kop995 · 2 years
Discussing the value of NFT projects, their failures, and harvesting arguments
Even if you are an outsider, you have probably heard of NFT. Each month, cryptocurrency and NFT will appear numerous runaway cases or scam news, which may be common for insiders, but over time, it will cause blockchain to become a thorn in the eyes of many people, and the circle’s impression will create a psychology of fear of being cheated and fear of being harvested, but at the same time. simplest form of MadCanner https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
Why is it that, despite the high volume of theft news each month, members of the circle continue to choose to remain members and more people attempt to join? How exactly do you avoid being scammed or cut while not missing out on potentially valuable power groups and NFTs?
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Today, we will not examine NFT from a short-term price, value, or empowerment perspective, but rather from a more pragmatic perspective in order to delve into the event’s long-term value.
The function of NFT
In academic parlance, NFT (Non-fungible token) is referred to as a non-homogenized token, and its function in Web 3.0 could almost be compared to that of an admission ticket, but in reality, NFT accomplishes much more. simplest form of MadCanner
The simplest form of value is a piece of paper money in your wallet.
The simplest way to understand NFT is to imagine it as a bill in your wallet, and your wallet as a small fox; a wallet can contain multiple “bills” NFT at the same time.
NFT is fundamentally similar to BTC, ETH, and even stocks. If you purchase a highly valuable NFT, it may become a three million dollar bill in your wallet, but due to market fluctuations, it may become worthless…… see here, you may believe this high-risk speculation is not for you, but isn’t everyone’s life, including the legal tender (“fiat currency”) they hold, at least twice as risky?
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For instance, a pie cost $2 ten years ago, but now costs at least $5. In other words, prices have increased by 150 percent, but have wages increased by 150 percent in lockstep with prices? This will result in a continuous devaluation of the currency in our possession; the rate of devaluation is extremely slow, making it difficult for the average person to notice. simplest form of MadCanner
And from this war between Russia and Ukraine, we can deduce that the possibility of our fiat currency devaluing in a matter of days exists, because due to the centralized power relationship, a single government policy can instantly devalue the currency, not to mention the financial crisis caused by bank closures.
Pros: There is always a risk of being surprised, and prudent investments may be able to keep pace with inflation.
Cons: High risk; must be carefully chosen. Below, we’ll discuss how to choose.
Crowdfunding simplified, a “crowdfunding” concept
Some people view NFT as a form of “crowdfunding,” in which the promoter proposes a project, a proposal, and you believe the proposal is interesting, meaningful, or profitable, and thus take advantage of the opportunity to purchase those who have not yet begun “commitment” to assist the project in developing smoothly.
Many people view the purchase of NFTs as a permanent record of the transaction — and this is correct. With crypto technology, it is simple and quick to verify the purchaser’s authenticity, allowing rewards to be delivered directly to the purchaser’s wallet via “airdrops” following the completion of the program, or by communicating directly with the purchaser via Blockscan Chat, an Ether-based live chat tool.
However, one should be cautious of projects that disappear after raising capital, as such fraudulent practices are prevalent in the blockchain industry. Even the promoters vanish completely into thin air. Therefore, before participating in any crowdfunding project, you should gain a better understanding of the project and attempt to gather as much information as possible.
Pros: It’s easier and faster to receive rewards for crowdfunding participation and to maintain a permanent record of purchase. simplest form of MadCanner
Disadvantages: The promoter may unilaterally breach the promise and turn the crowdfunding campaign into a scam.
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PFP’s identity value
Identity is the empowerment that universal NFTs, particularly PFPs, will have, and by adopting this NFT as your avatar, you can identify with and be proud to be a part of them. Although Tesla CEO Elon Musk has stated unequivocally that he dislikes Twitter’s NFT certified avatar feature, there are still a large number of people who would welcome its use.
For instance, if you’re chatting with someone online and notice they’re using a genuine NFT Bored Ape avatar rather than a JPG stolen via right click, you can assume they’re a wealthy individual or a member of some project, unless their account has been stolen.
Pros: It provides a means of identification, identity, and even confidence.
Cons: If your PFP is valuable, hackers may view it as an easy target.
Take advantage of exclusive membership benefits.
If you purchase an NFT from a reputable community or NFT project, the NFT you own will essentially have this feature, which allows you to join and profit from a secret community. This benefit can take on a variety of forms, including actual money, knowledge, and social circle expansion.
As if you paid to join a chamber of commerce in order to network with other businesses and explore new opportunities.
Along with secret communities, the more alluring features are undoubtedly the sweepstakes opportunities available only to holders, or outright access to white slips or airdrops.
For instance, following Azuki’s announcement of the “BEANZ Official” airdrop to holders, Azuki set a new record high at the time, with the ground version’s price directly reaching 34.45ETH. Time Magazine has accepted it as payment for subscriptions, so I believe it will become increasingly useful in the future. simplest form of MadCanner
Pros: You can create a community that you enjoy and profit from it.
Cons: The same tool can be used in a variety of ways by different people, resulting in a range of outcomes, and the benefits may not be as substantial as anticipated.
The artwork, the collection, is supreme.
If you like it, you may purchase and view it regardless of its value; on the other hand, if you dislike it but still purchase it, you may not collect it regardless of its value. This is the most emotional struggle; if you are more concerned with profit, you will probably never understand why those famous paintings are always sold for such a high price.
However, in Europe and America, this type of pure collection utilizing NFT is the norm.
Advantages: Those who are appreciative will be appreciative. Perhaps one day, your values will serve as a barometer for sky-high prices.
Disadvantages: those who are unable to appreciate will remain unable to appreciate. Perhaps one day, that work of art will become worthless.
Revenue from secondary sales and royalties
Today’s NFT market enables the original author to sell the work, and when the buyer profits from the secondary market, the buyer can profit by collecting royalties from the creator, with the percentage of profit defined by the creator. For instance, the Elysium System, which has garnered considerable attention recently, is capable of collecting 7.5 percent of royalties from each secondary transaction, ensuring a continuous inflow of funds.
Pros: Increased circulation equates to increased profits.
Disadvantage: low circulation; NFT is easily converted to JPG.
Significant revenue share
Nowadays, numerous NFT projects benefit from “revenue sharing” in order to attract additional buyers and holders.
For instance, if a buyer owns only one NFT, he may only gain access to secret groups and voting rights; however, if he owns more than one, he may begin to acquire the relevant share or even increase the share ratio.
Pros: If the project succeeds, it will generate long-term passive income for you.
Cons: If the project fails, you’ll end up with more JPGs in your wallet.
How do you envision the break?
A buyer seeking a quick profit from NFT, as well as the general public who may know little about a project but have invested in it, will generally be fearful of a project’s “breakout.” Why is “breakout” so frightening? Consider purchasing an item for $100 and then selling it for $80 or even $50 when you no longer want it. In a nutshell, it’s a “money loss.” simplest form of MadCanner
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When viewed from a “non-investment” perspective, it is quite common for the second-hand price to be lower than the issue price; for example, it is nearly impossible to resell your worn clothing at the original price in the second-hand market. However, the two are not even comparable from an investment standpoint. Because there is a distinction between new and used goods in the “object” category, but no such distinction exists for intangible items such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, or even non-fungible tokens, and even though they are directly related to money, they should have an established appearance, i.e. their intangibility confers a certain value on them.
These investment items are primarily affected by heat, public recognition, and other factors; if no one agrees, for example, military tickets issued during the war will become a scrap of paper after the war; on the other hand, while some dilapidated antiques are considered junk by the general public, they are considered a treasure, antiques, by those who understand their value.
Thus, what individuals should focus on when purchasing NFT is not the so-called floor price, circulation, or average price — while these are important, they are not the most important from a non-investment and short-term speculation perspective.
If you are a novice who wishes to learn about the positive aspects of the NFT world but lacks exceptional short term speculative luck and vision, we recommend that you seek out those NFTs with high potential value in order to avoid becoming a harvest target. simplest form of MadCanner
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To summarize, blockchain is a world of possibilities, but the adage “where there is danger, there is opportunity” also applies perfectly here. Which project is the most valuable in terms of investment? Which project has the most promise? Which project was abandoned? Which one is a colossal flop? It’s difficult to provide a definitive response.
Even abandoned projects may be given new life or a new development model as a result of the gathered masses; whereas, projects in the hands of the project owner may cause a disaster or a crash as a result of arrogance.
