kpop-race · 11 years
Seeing that everything is floating on well -- I am announcing this.
I'm in need of a new admin. Currently we are two and would gladly need another one due the fact that one of our admins are hospitalized. 
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kpop-race · 11 years
How many legs/missions is the race gonna take?
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kpop-race · 11 years
How do you win and how much is the cash prize?
Cash price isn't set yet. Admins are working on it. 
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kpop-race · 11 years
Can people still apply for teams/to join and stuff?
Yes of course!
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kpop-race · 11 years
Hey guys, Naeun from Team Yeezus here. My partner and I decided to leave the race since I'm going to be away for a few weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience! Hwaiting to the other teams!
Team Yeezus has left the race!
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kpop-race · 11 years
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TASK #2!
For the teams already finished, here's what you shall do next. You will be handed a envelope by one of your camera men which will contain plane tickets to Thailand. This time, your work will take place in a 37 stores high shopping mall. You can chose to split the job in two or do it all together, however you do it -- the thing is that in the end you will have a certain amount of keys. One of those keys fit into a box at the post office at floor three. When opening that box, you will find your next mission and guidelines.
How do we find the keys? 
First you have to step by step count each step of the stairs in the house now how easy is that when you are not allowed to use the elevator or ask someone? You will have to walk all floors and count the amount of steps until you reach the top. [ The amount is decided by admins already and is supposed to be 888 ] Divide the amount of steps with 10 and then subtract with the number 70. What's left? The amount of steps left is the amount of keys hidden in the building and the amount of keys that can possibly fit your box at the post office. These keys are given to the employees at the different stores. To get one, you'll first have to find the right store and then ask for the key. If they say that yes, they have one key then it's not as easy as just taking it; cause each key comes with a mystery. A riddle. Answer right to the riddle within three tries and the key is yours. Answer wrong and one of your team member must stay at that store whilst the other continues to search. When finally having all the keys, take the stairs to floor three and open the box at the post office. From there, contact the admins with answers for the following questions:
How many keys did you get?
How many steps was the stairs?
Good luck!
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kpop-race · 11 years
Can teams help each other with their missions?
Not with their missions. That will be classified as cheating and not as help. Which means that if they get caught, they will most likely be punished. Missions are made to be finished by the two team members only but helping out with other things is okay!
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kpop-race · 11 years
This doesn't take into count supernatural beings. Who could effortlessly handle multiple bags at once. Isn't it an unfair advantage?
This is why we have the sabotage option. So that other teams are allowed to sabotage and cheat their way to win over the ones with supernatural advantage. 
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kpop-race · 11 years
Is there going to be a cash prize at the end? And are teams going to be eliminated as the race goes on? (CRIES) If so, how?
Teams may only be eliminated if they by somehow harm another member or if the way they sabotage is affecting other teams too much BUT they will be sent back into the game later as a surprise for other teams.
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kpop-race · 11 years
[ Since one of our teams are done - we will be posting the next mission soon. ]
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kpop-race · 11 years
AdminKyle out. 
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kpop-race · 11 years
vigiluhan replied to your post: { Update!
[ we really didn’t try to rush, our para is pretty long. ; u ; im sorry if we went too fast—
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kpop-race · 11 years
{ Update!
I mean Team Wings have completed the first task by collecting six hundred fourteen dollars and ten cents!
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kpop-race · 11 years
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kpop-race · 11 years
Tag your paras, starters, updates or whatever with #kpop:az then track the tag and follow the directory. We still have members not following. 
Also here's a new fun rule added since I've seen teams getting started I also want people to get to know each other. Meaning, I want teams to also interact with other teams. So that instead of only plotting with your own team member, plot with others!
Examples of the new things you can do now is...
Plotting to sabotage for other teams is ok! Let's say team #1 wants to sabotage for team #2. All four muns must agree to the plot before you can come to the directory and we will announce the sabotage. Ex: 
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Helping Hand: 
You may also be two teams helping each other. Let's say, Sohee from team Kaihee can't handle the pressure Chef Ramsey puts on her so she faints and Lydia from team Women In Black takes her to the hotel's infirmary. Ex:
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kpop-race · 11 years
Can we tag our progress with the kpop:az tag? Because even if we do follow the other teams it'd be hard to see their progress unless we went looking for it. Thank you for everything by the way! The race is so fun already! TeamMinyeol fighting! (not sure if this went through the first time sooo)
Ah yes of course! Tag your own posts with #kpop:az too.  
If you're in season 2 please use: #kpop:az2
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kpop-race · 11 years
Introduce us to the admins?
Admin Reeah is the founder and currently the only admin. I will be putting up a request for another admin as soon as I'm finished with planning the second mission. I see that teams have already started to travel and it makes me happy since I thought this idea would go straight to the pits-- To be honest, I never expected people to like this thing ;u; 
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