koobird · 1 hour
New Unnecessary Character:
Cybersex Hacker
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koobird · 1 hour
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Flipnote art of two friends, @marmarbunbun and @oretal and a big thank you to both of them and many others for encouraging me to draw! I don't do much but sometimes the inspiration hits.
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koobird · 2 hours
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UHMMMMM what if T4T labru
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koobird · 2 hours
how it looks for two loner shut-ins to swag out together
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koobird · 2 hours
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koobird · 2 hours
My cat is a gray tabby, but I'm not biased. I think torties are the cutest! A little black cat is adorable too. 🐈‍⬛️ But what do you think?
And while you're here, please share and donate if you can to help a mother, widowed by genocide, and her two young children. They live in a tent and winter is fast approaching. Any thing helps ❤️
Raffle + flyers + art raffle
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koobird · 2 hours
mojang please do NOT nerf this
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koobird · 2 hours
Donate or Share 💙
يمكنك مساعدتي بالتبرع للنجاة من هذه الظروف الصعبة ، الشتاء قادم يمكنك مساعدتي بالتبرع للنجاة من هذه الظروف الصعبة ، الشتاء قادم .
You can help me by donating to survive these difficult circumstances,
❄️ winter is coming. ❄️
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❄️ winter is coming. ❄️
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koobird · 2 hours
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koobird · 2 hours
I love when my cat meows at me and I can see her little teeths cause she looks like this
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koobird · 2 hours
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koobird · 2 hours
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Post-Grand-Fest feels…
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koobird · 2 hours
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Okay the Animal Crossing Collab with the Georgia Aquarium was worth it
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koobird · 2 hours
Current progress: $4,083/$20,000
Account: @family-kawla2
This campaign is for Khawla, @/mohiy-gaza 's sister (confirmation below cut). Mohiy has been vetted by 90-ghost here
Khawla and her husband are rasing funds to help them and their 3 children: Muhammad (5), Sham (3), and Ghazal (1 1/2). They need help affording food, clean water, shelter, baby supplies, and medicine to treat Muhammad's hepatitis.
The funds will help them survive and afford evacuation to a safer place, where Khawla's children will be able to live in peace and return to school. Completing their fundraiser is impossible without support from people like you. Please extend your support to Khawla's family by sharing and donating, even if all you can spare is $5. Every share and every dollar will bring them one step closer to reaching their goal and affording evacuation.
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koobird · 2 hours
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There is nothing in the world worse than the feeling of helplessness, that you cannot do anything, and you are standing in hell, and you are unable to do anything but silently observe your pain.
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koobird · 2 hours
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koobird · 2 hours
Not telling your kid they have a learning disability, chronic illness, mental illness etc. so they can “feel normal” actually does the opposite. They will not feel normal if they do not have the context to understand that their normal will be different from that of their peers.
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