." Delilah : "I think I'll just lay here for a while."
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Dalmar : "Have you seen that Bella Goth? Isn't she attractive?" Flamenco : "She sure is. Thank god we are the only people on this lot who noticed this!"
Sure, let's go with that.
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Lina : "Ow! Damn, skilling is harder than it seems."
You need to get back on that, midnight is approaching fast.
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I suddenly get a notification telling me that a Fruit Puch Barrel is empty, and.. yeah, it sure is. It looks like no one is cleaning up their cups either. Oh well, they can just use another barrel. I'll replace it eventually.
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Benjamin's successful skilling session gets him one body skill point, saving him from elimination tonight and also making him fit in the process. Flo watches.
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And it seems like the bed room is fully occupied. What a sight to behold!
Benjamin : "But... I'm exhausted after skilling :(" Nighat : "I'll just go sleep in the bathroom or something." Someone : "zzzz i hope it doesn't rain zzzz"
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While most of them are sleeping, a few others are still having fun.
Bob Sr. : "I've been using this bubble thing for so long that I don't even remember my name anymore!" Mags : "Careful, dear! It's a slippery slope!" Skip : "I'm not going anywhere near that hot tub. Or water in general."
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Melinda : "Oh." Nicolo : "Uh." Melinda : "I was going to use this bed but there's someone in it already." Nicolo : "I'll just... stand in this room the whole night then." Melinda : "Sounds good. I'll sleep in a tent outside." Nicolo : "Wait what?"
And as our contestants fall into a deep slumber, Midnight hits.
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 1, Part 3
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Mamie has finally understood that she needs to gain some skill points, especially Body points which could help her if she were to fight.
Isabella Fiorello : "Hey there Primo! What are you doing?" Primo Fiorello : "I'm just chatting to her, don't worry."
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Michael : "I wonder how Bella is holding up. Hopefully she isn't in danger."
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Prudence Crumplebottom : "Your turn now!" Bella : "Punch-U Punch-Me is so much fun!"
Hey Bella, your brother is worried about you. So, are you in danger?
Bella : "Do I look like I'm in danger?"
Fair enough.
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It looks like Mariana's plan is working, some people are finally leaving the bathrooms. And as you can see, a few people are thinking about Bella...
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...including William Marsh (in front of his wife, no less!) and Carmelo Lothario. If you're attracted to her, then go make a move! Ugh, ACR is disappointing me.
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Meanwhile, a few more people have pissed their pants and must therefore take a shower.
Wait, did I just hear a Love sound? Did something finally happen???
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Nope, it's just these two making their relationship somewhat official. Damn it. At least if one of them cheat, the other will be pissed. That's a good start.
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And it seems like Mariana managed to get most of them out of the bathroom! Good job Mariana!
Mariana : "Ugh I can't shower here. I'm leaving."
Really, after all that?
Skip : "Thank god she's gone, now I can go back in."
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Aaaand Jocasta, after coming back in the bathroom, gets a cold. Great, at least she might die from it and speed up this challenge. This is all moving way too slow.
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Look at all this : just sims living their regular lives. No romance or anything. I think ACR takes a few sim days to kick in apparently, so I guess we'll just have to wait.
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 1, Part 2
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The bathroom situation is getting increasingly worse, with more and more people coming in.
Simis : "I NEED TO PEE!!!"
...the toilets are right there. There are 13 free stalls. Just go in one.
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Benjamin Burb : "Isn't this nice?" Susan Burb : "You mean this game or the dance?" Betty Newbie : "Where did Bob go? I swear, if he's kissing someone else..."
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And we start to see some of the elders cave in to tentations. Nighat Caliente and Jeff Pleasant find William Marsh and Mamie Ruggbyrne, respectively, attractive.
Myron Oldie : "I can't wait for this to be over so I can pack my suitcase and go!" Simis : "Yeah... I still really need to piss."
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Meanwhile, Mama Lothario gets her first skill point from playing chess.
Mama : "Where did all the balls go? They were there, and then they all disappeared!"
