“I love you, Hanna."
Okay, jackass, who said you could call me Hanna?
No, no Kohanna, stay on task.  Someone just said they loved you.
It’s a trick, he’s just saying that to use you for something.  Don’t be dumb.
If that’s the case, why did he do those nice things?  He’s practically saved me at least three times and seems truly ignorant of my family.
You’re ugly Kohanna!  Look at how scrawny you are and your crooked teeth.  Why would someone want that?
I’m not sure, but he looks at me oddly.  It’s a strange sort of look.  He keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye when he thinks I don’t see him.
That’s because he doesn’t trust you.  Nobody trusts you, they hate you.
Well, I do want to kill most of them, so yes.  But I’ve already given him my word that we have no intent, so he knows he is safe.
You know, if he does care for you he will just end up dead.  They all end up dead.
He seems capable, he’s doesn’t run his mouth as much as some and he was clever enough to avoid being set on fire by me.
So what, you can’t handle yourself now?  Need a man around to take care of you?
No, I’m capable of taking care of myself.  Actually, I’m thinking I will be protecting him.. though I hope it ends up being even.
Do you love him?
Do you love him?
I don’t know, I sort of want to kill him.
I kind of want to kiss him.
Let’s just do both.
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I cannot say how much I loved this... though the reasoning of “You killed my other character so I made a new one for vengeance” is a bit questionable in my opinion.. the development and effort put into it is astounding.
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Part of me is very fascinated with the idea of mmo rping that’s this complex/multi-layered and the other part of me is concerned that this person dedicated the time to do something this Fucked Up
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We would never blow up or burn down a home.. that’s horrible.  Who would do such a thing?  I am appalled.
I find it really ironic how a crime guild screams about a crime and blow it up but the shit they do is 10x worse.
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The only difference between good and evil is perspective.
Fire is awesome.
I want villains who go against the stereotypical bullshit that “evil cannot love” or whatever.
I want villains who spend months in their creepy dark lab building the death ray with their best buddy and hug each other when the superweapon is finally complete.
I want villains who fall madly in love with the other evil prince or princess they married to consolidate their power.
I want villains who tell bedtime stories to the little clone they created to be the successor to their throne and order their minions to get the clone a cup of warm milk because she can’t sleep.
I want villains hanging out with their best friends and acting like dorks while they bowl with their enemies’ skulls.
I want villains who are both evil and real, and real people have friends and families and loved ones.
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(( I feel like the prime suspects are very similar to Roadhog and Junkrat.))
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Missing Nobles Search Continues
By Risri Elthron
The search for Lady Addington and Warlund Blackfyre continues with some new information gained on the attackers. The Northern High Council is still seeking further leads and continues its search for the kidnapped nobles.
Lord Emery Addington released details brought to him by an eye witness in the hopes the information may lead to finding his sister.
One attacker is described as large and bulky, and very tall with brown hair.
A second as scrawny, much smaller build, with blond hair. Of note was the fact the smaller man walked with a limp.
The picture of the attack on Lady Addington’s carriage became clearer after the witness described the events. A robed man, accompanied by two other individuals, attacked and flipped Lady Addington’s carriage. One then entered the carriage, where he spent a few moments before dragging out an unconscious Lady Addington. The robed man then opened a portal to an unknown location. The witness did not note any screaming or blood on the lady and investigators believe strongly she is still alive.
At this time, no eye witnesses have come forward with information concerning Warlund Blackfyre’s attack, however, an examination of his guards’ bodies did reveal traces of magic leading to their deaths.
Anyone with information is asked to speak with a member of the Northern High Council or with Lord Addington to aid with finding the culprits and return Lady Addington and Warlund Blackfyre alive.
@littlelady-lo @warlundblackfyre @northern-high-council
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I’m feeling horrible.
Please send birbs.
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It was at this very moment that Kohanna understood the meaning of true love.
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This makes me want birthday cake.
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Stella Maxwell for Chanel - S/S 2016
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I’m tired and not capable of expressing my feelings about this topic in text, so I’ve found an age appropriate (Pre-K) method to get my point across to all of the anons that post hate.  Hopefully, Mister Rogers can enlighten them as to how most of the server feels about their opinions.
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The newspaper is bad someone wrote on Secrets… okay. Thanks for that feedback. Sorry that we are not meeting your expectations. Sorry that My RP is not meeting your standards. Sorry that I don’t have a staff of 50 writers to get out there and get every guild’s story so that I don’t have to rely on people coming to me to even get the things I do get to publish.
I joined Lat in the beginning to help make this resource, this record keeping of server things, to promote RP, to promote what different guilds were doing.