There is no such thing as a “impossible” here, which is also a characteristic of Web 3.0. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
4 NFT Projects to Watch in April 2022
I. Goldweard
Goldweard is a 3D artist who came to prominence after working with Nifty Gateway to release what may be the first ever massive no-gas fee PFP airdrop, Crystal Pops. Prior to this series, the UK-based artist had released a number of 1/1 series that featured his unique 3D crystal style. Most recently, Goldweard returned to Nifty Gateway with a skull-themed crypto product, and now he is continuing his work on an expansion for the rapidly growing open-world game Crystal Pops metaverse. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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II. MadCanner
The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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III. Jenni Pasanen
Jenni Pasanen is a multidisciplinary artist who is quickly becoming known for her highly refined GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) NFTs. Through a mixture of AI programming and her own general creativity, Pasanen hopes to create a new medium where machines and humans can unite as one to create fascinating and never-before-seen digital works. Her work can be found on various marketplaces on the Ether and Tezos blockchains.GAN is a tool that acts like paint and inspiration for my work. We create our own reality from our own life experiences, which leads us all to see different things when generating GAN pieces, similar to familiar but unknown shapes, tones and colors. Creating work in this way can be said to have no imaginative limits.
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IV. Lucas Zanotto
Lucas Zanotto is an award-winning designer, animator and art director based in Helsinki. He has worked with a large number of cryptocurrency artists and projects, notably the creator of the influential Mood Rollers series, which helped pave the way for the Random Characters Collective team to launch the ever-popular Invisible Friends. In addition to casting and selling whimsical 3D animated 1/1 versions of NFT, Zanotto spends his time creating children’s content for his own company, YATATOY. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
What NFT should I buy 2022
What is the NFT buying logic? In the short term, it is how to buy an NFT that will go up and not go to zero soon. in the NFT trading platform, select a certain NFT with potential, buy at a lower price and sell at the right price. Which NFTs are worth buying? The market is very large NFT, someone involved in 600 NFT project whitelist casting, but 90% broke; we hear of NFT that have been several times dozens of times, are already out of the circle, behind all a large number of zeroed. This stays, after the test of time NFT, there has been a more substantial growth, may also be a historical high, there may also be more upside. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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What are the NFTs with a floor price of 0.2–1 ETH? NFTs in this price range have the potential to go up or go to zero, with much more uncertainty. If you can come across one with potential and continuous growth, you will be very lucky and have a relatively significant increase. This range of NFT can also be very selective, you can trade frequency, volume, Twitter followers, social media discussion heat and track the NFT of a big brother wallet and other angles to make a judgment.The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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What are the NFTs with a floor price of 1–5ETH? The NFTs with floor price 1–5ETH are Meetibs, Mfers, Karafuru, pudgy penguins, 3Landers, etc. The NFTs in this price range are relatively more stable and have a higher market share, and have the potential to grow further into blue chip NFTs. This part of the NFT generally have big brother with the goods, and a relatively wide range, there is a certain strength of the earlier NFT players continue to interact and discuss, are likely to further jump development.
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What are the NFTs with a floor price of 5+ ETH? NFTs with a floor price of 5–10 ETH contain NFT worlds, Cool Cats NFT, World of Women, Invisible Friends, CyberBrokers, etc., all of which have a high level of hotness. What are the NFTs with a floor price of ten or twenty ETH? Reddit Azuki current floor price is 27 ETH, last week to holders airdrop NFT, the current market price is 5.8 ETH, but also a feast for the NFT market. The current heat is very high, if you have a budget, you can also consider Azuki, although it has gone up, if the reference boring ape is also the future is promising. Doodle Doodle and Murakami Takashi Clone are not as hot and out of the loop index as Azuki, but the floor price also shows its hotness. Doodle has a floor price of 16 ETH, a cumulative turnover of 10w ETH, and more interactive topics in social media. It went live last October and the casting price was 0.123ETH, up 130 times.
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These are collated through the current NFT market price, the source of information is opensea, if you can directly access os can be more clear and intuitive to see the change in data, as well as each NFT introduction and floor price fluctuation curve. Do not understand the NFT, do not invest, down not lose up not sour, rational view of the market, but also in the periphery to see how the market is playing; if you want to invest in it, you can first look at the market has been a certain degree of heat, in the continuous change of fluctuations in the NFT, according to the strength of the wallet, choose a certain NFT, perhaps benefit from it or participate in the return to zero. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
NFT Social Applications
Currently, many people associate NFT with other things that seem far from everyday life, such as art and finance, etc. NFT may seem far away from us, but in fact, it is also very close to us. In the foreseeable future, NFT may have more “real world” functions and values. Here we will not discuss the NFT application in certain areas, but rather its actual social use cases. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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MadCanner NFT Social Applications,The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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NFT plays a larger role in the buying, selling and ownership of digital artwork. We all know that ownership of a physical work of art is usually proven by the owner’s physical possession. In the case of ancient or high-value artwork, the piece may have a physical document (called a “provenance”) that shows who owned the artwork at what time and how it changed hands. However, some art markets are so mixed that many art lovers are unable to identify the authenticity of the artwork or to purchase it at the right price. Some platforms can better enable the circulation and copyright ownership of physical artworks by pairing them with NFT ownership certificates.
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Award Voucher
Almost most awards and trophies today are physical in nature, and award recipients need to get their trophies by arriving on site or by mail. However, spatial and geographic limitations may prevent recipients from arriving to receive their awards. For example, during an epidemic, it is not very practical to receive the award across borders. With globalization and digitalization, more and more competitions or nominations will emerge. Then, if the institution sends the NFT trophy through the official with on-chain traceability and shows it to the public through the NFT wallet. It not only solves the problem of collecting trophies from different places, but also solves the problem of checking the authenticity of trophies together, such as award forgery, etc.
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Identity Credentials
NFT can be applied to identity authentication to achieve a complete record of user information. The difficulty of traditional credentials lies in information silos, different countries and systems cannot interoperate and the information between them is not common; however, if blockchain can solve the trust crisis and the information on the public chain is recognized synchronously, the silos can be connected. For example, when you finish a job, the company will use electronic signature to confirm your work experience and make NFT to keep in your virtual file, which can be seen and recognized by everyone after authorization, instead of the traditional cumbersome back transfer.
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DAOs are more attractive to the average user than traditional organizations. DAOs are a challenge to the current governance system, bringing together community members in a flat and non-hierarchical structure. Community users are the foundation of a DAO, everyone can be a participant, a co-builder, and everyone has the right to make proposals — once the proposals are agreed upon, they are executed in a smart contract. a DAO is not just for jobs and the management of small companies, or even a fundraiser, a group of enthusiasts. a DAO is not DAO represents a revolution in decentralization and a platform that everyone can build together and prosper together in a transparent and efficient way.
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Blockchain technology and NFT, like the Internet itself, is a technology that we can imagine using to further transform the way humans live. As more and more people get involved in the NFT space and work together to change the ecology of the field. the use cases of NFT are still in a very early form and I believe it is worthwhile to look forward to how NFT will shape the reality and future. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
Music NFT “explodes” meta-universe: stop obsessing over digital image MadCanner collections
“A music digital collection is a collection of music files in the form of NFT files for songs, albums, and so on. In an age when “anything is possible,” the popularity of digital music collections is also an unavoidable trend. In other countries, digital music collections are more frequently used to enable musicians to bypass the “middleman” and generate their own revenue. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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Due to the high quality of the digital collection “NFT,” musicians will cast their own works following distribution, confirming their right to protect. And the revenue generated by the distribution will primarily benefit the musicians themselves, in accordance with the platform’s rules, thereby achieving “decentralization” of the music industry and reviving the music creative economy.MadCanner collections
In the burgeoning NFT market, a slew of foreign foundry publishing platforms specializing in music NFT have emerged. Over 50 music NFT platforms have emerged in 2021 alone, allowing musicians to be stationed on the platform, casting and releasing digital collections of their own music according to the platform’s rules, and earning revenue through playing + IP copyright operation, among other things. Users can purchase personal tracks by musicians, musician memberships, and record digital collections, among other things. Additionally, they can earn royalties by purchasing song shares for music investment purposes.
Along with traditional music digital collection casting and distribution, musicians can leverage digital collection plays such as blind boxes, auctions, and synthesis to increase their distribution voice.
