koushi-waka · 4 years
omggg ok i’m not on a huge HQ kick rn but i’m rewatching from the start for fun so i’m hoping some of my creative energy comes back ;-; 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
hi can i request a scenario where tsukki or sakusa (whoever you choose!) are sick and the reader takes care of them but they’re super whiny and pouty and even though they don’t act like it they secretly love to be babied and taken care of by their s/o
god bless the s/o of either of these two when they’re sick oh GOD 
(obvi a tw for sick mentions!!!) 
Taking care of a sick Tsukki and Sakusa
Tsukki while sick is a nightmare, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. He’s venomously in denial that he’s sick the first few days. You probably caught him sniffling, asked if he was ok, and he quickly snapped about how he’s “fine” and that you should stop being such a parent. 
When he’s past the point of hiding the problems, where he has to call off school or practices, he’s basically a nightmare. You think he was sarcastic before? Well this is somehow ten times worse. 
It starts when you bring him some cough medicine, “Aww, are you concerned about me?” and get’s worse and worse when he realizes how irritated he is about being sick. He’ll get annoyed and say he can do all these things himself, but still will watch as you make him some homemade soup with a little smile on his face. 
Eventually he gets too tired to be a volatile little shit, so he instantly morphs into being whiny and annoying. Asks you to bring him everything, complains from the other room that you’re taking too long. Really, it’s just that he wants you to be around him because he feels like garbage and you being there helps, but god knows you can’t tell at first.
One night where he’s feeling really bad, he asks you to stay with him in the bathroom while he tries to relax through some waves of nausea and lets you rub circles on his back to calm him down. He’ll quietly apologize for being annoying, and tell you he loves you in a voice so soft you would probably have missed it if you weren’t sitting right next to him. 
When he feels better he’ll probably get you a little gift or something to thank you for taking care of him, flustered that you had to see him in such a “pathetic” state (”It was just a cold Tsukki...”). 
“Could you just let me take care of you without any sass?” You stare down at the blonde-haired man, the heavy blanket around his shoulders keeping him warm from the virus-induced shivers he was prone to the past few days. His nose was bright red, glasses long removed and placed at the nightstand as he angrily squints up at you; similar to a slighted cat. 
“I don’t need you to take care of me, I’m not a child.” If it weren’t Tsukishima snapping at you, you’d probably take any offense, but you’d been dating him for too long to not see past his several defensive walls. He didn’t like being seen like this, despite your constant reassurance that everyone gets sick. 
“Fine. I’ll just eat the soup that I made you myself then. You can starve.” His angry expression softens a touch, and he looks off to the side ‘nonchalantly.’
“What type of soup?” 
Godspeed, soldier. This man is the most irritating when sick. He’s miserable, crankier than usual, and a complete know it all about everything you do to try to help him. You try to give him one more pill than he should take? He’ll criticize your ability to help. Didn’t come with a mask? Are you stupid, or do you just want to get sick??
Really though, he does not want to get you sick. It’s one of his top concerns throughout the whole thing. The thought of that makes him more sick than he already is. He demands you wear a mask to avoid whatever virus he’s caught the whole time you’re there, and he won’t budge on this position. 
You’ll have to tiptoe around his mood a little, but he’ll settle once he realizes he doesn’t want you to leave him alone like this. He’s definitely a little dramatic at the start, but when he finally accepts that he’s sick he’s more agreeable.
The soup you make him to feel better? The best he’s ever tasted. He’s not sure if it’s because of the fact that it’s that you made it, if it’s actually good, or if it’s just so exquisite because his sick body is craving it, but he’ll make a small, appreciative comment about it.
If he ends up throwing up, he’ll be sluggishly apologizing throughout the whole thing. He didn’t want you seeing him like this, but the way he leans his whole body into you when you comfort him lets you know that he wants you to help him more than he wants you to scurry away from his sickness.
When he’s feeling better he’ll be constantly monitoring you for any symptoms just to make sure that you aren’t sick. If you do end up catching what you have, he’ll take care of you all the same (begrudgingly.) 