Instead, I have to worry every time I publish something if this will be the thing that makes people hate me today. I feel beaten up at every turn unless its a silly story or a short recap.
Someone wrote an IC attack against the paper, and at first I was really upset, but then I sat down and went through the post point by point in an IC rebuttal so that I could move past it. And I fell good about that post I really did. To the point that I could see the IC side of that post.
Then I see all this nastyness again. Its like the people on Tumblr can’t ever just be happy.
All I wanted to do was help people tell their stories to a wider audience. I get accused of favoritism… then when I ask for help for our guild, people say they will but never do. 
I don’t keep the paper going for myself… I keep it going for the server but perhaps its overstayed its welcome. Maybe there are just too many negative people who want to cry at any RP that is not theirs and yet not do a thing to show a different way.
I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve been put through an emotional blender today and all the hate is drowning me.
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Kohanna read the paper.. a look of utter disgust upon her face.  “They burned that bitch alive.. AND DIDN’T INVITE ME?”
Murder by Crows, Stormwind City Guard Seeks Leader
By Risri Elthron
(Editor Note: This article is not for the faint of heart. We apologize in advance for the graphic content here.)
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On Saturday evening, known criminal Demetrius Devereaux entered Stormwind City and with the help of his followers placed a woman upon a cross and burned her alive. The Stormwind City Guard Commander, Percy Aldenhardt, responded to the scene quickly. In the ensuing fight, three of the members of the group were injured by the Commander before Mr. Devereaux conjured shadows to allow the group to disappear.
(OOC Note: I have linked the lovely artwork here, just because of nudity and the nature of the scene. ICly this picture would be in the paper so feel free to react appropriately.)
Witnesses spoke of Mr. Devereaux trying to send a message to SI:7 and the city. “We are not fond of several things. Hypocrites, mouthy c–, and traitors. This one here is a traitor. This one is an absolute traitor. Now, I spoke of the things that I did in my interview. I was quite serious. But it seems as though others aren’t taking my interview seriously. I forgave her many times. I forgave her when she left us in the broken isles. I forgave her when she attacked my own. I forgave her for her disrespect. This time though she’s a snitch. There is no mercy for those that do so. So bare witness to what we do to traitors.”
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Commander Aldenhardt bravely took on three of the group single-handily. He dispatched two quickly, shooting one in the face and a second in the stomach. A third grappled with the commander before all fled in the face of the Commander’s fury.
The Stormwind City Guard extends an invitation to Demetrius Devereaux to turn himself in and face the courts for the crimes he has committed within the kingdom’s lands. If he refuses, the Commander has vowed to seek justice for the murder.  "I’ll be certain to take care of it.  And end it.“
Extreme caution is warranted if the wanted man is spotted within the city again. The public is asked to allow the guard to deal with Mr. Devereaux and encouraged to contact a member of the Stormwind City Guard on their dispatch frequency immediately if seen.
The body of the unidentified woman was taken to the Cathedral where the Matron took custody and will ensure a proper service is given for the woman. The gazebo area was shut down for several hours while the scene was cleared. Construction on a replacement gazebo has begun and should be completed no later than Tuesday evening.
The Royal Courier thanks the Commander and the guard for their quick response to the situation.
@demetrius-devereaux @percy-aldenhardt
(Special thank you to the artists behind the drawing @Gwen-Dankstalker, @Zorathiel, @Larkiniel)
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((Short little blip!  Warning:  Recollection of violence against a village, child crying.  Not anything particularly graphic, I don’t think?  Just warning anyway!))
Screams of horror came from the village as their agony was back-lit against a scene of crimson of flame.  The fire roared with such intensity that the collapsing buildings were barely audible amongst the chaos.  Swirls of embers danced upward in waves, sparkling against a sooty backdrop as if they were stars twinkling on a clear night.
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It was never her intention to murder, but those foolish enough to stay within their dwellings had ultimately chosen this path.  The sound of a small child screaming, perhaps an infant, sliced through the din and caused a look of disgust to press over the features of the very young, at the time, sorceress.  At this age, Kohanna was still grappling with what she'd been forced to do.  Every fiber of her being urged her to charge forth and console the child, maybe there was still time to undo what she’d done but she knew that it would simply cause the others to kill her as well for her efforts.  Somewhere, deep within her core, Kohanna felt sadness and remorse for what she'd done.  It was one of many times she would come to regret.
The frail mage was ripped from her thoughts as a jolt of pain more excruciating than the last tore through her spine.  In a way, she was grateful to avoid the sorrow which would have come from her recollection.  A frantic grasp for a nearby table did nothing to halt her knees from buckling and sending her into a heap upon the floor.  The parchment and various trinkets which had been sitting upon the oaken furniture were sent scattering about, an ink-well landing perilously close to Kohanna and spilling forth contents across the stone with a -plop-.