In late December 2021, Japanese music master Ryuichi Sakamoto launched the “595 music notes” NFT project, dividing the 595 notes into 595 digital collections for distribution. Each digital collection sells for 10,000 yen (approximately 500 RMB), and the successful auctioneer will receive a digital image of each note in the score, as well as an audio-visual presentation. The initial sale alone generated revenue. The initial sale generated 595w yen (approximately RMB 329,987), and each subsequent resale netted Ryuichi Sakamoto’s team 20% of the transaction, with a relatively high resale price of 60w+ yen (approximately RMB 33,276) previously appearing.
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As the release extravaganza continues, Ryuichi Sakamoto anticipates the emergence of a person capable of collecting all 595 notes and eventually reassembling his dismantled “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” song. Meanwhile, the first batch of users who acquired 595 NFTs were eligible to participate in a handwritten score of the song for a final transaction price of 3,000+w yen (about 1663800 RMB). This time around, the marketing of NFT can be said to be the fame and fortune of Ryuichi Sakamoto and his team!
Chinese musicians have also begun to experiment with the release of music digital collections in this context. For instance, Jay Chou stated in an Instagram dynamic earlier this year that his early music demos would be released as NFT and then auctioned on international auction platforms via mints thin boxes. Meanwhile, Jay stated that he is evaluating several NFT projects. WhaleQuest, Phantomcore, iBox, and TEM, among other Chinese digital collection platforms, have issued music digital collections, and musicians such as Luo Dayou, Tengel, Zhang Chu, Mo Xizi Shi, Zhou Chuanxiong, Xiao Quan, and a small onion have also chosen to issue music digital collections via QQ Music’s TEM platform.MadCanner collections
Luo Dayou’s Digital Vinyl Series “The Sound of the Years”
Luo Dayou’s “The Sound of the Years” digital vinyl collection is a selection of three songs from his “Encore” album, which is an artisanal adaptation of Luo Dayou’s half-century-old classics, which he has tied himself to as a “pure singer” and condensed his emotional abilities over the years.
Introduction to the Author
Luo Dayou is a well-known artist in China’s music industry. Since 1982, when he released his debut solo album “Zhi Hu Yi,” he has been documenting society through his music, elucidating his ideals and describing his life, and has produced and released hundreds of popular classic songs. Among his notable works are “Love Song 1980,” “Tomorrow Will Be Better,” “Pearl of the Orient,” and “The Story of Time.” Introduction to the Platform
The TEM digital collection platform was developed by QQ Music on the basis of letter chain blockchain technology, leveraging Tencent Music’s resource advantages in music, stars, and intellectual property, collaborating with multiple fields such as music, sports, and art, exploring new opportunities for digital collections, continuously empowering the digital collection ecology, and providing users with high-quality digital collections.
The digital vinyl series is a new limited edition collaboration between Luo Dayou and the TEM digital collection. The warm songs from the last half-century remain in the exclusive vinyl collection, transmitting their full healing power through time and space, serving as a retrospective of Luo Dayou’s musical journey and a return to the fans’ love and recognition for many years. It carries a certain cultural weight. Exquisiteness
So far, three collections have been released in the series; “Years Retaining Sound — Lover’s Tears” is a video-based digital music collection with an exclusive serial number. The vinyl collection is presented as a limited edition vinyl cover + a 3D vinyl collection (three random models) + a 3D animated vintage vinyl machine. Innovativeness
From a collection standpoint, this digital collection of Luo Dayou’s classic music is a reissue, and users have the sole right to enjoy, i.e. listen to the songs, after purchase. The series is divided into three collections, each of which contains three distinct stickers, including a rare hidden version inscribed with Luo Dayou’s handwritten signature. Simultaneously, collect all three collections to unlock the hidden digital collection. With a certain degree of interactivity and innovation in general. Scarcity
Because the planned number of copies for the three collections is 5,000, 3,000, and 1,000, it is inferred that there are no more than 1,000 copies of the hidden model, which is considered to be rare.
Collection Evaluation
What is NFT Music?
At its heart, Music NFT is a collection of tokenized audio files. Similarly to how a static image NFT keeps track of who owns a.jpeg or.png image, a music NFT points to an.mp3 or.wav file. While the precise nature of NFTs varies according to circumstance, they do not have inherent ownership by default.
Today, the vast majority of music NFTs can be thought of as rare digital collectibles reserved for the most devoted fans to demonstrate their devotion. They also grant the owner a portion of the royalties in some cases, such as NAS’s recent single “ULTRA BLACK.”MadCanner collections
While the latter is undoubtedly Music NFT’s long-term vision, it will require additional legal engineering and the removal of barriers erected by the traditional music industry.
What holds the most promise?
At first glance, Music NFT may appear to be a blockchain-based alternative to purchasing music on iTunes. When you purchase a track, however, you are simply purchasing the right to listen to that music offline at your leisure. Music non-fungible tokens have a higher sentimental value because they enable fans and listeners to own the artist’s tokenized work. Consider them to be ultra-rare digital collectibles with enormous sentimental and resale value.
Generally, there are no requirements for mastering, royalty rights, publishing, or licensing capabilities — rather, you are given a limited number of the artist’s audio files to resell. As a collector of your favorite artist’s music NFTs, this is the most effective way to establish contact with them.
Music NFT may seem counterintuitive; after all, you already have access to all the songs you require via Spotify or iTunes. Why would you want to purchase music that you can already listen to? The answer is the same as purchasing JPEG images, which anyone can right-click and save. The market or individuals place a premium on rare collectibles, including musical works (as long as they were released by the original artist, of course).
This value is also influenced by the artist and the privileges they offer their collector fan base — access to discounted concert tickets, special areas for concerts, and meet-and-greets with the artist, for example.
How does the Music NFT system work?
Essentially, the artist chooses which song or songs to offer as an NFT to their fans, as well as the “utility” associated with the NFT. This can be a musical composition in the form of an audio file, but it can also be a music video, merchandise, or concert tickets. As you can see, the entire process is completely in the hands of the artist/musician.
How Music NFT Benefits Artists
For far too long, artists have been underpaid for their work. This is particularly pronounced in the music industry.
Distribution changes and the introduction of streaming services have altered the music industry’s business model. However, streaming has done little to improve artists’ pay equity; only the top 0.8 percent of Spotify artists earn $800,000 or more. The vast majority of artists continue to struggle to retain control of and monetize their work.
Thus, how can Music NFT assist?
1. Collectibles: Fans have historically ascribed emotional value and worth to their favorite musicians’ work. Music NFT enables the collection of musical works as digital collectibles, allowing early fans to show their support and contribute to the artist’s album/song production costs. Early supporters, in this way, become ambassadors/marketing armies for their favorite artists and contribute to their growth.
2. Royalty payments. Music NFT enables artists to earn money directly from fans, bypassing traditional music industry intermediaries such as record labels, publicists, and managers. Additionally, they can grow their fan base. NFT airdrops, for example, enable musicians to reach new audiences.
3. Selling one-of-a-kind fan experiences, such as face-to-face or virtual meet-and-greets and greets, is another possibility.
4. When you purchase an NFT of your favorite artist’s music, in addition to the commercial value, there is the emotional value of becoming an owner of their work.
5. There are tremendous opportunities for emerging artists, as there are no entry barriers to the music NFT scene. You can tailor content to a particular audience and upload/market your work directly to your fans, bypassing the industry’s middlemen.
6. Due to the ownership record embedded in the NFT metadata, music NFTs enable artists to retain ownership of their work even if they market it as an NFT. Thus, if a subsequent owner wishes to resell the NFT, the original creator receives royalties automatically, and the process can be repeated each time the NFT is sold.
7. Additionally, there are “scalable NFTs.” Consider remixes, in which NFTs can leverage the increasingly popular “remix” culture, which entails editing existing content to generate new creative content, whether from artists or fans. As such, Music NFT encourages remixes, such as “fan edits,” in order to increase the effectiveness of music distribution and to generate exclusive material, collaborations, and remixes.
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The top markets for music NFT
Sound.xyz: Sound, a Music NFT platform, aims to close the gap between listeners and artists. Its stated mission is to “build a platform for a more collaborative music movement based on web3 technology and values.” On Sound, fans can directly support their favorite artists. In essence, early fans purchased the artist’s work as collectibles and claimed to have been there first.
