kpop-dissociation · 6 years
please make a post on this current comeback
Of which group exactly? 
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kpop-dissociation · 6 years
An interesting documentary talking about Mk ultra signs. It will be important to other posts related in the future.
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kpop-dissociation · 6 years
Do you think this also revolves around mbk www*youtube*com/watch?v=MRv8UYLHC4g
I saw many posts revolving about Joy and her “privilegies”/differences between the other members. It was even pointed out to me that RV will go to North Korea to perform “Red Man” and Bad Boy” (interesting titles, but whatever), and Joy would be absent. 
It can be just a company preference. In some companies, a member is seen by the company as potental. But looking at some pictures, the differences show elements related with MK references such as:
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Side profile + more latent covering one of her eyes;
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Beta Kitten programming? (for more info about what it means click here)
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Her clothes in this performance are different from the rest and have this pattern in special. Is it really random? (Duality is really a spoken reference in terms of MK slaves).
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kpop-dissociation · 7 years
Wait so do you think his death was planned? Or ..? I'm not fully fluent in English so I couldn't really comprehend most of it. I'm not sure I saw what the point was and would like to know. Thank you
He can have committed suicide. His depression was there and really visible. But there are elements around it that are weird for an ordinary suicide. And reading his letter it brings more questions than answers. Who is this doctor he’s talking about? Was it an therapist or other kind of doctor? There’s so much on this, but the only thing he let clear was that being an idol were one of the factors that influenced his life negatively.
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kpop-dissociation · 7 years
Kim Jonghyun: an ordinary case of suicide inside kpop industry?
I really think that I shouldn’t be writing this here and I really hope and wish to not disrespect any Sh*ne fans/Jo**h*un fans in this delicated moment. I really wish I couldn’t have to make a post like this, but it’s weird how many twisted coincidences are surrounding  Jo**h*un’s case. That’s why I’m gonna put a “read more” on the rest of it  (will also have involves trigger warnings such as suicide, depression and death). Again, I don’t want to disrespect any of the people who loved  Jo**h*un and, if you don’t feel well with all those posts, distance yourself of social media. Don’t give up of your own life whatsoever and be strong always.
Okay, so after I saw the news, I really thought how everything about the suicide was too “sudden” and “unexpected”.  Jo**h*un performed a week ago, he had a comeback coming, TV appearances... Everything was going well for him - at least on the outside. Although we as fans don’t know even half of the idols true lives and what they go through, some weird elements caught me after researching for some news about him written before today. And one caught my attention:
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So many things are wrong with this, that I don’t even know how to start. First, why the hell would a stylish (probably hired by we know who) gave him a jacket like that for him to use? And even if he didn’t understand English, just why? There are so many other jackets with easy reading english sentences to be read and understood, why something like this?
Also, it’s important to point out that Kurt Cobain is a part of 27 Club, along with Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse and so many famous artists. You can even see the list here. And Jo**h*un was 27 years old in the Ocidental age (his name is already featuring the list on Wikipedia wtf).
There's had been always a mystery around this "club", related with this coincidence and there has been articles mentioning the correlation with these suicides with occult rituals . But why would someone waste their time making a ritual using a sucessful artist; a ritual that the public won't see? This article explains:
“The issue of controlling humanity with esoteric words and symbols encoded within a play, a media spectacular or a ritual is one of the most difficult for people to comprehend. That is why most people are viewed with utter contempt as “cowans”, “the profane”, “the gentiles” and “the goyim” by secret society initiates”
If you read the article I just mentioned (they also explain better about the rituals, so if you want to understand this part go read it), there will be comparisons between Heath Ledger and Brittany Murphy, that, although they weren't 27, they participated in some photoshoots that were kind of weird. I won't show them here because it's not the purpose of this post, but Lonely's MV maybe can give us a hint of how things are, somehow fucked up.
The story is about the main charachter, Jo**h*un, lonely inside a big house. Of course you can understand that his lover left him and all he's being going through is because of that. But, it can also receive a different and darker meaning.
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At the beginning you can see him doing simple things as eating, brushing his teeth or at the sofa. But he looks away from this world, like his character isn't even there or questioning his own existence.
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And then, one day, he risk a line on his wrist. That, of course, can simply being interpretated by someone counting days that the lost lover was gone. But it could be also seen as an act of someone who is desperate, seeking for help, because he feels so empty and aching in pain, not because of a simple lover, but because of his own existence, that he has no choice other than “cut himself” with a dark pen.  