“That’s too much.” His voice is raspy, throat still raw from his earlier endeavor into the bathroom, and you look up from where the cup you were pouring the sickeningly thick, liquid medicine in at his figure in the doorway
“It’s on the line, Omi.” You hold it up so he can see, and his dark eyes squint at it before sighing behind his mask. His hair was pulled back with a thin headband to keep out of his face, dark circles under his eyes contrasting heavily against the paleness of his skin.
“...Fine. I’m going back to lay down.” He takes the cup of medicine gingerly from your hand, trudging back towards your bedroom until he falters in his steps, looking back when he realized you weren’t immediately following him.
“Are you coming?” You roll your eyes at the tentativeness of the question, bemused, as you follow him in to sit by his side once more. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
What are some of the boys favorite holiday traditions??
Hmm I’m gonna pick a few~
Hinata is all about making hot chocolate during especially frigid days. He likes adding a sickening amount of sweets to it like extra whipped cream, sprinkles, etc. 
Osamu and Atsumu have family tradition of watching holiday movies together. If one of them watches a movie without the other they’ll get really annoyed and start a fight over it. Normally they bicker over which one to put on, but once it gets going they settle down.
Kita is all about making traditional winter foods around the holiday season because of how his grandmother used to cook. Hot meals that warm up your body at night is what he’s all about.
Kuroo is one of those people that absolutely loves seeing peoples reactions to the gifts he’s gotten them. He’s not the greatest at wrapping, but I see him putting a lot of care in picking out gifts for people. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
Oooo. Who hates the snow and who loves it?? I feel like we can all agree Bo is the type of boy to get super excited in the morning if there's snow on the ground and run right outside
Boys who hate the snow : Kenma, Kageyama, TSUKKI, Sakusa
Boys who love the snow : BOKUTO, Akaashi, Hinata, Atsumu
I was debating on Akaashi, but I feel like he’s the type to really enjoy having a nice cup of coffee or tea to watch the snow fall from the inside. Kageyama hates the snow because it interferes with jogging outside.
Now I’m thinking about MSBY boys waiting outside the entrance to their training center, ready to attack Sakusa with snowballs. Sakusa knowing better and taking the back entrance, and the idiot boys getting scolded because they were late to practice despite literally being at the doors. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
OOO guys, for fun send me like.. ❄️winter inspired❄️ prompts. It recently snowed in the area I went to school in Japan (which never happens) and that hit me with writing inspiration super hard asdhfkhl 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
you doing good? just remember to keep yourself healthy! take care <3
HI. I think I’m making the call to only use Tumblr on PC because mobile has given me no notifications, didn’t post my draft I swore I posted literally over a week ago, etc. I’m so irritated, I was legit thinking “HUH I GUESS I SUCK BC NOBODY LIKED MY LAST POST” fahdslkfhds;klhfk;l
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koushi-waka · 4 years
i’ve been really insecure about my body lately so which haikyu boys would love someone with a curvier/chubby body 🥺
aww absolutely. I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way, don’t let anybody get yourself down about your body. you’re beautiful! 
HQ Boys that like a curvy/chubby s/o
These 3 boys really popped in my mind the fastest, tbh!!
Bokuto is near exclusively into an s/o with a little meat on their bones. His raw strength means you’ll never feel insecure about him not being able to lift you up, since he can still do it with absolute ease. If anybody gives him shit about it he’s so fiercely protective over you; never afraid to snap at some idiot for talking trash on his s/o. He’s so vocally in love with your size that it’s incredibly hard to doubt it from him. 
Tendou is that skinny dude that is real into heavier s/o’s. He’s obsessed with the size difference and the way you feel when the two of you cuddle. He runs quite cold, so you being there to cuddle with and be extra comfy is very nice. He doesn’t like you feeling insecure about your body really at all; he’s prone to constantly complimenting you (even if it’s a little embarrassing.) 
Iwaizumi just favors a curvier s/o. I know it in my heart. He doesn’t have a particular reason why, but he prefers the way someone softer feels when he hugs them. He’s very protective of you, and most people know better than to question why he’s with someone a little bigger than average. It’s another situation similar Bokuto too, where it’s hard to feel insecure because Iwa’s strength (arms) lets him move you around easily. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
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thank god they had the vodka in here for accurate representation to who I am. 
@thisismysswampp​ @tris-does-stuff​ @animoozies​ @karasu-hoes​ @legit anybody who wants to, i’m obsessed with seeing these
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@perf-me tagged me to make one of these things, and it took me a hot minute to figure out the website, but once I did it was pretty fun.