2. Royal.io: By contrast, Royal enables fans and collectors to purchase royalties claims for musical works. Musicians use Royal to sell the rights to their songs’ royalties and to offer collectors special perks and benefits. Collectors can purchase royalty-free song ownership directly from their favorite artists in the form of tokens and claim royalties on the music they acquire. The more successful an artist becomes, the more money he or she earns.MadCanner collections
Audius is a free music streaming service that competes directly with Spotify and Soundcloud.
Unlike its Web2 counterpart, it is structured as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), allowing holders of the $AUDIO token to access advanced features for curated engagement and voting. Additionally, it enables artists to interact more directly with their fans by allowing them to unlock special features and benefits via $AUDIO tokens, allowing artists to monetize their audience without relying on an industry intermediary.
4. MusicFund: MusicFund memberships are distributed via NFT, and holders vote monthly to donate ETH to three musicians via a community fund. Each of the top three artists receives 0.6 ETH, 0.25 ETH, and 0.15 ETH.
It should be noted, however, that there is a fundamental distinction between Chinese and foreign NFT digital collections. Technically, overseas NFT digital collections are based on the public Ether blockchain, making them accessible to all, whereas Chinese digital collections are based on the affiliate blockchain, making them accessible to a select group of people, and the majority of Chinese digital collections do not support online trading.MadCanner collections
In other words, in addition to aesthetic collections, NFT collections serve as virtual currency that can be sold, whereas Chinese digital collections generally do not support the sale; in fact, the Ali auction announcement specifically stated that the collection “does not support as virtual currency, tokens, securities, etc. for circulation, trading use, and exchange.” The current digital collections are only available for free transfer. The distinction in this transaction method has stifled some of the speculation by speculative elements in the virtual market for digital collections and shifted the emphasis of digital collections away from “monetary value” and toward “collection value” and “cultural and aesthetic value”.
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kop995 · 2 years
What changes has NFT brought to the art market?
To understand what impact and changes NFT has brought to the art market, it is important to first take a brief look at how the traditional art trading market works. In the industry the art trading market is divided into a primary market and a secondary market. The primary market refers to the direct purchase of artworks by artists and the first sale of works; the secondary market refers to resale, i.e. the sale and purchase between collectors, dealers, auction houses and galleries. the emergence of NFT most directly affects the relationship between artists and galleries in the primary market. In the traditional art market, the dealer (gallery) acts as the artist’s agent, the art intermediary. For the artists they represent, the gallery is responsible for helping them to promote and attract more buyers; for collectors, the gallery is responsible for screening and selecting valuable artworks for them. The average or emerging artist has little room to negotiate when faced with being selected by a gallery. The industry standard for galleries in the first market is to take 50% of the sale price as a commission, which almost all artists feel is too high, but galleries feel that artists underestimate the value of their brand, client base, and promotional activities. intermediaries like galleries, bringing an unprecedented challenge. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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What changes has MadCanner NFT brought to the art market?The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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What contemporary art can be considered very valuable? The determining factors are the following: first, the big name galleries, second, the name brand auction houses, then the curators who arrange special exhibitions for the galleries, next, the art critics who have very little influence, and finally, the buyers who have almost no influence. The creators of the sky-high prices are the brand-name dealers who promote specific artists, the few artists who successfully self-promote, and the brilliant marketing strategies of the brand-name auction houses. The same formula applies to the value of the NFT collection from a name-brand shaping perspective. Take the example of Every Day: The First 5,000 Days, which fetched $69.3 million last year. The work is a digital collage created by Beeple, an already well-known digital artist, who brought together his new media artworks created since 2007 and every day thereafter exclusively for Christie’s (the prestigious auction house).
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Christie’s, which was thus called the first renowned auction house to offer NFT purely digital works, had already done enough publicity and marketing for this cross-genre auction online and offline before the opening of the auction, successfully attracting many buyers with strong financial resources. It is no coincidence that the hottest NFT project now is the Bored Ape Yacht Club, which is a randomly generated algorithm of 10,000 different apes and monkeys by the American Web3 company Yuga Labs. One of the 101 NFT digital collections was sold for $21 million in the “Yuga Labs: 101 Bored Ape Yacht Club” at Sotheby’s NFT online auction “Ape in! BAYC has been exposed to the mainstream through famous auction houses and has been set as a social media avatar by many celebrities in and outside of China. It can be seen that the nature of the art world’s shaping of famous brands has not changed because of NFT’s participation, and NFT is more of a redistribution of power brought about by technology to the art market.
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While NFT has obvious advantages for artists, such as its traceability of copyright protection, decentralization, and the promotion of digital art, which allows emerging artists to be more discoverable, there are two sides to everything. In the case of copyright NFT, although it makes the copyright of artwork traceable and allows the artist to receive revenue for each resale, it does not prevent impersonation. The most common risk is the unauthorized distribution of NFT. creators may find their works stolen and cast as NFT for sale without permission. at present, the rights standard for NFT is still at a very early stage, and standardized and clear definitions of NFT personal use rights, secondary creation licenses, commercialization rights, etc. have not yet emerged. All in all, NFT has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the art market and paved the way for an important step in the future development of digital art. In essence, technology has brought about a redistribution of rights in the digital art market, with galleries shifting their rights to the NFT platform, prompting galleries to develop a novel way of operating that combines online virtual galleries and offline physical galleries. But now NFT also has many emerging things exist problems, that is, the NFT platform laws and regulations are not sound. But I believe that with the development of time, these problems in the development of step by step will tend to improve. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
What does the fact that NFT Metaverse are so hot have to do with airline loyalty?
Those who keep up with technology trends must have heard of non-homogenized tokens (NFT) and metaverse. But do these trendy concepts have anything to do with the airline industry? Joseph Vito DeLuca, an executive at Kambr, an airline revenue management technology company, answers in the affirmative.DeLuca believes that the airline industry has been clearly influenced by new technologies over the past decade, and with the rise of NFT and metaverse, the airline loyalty program system will be reshaped. However, these two technologies are in their infancy, future trends are unclear, and any predictions are only an imagery. We might as well explore the fun with curiosity. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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What does the fact that NFT Metaverse are so hot have to do with MadCanner?The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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Two years into the epidemic and with travel restrictions still in place in many parts of the world, metaverse is becoming increasingly popular as a channel for us to interact and share experiences with people online. Kambr, a Netherlands-based airline revenue management technology company, has built its own metaverse through Gather, a virtual event platform that includes not only desks and meeting rooms, but also shared office and entertainment spaces where employees can roam by clicking the “join” button and creating avatars. The metaverse is also being used in the aviation industry, and in late December 2021, Boeing announced that it will spend $15 billion to develop digital technology to build airplanes in the metaverse. Boeing plans to use Microsoft Hololens, mixed reality holographic glasses developed by Microsoft, to build integrated digital information systems using robotics.
What are the interesting things that could happen if NFT and metaverse are applied to airline loyalty programs? According to the existing technology, applying NFT to the airline ticketing business is a logical step. We can imagine that with NFT technology, this information can be synchronized in real time when a passenger logs into their frequent flyer account to purchase a ticket, and at the end of the trip, logs into their account and finds that NFT has recorded all the information: flight, departure and arrival times, seat numbers, departure and destination, and so on.
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In addition, airlines can sell special edition NFTs that allow passengers to take a special flight, perhaps the first or the last flight before the aircraft is retired, perhaps to a special destination, or a specific theme. These trips can accrue miles, and passengers can unlock additional benefits through NFTs when they reach different membership levels, which the airline will use to stimulate passenger demand. When airlines combine their loyalty programs with the meta-universe, it will open up new possibilities. Perhaps one day, the entire frequent flyer program will exist in the meta-universe and a new digital era will be ushered in for airport lounges. What airlines need to do is provide a unique brand experience. Achieving this is especially important for airlines as Generation Z is becoming a mainstay of the travel market. Flying for many people is just a homogenized service to get from A to B, the opposite of the NFT concept. Other than frequent flyer programs and pricing, it doesn’t make much difference which carrier you choose. In the digital world, it’s much easier to shape personalized experiences. By collecting and analyzing customer information, airlines can better understand what experiences are more likely to be preferred. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
How to make an MadCanner avatar NFT project step by step
A, NFT core three elements: design, rules, rights and interests https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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1.1 Design
As an image-based NFT, specifically the PFP avatar project, the design can no longer be overemphasized.
More important than the appearance of the picture seen, is the core of the design, that is, the soul of this NFT. Like CryptoPunks’ rebellion, BAYC’s misanthropy, mfer’s laziness. The entire NFT Collection must be a spiritual whole and match perfectly with its worldview, mission, Roadmap, etc.
