kowoshake · 3 days
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a fun little idea
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kowoshake · 2 months
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★ 【もとび】 「 犬夜叉まとめ44 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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kowoshake · 3 months
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Elias Ainsworth
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kowoshake · 4 months
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kowoshake · 1 year
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take it.
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kowoshake · 1 year
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(via @EllenKushner on Twitter)
"For Someone Who Used AI to Write a Poem"
Now I let it pass back into darkness. I hear you. I know this life is hard now. I know your days are precious on this earth. But what are you trying to be free of? The living? The miraculous task of it? Love is for the ones who love the work.
—Joseph Fasano
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kowoshake · 1 year
my favorite clip studio assets!
since i’ve been using csp a lot more now i thought i’d make a post of the assets i use the most for ppl looking for good stuff!
general brushes: Pen + Caspar Pen (かしペン+カスレかしペン) (my fav pen for sure) Erase Along Edge (YOU NEEED THIS ERASER YOU NEED IT!!!) Freehand Style Brush Set (フリーハンド風ブラシセット) (cant recommend this one highly enough, i use it for all my backgrounds) Bong pen OBONGBONG’S PEN Halftones (スルスル塗れる5線刻みトーンブラシ) A non-shin pen (しんでないペン) SU-Cream Pencil Noisy Ink Brush v2 Simple Retro Halftone Brushes Smeared Paintbrush (べっとり絵筆) A breather pen (一息ペン) Aj’s Pencil Set Watercolor set (수채화 세트) T-marker Wind Brush Set (Tマーカー風ブラシセット) Watercolor marker ▲ ■ and texture set (水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット)
special effect and decorative brushes: Tights Pen (タイツペン) Glitch Brushes 2 (彩塵ブラシ(Prism Dust) Hand-painted effect set No. 2 (手描き効果セットNo.2) Oriental Emblem 11-20 (동양 문양 11-20) (this creator has so many amazing assets ive downloaded them all) Ribon brushes (りぼんブラシ) Lace Set レース セット Ornate lace Bramble (rose-玫瑰叢) Loose hand-painted sprinkle brush (ゆるゆる手描きのふりかけブラシ) Bush pen (수풀 펜) Fantasy Papers Pearl Brush (真珠ブラシ)
gradient maps: Gradient map set for hologram (홀로그램용 그라데이션 맵 세트) Yunywave★ Gradient Set cb gradients 3 ONG SET
3D: The Only Perspective Grid You Need! 3d sketch head Movable horse 1.8 A (可動のお馬 1.8a) Sitting poses collection (便利かもしれない座りポーズ集)
misc: Raiku RGB Shift Hand-drawn Rags tool Set (手描きのボロ線ツールセット) VHS action set
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kowoshake · 2 years
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Gotta remind myself not to overdo it when looking at beautiful art. There’s this special golden zone where you’re the most inspired and motivated by other people’s art but it’s so easy to slip into overwhelm and get demotivated :(
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kowoshake · 2 years
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kowoshake · 2 years
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Doodles from a vc :)
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kowoshake · 2 years
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kowoshake · 2 years
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the King of Snipers!
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kowoshake · 2 years
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kowoshake · 2 years
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Why can’t he be real
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kowoshake · 2 years
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kowoshake · 2 years
Reasons to watch Del Toro's Pinocchio
Its stop motion
The stop motion was done by people who worked on The Adventures of Mark Twain
Its Guillermo Del Toro's passion project that he's been trying to have made for over a decade
It was co-written by Patrick Mchale who made Over The Garden Wall
The designs of not just Pinocchio but the Blue Fairy, the humans and the sets are incredible
The entire score was done in wood instruments
It satirizes propaganda and how it is used to manipulate impressionable minds
Its pretty fucking anti-war
It tackles themes of loss, death, war & abuse
It does not fuck around when it comes to mature subjects
We need more support for stop motion films, its a great animation style and has so much potential that we hardly ever see
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kowoshake · 2 years
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Fnaf Security Breach Sun and Moon (Commission)
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