I’m not sure who to tag, because I don’t know who will actually do this, but how about @s3xwithdemons, @buni-senpai, @bubastiss, @mzmew, @amanderzpartypoison, @beer-n-loathing, @ibalance, @its-hellbaby, @noirapocalypto and @kamasitra
Here’s the link:
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koushi-waka · 4 years
Glad to hear you’re back! I hope it’s okay if I request the same thing I had requested before? Could I get the karasuno boys’ reaction to their shy crush giving them flowers and confessing? If not I completely understand! 💛💛
Of course!!! Anybody who requested before is more than welcome to request the same thing, I just needed the clear inbox to keep writing tbh
Karasuno boy’s reaction to their shy crush giving them flowers + confessing
♡ Daichi is happily surprised, especially because he’s well aware of your shy nature. He doesn’t cause a big scene and speaks softly in response to your confession, taking the flowers gently and thanking you earnestly. If it happens in front of others, he’s sure to speak carefully in response as to not embarrass you, and will guide you somewhere private if the boys are being too rowdy nearby.
♡ Suga has the similar awareness of Daichi to not make a huge scene of it, but he’s way more openly gleeful that his cute crush managed to take him off guard so easily! He would pull you aside and take your hand, thanking you by kissing you on the cheek because he can’t resist the way you get so flustered, it’s just way too cute. 
♡Asahi is basically just as flustered as you possibly could be, taken so aback that you were the one to confess first. The boys had been hyping him up for a little while to confess, so you beating him to the punch is shocking! He’ll take the flowers and ask if you want to go get something to eat with him, just as flushed as you are. 
♡Tanaka is so fixated on the way your cheeks are red, your eyes glanced away as you hold the flowers forward in front of your body. It takes him a moment to even find the words and it’s probably an overexcited blurting of a confession in return. You gave him flowers? Do you want flowers in return? WHY DIDN’T HE GO GET FLOWERS? He’s very excited and will give you a huge hug.
♡Nishinoya is taken aback but recovers quicker than Tanaka, he’s excited and will gather you in a hug, admires the flowers. He’s aware that you’re shy, but it doesn’t fully process when he excitedly responds with his similar feelings. He’s adorably gentle with the flowers too, cautious not to mess up their delicate placement. Will guide you home after your confession by holding you hand.
♡Tsukishima is thrown, he’s liked you for some time and knew your shyness wasn’t compatible with his blatant sarcasm, so he’s really surprised! He might tease you a little later on, but he’ll actually be pretty impressed that you overcame your shy nature to confess, and let’s you know this for sure. If it happens around the others he’ll get flustered enough to yell at them to shut up. 
♡Yamaguchi is a little embarrassed and so thrown because he didn’t think you’d confess first! He was definitely planning something small for you, because your shy nature is so cute to him. While he’s not too shy himself, he still has a really cute blush when he accepts the flowers from your waiting hands, and asks if you’d want him to walk you home. 
♡Kageyama is absolutely thrown off guard. He didn’t expect this; not because you’re shy, but because he’s too dense to have recognize it could happen. He’s meticulous about caring for the flowers when he takes them home, and absolutely stutters a confession back (hopefully nobody is around to tease him.) He has no experience with this stuff, so he’s basically a mess.
♡Hinata is so happy. He can’t believe you confessed to him! And with flowers? He really didn’t know how to take care of flowers if he was being honest, but he’d do his best! Plus he’s so proud that you confessed despite being so shy, and he’s not afraid to tell you about it. He’ll be very enthusiastic in confessing back to you, not wanting you to feel as if it were unreciprocated at all. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
I'm so happy you're back and hope you're doing better now!! ilysm take care of yourself ^^
aww thank you so much, you too!! drink lots of water and make sure to stretch in the morning
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koushi-waka · 4 years
Ahh your back! I hope your doing well! I can understand things being stressful! :3- 🍄
right??? I feel like it’s been super important that everybody take breaks from social media when it’s necessary, especially given the global climate 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
omg!!! welcome back!!!! i hope you're doing a lot better 🥰🥰 who do you think are the best cuddlers out of the hq cast??