The design of NFT is not done by designers, but by all the people in charge, all team members, product managers and designers who share the same concern and participate in the completion. Although the final actual implementation is mainly designers, but the successful design can not be separated from the overall control of the team.
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A usual avatar NFT will be broken down into a variety of attributes, the general design of the attributes, after the combination to see the effect of trade-offs and modifications.
The most needed designers here are artists, graphic designers.MadCanner avatar NFT
1.2 Rules
This includes, but is not limited to.
on what chain
How many Collections to send
If you send 1 Collection, how many NFTs are in it
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Is it divided into Public Sale and Presale, how much is the price respectively, and what kind of selling method is used?
Is it an auction? In what form of auction
How many whitelists will be sent, how many Mint limit per whitelist, whether Public Sale will have single wallet Mint limit MadCanner avatar NFT
How much time between PreSale and Public Sale
Mint out is not blind box, blind box after how long Reveal, etc.
Many factors are also very critical in this. On ETH is a logic, on Polygon, Solana or other chains that goes completely different logic; if you go RMB purchase, that is to go domestic digital collection logic, usually to the Alliance chain, that is more completely different.
The number of NFTs in the Collection is actually also critical. Now people buy NFT, more than 95% of the motivation is investment, buy low and sell high. If the number of NFT in the Collection is too much, people will think that the risk of Mint is not finished, and Mint is not finished means that the price in the secondary market is not significantly higher than the Mint price, which is basically the same as a bust, and that in turn, people’s willingness to Mint The lower the willingness to Mint. Therefore, the number of NFT of Collection will affect the enthusiasm of people’s Mint, need to be carefully considered.
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It goes without saying that pricing is very critical.
The overall rules need to be carefully thought out and polished.
At present, the regular configuration of the avatar NFT is probably as follows.
Only on ETH, send 1 Collection, there are a small few thousand NFT
Divided into Public Sale and Presale, sold at a fixed price, generally less than 0.1ETH, Presale slightly cheaper
There are generally thousands of whitelists, usually limited to 2 Mint, Public Sale can not be limited
Presale and Public Sale are usually 24 hours apart
Mint out is blind box, after a few days for Reveal
1.3 Rights and Interests
I have observed about 40 head NFT projects and some other NFT projects, and the interests involved can be roughly categorized into several types.
Virtual community interests MadCanner avatar NFT
Exclusive Discord communication channel
Exclusive WeChat group (national project)
DAO governance rights
Whitelist draw for other projects
Member draws for other programs
The Sandbox and other exclusive event participation rights, such as meta-universe land, meta-universe concerts, etc.
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Entity Interests
Right to participate in offline activities, such as parties, concerts, art exhibitions, etc.
Physical peripherals, such as clothes and other things
Other physical prize giveaways/raffles MadCanner avatar NFT
Product Benefits
With this NFT, you unlock the paid membership features of this product (commonly found in some tool products)
Will do chain tour in the future, hold NFT can enjoy certain privileges (many NFT has such a promise)
Will do social products in the future, holding NFT can enjoy certain privileges (such as Monaco)
Token Equity
More NFT projects will be issued in the future, and will give away/raffle NFT whitelist, or give away NFT directly
Will issue coins in the future, can receive free token airdrop
Rights and interests are inseparable from the project’s Roadmap. The better the project is done, the greater the benefit as Holder, and we all understand this.
BAYC’s Roadmap
Second, the product & design
2.1 Website products
Usually avatar NFT project needs to do an official website of their own.
The official website has two big roles: Mint, show. To show the spirit, soul, qualities of the project, express clearly what should be expressed.
I had a detailed look at the official website of the top 40 NFT with a friend a month or two ago, organized their official website modules, forced classification can be divided into the following categories of content.
Project: project profile, vision, philosophy, values, worldview, story background, brand, rights, Roadmap, partners, media coverage, etc. MadCanner avatar NFT
Token: NFT Mint/Claim related, data situation, gallery/database/rarity, marketplace (links to OpenSea, etc. or have your own marketplace), Claim or related situation for your own Token, etc.
Users: Tutorials, FAQ, submission suggestions, proposal links, user agreement, image editor, etc.
Media Links, Contacts
Account System and Login
Of course, most of the official websites will not have such detailed content, many of which are features that mature head projects have gradually improved since, and each project can just take it or leave it depending on the situation.
AZUKI’s Mindmap
2.2 Website design
Website design is not as important as the NFT picture design, but also has a preemptive effect, and is also a key factor.
The special design seen on the official website of NFT in the top 40 market capitalization are mainly
Home page whole screen, can not slide
Cool dynamic effects, or a combination of motion and static
Music playback
News/Update Floating Window
Glossary of Terms
Falling effect
3D space activities, etc.
can be appropriately referred to.
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Among the official websites of this project, we believe that the official websites of these projects can be highlighted for reference.
Azuki: the most attentive and fulfilling and reasonable product design
CryptoPunks: old, simple and comprehensive
Punks Comic: comic style, comprehensive information
BAYC: Club-style website, typical, more comprehensive
World of Women: big pattern, heavy concept, detailed roadmap, comprehensive
Art Blocks: Artwork collection, special type of representation
RTFKT: more gorgeous, 3D
Meebits: partial pixel style, more comprehensive
The Sandbox: game land, etc., special type of representative
Loot: NFT play, special type of representative
Hape Prime: extremely simple but high-end
Creature World NFT: 3D, ugly wind?
Adidas Originals Into the Metaverse: Simple Kanban form
Hashmasks: Dynamic scarcity, Mayan civilization sense
NFT Worlds: land, technicality MadCanner avatar NFT
PhantaBear: standard, less information
Vox Collectibles: Exploratory presentation project, strong interaction
Pudgy Penguins: warmth and memory
AZUKI’s home page effect, although no cool dynamic effects, but the overall effect is definitely the best
III. Technology
Overall the technical difficulty of the avatar NFT project is relatively low, the technical workload is also relatively small.
3.1 Front-end
Front-end work is mainly focused on the NFT website. Usually, it is still relatively simple.
However, if the modules are complete and the design is complex, there can be a significant amount of work.
The front end also has to consider whether to do some anti-bot work.
3.2 Contracts, back-end
This piece is mainly the NFT contract. You can refer to the open source code of major NFT projects, you need to avoid many pits.
For example, the need to restrict the inability to Mint directly through the contract, must be Mint through the front end of the project.
Gas reduction is a more important point, such as AZUKI use ERC-721A protocol, while Mint multiple NFT can significantly reduce Gas, at the time the project publicity is also a more important point, played a very good effect.
Do not exclude that sometimes there may be back-end work.
3.3 Testing, auditing
The usual situation by the front-end, back-end, contract engineers self-test, product, design and other walking checks, team members can crowd test, generally do not need a dedicated tester.
Large projects can consider finding an auditing agency to audit, security is more guaranteed. But I’m afraid that ordinary NFT project may not be willing to pay this six-figure cost up front, and to be honest, most users do not care whether the NFT project code is audited.
3.4 Operations and maintenance MadCanner avatar NFT
Here the so-called operation and maintenance work, mainly refers to the rental and maintenance of servers, etc., requires a certain cost.
Here to consider the issue of concurrency. Concurrency levels may be able to reach thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. In the NFT bull market, for NFT popular projects, also do not exclude the possibility of reaching a larger number of levels. The key point is that popular projects will have a large number of robots, repeatedly related to the request, causing a variety of problems.
Of course, for the vast majority of projects, it is estimated that there is no need to consider the issue of concurrency, Mint does not finish and then break is the norm. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
Can the Weaknesses of NFT Technology Be Fixed?How do I start MadCanner NFTs?