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And it's certainly something that goes around him in everything he does during the MV. He eats, but suddenly we see more marks. He does another one on a bathtub, another when he's playing guitar. Is it just all the times he remembers his lover? Is it because writting on his whole arm is more stylish than doing it on a wall or rock?
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This scene (it was the pic of the Kurt Cobain post I mentioned above), close to the ending, disturbed me the most. He has a lot of marks on his wrist and he looks dejected. The sun light goes throught the bathroom while the water is turned on and he sings. During the other scenes the feeling we have is that he gave up the things he liked on the MV, like playing the piano. He's just standing there, doing nothing.
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And then, he looks at the camera for one last time before he "drowns" at the bathtub and, suddenly, he's looking at the sea on a beach (??).
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Even if this MV isn't related with his personal life and problems, the impression we have it's that it paitns a better and more beautiful version of a depression development  than it actually is. It's not okay to take your own life because of a lover or because everything is too much and after what happened, this MV, at least for me, got even more symbolic.
So, in my opinion, I see what happened as an occultist ritual, something more present inside the industry than many can imagine. But why, someone can ask? Because this world is darker and twisted that people can imagine, including kpop. Kpop has nice concepts, personalities and cute idols, but, behind all of that, there's a lot of training, mental illness and suffering that comes from the own agencies and hardcore fans. Besides, everything we see has a symbolism. Nothing is there randomly, just because it's cool. There are posts analysing kpop mvs and showing how they're not innocent at all and they're there to pass a message, a lifestyle. We are spectators, that can incorporate those messages into our lives. So, music industry it's not just there by the music, but for all the meaning behind it. And, those kinds of actions (sacrifices made by the industry) are more common than we think. Remember Ladie's Code and how weird the circunstamces of the deaths of EunB and Rise were.
I'm not saying or stating that Jo**h*un hadn't problems whatsoever. Suicide is a serious matter and we need to find a way to treasure our lives the most. But, there are symbolisms around him (and the own group) that can't be ignored and may had influenced the act to portrait something “else”.
BONUS 1: Articles talking analysing RV, Shinee, BEG and Ladies Code MVs related with occultism and MKU subjects.
BONUS 2: Since I mentioned Ladies' Code, I'm gonna talk a little bit about this coincidence I found on "Kiss Kiss" MV and "Married to the Music" one.
On this analysis about the possible correlation between the accident and this MV, it's shown that, coincidentially, EunB kissed by the death, actually died on the accident.
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Something curious that I noticed after watching MTTM is that the same happens with only one member: Jo**h*un.
In that MV, the "music" is portraited by a woman dressed in black and, since the time the Shinee members decide to embrace her, they lose some parts of their bodies.
In a particular scene, Jo**h*un is pushed against his own will by the woman in black and kissed hard (so hard he lost his lips and she put it on a cake).
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Again, this post wasn't made with the intention to hurt anyone. Still wish the deepest condolences to the family and fans. But it's an occasion to also reflect about the way music industry works and if it's worth to be unaware of how it works backstage.
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kpop-dissociation · 7 years
when will you post more stuff on here?
When I get less busy with real life and all the struggles in it. I’m sorry :/
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
A beginner’s guide for the MK Ultra
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
This video actually mentions a small MK Ultra history for those who are interested in the subject. But it’s sad to wonder how many lives had and still have to suffer because of it.
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
Could you plz tell me abt how mk ultra subjects were treated n its effects on the subjects? Also, if possible, could you link some testimonies of surviving subjects?
Hey! Let’s talk about one of the most intriguing subjects in my opinion: MK Ultra (thank you for that). The data I’ll tell here is in other websites well known by their approach to the subject. Vigilant Citzen is the one I research the most (in english), but there’s other forums as well. It can be considered weird and unbelievable and it maybe have mentions of triggering words, such as abuse, rape, so if you don’t like those topics, just skip this post.
How are mk ultra subjects treated?