Thank you!!!!! I’m doing way better, for sure and hmm I thought about this for a hot second, but I think I figured it out.
☆Bokuto is all warmth and bulk, so snuggling up next to him is like you’re pressed up against a really large heater. His arms are huge too, so you’re bound to be hugged (although watch out because he definitely doesn’t know his own strength sometimes.) The man absolutely loves being cuddled up in bed with you too, so you have a limitless supply of cuddles your way. Expect a long whine when you inevitably have to pull away.
☆Daichi is all about soft, intimate moments so he’s a pro tbh. You’re surprised early on in your relationship how physically affectionate he is. He’s the big spoon to your little spoon, and isn’t one of those guys that twitches like they’re being possessed right when they fall asleep so it’s reaaally easy to fall asleep with him. Loves playing with your hair while you’re next to him and pressing light kisses on your head. 
☆Kenma is not the best but his are certainly quantity over quality (given that one of his hands is always free so he can game). He loves lounging around on his phone to play games, so being able to cuddle you while he’s gaming is definitely a plus. You never really end up noticing when he initiates the silent contact, but if you do end up pulling away he’ll look up from his phone to question where you’re going. Sometimes he’ll put his phone down to look at you and will smile, but if you point it out he’ll say he didn’t.
☆Iwaizumi just has the perfect arms for cuddling, and he never gets impatient with it either because he just wants you to be comfortable over anything else. He also radiates heat, so it’s exceptionally cozy to be in bed with him. Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, he’ll instinctively tug you closer to him if you try to inch away. He also traces his fingers over your skin just a little bit, enough to leave light goosebumps in their wake. 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
hi everyone!!! i’m so sorry to keep everyone waiting, I’ve been having a rough few weeks in terms of mental and physical health ;-; 
I should be back for some time, but I decided to clear the inbox to get a fresh start- I’m so sorry to those who were waiting so long for their requests, but I was totally swamped a few days ago trying to figure out where to start.. so I think it’s best for me to just start anew!
that being said, feel free to send in requests (matchups are closed for a bit though!) how are you all enjoying the new episodes????
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koushi-waka · 4 years
Ohh can I be 🍄 anon if it’s available?
sure bb!! i love that emoji its too cute wow
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koushi-waka · 4 years
I have a few questions if that’s okay :) 1. Do you have an anons list? If not would you consider having one? I think you’re my favorite haikyuu blog and I would love to interact with you more! My second question is did you get a request regarding a shy reader confessing with flowers? I just wanna make sure I understand if you end up not wanting to do it or even if you’re working on it!
hi!!! tysm, you’re so sweet
I don’t have an “official” list so to say, but it’s within the tags as “emoji” anon. I may consider making a list!!
And yes I did!! Don’t you worry, I’ve just been a little busy recently the blog is on a tiny hiatus c: 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
HI MADDY JUST STOPPING BY TO SAY HELLO!!! 💖 I hope ur doing okay bb and take careeee🥺🥺
HI BB!!! i’m doing well!! i’ve finally kind of gotten set into a schedule so i actually have free time now bless......... i hope you’re doing well too!!!! 
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koushi-waka · 4 years
congrats! idk if spicy matchups are closed so ignore this if they are! May I request one? I’m a she/her and used to be a total sub (degrading, humiliation, masochist, rope bunny, etc) but recently I’ve been into domming people and completely humiliating them. Nothing like tying anyone up and nothing sadistic, but just degrading and making them say/do humiliating things. The control is a cool power rush. Im 5’4 w brown hair & brown eyes. Thank you if you do this! Congrats again!!!
Ok hi sorry for the delay lovely
Hottest take but I see Kenma as a total switch. The degrading and humiliation he delivers is deadpan and brutal that it just seems sooo honest- it makes it way more intense. I also think he’d be into a lot of the aesthetics of it all, so tying you up with pretty designs and colored rope rlly gets him going. His sex drive is a little lower than most but he always adores seeing you get turned on with little sadistic comments while he’s preoccupied with something else. 
BUT I also see him being really into you degrading or humiliating him. it kind of came at random, he didn’t think much of it before in the past until you’d suggested it or had made a quick comment. it’d be hard to tell it affected him until you saw the light flush on his face. he’d be super into the humiliation that comes with you teasing him while he’s gaming. 
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