koriko-tan · 8 years
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Another commission has been finished ouob
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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I did my first moving body part animation! Aaah~ I'm so proud of myself! >w< This was another commission for someone.
Oh! If anyone knows how to animate twitching ears, I would SUPERSUPERSUPER appreciate it if you could throw a tutorial my way ; A; I don't quite understand how animal ears move so I don't know what "twitching" ensues.
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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Another commission has been finished! <3
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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Been working on Lining and Base coloring these commissions since 9 am. OTL...
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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HEY GUYS I HAVEN’T POSTED IN FOREVER DESPITE DOING ART HA Haha ...ha...imsorryorz To make up for it!! Have a dump of all the animated pixel chibis I’ve been doing! 8U Also if any of you would like I am open to do these as commissions~ Here is the link to all the details <3 http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/439/all-servers-pixel-chibi-art-shop/p1
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koriko-tan · 8 years
Betta Splendens fish painted in my watercolour Moleskine, using Dr Ph Martin’s Hydrus Liquid watercolours.
Special thanks to Galimatias, for kindly letting me use his track “Make You Feel” - check out more of his amazing music on Soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/galimatias  
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koriko-tan · 8 years
I’m still alive :U Just been trying to deal with health issues and such~ I have quite a few things sketched out, so expect something soon~ <3
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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My boyfriend doesn’t get my art OTL... I showed him the current picture I’m working on (Not the picture above) and asked, “How does it look?” Where he responds with “What’s wrong with her eyes?” “Her...eyes?” “Ya those circle things. What’s causing those?” “.....the lighting?” “....Oh....it looks like she’s wearing tiny spectacles” .....But...it’s my art style ;A ;...
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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I really miss my kitty :c...so I doodled him a bit.
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koriko-tan · 8 years
Rules: a) Always post the rules, answer the questions asked then write 11 new ones. b) Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their questions:) I was tagged by this motherfather => ..... how do I tag things? ..... @ay-the-bae Got it!
1. Would you rather have awesome dance moves or an amazing singing voice? o Well...I can already kind of sing so I guess dancing ouob
2. Name the fast food place you’d go to the most & what would you order? o Arby's. I haven't had their Jamocha shakes in forever QAQ
3. What song is stuck in your head or the newest song that you can’t help but like? o I've been addicted to the singer REOL lately . 3.
4. Pick. Lose your phone and all the information stored inside of it (no means of restoring) or forgetting every single show/movie you’ve ever watched. o Forgetting every show/movie. Then I could just watch them again and have something to do ;D
5. Angry wizard. He didn’t like the way you avoided stepping on that crack in the street so he is giving you a choice. Become a merperson or become a harpie (i know they don’t general mention male harpies but pretend). o Dude, Mermaid, duh. I'd have fabulous hair forever~
6. What is scarier to live through (meaning that you didn’t die): Burning, Drowning, Falling, or poison? o Drowning. I. Am. Terrified. Of Drowning. Or suffocating. Anything where you can't breath. ; ~;...
7. Tell me about the item that you cherish the most or something you just want to tell about. o My baby blanket >u< It's purple and my grandma knit it and gave it to me when I was born. It now has 3 big holes in it that I can use to make it a poncho. A pretty ugly poncho. But a warm poncho. I've never had a night where it wasn't with me~
8. What’s the worst thing someone could do/has done to you? o Give my pet away without notifying me. (Or anything drastic) My parents decided to give my dog away while I was away at college without giving me a chance to say goodbye. I can't get over the fact that the last thing I said to her was, "Don't worry, I'll be back. I won't be gone long."
9. How did you stumble into Tumblr? If you can’t remember, then tell me what it was like in the beginning baby steps. o I used to use Deviantart for my drawings and then the community became shit :l So Tumblr was next since there's no other good Art sites out there =/
10. Describe your ideal best friend. o @ay-the-bae
11. Surprise! There’s a man at your door with a cake that said happy birthday, you’re a wizard. See where this is going? What sort of magic do you plan to excel in? o No...I really don't see where this is going D: I don't even like cake... Hmm...type of magic...probably earth type magic oAo I'd like to be closer to nature so that'd be the perfect way~
I have no friends to tag :c
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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This took way longer than it should have OTL.... Anatomy and chainsaws are really hard to draw... Anyway, I hope to color this sometime soon!
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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So I’m revamping my chainsaw for a picture I’m working on and I have to say I’m quite proud of how the blade is coming out <3 Hopefully I can blow up the picture when doing the lineart to add even more detail~
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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Since I’m really proud of this picture I want to share it with you guys x3 I drew this for my mom for her birthday/Mother’s day back in April. STORY TIME: My mom has been a huge Christian ever since she was little and whenever things got tough or she felt lonely (which happened often) she would imagine curling up in God’s lap until she felt better. She’s told me this story many times, so I felt it would be a great surprise to bring that image of her into reality ^^ 
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koriko-tan · 8 years
From @veggiedayz: “Blackberry has a song he wants to sing for you.” #cutepetclub [source: http://ift.tt/28SdMmN ]
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koriko-tan · 8 years
I apologize, I won’t be drawing for a bit...maybe until the end of this week. My boyfriend and I had to put our 9 week old kitten down on Monday...and are having a hard time =/....
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koriko-tan · 8 years
You know, I was thinking today, “I’ve been drawing so much lately! My tumblr is gonna soar soon!” And then I get an email saying, “Congrats on your 10th post on tumblr!” ..........
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koriko-tan · 8 years
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I finished it :D I wish I still knew how to animate :l
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