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Oh my god Simis are you kidding me. You are in the bathroom. There are like 30 stalls.
Tango : "Must... hold... on..."
THERE ARE STALLS ALL OVER THE ROOM! (notice the other puddle on the right... that would be from Gretle Goth.)
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At least you have the decency to shower after pissing yourself.
Gretle : "I can't believe I had an accident... If only this could have been prevented..."
And there also someone else showering, no idea who that is. When I checked they didn't piss themselves, so that's interesting.
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The situation in the bathroom is getting out of hand... People who need to piss enter the room but people who are done pissing don't leave the room... This is so inefficient and also annoying because it's hard to keep track of everyone in there.
And yes, the three at the bottom right are complaining about their bladder.
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Benjamin : "Sorry my dear, but I must visit the bathroom. We shall continue our dance later." Susan : "Wait for me please!"
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Flamenco Caliente : "A mailbox... I haven't seen one of these for a long time."
Because you were dead?
Flamenco : "No, because I never looked in their direction before. Ever."
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Meanwhile, the other Caliente male is throwing axes.
Nestor : "Might be useful if I want to win this thing."
Ooookay... Unfortunately the Box Of Axes (downloadable here) isn't autonomously usable, otherwise I would have put it in for sure.
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More and more people are pissing themselves, so some people are complaining about the environment since there are piss puddles everywhere. For god's sake.
Mariana Matlapin : "Can you all leave please? I'm trying to take a sponge bath in the sink!"
...normally I would comment on how weird that is, but this time it might get everyone out of the bathroom. Good idea, Mariana!
Mariana : "I'm just doing this because I pissed myself."
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knut-rocketman · 2 years
Pleasantview Ancestors Hunger Games : Day 1, Part 1
And it's started! Our 60 (oh god) contestants have been let loose!
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Just look at that and tell me there are not too many people. Anyway, the game lags for a bit at the beginning when trying to set up the ACR tokens, but it gets slightly better after a while.
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PT7 : "I wonder how my alien family is doing."
It's daytime, my guy. I don't think you can see anything up there. Also you're not even looking at the sky. But I do appreciate the fact that the first thing you, the only alien, do is use the telescope. A fictional gold star for you.
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Each family is interacting with all the others nicely so far.
Bob Newbie : "So how about that weather, darling?" Mags Newbie : "I literally do not care about the weather." Dacia Dreamer : "Hey Omar, have you seen that Oldie guy?" Omar Matlapin : thinking about his wife
Meanwhile, the Brokes are having a family meeting. Wonder what they're discussing. Probably their financial troubles.
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Meanwhile, some other couples spend time together, romancing or having fun. Look at how wholesome they all are! (Shame that I'm forcing them to cheat on each other.)
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Nestor : "So, uh... Hello." PT7 : "Hello." awkward silence... Nestor : "You are the one that...?" PT7 : "Yes." more awkward silence... Nestor : "...wanna chat?" PT7 : "Sure."
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Gunther, why aren't you with your family and also drinking alone in the corner?
Gunther : "I'm thirsty."
Fair enough.
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And of course the Smustle group forms instantly. I feel like we're gonna see a lot of Smustling people on this Lot.
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Looks like a MYSHUNO game has started up here with the Brokes and the Newbies, while Vadim Simovitch and Darleen Dreamer are having a staring contest.
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Meanwhile, more and more people are joining the bubble blowers.
Simis Bachelor : "I'm just going to drink my soda over here if you don't mind. Bruno Ruggbyrne : "Wow, what's in those bubbles? I feel like I'm floating!"
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Wha- Bella! And Tango? That's an odd pairing, which doesn't even cause any drama since they're both spouseless on this Lot. Come on guys, we need some real drama!
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And it seems like many people decided to go to the bathroom at once. Elders and their bladder needs...
Marshall Danders : "A mannequin? In the bathroom? How distasteful!" Gunther : "No, it's just the lighting. Why is it so bright here anyway? There are no lamps anywhere."
Oh, I did forget the lamps. Oh well. Go pick up your cup, Gunther.
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