For you to get an idea, firstly, mk subjects are called slaves. And we know by history that slaves were never treated well. It’s no different with monarch slaves. When it was been tested by CIA/FBI, they usually got homeless people to do the tests. Now, considering it’s use in celebreties for a specific agenda, they go to hospitals. Not any hospital, though. To celebreties, they are called, sometimes, as a rehab (some of the times they go to a rehab because of drug or alchool abuse, it’s actually related to reprogramation. Ofc media won’t say that on TV). There, they get unconscious because they are trauma induced. And this is really important for the whole monarch program to happen. 
How this trauma induction happen? There’s someone that is called the “handler”. This person is a dubious figure because he/she portrait him/herself as the slave’s mentor, protector, but at the same time, he/she is the one that does the most cruels acts that help the procedure to happen. So, they can physically abuse the slave, mental abuse, rape the person, open old wounds (considering that the slave had a hard childhood. Those kids are better to program). The constant trauma afects their minds too much. The pain is too much. So their bodies dissociate to get away from all this pain. And that’s how a persona, an alter ego is created and it’s controlled easily by the handler.
Treatment Effects
It involves heavily amount of trauma, but since the person dissociate and if everything is done right, he/she won’t actually remember it. When it’s needed the persona will get triggered by the handler, and life goes on. BUT, the programming doesn’t last forever. Sometimes they can remember of fragments about it or even the whole thing. They also can have dissociative identity disorder and it makes hard to control the multiple personas. It can lead to drinking, drug abuse and other stuff. An emblematic case of it happening is Britney Spears. Not only her behavior change, but other “signs” are pretty evident. Also, Amanda Bynes.
An interesting case that explains how it works is the Kim Noble’s one. She is an artist with 13 different personas. If you are interested, click here to see the article. You can also see the life of some celebreties and how they changed heavily (this change is also visible throught they work): Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and others.
BONUS: I just found this topic’s forum that mentions about MK references in Kpop. Maybe someone can find it useful.
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
I hope you post more on this blog. I'm really interested in MKU with SM groups specifically, because of EXO. I hope you post something on NCT, because if it's being done in SM it should be happening to them right now right? Since they're new. If this stuff is being done in SM at all then it's definitely happening to EXO. I'm really curious about how it relates to EXO's daily lives and what we see of their actual personalities and life behind the scenes. Any posts aout MKU would be helpful tho.
Hello, anon.
I plan to post more, yes. I’m just not doing it because of personal reasons and because this whole subject is really delicate. It tends to trigger me in not so good ways, so I need some time before reflecting about it. 
Maybe EXO’s new video will have some MKU hints that I can post soon. Let’s just wait.
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
what does mk mean?
I’ll paste Wikipedia’s explanation that I think it’s complete, in a beginning level
Project MKUltra sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. (…).The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. (…) MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.
This methods were, in thesis, abandoned decades ago, but, coincidentially or not, it keeps being shown inside industry (in series, music videos, movies, etc) and it’s possible that they’re still realized without the majority of population knowing about it.
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
so i read your mk theory (which was really creepy and cool btw), while i was reading i got a flashback (sorry for my english) from when someone from the staff slapped ba*ek (after kris left), do you think it has to do with the Mk? sm programming them ???
It could be related, it could be not. But the scenarios of abuse that comes of manangment and people in an hierarchical position from the artist probably contribute to MKU procedures and to put the “slave” (when this happens of course) in a submissive position under their handler/superiors.
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kpop-dissociation · 8 years
Lucky One: The Group Mind Dissociation Journey
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Hello guys. I already expect some people looking at this post and asking in their minds “you again??? Wtf??”. And I answer. Yes. Me again. Here to say that, in fact my logic explained in this theory wasn’t wrong. And if you’re interested in read the whole theory continue to read this post (now that the MV was released it’ll be possible). But take this as a theory, okay? Not as a absolute truth like some people claim I tell… So, treat this as such. I suggest you the teaser theory, because there I explain more about what Mind Dissociation is. And for those who will be asking why SM would expose such thing in their MV, click here and find your answer.
Oh, and I don’t take aback the warnings I said on the other theory. This can talk about sensitive topics at some points, so be careful! This can be considerated creepy.
The MV starts with EXO in the hospital (Kyungsoo specifically). I’m really curious about why he’s the main focus on this moment. Is that because he’s the first to sing or because of another motive we don’t know about?
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A lot of nurses checking on him…
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And it doesn’t seem like he’s sick. Look. He wants to break free! He’s there against his will. Reaching much, remember of Overdose and EXO in need for a doctor. It seems that the doctor they seek isn’t going to heal their disease. And they know it.