The community involved in the NFT buying frenzy of early 2021 believes that the blockchain technology used to make NFTs offers tremendous benefits to them. The blockchain is a tamper-proof ledger that authenticates and defines original digital works, and as NFT works are traded in perpetuity, it can provide royalties to artists. But it is now clear that the technology used in this $40+ billion industry is poorly structured to deliver on its promise. one of the major problems with the technology behind NFTs is the way in which digital artworks are stored. A typical NFT is split into two separate entities, a smart contract or ERC-721 standard, which is stored on the chain, and a digital artwork. Due to the size of the files, storing them on the chain is very expensive, so the smart contract is simply referenced with a URL to the artwork. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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Can the Weaknesses of MadCanner NFT Technology Be Fixed?The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
The files are not really what make up the value of NFT, and in many cases you may just find them anywhere on the Internet. The selling point of NFT, however, is that it can make digital artworks valuable by defining specific documents as originals. The current storage options are not enough. While on-chain storage does not guarantee permanent accessibility, it is much more secure than URLs for platform or IPFS storage. For users who believe that smart contracts, rather than files, are a valuable part of NFT, the loss of files may not be as devastating. This level of technological development was not included in the NFT platform when it was built at lightning speed to facilitate the NFT boom. Despite the supposed tamper-evident nature of blockchain ledgers, smart contracts are more vulnerable to theft and forgery than many people think. And, because NFT transactions are so lucrative, hackers have further incentive to exploit weak links. In addition, blockchain is supposed to ensure perpetual royalties for artists in digital art transactions, but this benefit is not always realized when NFTs are moved from one market to another. Forgery is another potential pitfall. Proofs of an NFT are typically assigned to the cryptocurrency wallet used to mint the specific NFT. While the ERC-721 standard is supposed to be tamper-proof, the standard can be customized so that a hacker can cast a piece through someone else’s wallet and then transfer it back to their own.
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Currently, most NFTs are still images or looping videos that usually don’t make it into the exhibition space, but are displayed on sales platforms or social media. In the NFTs’ smart contracts on display, the gallery writes in plain text that the asset defined in the contract, or the URL to the work’s file, is simply a display copy of the work. Collectors who purchase a work receive a package that includes instructions for exhibition and care, and details the owner’s rights and obligations. While the NFT platform functions almost as a context-free auction site, the “Fragments of Me” exhibition introduces curatorial considerations that emphasize the depth of the gallery’s engagement with the works. The works are grouped into eight very evocative categories, such as “Don’t look down, don’t look back. Every work in this room is a warning” or “Blow it all up. All the works in this room claim that self-sovereignty is their prerogative.” No entity — be it an NFT marketplace, a cutting-edge startup, or a gallery — can guarantee that digital artwork will exist forever. But Transfer Gallery offers a model of an ecosystem that truly values computer-based work as art, and will continue to do so until the end. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
How can ordinary people invest in NFT.What is an MadCanner NFT in Crypto?
“Can NFT make people rich overnight”, the answer to this is yes. Getting rich by buying NFT is real, but you should know that because of the huge business opportunities currently lurking behind NFT investments, professional institutions, professional teams, and technical bulls have been entering for a few years now, and when this opportunity fires out of the ring, the people who should get rich have already gotten rich pretty much. For a layman, first of all, you may not even know what OpenSea is, and then you don’t know where to pay attention to these projects. After you pay attention, you find out that the original NFT project can produce 1000 10,000 every day, all JPG, but some are especially valuable, some are worthless, some you have not reacted to have gone up and then down again worthless, and you do not know how to study these projects. Such history has repeated itself many times.How can ordinary people invest in NFT? https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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How can ordinary people invest in MadCanner NFT?Go directly to this website(https://madcanner.com/#/) to claim, 0.02eth can get MadCanner,The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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To give you some very good advice to get started, you come across the official issued, a little bigger platform issued by the airdrop, you can grab a play, it may not be exactly the logic of the collection, it may not be very strict in the copyright chain, but it does not waste any of your money, this is one level. And then another level, you can start by buying something to give you NFT and free to pick up some IP and other such things to get started, to get started with some merchants commercializing this kind of play. You have one first. And then see what’s going on. This is I actually mentioned a I think is a relatively good practical a thing, anyway, do not spend money on things we take or buy goods on send things, we will first go to play with a play, active participation, and then gradually on the hand, and then with the standardization or, with more regulatory intervention or, or more knowledge in this area, or some of the formal channels out, we have in I think this is a practical path to make prudent investments after certain experience.
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So it is still the same, you have no way to earn money outside the perception, and then even if you have the perception, you have no luck. I really do not recommend laymen to come up with real money to try to follow the wind, too easy to lose money, too easy to take over. You can try to understand, you can go brush up on the industry information, but I very much do not recommend going directly to the operation, because now the circle, the circle of people’s cognition, and see the circle of news to know that someone made money people’s cognition, the difference has been too big, kindly remind, do not go to them to pick up the plate. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
#9605 Azuki Sold for 420.7 ETH, New Record for MadCanner NFT Hotspots
1. Tencent WeChat Response: Standardization of public numbers and small programs for digital collectibles speculation and secondary sale https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
Tencent announced on March 30 WeChat responded that, in accordance with applicable Chinese regulations, and to mitigate the risk of speculation in virtual currency trading, the WeChat public platform recently standardized and corrected public numbers and small programs that speculate on and sell digital collectibles twice. Specific measures include the public number for the public number, which is limited to the display of digital collections and primary transactions, requires proof of collaboration with blockchain companies recognized as qualified by the Chinese Internet Office, and does not support secondary transactions. Subsequently, the platform will closely monitor industry trends and applicable regulations in order to continue to improve and adjust the rules. MadCanner NFT Hotspots
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2. Indian application for sharing short videos Chingari introduces the GARI Panda NFT collection.
Chingari, an Indian short video sharing app, officially launched its NFT collection “GARI Panda” on March 30. The collection is currently available for pre-order at SolRazr IDO Launchpad. Half of the GARI Panda NFTs will be sold via pre-sale, with the remaining 5,000 being distributed evenly between the SOLR and GARI communities. Chingari will introduce an NFT pledge feature, which will enable GARI Panda NFT holders to earn additional revenue. chingari-verse will compensate NFT pledgers with its native token GARI, which is already used as an incentive asset on Chingari for content creators and fans.
3. Coincheck’s NFT Marketplace to Boost Land Trading in Decentraland
Coincheck ceased operations on March 30. NFT, Coincheck’s NFT marketplace, announced that it will support NFT land trading on Decentraland, a metaverse platform. Coincheck previously announced the creation of the metaverse city “Oasis Kyoto” on Decentraland, which will serve as a hub for artist-fan interaction and community development.
4. BBTV and ConsenSys Collaborate to Provide NFT Marketplace Solutions in Canada
Today, March 30, BroadbandTV (BBTV), a Canadian media technology company, announced via Twitter “BBTV is entering its next phase of development as a result of the rapid growth of Web3. ConsenSys has been hired to assist developers in co-developing solutions for the NFT market.” BroadbandTV (BBTV) is estimated to have 600 million unique monthly viewers and over 35 billion monthly page views.
5. Azuki #9605 Achieved a New All-Time High of 420.7 ETH
On March 30, OpenSea data indicated that Azuki #9605 was sold for 420.7 ETH (approximately $1424,410), a new all-time high.
6. Public Blockchain for Privacy Computing Oasis Is Considering Launching an Official NFT Platform MadCanner NFT Hotspots
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30 March — Oasis, the public blockchain for privacy computing, intends to launch an official NFT platform and invites additional projects to deploy on the Oasis Emerald chain. The introduction states that the NFT platform offers an inclusive and accessible NFT experience with extremely low Gas fees, and Oasis representatives will provide technical guidance and marketing assistance.
7. Seabed launched the “Cigar Star Universe Blind Box,” which included 1,920 digital art collections with each physical blind box purchased.
Seabed Loh launched the “Ketchup Star Universe Blind Box” on March 30. It includes 18,000 “Ketchup Star Doll Series” dolls, of which a limited number of 1,920 digital art pieces will be given away. Each participant is limited to one physical blind box and one digital art piece. Users who purchase the physical blind box and adhere to the gift’s rules are eligible to receive the corresponding artist’s digital art collection for free. During the activity period, the order of payment and confirmation of receipt will be used to confirm the gift list, and the system will distribute the digital art collection to a Taobao-linked Alipay account within a specified time frame. MadCanner NFT Hotspots
8. In the near future, OpenSea will support Solana chain NFT.
According to Golden Finance, OpenSea has officially announced via social media that it will soon support Solana Chain NFT. According to reports, Solana will become OpenSea’s fourth supported blockchain network, joining Ether, Polygon, and Klaytn.
Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
1. The Curve Community Launches a Proposal Vote, with the Goal of Adding a Liquidity Gauge to the sUSD-3crv Pool on the Basis of Optimism
On March 30, the Curve community proposed adding a new Liquidity Gauge to the Optimism network’s sUSD-3crv pool, allowing for the allocation of CRV rewards to this liquidity pool.