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It was the one thing which she truly despised above all else.  She'd taken it upon herself to prey to destroy those that displayed tendencies to whine or fail too often. The whores, the idiots, and the slaves were likely familiar with the childish fits of laughter that would erupt before chaos swept through.  And now?  She sat there, half blind from pain and unable to gather enough strength to hoist herself upward of her own accord.
In a strange twist of circumstance, it was the very thing which had ruined her that would be pressed into service to save her.  A jolt of arcane, the same force which had caused her such pain, would slowly tingle throughout her form.  It was a sensation which she had come to grow accustomed to, almost the same as if one had gone ice-skating and then plunged their feet into a pool of warm water.  A pain most distinct but oddly soothing and warm once it had been tolerated to a degree.  Kohanna grit her crooked teeth as the remnants of nerves, frayed by years of abuse, succumbed fully with this final abuse.  Her shaking hand found the lip of the table and allowed her claw shakily back to her feet.
Everything was numb.
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If a tree bursts into flames in the middle of the forest and there's no one around to hear it, does Kohanna still cackle maniacally?
This is a wonderful question!  Kohanna has a deep respect for most life, to the point she is a vegan and only eats a very limited diet as she strongly dislikes the killing of animals for food.
Lesser known is the fact that she also feels trees and other plants are alive as well.  So, if a tree were to burst into flames in the middle of the forest, Kohanna would actually be slightly annoyed at that fact.
It’s one of the things I enjoy about her the most, to be honest!  She is not particularly evil, and I don’t feel that many people in the real world are.  I believe that we only see people as bad, but that ultimately, we are all good people that make bad choices once in a while.  To that point, there are many mental factors that dictate how she will behave or the path she will choose when dealing with certain situations, it’s not simply to hate because she is some evil crazy fire mage.  There is a person (character) there who has desires, joy, sadness, anger and all of the same emotions that everyone else has.
Now, if someone she disliked was to burst into flame then yes.. she’d likely cackle and perhaps do a little dance.
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Ducks please, thanks!
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Valerie can only keep one photograph from her lifetime. What does that photograph depict? What does it mean to her, to choose above all others?
OOC: She would want a photo of her and Gwen attending the Stygian Spring Gala as countess and castellan. That night marked the start of their relationship together and was also the night she took her first steps toward meeting all the wonderful people she knows now on WrA.
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(( We should RP AGAIN!  That was much fun and I appreciate your compliments <3 ))
Vetivert: Have you ever been the victim of a magical attack? If so, how did you defend yourself, stop the attacker, remove the curse, etc.?
“I’d struggle to pick one, but okay. Let’s pick one. I once fought this crazy pyro mage named Kohanna Devereaux. She’s a pretty cool person but also a complete ass who I wanted to punch a bunch. She fought me when I was a Corporal, I think. Left unharmed, can’t say the same for a few of my comrades. She escaped after blasting us with a bunch of fire. Luckily I wasn’t wearing plate armor, just leather and chainmail, so I didn’t get cooked behind my shield.”
@kohanna-devereaux (My favorite arsonist.)
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Criminal, Monster, Leader, and Fiend: Demetrius Devereaux Revealed
By Risri Elthron
Editor’s Note: The content in this article is not for the faint of heart. Please note that the comments by the individual interviewed do not reflect the feelings of myself or of The Royal Courier.
Many may call me foolish for publishing this article, but as a reporter some principles must always guide me. Sticking to your word: Integrity. Publishing the truth: Honesty. These two are what led me down this dark hole to agreeing to visit with Demetrius Devereaux, notorious criminal and wanted man. The words here were recorded by myself, spoken by the man himself. No harm came to me while in his domain. However, some of the details have been left out because they are too graphic for our readers.
I arrived at the massive structure with the escort of a woman garbed in purple, face concealed yet the name she gave was not unknown to me. The Tower stretched tall in the darkness. I was shown through lavish halls to a kitchen. The people with me bowed and were subservient to the man waiting. So it began, the tour and interview. He showed off his house, proud of what was there. He spoke openly of his life and his reasons for what he did. He had little nice to say about other noble houses in Stormwind.
(OOC Note: I am well aware of the reputation of “Blank”. This interview was conducted with consent from both myself and Isato.  I want to be clear that if you are uncomfortable with the House of Crows, or their reputation do not keep reading. Any hate sent will be deleted. You do not have to acknowledge the existence of this article. Skip over it, please. If you are however interested in the conversation between Risri and Demetrius Devereaux, keep reading.)
Keep reading
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