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The dark liquid being injected on their bodies. Not in one specific member, but in all of them, since all of them are in the same room. At this time, you don’t see any of them fighting anymore. They just move their lips and their eyes seem dead, off…
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At first, I thought they were looking at the world outside from a window, but now I see that they’re inside a “cage”? Interesting that it’s common in Mind Dissociation program to put the slaves inside cages to cause what is called “sensory bombardment and fatigue”. It seems that EXO guys aren’t confortable inside, right?
So, for what it seems, in the first part of the MV, the nurses used some mind control techiniques on them plus drugs on their system for one reason: to make them dissociate.
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Now, on the second part of the video, things get more interesting. Lay is shown going to other room. And, suddenly, he faints (the drugs got into his brain, it seems). But what we see later doesn’t make sense.
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Again, I’m curious about the sudden close on Kyungsoo’s face. Maybe does he know what is going on? And that’s why is he so important?
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Now, after Yixing’s face appear for one last time, we see how things get weird. A moon appears, along with, yes, a subtle one eye symbol. The video is trying to tell us all along, guys! The same thing that is happening with Yixing is happening with all of them. They symbols of their “powers” (fire, ice, Jongin’s moves show that). It’s a important procedure for EXO gain their powers, it seems.
Someone will ask: what are you trying to say? That, at this point until the end, everything will happen on their mind only. Since the moon appeared until the scene next to the end, it’s a fantasy created by their mind, just like Love Me Right.
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Back to the room, a close on Kyungsoo is given and something SUPER INTERESTING happens. The windows around the room break. People will think this is random, but friends, on the contrary. This just prove my whole point. Why? Because shattered mirrors are indicators of the beginning of the dissociation.
Then, as it is the case in almost EVERY SINGLE MK-themed piece in history, we see a mirror cracking – representing the fragmentation of the slave’s personality.(source)
During the fight between Nina and the Black Swan, a mirror breaks, representing the collapse of the psychological boundary separating both entities. (source)
Almost all films on mind control feature a shattered mirror at one point – representing the shattering of the slave’s personality. In Sucker Punch, the mirror shatters when Blue attempts to assault Baby Doll. (source)
The elements that make up who a person is – i.e. personality elements such as memories, are fractured. These fragments have in turn often been built up into full-blown personalities with all the elements of full-blown personalities. There is no “real” person, just as if you smash a mirror into a thousand pieces, there is no single piece that is the “real” original mirror but rather simply fragments that can in turn operate as mirrors. However, there is still a primal self.(source)
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A thing I find interesting is how everyone reacts when the windows break, but Kyungsoo. Just good to point this out.
Later, all of them escape the room in different directions. Their reactions are different too. Their powers (the Mama ones) are returning to them like happened with Chanyeol, Chen and others. And it’s interesting that, with those powers, they can overcome the obstacles (the nurses) and explode their heads with them. But think, isn’t it contradictory? Why would those nurses activate their powers back with the procedure only for them to escape because of external forces (unless that Kyungsoo made the glass shatter with the power of his mind) and for them to be killed?
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I love when Kai starts to dance! Everybody knows that he has the teleport power. Why, instead of dancing, he just teleport to someone else? Answer: because he can’t. He’s trapped inside his own mind. Where would he teleport to? So, he’s doing what he likes, or what people expect him to do: dance.
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Don’t matter where they go and how many of the nurses they destroy. There will always be others on their way.
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And what did we find close to the end? That’s right. Exo boys are inside a maze all along. Similar to one that we saw before (whisper: OVERDOSE). And the maze isn’t there because it’s beautiful. It actually has a meaning. That would be to make the slave purposely lost inside himself.
Alters within a Monarch system are not allowed to stray from the path assigned to them. If they try to move out of their assigned spot in the mind, then they encounter traps, mazes, tunnels and demons just like in the movie Labyrinth.
And in the real end? The same nurses they fought all along were monitoring them. And that’s the moment I’ll answer the question I made above: Why would those nurses activate their powers back with the procedure only for them to escape because of external forces and for them to be killed? Simple. Because it wasn’t real. This maze was basically the map of the member’s minds that could be easily observed and manipulated by the handler. 
That’s, my friends, how MKU methods work. And this video showed it very well.
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