2. Since the launch of V3, Aave’s tokens have increased by more than 80%.
According to Golden Finance, the DeFi Lending Protocol According to CoinGecko data, Aave’s governance token has increased by 84 percent since the March 16 V3 upgrade, trading at $220.01 at press time. Aave’s V3 upgrade improves decentralization, security, and risk management, as well as blockchain interoperability and transaction fees reduction. Aave’s open positions (defined as outstanding derivatives contracts) exceeded $163.7 million in the last 24 hours, up from $66.14 million prior to the upgrade.
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Hotspots for the DAO MadCanner NFT Hotspots
1. Chengdu Chain Security: BasketDAO was attacked, resulting in a loss of approximately $1.2 million to users.
According to Chengdu Chain Security Platform’s public opinion monitoring, BasketDAO was attacked, resulting in a loss of approximately USD 1.2 million for users. According to ChainBuilder’s tracking and analysis, the majority of stolen funds were deposited into TornadoCash, the Gaming Hotspots cryptocurrency.
1. The Ronin Bridge was attacked, resulting in the theft of 173,600 ETH and 25.5 million USDC.
On March 29th, Axie Infinity sidechain Ronin announced that the verifier node had been compromised, resulting in the theft of 173,600 ETH and 25.5 million USDC, valued at approximately $615 million. At the moment, the Ronin bridge and Katana Dex are suspended. The theft, which occurred on March 23 (six days ago) and was discovered today, resulted from the theft of four Ronin verifiers from Sky Mavis, as well as a private key for a third-party verifier run by Axie DAO (for withdrawals, five of the nine verifier signatures were required). Officials are in contact with the security teams of the major exchanges and are coordinating their efforts with various government agencies to ensure that the perpetrators are apprehended. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
How to Create a Great Scarcity Strategy for Your NFT Project.What is MadCanner NFT in crypto?
Rarity plays a large role in the overall value of NFT project, including in the utility that can be provided through the qualities of NFT. Creating an appropriate rarity strategy can increase the excprojectent of NFT project collectors. Before you decide to create your next NFT project, think about creating a great scarcity chart for your NFT collection. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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How to Create a Great Scarcity Strategy for Your MadCanner NFT Project.The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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1. Trait Categories
Before you can determine what traits your NFT project will have, first you need to create trait categories. The main purpose of trait categories is to help organize all the unique traits.
2. Unique traits
You cannot develop an appropriate rarity strategy without creating individual traits. As mentioned in the previous section, traits should be placed under your trait category. The more features you have, the more diverse your program will be. However, if you make too many features, a project can quickly become overwhelming. Likewise, if you don’t create enough traits, your project will appear undiversified and remain stagnant.
3. Rare traits
In your set of unique traits, you should strive to include rare traits. These rare traits should not exceed 1% of the total number of your NFT projects. If your project has 1000 NFTs, then only 10 of these NFTs should have rare traits. Rare traits can add extra value to your NFT program by creating scarcity in your collection.
4. Low visual impact traits
When creating unique traits for your NFT, avoid traits that do not have a significant impact on the visual aspect of your NFT, such as earrings or other small objects. Avoid using low visual impact traits that will prevent your NFT project from looking diverse and exciting.
5. One-of-a-kind and legendary traits
The next level of rarity you should include in your NFT program is the one-of-a-kind and legendary traits. These extremely limited traits can provide additional value and excitement for your project and collectors.
6. Type of media used
The last thing you should consider when creating a great rarity strategy for your NFT project is the type of media used. Media are the assets used to create the NFT. You can choose to use images, animations, video and audio to embellish your NFT project.
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Creating a great rarity strategy for your NFT program is a critical step in executing a successful NFT launch and in sustaining your NFT program over time. A good rarity strategy can help collectors easily find what they are looking for and ensure that your NFT project is exciting. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
Three things about taxes that NFT investment should know.Are MadCanner NFTs just a fad?
The rise of NFTs has spawned a new generation of investors, and it’s important for today’s NFT investors to keep the tax implications in mind. Otherwise, they could be caught in a tax nightmare. In the wake of the 2017 bull market, many cryptocurrency traders found themselves in a bind. They racked up huge tax liabilities as the market rallied, but no longer had the money to pay their taxes after the crash. Many of these traders simply didn’t realize the tax implications of their trades and weren’t prepared accordingly. This article will share three things every NFT investor needs to know about taxes that can avoid a dispute with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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Things about Madcanner that NFT investment should know.The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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When purchasing NFT, you will likely be subject to taxes and the disposal of your cryptocurrency is considered a taxable event, and purchasing NFT using Ether (ETH) or other cryptocurrencies falls into this category. Depending on how the price of the cryptocurrency changes after you initially receive it, you will incur a capital gain or loss. Many NFT traders carry a significant tax liability because the price of their tokens has increased significantly since they were originally received. To avoid running into tax issues, you should calculate the potential tax bill for each transaction you make and save the money before tax season. Taxable when selling NFT The sale of NFTs is also considered a taxable event, whether you sell fiat currency, cryptocurrency, or convert it to a different NFT. NFTs are taxed in a similar manner to cryptocurrencies — taxable income from the sale of NFTs is determined by calculating the difference between the original cost basis at the time of purchase of the NFT and the gross proceeds from the sale.
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If the value of your NFT has decreased since you originally received it, you can claim a capital loss and reduce your taxes as long as you used the NFT as an investment and not for personal use. You can determine whether the NFT is for investment or personal use by looking at the reason for your purchase. Did you intend to make a profit or did you intend to enjoy the NFT for your own use only, regardless of whether the asset would appreciate in value. Capital losses on investments can offset your capital gains for the year and up to $3,000 in ordinary income. Capital losses from personal use are not deductible. Under the tax code, certain physical assets are considered collectibles. This includes artwork, metals such as gold, and stamp or baseball card collectibles. When these assets are sold after one year, they are taxed at a maximum rate of 28%, while typical long-term capital gains rates range from 0% to 20%. It is reasonable to conclude that certain NFT artwork would be considered collectibles for tax purposes.
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Some NFT investors are taking a more aggressive tax option. They argue that without IRS guidance, NFTs should not be treated as collectibles because they are intangible. These investors are taking this approach because the tax laws related to collectibles refer to tangible property — which makes the situation confusing. The tax laws regarding collections are complex and it is best to speak with a tax professional when evaluating the collection status of your digital assets. Of course, this issue may not be important to most NFT investors at this time. Because NFTs are so new, most sales will likely involve NFTs that have been held for less than 12 months. regardless of whether they are classified as collectibles, these NFTs are taxed as short-term sales at ordinary tax rates. By keeping in mind the tax implications of NFTs, you can avoid unknowingly incurring a very large tax liability in the coming year. Remember, when you buy or sell NFTs, you will likely be taxed, but it will take careful research to determine if your NFTs are taxable collectibles. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
NFT suffers massive sell-off: Has NFT fever peaked?What is an MadCanner NFT art?
Real-world military conflicts and the overall plunge in cryptocurrency prices are reportedly causing the biggest wave of speculation in the past year to die down, as the value of Internet digital collectibles, including cartoon apes and art graffiti, begin to plummet. Several lines of animal digital collectibles, including Bored Ape Yacht Club, Cool Cat and Fat Penguin, have skyrocketed in price over the last year, driven by celebrity endorsements and social media hype, as digital collectibles based on NFT (non-homogenized token) technology have suddenly entered mainstream culture. By the end of 2021, nearly $41 billion had been invested in NFT, bringing the size of this market to that of the global art market as a whole.Has NFT fever peaked? https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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Has MadCanner NFT fever peaked?This is just the beginning.The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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Soon, however, a large part of the market began to deteriorate, with novice investors suffering huge losses and the long-term prospects of NFT beginning to be questioned. in March, daily trading volume on OpenSea, the world’s largest NFT trading platform, plummeted 80% to about $50 million. Just a month earlier, daily trading volume on the platform had peaked at $248 million. Meanwhile, the number of accounts buying and selling NFTs each week has fallen to about 194,000, well below the peak of 380,000 last November, according to NonFungible. An analysis of trading on the OpenSea platform shows that the average price of bored gorilla NFTs has fallen 44 percent since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict as investors pulled out of trading in the cartoon avatars. Stars who hold these NFTs include Gwyneth Paltrow and Snoop Dogg, among others.
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NFTs represent sole ownership of valuable items on the Internet, including artwork, digital trading cards and game props stored on the blockchain, and digital ledgers backing cryptocurrencies such as ethereum. The gradual popularity of NFTs, known as PFPs or avatar images, drove the market up sharply last year. the pullback in the NFT market is also due to a sell-off in ethereum, the predominant cryptocurrency used to buy NFTs, whose price has fallen more than 40 percent from its all-time high last November. The value of decentralized finance, as well as many projects in other areas related to ethereum, has also fallen sharply. Despite the recent sell-off, some analysts believe it is too early to say the market has peaked. the NFT market has attracted significant venture capital investment and spawned some multi-billion dollar companies, including trading platform OpenSea, and NFT developers Dapper Labs and Sorare. some large-scale NFT collectors say they have also not slowing down their purchases and still see NFT as a key technology in a new vision of the Internet organized by cryptocurrencies. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
The development of NFT Web 3.0.What is an MadCanner NFT art?
Web3.0 is a decentralized network operation mechanism, built on a peer-to-peer model. On the one hand, the Web3.0 model focuses more on individual users and can provide security and privacy for users’ personal data. On the other hand, it is a more user-friendly Internet world, dedicated to removing barriers between data and information. in Web3.0, users do not need to repeatedly register to log in, and only need an identity authentication to flow unimpeded through different platforms and applications. in Web3, the authentication of personal identity is particularly important, and the non-homogeneous nature of NFT determines that it can be used as a credential to verify identity, including identity credentials, medical reports, etc. Digital creators with high influence and many followers can also use NFT to mark their personal IP for identity to avoid theft and forgery. Digital wallets are an important tool for Web 3.0 identity authentication, and users are able to hold the private keys of digital wallets themselves without worrying about transaction information being held by centralized platforms.The development of NFT Web 3.0 https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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The development of MadCanner NFT Web 3.0 .The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.
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Digital ownership confirmation, NFT for Web3 another important significance is that it provides the digital ownership of the confirmation. We often wonder why a reproducible JPG can easily fetch millions of dollars. In fact, when NFT is auctioned, it is not the image or video that is being auctioned, but the ownership of the content of the work. the creation of NFT can empower the confirmation of digital ownership, NFT gives creators a new means to encapsulate the value of their creations. Based on secure, decentralized, open and transparent blockchain technology, each NFT is anchored with a unique and scarce value, through which creators and buyers can obtain rights that are difficult to obtain in Web 2.0. With the combination of Web3.0 and NFT, inconvenient entities and the works we create in the Internet can be easily and quickly traded, and the transaction data will be stored in the network in a distributed, transparent and untamperable way.
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The popularity of Web 3.0 has been long awaited, but Web 3.0 has extremely high demands on the technology and infrastructure for computing, indexing, data management, hosting, storage, and other critical services. With years of construction and continued growth, many Web 3.0 protocols have moved into high gear and are beginning to carry large amounts of user demand through virtual worlds, games, streaming media, etc. The unique nature of NFT is attracting a large number of investors while continuing to lead users to explore various new areas of Web 3.0 and catalyze the growth and expansion of Web 3.0. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
In 2022, Gucci NFT sales exceeded 100 million. Why is the fashion industry suddenly making a push for NFT?
The cool veneer of NFT technology can certainly attract a lot of attention at one time, but technology is changing rapidly, and when the next hot spot appears, where will fashion NFT go? One has to feel that since the launch of the concept of metaverse, it took less than a year to integrate into the real world. Especially in 2021, the metaverse mania has completely taken control of the business world, and since Facebook announced its metaverse-focused project, fashion brands are not far behind, scrambling to partner with crypto companies in an attempt to expand their brand value globally through the metaverse. In the past six months, many high street brands and fashion luxury brands have competed to take the plunge into the NFT space. Just this year, Adidas, Nike and Gucci’s NFT sales shot up to $137.5 million. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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What is about NFT Fashion MadCanner?The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.Madcanner is all about NFT fashion.
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What exactly is causing fashion brands to pile into the NFT space? On the surface, the two fields don’t seem to intersect. Whereas the constituent elements of the fashion space are concrete — clothes, runways, supermodels, etc. — NFT is stored in virtualized form on a blockchain of millions of computers that are interconnected via satellite and cable. Everything to the “money”, perhaps many people will be confused how to properly look at the product of fashion NFT, in fact, we do not have to look at them as a digital wearable device, but can be seen as a marketing tool for brands to promote their products. Recently, Adidas announced its presence in the virtual world, The Sandbox, and acquired a virtual land on the platform named “AdiVerse”. Last December, Adidas also launched its own NFT series, with a total of 30,000 pieces minted. These NFTs are currently priced at $3,100 (1.125 ETH) each on OpenSea.
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Next, let’s take a look at the collaboration between another luxury fashion giant, Gucci, and the hipster company SUPERPLASTIC. The two companies have joined forces to launch a cross-border collaboration project — “SUPERGUCCI”. The project is planned to be released in three releases, with a total of 250 NFTs minted, the first being a limited edition teddy bear doll NFT, which currently has a floor price of 6.75 ETH (about $18,487) on the secondary market. It is said that the owner of this NFT will receive a matching physical handmade ceramic doll on May 25 from 4:20–5:20 PM EST. This can be considered a typical example of the real world interacting with the digital world, which also provides other companies with new ideas for innovative marketing.
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These established fashion companies hope to add a youthful and original element to their products by collaborating with dynamic and emerging studios, with the ultimate goal of using their vast branding and resources to promote their goods. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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kop995 · 2 years
Watch out for NFT Airdrop that pop up in your wallet
Are NFT airdrops safe?Nowadays, with the explosion of NFT, such scams have also appeared in the NFT field. If you are a deep NFT player, I’m sure you also receive some NFT airdrops in your wallet on a regular basis. Most creators aim to promote their works with the help of airdrops to get their works in the sight of some deep NFT players and gain more attention for their works. The transparency of blockchain makes it impossible to stop this kind of behavior, and it is reasonable to do so. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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Are Madcanner NFT airdrops safe?The MadCanner is the first application using Particle Protocol, powered by @MetaParticle. The MadCanner is the world’s first 10,000 unique NFTs that are able to merge and split. A MadCanner is composed of 8 NFTs, including a template and 7 parts: background, eyes, mouth, top, body, straw and gesture. Users can easily split, merge and replace each part.The answer is of course safe.
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But not all of them are free of malicious intent. While OpenSea can temporarily freeze stolen NFTs from trading and transferring, most scammers take the approach of simply accepting a bot’s offer for NFTs well below the floor price and then transferring the ETH they receive to their own wallets, while at the same time the stolen NFTs may have already In the meantime, the stolen NFT may have gone through multiple transfers, and even if OpenSea freezes the NFT, it is not the scammers who are punished. In addition, some scammers plant fraudulent websites in the hidden links of NFTs. Some NFT creators put the source files of their works in the hidden links, because what is shown on sites such as OpenSea is often not the original image of the work, and the creators make it possible for collectors to get the highest quality work by putting in the hidden links, for example, a link to a web site where the source files are stored.
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But again, the low vigilance of NFT players gives scammers an opportunity to take advantage of this. Once a collector enters a fraudulent website, the assets disappear again. Why have scammers recently shifted their targets to NFT players? The first reason is the issue of vigilance that has been repeatedly discussed above, as there have been no similar incidents in the NFT space before, so people would not expect such a scam. The third reason is that users who can afford to buy a lot of high-value assets are often “not bad”, and scammers may be able to get more “surprises” from their wallets after cashing out their NFTs. The third reason is that users who can afford to buy a lot of high-value assets are often “not poor” and fraudsters may get more “surprises” from their wallets after cashing out their NFT.
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Nowadays, people who trade frequently in the NFT space also need to be constantly vigilant, so what do we need to watch out for? First, don’t click on any suspicious links, this is the most common way people are scammed; second, keep your private keys, helper words, don’t share your computer screen, and do the most basic security measures; third, don’t touch the “airdrop” that appears in your wallet, no one knows if it’s a big gift or a shell, so all we need to do is stay away from them as much as possible, no matter where they are in the chain. So what we need to do is stay as far away from them as possible, no matter which chain they are on, whether they are ERC-20 tokens or NFT. https://discord.gg/6SA6brU2Xc
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